Automate IE via Excel to fill in a dropdown and continue - excel

Admittedly still a newbie with automating IE via Excel but would appreciate whatever help anyone can offer with this. Basically, this opens up a webpage, selects a button, fills in 2 dropdowns, enters a value and then presses another button to display what I need.
I do have this working using SendKeys with a bunch of {Tabs}, {`}, {Down}, etc but it's rather clunky.
I'd rather do this the right way but I can only get to the 1st dropdown, select the value that I need and then it stops. What I'm missing, I guess, is telling IE to accept what I've entered and continue on.
Coding is below. Comments included to show what it's doing and where it stops.
Dim WebIDStr As String: WebIDStr = "CD00003630"
Dim IE As Object
WebNavStr = "!/"
On Error Resume Next
Set IE = Nothing
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate WebNavStr
Do Until .readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
End With
' Won't work without a delay??
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
IE.document.getElementsByClassName("white ng-scope")(3).Click
' the next command works and fills-in the dropdown with the value
' that I need but then locks up. Can't move on from here.
IE.document.getElementById("DeviceOptions").selectedIndex = 4
' GOOD to HERE. Tried the next 2 lines but they don't do anything, unfortunately
' This is where I need to get to. Next Dropdown Value = 1
IE.document.getElementById("craneDeviceOption").selectedIndex = 1
' Once 2nd dropdown selected, fill in "DevCraneID" box
IE.document.getElementById("DevCraneID").Value = WebIDStr
' Press the "Select" button
' IE.Quit
' Set IE = Nothing

Ok, because you wrote you want to understand how it works I have commented the whole code by detail.
This is the working code:
Sub DeviceSearch()
'Define constants
Const url As String = "!/"
'Declare variables
Dim ie As Object
Dim htmlDoc As Object
Dim nodeDeviceTypeDropdown As Object
Dim nodeCraneDeviceDropdown As Object
Dim nodeCraneDeviceID As Object
Dim searchTerm As String
'Initialize variables
searchTerm = "CD00003630" 'craneID
'Initialize Internet Explorer, set visibility,
'call URL and wait until page is fully loaded
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate url
Do Until ie.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
'Wait to load dynamic content after IE reports it's ready
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3))
'Shorten html document string for lazy coders ;-)
'Seriously: You can of course also use "With ie.document"
Set htmlDoc = ie.document
'Open the Device Search section
htmlDoc.getElementsByClassName("white ng-scope")(3).Click
'Try to get the first dropdown.
'Never use "On Error Resume Next" for the whole code.
'We use it here because if an html id can't be found
'a runtime error occours. But after the critical part
'we switch the error detection back on with "On Error GoTo 0"
'(I use this here only to show you what to do if not sure if
'you can get an element by id. In this case it's not realy
'requiered because we can assume the dropdown is present.)
On Error Resume Next
Set nodeDeviceTypeDropdown = htmlDoc.getElementById("DeviceOptions")
On Error GoTo 0
'Now we can check if the dropdown element was found
'If an object variable has no value it is "Nothing"
'To check if it has a value we must check if it's
'"Not" "Nothing"
'You can use this mechanism for every object variable
'in VBA
If Not nodeDeviceTypeDropdown Is Nothing Then
'Select the wanted dropdown entry
nodeDeviceTypeDropdown.selectedIndex = 4
'To make the selection work you must trigger the
'html change event of the dropdown
Call TriggerEvent(htmlDoc, nodeDeviceTypeDropdown, "change")
'Give time to generate the code for the second dropdown
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1))
'Dropdown not found
MsgBox "The Dropdown for Device Search was not found"
'Stop makro
Exit Sub
End If
'Here we can use the second dropdown "Search Crane Device"
'We do it from here without error handling
Set nodeCraneDeviceDropdown = htmlDoc.getElementById("craneDeviceOption")
'Select the wanted dropdown entry
nodeCraneDeviceDropdown.selectedIndex = 1
'Trigger the change event of this dropdown
Call TriggerEvent(htmlDoc, nodeCraneDeviceDropdown, "change")
'Give time to generate the code for the text field
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1))
'Now we have the text field present and can enter the search term (craneID)
'Get the html input element
Set nodeCraneDeviceID = htmlDoc.getElementById("DevCraneDeviceID")
'It is not enough to enter the ID. The input field also has html events
'that must be triggered so that the entered value is not only displayed
'but also taken over to submit.
'We have to embed the entering of the crane id in the both events
'"compositionstart" and "compositionend"
Call TriggerEvent(htmlDoc, nodeCraneDeviceID, "compositionstart")
nodeCraneDeviceID.Value = searchTerm
Call TriggerEvent(htmlDoc, nodeCraneDeviceID, "compositionend")
'Click the submit button
'Give time to load the result page
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5))
'Do here what you want with the result
End Sub
This is the procedure to trigger html events
Private Sub TriggerEvent(htmlDocument As Object, htmlElementWithEvent As Object, eventType As String)
Dim theEvent As Object
Set theEvent = htmlDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
theEvent.initEvent eventType, True, False
htmlElementWithEvent.dispatchEvent theEvent
End Sub
Here are two screenshots from FireFox html inspector with the events of the elements
If you don't know which event(s) are needed you must try till it works ;-)
All events for the used dropdowns on the page
The events for the used input field on the page


