CS50 problem 1 clang-7: error: no such file or directory: 'hello.c' clang-7: error: no input files - cs50

I'm new to coding and I always received this error every time. Can anyone help me to fix this?

The problem is that you are currently in the directory hello. However, hello.c is inside the directory pset1, not hello.


Cannot load extension with file or directory name desktop.ini. The filename is illegal

I get this error and I don't know how to fix it. I once got it away but got the Thumbs.db error but not that that's gone I am getting this once instead. Can you help me??

Windows fatal error 'python.h' file not found 'gcc'

I can't figure out what I made wrong I look on almost every forum but I only found answer for linux. I'm trying to compile a python project. It my first time I compile a project I would really appreciate if someone could help me.
I start with cython so I have a .c file of my project and I download gcc add it path into json and I run it. And TADA I have a beautiful error message.

bash: source/usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh: No such file or directory

First of all thanks in advance
Im a beginner with node.Whenever I open terminal I get this error message.But I dont get any error while using npm.Can you guys please tell me why this is happening and how to fix this.

C++ - error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\Debug\gold-D.lib'

Hello everyone I am getting an error when I try to build an project in c++.
the error is LNK1104: cannot open file '..\Debug\gold-D.lib'
The gold-D.lib is present at that location but still I am getting an error .
Thanks in advance
If there are spaces in the file path, you may need to surround the file path with "". Another possibility is that you don't have permission for the directory.

Matlab Libopencv error using Linux

I am running into errors with opencv. I downloaded a package online and compiled each of the folders by cd into them and running make through the command line. But when I try using one of the functions, I run into this error: libopencv_core.so.2.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The file its trying to reach is indeed there, since I checked this, but for some reason its saying its not. I am pretty bad at figuring out path problems but I think this is one of them. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks
