How to make vim detect <C-LeftMouse> with konsole terminal? - vim

With gvim, I can map <C-LeftMouse>, but I can't with vim running inside a terminal emulator (konsole in my case).
I have reasons to think it's because the sequence Ctrl + CLICK is not sent/detected :
in insert mode, typing Ctrl + V, Ctrl + CLICK prints "" with gvim, but only "" with konsole.
how to make vim / neovim to recognize this (useful) combination ?
EDIT Note that I already set mouse=a in vim

in the terminal you have to enable the mouse:
set mouse=a
map <C-LeftMouse> :echo 'Hello Left'<CR>
map <C-RightMouse> :echo 'Hello Right'<CR>
see :help mouse


vim - how to map Ctrl-y to "+y in visual mode?

I can yank a visual selection into the X clipboard in vim using "+y - I would like to map this to something more convenient. I tried mapping to Ctrl-y by adding
:vmap <C-y> \"+y to my .vimrc but it doesn't work. How can I do this?
In ~/.vimrc add:
vnoremap <C-y> "+y<Esc>
or Ctrl-Shift-y:
vnoremap <C-S-y> "+y<Esc>
Make sure that your terminal does not already use that shortcut. For Gnome terminal see this.
Tip: if using default Gnome terminal shortcuts, paste that C-y yanked chars with: C-S-v in terminal or just C-v elsewhere.
The problem was that I was escaping the " character. This, it seems, is wrong in this context. simply:
:vmap <C-y> "+y
works, as expected.

Fix backspace in vim + tmux + tcsh + konsole

My shell is tcsh. I'm using vim in tmux with konsole. When I type backspace in insert mode it inserts ^?. This only happens in tmux. In konsole settings the backspace input is set to \b. I try changing it to \x8 and there is no change. fixdel doesn't help, set bs=2 in .vimrc doesn't work. I don't use setty anywhere, nor do I change the tmux keybindings. Any help? Please?
Just try :set backspace=indent,eol,start. Then, check your backspace. If this works, just put this line in your vimrc.
This works for me with Vim+tmux; I don't use Konsole or tcsh, so I can't confirm that those won't break it, but I'd be very surprised if those did.

Remap the scroll up command in vim

I want to remap the Ctrl + y command in vim (scroll up command) to Ctrl + q.
I tried to do
:map <C-q> <C-y>
But it does not seem to work...
Do you have any suggestion ?
Does this only affect the Linux terminal (not GVIM), and also Ctrl + S? Then, you need to disable the terminal's flow control commands, by putting the following into your ~/.bashrc:
stty start undef stop undef
PS: You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.

Vim key mapping works in command editor, not in .vimrc - why?

When I create the following key mapping via the command buffer it works as expected moving the cursor 5 lines down:
map ^[[1;3B 5<Down>
When I add it to my .vimrc file so that it works across sessions, pressing Alt+Down moves backwards 1 line (to somewhere not vertically above - maybe it's going to a previous sentence). My :map output is this:
0 ^
^[[1;3B 5<Down>
n gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
n <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)<CR>
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Why doesn't this vimrc mapping work similarly to what I type in the command buffer?
My version of vim is:
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jan 10 2014 00:22:49)
Included patches: 1-135
Compiled by <>
There are 2 issues.
my version of Vim doesn't understand map <M-Down> 5<Down> but does understand map <M-Down> 5j
Something in my .vimrc file prevents map <M-Down> 5j from working. I had to put a bunch of hacks in to get "normal" vim behavior in my Cygwin environment:
" Keyboard trouble
" Every so often I am using a system that inserts a A, B, C, or D
" when using the arrow keys within the Vim editors insert mode.
" Vim is for VI Improved. While I did not dig into the exact reasons
" as to why (terminal emulation?) it happens, it is quite annoying.
set nocompatible
"set term=cons25
" This fixes Cygwin's vim's page up, home, end etc. keys
" how-to-map-pagedown-and-pageup-keys-to-function-normally
set term=mintty
set backspace=2 " backspace on Cygwin Windows Objy was not deleting properly.
" But this doesn't solve other cursor movements like
"home and end
"source /home/sarnobat/.vim/cscope_maps.vim
"g:CCTreeCscopeDb = "/home/sarnobat/cscope/cscope.files"
" Key bindings
map 0 ^
I don't understand those characters: ^[[1;3B. In vim you can choose the Alt key as letter M and the arrow letter as down, so:
map <M-down> 5<Down>
will work in either command-line and from your vimrc file.
you could try the following:
map <M-down> 5j
Tried it on cygwin and it worked. hjkl is the preferred method of navigating left, down, up and right.

why my vimrc doesn't recognize <BR>

The following command in vimrc works well for vim in my ubuntu os,
:map 11 :tabnext 1<CR>
,while in my CentOS system, i entered '11', it returns:
, i have to delete '<CR>', and then enter the "Enter" key to jump to tab 1;
All the '<CR>' in vimrc doesn't work, it seems the vim can't recognize '<BR>' as "Enter" KEY, anyone help me?
Try to replace <CR> with Ctrl + VEnter.
It looks like your CentOS system starts Vim in Vi-compatible mode. To be exact, the < flag in 'cpoptions' seems to be set.
Try launching Vim via vim -N or by putting set cpo-=< before the mapping definition. If this fixes the issue, you probably want to permanently disable Vi-compatible mode, by putting set nocompatible at the top of your .vimrc.