Click on webpage button function doesnt work in excel macro

I'm trying to create a fedex tracking automation but I'm unable to get the Track button clicked. any idea please?
Sub Fedex()
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Set IE = New InternetExplorerMedium
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate ""
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.READYSTATE = 4
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:07"))
Set searchbx = IE.document.getElementsByName("trackingnumber")(0)
searchbx.Value = "Howdy!"
End Sub
Edit - Do it direct via url parameter
You can manipulate the url you navigate. Look at the following example. Change the value of the last parameter YourTrackingNumberHere to a working tracking number and test it manually:
First answer to make it work in your way
The search box has events. You must trigger the change event after setting your tracking number. I never seen it before, but after triggering the change event, you must wait a few seconds to make the button click work.
Sub Fedex()
Dim ie As Object
Dim searchBox As Object
'Initialize Internet Explorer, set visibility,
'call URL and wait until page is fully loaded
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate ""
Do While ie.READYSTATE <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Set searchBox = ie.document.getElementsByName("trackingnumber")(0)
searchBox.Value = "Howdy!"
'Trigger the change event of the input box
Call TriggerEvent(ie.document, searchBox, "change")
'I don't know why, but you have to wait a few seconds
'Otherwise the button click will not work
'In my tests, I need 5 seconds to make it work in every case
'You can make your own tests for your environment
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
End Sub
With this procedure you can trigger every event:
Private Sub TriggerEvent(htmlDocument As Object, htmlElementWithEvent As Object, eventType As String)
Dim theEvent As Object
Set theEvent = htmlDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
theEvent.initEvent eventType, True, False
htmlElementWithEvent.dispatchEvent theEvent
End Sub

Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range -Error

I am running VBA in excel in order to do some web-scraping, but am coming up with this error when attempting to reach Google Chrome. How would one avoid this? I will click debug then a single line becomes highlighted...
This is where the error pops up
This is the highlighted line of code that must be giving the issue
Full Code in this picture
Private Sub time_sheet_filling()
Dim I As Long
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("ChromeTab.ChromeFrame")
IE.Visible = True
' Send the form data To URL As POST binary request
IE.navigate ""
' Wait while IE loading...
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)
'Load the logon page
Set objCollection = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
I = 0
While I < objCollection.Length
If objCollection(I).Name = "username" Then
' Set text to enter
objCollection(I).Value = "MyUsername"
End If
If objCollection(I).Name = "password" Then
' Set text for password
objCollection(I).Value = "MyPasword"
End If
If objCollection(I).Type = "submit" And objCollection(I).Name = "btnSubmit" Then ' submit button clicking
Set objElement = objCollection(I)
End If
I = I + 1
objElement.Click ' click button to load the form
' Wait while IE re-loading...
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)
' Show IE
IE.Visible = True
Dim links, link
Dim n, j
Set links = IE.Document.getElementById("dgTime").getElementsByTagName("a")
n = links.Length
For j = 0 To n - 1 Step 2
'I have some operations to be done will post another question for this
End Sub
That error would occur if there is not a worksheet named "Website Data" in the active workbook at the time of the code running. Either the worksheet name does not match, or a different workbook is active when the code is running.
Make sure the worksheet name is correct and also explicitly reference the workbook it is located in (so that it doesn't matter which workbook is active when the code is running). If the "Website Data" sheet is in the workbook where the code is running, then refer to the value in the cell using:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Website Data").Cells(1,1).Value
You can't use Chrome instead of IE in this way. Chrome can only use via Selenium for web scraping via VBA. The IE is the only browser with a COM Interface which is needed to control an application via VBA:
For more information:
About the Component Object Model (COM)
About Selenium browser automation

how to enter value into website inputs by excel vba

I am trying to enter a value in a website filter, I can enter the username and password in login page by using the HTML element ID, after login I want to enter a value in filter input, the filter input id is units-grid-search-filter, but it automatically changed to units -grid -search -filter,
I don't the problem is in wherein element id space or delay
this is my code.
Sub Button3_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Clear
sURL = ""
Set oBrowser = New InternetExplorer
oBrowser.Silent = True
oBrowser.timeout = 60
oBrowser.Navigate sURL
oBrowser.Visible = True
' Wait till the Browser is loaded
Loop Until oBrowser.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Set HTMLdoc = oBrowser.Document
HTMLdoc.all.UserName.Value = "abc"
HTMLdoc.all.Password.Value = "abc123"
HTMLdoc.all.units -grid - Search - Filter.Value = "123"
For Each oHTML_Element In HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("input")
Debug.Print oHTML_Element.Name
Set frm = HTMLdoc.forms(0)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
' oBrowser.Refresh ' Refresh If Needed
Do Until Not IE.Busy And IE.readyState = 4
If Err <> 0 Then
Resume Next
End If
End Sub
The site you are trying to automate is using knockoutjs.
The Textbox in which you are trying to set the value using your VBA code is set as observable in knockoutjs code.
If this parameter is an observable value, the binding will update the
element’s value whenever the value changes. If the parameter isn’t
observable, it will only set the element’s value once and will not
update it again later.
Whenever the user edits the value in the associated form control, KO
will update the property on your view model. KO will always attempt to
update your view model when the value has been modified and a user
transfers focus to another DOM node (i.e., on the change event), but
you can also trigger updates based on other events by using the
valueUpdate parameter described below.
The "value" binding
Which means the value is coming from the knockoutjs model. If you modify the value manually then it will also modifies the value in model.
When you are trying to assign the value using your VBA code, no events occur and value not get updated to that model.
I tried to fire an event from VBA code. but it is not modifying the value in model. I tested with multiple JS events and it did not worked. If you try to pass the same event from your HTML code then it will give an error in VBA.
At last, I suggest you to make a test with Sendkeys.
Sendkeys is essentially the same as typing with the keyboard. You need to make sure the correct windows and objects are selecting before proceeding. Sendkeys can also trigger events that run based on user interaction on the web.
Sample code:
Declare PtrSafe Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal HWND As Long) As Long
Sub demo()
Dim i As Long
Dim URL As String
Dim IE As Object
Dim HWNDSrc As Long
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
URL = ""
IE.Navigate URL
Do While IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
SetForegroundWindow HWNDSrc
SendKeys "123", True
Set IE = Nothing
End Sub
Further, you can try to modify the code as per your requirement.

DOM VBA IE11 Automate Placing Orders on a Website - Trouble With OnChange and Picture Upload

