Cross Join for calculation in Spark SQL - apache-spark

I have a temporary view with only 1 record/value and I want to use that value to calculate the age of the customers present in another big table (with 100M rows). I used a CROSS JOIN clause, which is resulting in a performance issue.
Is there a better approach to implement this requirement which is will perform better ? Will a broadcast hint be suitable in this scenario ? What is the recommended approach to tackle such scenarios ?
Reference table: (contains only 1 value)
create temporary view ref
select to_date(refdt, 'dd-MM-yyyy') as refdt --returns only 1 value
from tableA
where logtype = 'A';
Cust table (10 M rows):
custid | birthdt
A1234 | 20-03-1980
B3456 | 09-05-1985
C2356 | 15-12-1990
Query (calculate age w.r.t birthdt):
cast((datediff(b.ref_dt, a.birthdt)/365.25) as int) as age
from cust a
cross join ref b;
My question is - Is there a better approach to implement this requirement ?

Simply use withColumn!
df.withColumn("new_col", lit("10-05-2020").cast("date"))

Inside view you are using constant value, You can simply put same value in below query without cross join.
cast((datediff(to_date('10-05-2020', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), a.birthdt)/365.25) as int) as age
from cust a;
scala> spark.sql("select * from cust").show(false)
|custid|birthdt |
|A1234 |1980-03-20|
|B3456 |1985-05-09|
|C2356 |1990-12-15|
scala> spark.sql("select a.custid, a.birthdt, cast((datediff(to_date('10-05-2020', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), a.birthdt)/365.25) as int) as age from cust a").show(false)
|custid|birthdt |age|
|A1234 |1980-03-20|40 |
|B3456 |1985-05-09|35 |
|C2356 |1990-12-15|29 |

Hard to work out exactly your point, but if you cannot use Scala or pyspark and dataframes with .cache etc. then I think that instead of of using a temporary view, just create a single row table. My impression is you are using Spark %sql in a notebook on, say, Databricks.
This is my suspicion as it were.
That said a broadcastjoin hint may well mean the optimizer only sends out 1 row. See


Salting Technique to tackle Skew in Spark SQL

I am trying to understand Salting techniques to tackle Skew in Spark SQL. I have done some reading online and I have come up with a very rudimentary implementation of the same in Spark SQL API.
Let's assume that table1 is Skewed on cid=1:
Table 1:
cid | item
1 | light
1 | cookie
1 | ketchup
1 | bottle
2 | dish
3 | cup
As shown above, cid=1 occurs more than other keys.
Table 2:
cid | vehicle
1 | taxi
1 | truck
2 | cycle
3 | plane
Now my code looks like the following:
create temporary view table1_salt as
cid, item, concat(cid, '-', floor(rand() * 19)) as salted_key
from table1;
create temporary view table2_salt as
cid, vehicle, explode(array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)) as salted_key
from table2;
Final Query:
select a.cid, a.item,
from table1_salt a
inner join table2_salt b
on a.salted_key = concat(b.cid, '-', b.salted_key);
In the above example, I have used 20 salts/splits.
Is there any rule of thumb to choose optimal number for the splits to
be used ? For e.g. if table1 has 10 Million records, how many bins/buckets should I use ? (In this simple test example I have used 20).
As shown above, when I am creating Table2_salt, I am hardcoding the
the salts like (0, 1, 2, 3.... thru 19). Is there a better
way to implement the same functionality, but without the
hardcoding and the clutter ? (What if I want to use 100 splits!)
Since we are replicating the second table (table2) N number of times, doesn't it mean that it will degrade the Join performance ?
Note: I need to use Spark 2.4 SQL API only.
Also, kindly let me know if there are any advanced examples available on the net. Any help is appreciated.

Optimizing Theta Joins in Spark SQL

I have just 2 tables wherein I need to get the records from the first table (big table 10 M rows) whose transaction date is lesser than or equal to the effective date present in the second table (small table with 1 row), and this result-set will then be consumed by downstream queries.
Table Transact:
tran_id | cust_id | tran_amt | tran_dt
1234 | XYZ | 12.55 | 10/01/2020
5678 | MNP | 25.99 | 25/02/2020
5561 | XYZ | 32.45 | 30/04/2020
9812 | STR | 10.32 | 15/08/2020
Table REF:
eff_dt |
30/07/2020 |
Hence as per logic I should get back the first 3 rows and discard the last record since it is greater than the reference date (present in the REF table)
Hence, I have used a non-equi Cartesian Join between these tables as:
/*+ MAPJOIN(b) */
from transact a
inner join ref b
on a.tran_dt <= b.eff_dt
However, this sql is taking forever to complete due to the cross Join with the transact table even using Broadcast hints.
So is there any smarter way to implement the same logic which will be more efficient than this ? In other words, is it possible to optimize the Theta join in this query ?
Thanks in advance.
So I wrote something like this:
Referring from
Can you try Bucketing on trans_dt (Bucketed on Year/Month only). And write 2 queries to do the same work
First query, trans_dt(Year/Month) < eff_dt(Year/Month). So this could help you actively picking up buckets(rather than checking each and every record trans_dt) which is less than 2020/07.
second query, trans_dt(Year/Month) = eff_dt(Year/Month) and trans_dt(Day) <= eff_dt(Day)

Getting latest date in a partition by year / month / day using SparkSQL

I am trying to incrementally transform new partitions in a source table into a new table using Spark SQL. The data in both the source and target are partitioned as follows: /data/year=YYYY/month=MM/day=DD/. I was initially just going to select the MAX of year, month and day to get the newest partition, but that is clearly wrong. Is there is a good way to do this?
If I construct a date and take the max like MAX( CONCAT(year,'-','month','-',day)::date ) this would be quite ineffecient, right? Because it will need to scan all data to pull the newest partition.
Try below to get the latest partition without reading data at all, only metadata:
spark.sql("show partitions <table>").agg(max('partition)).show
You can use the result of show partitions as it would be more efficient as it will hit the metastore only. However, you can't just apply a max to the value there, we will need to construct the date first and then do the max.
Here's a sample:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = sqlContext.sql("show partitions"), False)
date = F.to_date(F.regexp_replace(F.regexp_replace("partition", "[a-z=]", ""), "/", "-"))"max_date")).show()
Input Values:
|partition |
|year=2019/month=9/day=5 |
| max_date|

Spark SQL alternatives to groupby/pivot/agg/collect_list using foldLeft & withColumn so as to improve performance

I have a Spark DataFrame consisting of three columns:
id | col1 | col2
x | p1 | a1
x | p2 | b1
y | p2 | b2
y | p2 | b3
y | p3 | c1
After applying df.groupBy("id").pivot("col1").agg(collect_list("col2")) I am getting the following dataframe (aggDF):
| id| p1| p2| p3|
| x|[a1]| [b1]| []|
| y| []|[b2, b3]|[c1]|
Then I find the name of columns except the id column.
val cols = aggDF.columns.filter(x => x != "id")
After that I am using cols.foldLeft(aggDF)((df, x) => df.withColumn(x, when(size(col(x)) > 0, col(x)).otherwise(lit(null)))) to replace empty array with null. The performance of this code becomes poor when the number of columns increases. Additionally, I have the name of string columns val stringColumns = Array("p1","p3"). I want to get the following final dataframe:
| id| p1| p2| p3|
| x| a1 | [b1]|null|
| y|null|[b2, b3]| c1 |
Is there any better solution to this problem in order to achieve the final dataframe?
You current code pays 2 performance costs as structured:
As mentioned by Alexandros, you pay 1 catalyst analysis per DataFrame transform so if you loop other a few hundreds or thousands columns, you'll notice some time spent on the driver before the job is actually submitted. If this is a critical issue for you, you can use a single select statement instead of your foldLeft on withColumns but this won't really change a lot the execution time because of the next point
When you use an expression such as when().otherwise() on columns in what can be optimized as a single select statement, the code generator will produce a single large method processing all the columns. If you have more than a couple hundred columns, it's likely that the resulting method won't be JIT-compiled by default by the JVM, resulting in very slow execution performance (max JIT-able method is 8k bytecode in Hotspot).
You can detect if you hit the second issue by inspecting the executor logs and check if you see a WARNING on a too large method that can't be JITed.
How to try and solve this ?
1 - Changing the logic
You can filter the empty cells before the pivot by using a window transform
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val finalDf = df
.withColumn("count", count('col2) over Window.partitionBy('id,'col1))
.filter('count > 0)
This may or may not be faster depending on actual dataset as the pivot also generates a large select statement expression by itself so it may hit the large method threshold if you encounter more than approximately 500 values for col1.
You may want to combine this with option 2 as well.
2 - Try and finesse the JVM
You can add an extraJavaOption on your executors to ask the JVM to try and JIT hot methods larger than 8k.
For example, add the option
--conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods"
on your spark-submit and see how it impacts the pivot execution time.
It's difficult to guarantee a substantial speed increase without more details on your real dataset but it's definitely worth a shot.
If you look at then you see that withColumn with a foldLeft has known performance issues. Select is an alternative, as shown below - using varargs.
Not convinced collect_list is an issue. 1st set of logic I kept as well. pivot kicks off a Job to get distinct values for pivoting. It is an accepted approach imo. Trying to roll your own seems pointless to me, but the other answers may prove me wrong or Spark 2.4 has been improved.
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
// Your code & assumig id is only col of interest as in THIS question. More elegant than 1st posting.
val df = Seq( ("x","p1","a1"), ("x","p2","b1"), ("y","p2","b2"), ("y","p2","b3"), ("y","p3","c1")).toDF("id", "col1", "col2")
val aggDF = df.groupBy("id").pivot("col1").agg(collect_list("col2"))
val colsToSelect = aggDF.columns // All in this case, 1st col id handled by head & tail
val aggDF2 = +:
(col => when(size(aggDF(col)) === 0,lit(null)).otherwise(aggDF(col)).as(s"$col"))):_*)
|id |p1 |p2 |p3 |
|x |[a1]|[b1] |null|
|y |null|[b2, b3]|[c1]|
Also a nice read BTW: The effects become more noticable with a higher number of columns. At the end a reader makes a relevant point.
I think that performance is better with select approach when higher number of columns prevail.
UPD: Over the holidays I trialed both approaches with Spark 2.4.x with little observable difference up to 1000 columns. That has puzzled me.

Using Dataframe instead of spark sql for data analysis

Below is the sample spark sql I wrote to get the count of male and female enrolled in an agency.I used sql to generate the output,
Is there a way to do similar thing using dataframe only not sql.
val districtWiseGenderCountDF = hiveContext.sql("""
| SELECT District,
| count(CASE WHEN Gender='M' THEN 1 END) as male_count,
| count(CASE WHEN Gender='F' THEN 1 END) as FEMALE_count
| FROM agency_enrollment
| GROUP BY District
| ORDER BY male_count DESC, FEMALE_count DESC
| LIMIT 10""".stripMargin)
Starting with Spark 1.6 you can use pivot + group by to achieve what you'd like
without sample data (and my own availability of spark>1.5) here's a solution that Should work (not tested)
val df = hiveContext.table("agency_enrollment")
see How to pivot DataFrame? for a generic example
