how can i fix crond[296824]: No configuration file found at /root/.esmtprc or /etc/esmtprc? - linux

I use aws crontab to run my task.
it ran smoothly for some days, but today, i found crontab failed, when i open /var/log/cron
it failed to print new message, and i found
crond[296824]: No configuration file found at /root/.esmtprc or
in /var/log/messages, and all mail log is empty.
My Os is Centos8, can anyone offer some suggestions? Thanks a lot

Today I had the same problem. Cron send mail notifications about errors, so it take destination info from "~/.esmtprc". If you haven't configured propertly this file, you could get that error in cron log:
crond[296824]: No configuration file found at /root/.esmtprc or /etc/esmtprc
All mails whit errors that cron couldn't sent are locate in "~/.esmtp_queue/".


Upload from GitLab to Artifactory during pipeline fails occasionally

Occasionally the first upload of artifacts during a GitLab pipeline fail.
I'm getting the following error message in the logs:
2019-08-01 13:43:14,149 [http-nio-8082-exec-187] [ERROR]
(o.j.s.b.p.t.FilePersistenceHelper:87) - Failed moving
'path_to_artifactory\filestore_pre\dbRecord123.bin' to
Access to file denied null 2019-08-01 13:43:14,149
[http-nio-8082-exec-187] [ERROR] (o.a.w.s.RepoFilter :251) - Upload
request of products-stage-qa:file_to_upload failed due to {}
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: Failed to persist file with sha1:
This seems to happen only during builds, but not during other uploads directly by a user.
It doesn't happen all the time, and only on first tries. But I haven't found any logic when the first try fails or succeeds. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with file types or the like. I can't really determine if it has anything to do with network speeds though since I only have access to part of the infrastructure.
I found an open ticket with the same error message, but only for Conan and for us it only happens with ivy repositories
We are using Artifactory 6.9.1 and GitLab 12.0.3 starter
This looks to be a permission issue. You are getting an error message that states that the move failed due to "Access to file denied".
You can try to log in to the server using the "artifactory" user and manually move the file called "path_to_artifactory\filestore_pre\dbRecord123.bin" to "path_to_artifactory\filestore\5e\5ecc5f719b4442b9b04f9010646d34917aca8ca2" and see if you have any issues with this. To log in to the server with the "artifactory" user you can use the command "sudo -s -u artifactory".
You will also need to make sure that all filestore and its subdirectories are owned by the "artifactory" user and have the correct permissions.
Hope this helps.

Log4j - specify a script to be executed post Log File Rollover

Can log4j be configured to run a script after RollingFile has finished to enable me to send out email that roll over has occurred or grep through log to see if a text pattern occurred, etc?
thank you

Cron Scripts readiness check failed. Found non-writable path(s)

I have a cron script error in the Readiness Check of Magento 2.
It says "Error from Updater Application Cron Script:
Found non-writable path(s):
enter image description here
I have checked the path and there isn't a file called Magento in adminhtml.
Is there supposed to be a file there? How do I solve this error?
I ran into this error and finally solved it by creating a folder named Magento in app/design/adminhtml.

smartd: not receive test email

I try to use smartmontools to monitor my device and I met 2 problems:
can't receive the test email
As the document says:, I configure the conf file with:
/dev/sda -m -M test
and I start the smartd with:
/etc/init.d/smartd start
However, I don't receive the test email. I've no idea how to solve it.
BTW, As the device is something like a NAS, I guess may be there is no email service. But I don't know how to fix it.
2 log for the smartd is missing
I searched /var/log, and found nothing. Then I do the following:
add local3.* /var/log/smartd3.log to the file /etc/syslog.conf
exec: smartd -l local3
kill the smartd and start it again with: /etc/init.d/smartd start
Then,I still can't find the log file. why it is missing?
My smartmontool is 5.38 [arm-unknown-linux-gnu].

Monit exec not working

This is my applicable monit.conf
check file feedabilityLog with path /var/www/scraper/feedability/feedabilityLog.txt
if timestamp > 20 seconds then
exec "/usr/local/bin/forever restart feedability.js"
group feedabilityLog
In my monit log file, I get the following:
error : 'feedabilityLog' timestamp test failed for /var/www/scraper/feedability/feedabilityLog.txt
which seems to signal that the timestamp check is working. However, monit the exec portion of the script does not work. I even tried putting the restart in a bash file, but that doesn't restart the forever process. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nevermind. Figured it out. Absolute paths for EVERYTHING!