We have a Virtual Assistant placing hundreds of orders for ball markers on this site:
I had used VBA before to get data from a website but I would like to use it to automate the placing of orders. I can get close but there are a few things tripping me up.
First of all, when you select a color with your mouse, the "Upload a Photo" box appears. I cannot get the box to show up using my VBA code.
Using VBA, I cannot make the onchange event fire for the life of me. I have tried the following four combinations:
doc.getElementById("2").selectedIndex = 2
doc.getElementById("2").FireEvent ("onchange")
doc.getElementById("2").selectedIndex = 2
doc.getElementById("2").FireEvent ("onchange")
doc.getElementById("2").selectedIndex = 2
doc.getElementById("2").FireEvent ("onclick")
doc.getElementById("2").selectedIndex = 2
doc.getElementById("2").FireEvent ("onclick")
Second, even if I can get the boxes to show and I click on "Upload a Photo", the popup box is there and I am having trouble putting the focus on it and I am unsure on how to tell the ID "fileField" what picture from my browse I want to upload. There is also a second Confirmation pop up.
If I can get the picture upload to work, I can successfully complete the automated order. Here is my code through clicking the Add to Cart button. The entirety of my "Upload Picture" section does not work and the last line under "Select the Color" does not make the "Upload a Photo" box show.
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = True
'Go to the Ball Marker Page
ballMarkerURL = ""
IE.navigate ballMarkerURL
'Wait for page to load
Do While IE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE Or IE.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Set doc = IE.document
'Select the Color
doc.getElementById("2").selectedIndex = 2
doc.getElementById("2").FireEvent ("onchange")
'Upload Picture
markerFilePath = "M:\Cuddle Clones Share (Team Folder)\Operations\Vendors\Pet Prints\0 - Ready to Order -\"
markerFileName = "380844 - Ball Marker - 200604-Red-1-of-1-qty-1.png"
fullString = markerFilePath & markerFileName
doc.getElementById("fileField").Value = fullString
'Update Quantity
doc.getElementById("formQty").Value = 2
'Add to Cart
doc.getElementsByClassName("buttonStatic r addCart")(0).Click
In my original posting I explained how to trigger an event. Now I explain too how to click the "Upload a photo" button and focus the popup window.
The problem now is, the needed html document is in an iframe I can't access. I know there can be different reasons but none of them solve the problem.
This is, what I have now:
Sub SelectColorForGolfballs()
Dim objShell As Object
Dim objWindow As Object
Dim browser As Object
Dim url As String
Dim nodeColorDropDown As Object
Dim nodeThreeButtons As Object
Dim browserPopUp As Object
Dim nodeFrames As Object
Dim nodeIframeDoc As Object
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
url = ""
'Initialize Internet Explorer, set visibility,
'call URL and wait until page is fully loaded
Set browser = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
browser.Visible = True
browser.navigate url
Do Until browser.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
'Select color from dropdown
Set nodeColorDropDown = browser.document.getElementByID("2")
nodeColorDropDown.selectedIndex = 6 'Pink for testing
Call TriggerEvent(browser.document, nodeColorDropDown, "change")
'Manual break for loading the page complitly
'Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(pause_hours, pause_minutes, pause_seconds))
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2))
'Open Picture Upload
'The document changed, so you can't work with the old document here
'In a first step you need the div element with the three buttons
'we get in the last step by trigger dropdown event
'<div class="options-gallery">
' <a href="javascript:productSelection(1, 'P');">
' <img src="" title="Personalized" border="0">
' </a>
' <a href="javascript:productSelection(1, 'S');">
' <img src="" title="Photo" border="0">
' </a>
' <a href="javascript:productSelection(1, 'L');">
' <img src="" title="Novelty" border="0">
' </a>
Set nodeThreeButtons = browser.document.getElementsByClassName("options-gallery")(0)
'The second button must be clicked
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2))
'Focus popup by runnig throuhg all open windows
For Each objWindow In objShell.Windows
'Check if it's an IE
If InStr(1, UCase(objWindow.FullName), "IEXPLORE") > 0 Then
'Check if it's the right IE
If InStr(1, objWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("title")(0).innertext, "iCusomize Image Selection") Then
Set browserPopUp = objWindow
Exit For
End If
End If
Next objWindow
'Now we can work with the popup
'It has only short code over all and a very short body
'You have to access the content of an iFrame
'Problem: I don't know why the following don't work
'I know it can't be in the same line
'You must split the access to the iFrame
'Get a node collection of all frames/ iframes of the document
Set nodeFrames = browserPopUp.document.frames
'The following line couses the error "Access denied"
'Select the first (and only) frame from the node collection
Set nodeIframeDoc = nodeFrames(0).document
'Check the copyright checkbox
'If you are at this point we can look ahead
End Sub
And this procedure to trigger the event you need:
Private Sub TriggerEvent(htmlDocument As Object, htmlElementWithEvent As Object, eventType As String)
Dim theEvent As Object
Set theEvent = htmlDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
theEvent.initEvent eventType, True, False
htmlElementWithEvent.dispatchEvent theEvent
End Sub

How to input values into dropdown box of web page using Excel VBA

I'm trying to operate a website to display desired option chain data with an Excel VBA macro. The website -- -- has an input field for the ticker symbol of the desired option chains. My code has been able to drive that part of the webpage and a default option chain is displayed. It defaults to the most current month that options expire (May 2018 as of this note). From there the user can input other expiration dates for which to have other option chains (for the same symbol) to be retrieved and displayed. This is where my code seems to be breaking down.
Just above the default option chain display is a dropdown input box labeled "Expiration:" where a list of other expiration months can be selected. Once selected, a green Submit button must be clicked to get the specified option chain for the selected expiration month. Alternatively, below the default option chain are explicit filter buttons for expiration months also.
As said, my code gets to the point of specifying the symbol and getting default option chains displayed, but I can't seem to get the dropdown input field for other expiration months to work.
If anyone can see where and how my code is deficient, I'd really appreciate that insight.
Many thanks.
Here is my core code in question:
Sub getmarketdata_V3()
Dim mybrowser As Object, myhtml As String
Dim htmltables As Object, htmltable As Object
Dim htmlrows As Object, htmlrow As Object
Dim htmlcells As Object, htmlcell As Object
Dim xlrow As Long, xlcol As Integer
Dim exitat As Date, symbol As String
Dim flag As Integer
On Error GoTo errhdl
Const myurl = ""
symbol = UCase(Trim(Range("ticker").Text))
With Range("ticker").Worksheet
Range(Range("ticker").Offset(1, 0), Cells(Rows.Count, Range("ticker").Column + 13)).ClearContents
End With
Set mybrowser = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
mybrowser.Visible = True
mybrowser.navigate myurl
While mybrowser.busy Or mybrowser.readyState <> 4
With mybrowser.document.all
exitat = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")
.Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$txtSymbol").Value = symbol
.Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$btnSubmit").Value = "Submit"
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Do
If Now > exitat Then Exit Do
End With
'This With statement is to refresh the mybrowser.document since the prior With statement pulls up a partially new webpage
With mybrowser.document.all
On Error Resume Next
exitat = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")
'Tried using "ID" label to select desired month--in this case 2018 July is a dropdown option:
'Usind this label seems to blank out the value displayed in the dropdown input box, but does not cause
'any of the options to display nor implant "2018 July" in it either. It just remains blank and no new option
'chain is retrieved.
.Item("ContentTop_C002_ddlMonth").Value = "2018 July"
'Then tried using "Name" label to select desired month--in this case 2018 July is an option:
' .Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$ddlMonth").Value = "2018 July"
' .Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$ddlMonth").Click
' .Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$btnFilter").Value = "View Chain"
' .Item("ctl00$ContentTop$C002$btnFilter").Click
End With
While mybrowser.busy Or mybrowser.readyState <> 4
'Remaining logic, except for this error trap logic deals with the option chain results once it has been successfully retrieved.
'For purposes of focus on the issue of not being able to successfully have such a table displayed, that remaining process logic is not
'included here.
If Err.Number Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Get data"
On Error Resume Next
Set mybrowser = Nothing
Set htmltables = Nothing
End Sub
For your code:
These 2 lines change the month and click the view chain (I tested with symbol FLWS). Make sure you have sufficient delays for page to actually have loaded.
mybrowser.document.querySelector("#ContentTop_C002_ddlMonth").Value = "201809"
I found the above sketchy for timings when added into your code so I had a quick play with Selenium basic as well. Here is an example with selenium:
Option Explicit
'Tools > references > selenium type library
Public Sub GetMarketData()
Const URL As String = ""
Dim d As ChromeDriver, symbol As String
symbol = "FLWS"
Set d = New ChromeDriver
With d
.Get URL
Dim b As Object, c As Object, keys As New keys
Set b = .FindElementById("ContentTop_C002_txtSymbol")
b.SendKeys symbol
Set c = .FindElementById("ContentTop_C002_ddlMonth")
c.SendKeys keys.Down 'move one month down
Stop '<<delete me later
End With
End Sub
Try the below approach, in case you wanna stick to IE. I tried to kick out hardcoded delay from the script. It should get you there. Make sure to fill in the text field with the appropriate ticker from the below script before execution.
There you go:
Sub HandleDropDown()
Const url As String = ""
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer, Html As HTMLDocument, post As Object, elem As Object
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate url
While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
Set Html = .document
End With
Do: Set post = Html.getElementById("ContentTop_C002_txtSymbol"): DoEvents: Loop While post Is Nothing
post.Value = "tickername" ''make sure to fill in this box with appropriate symbol
Do: Set elem = Html.getElementById("ContentTop_C002_ddlMonth"): DoEvents: Loop While elem Is Nothing
elem.selectedIndex = 2 ''just select the month using it's dropdown order
End Sub
Reference to add to the library:
Microsoft Internet Controls
Microsoft HTML Object Library
