On neuron No such file or directory? - neuron-simulator

I am using neuron, a simulation software on OS. However, when I open nrngui I see the following error.
ls: /usr/local/bin/../lib/libpython*.dylib: No such file or directory
<stdin>:114: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
What does this mean? How can I fix this ?


"\n" in python messes with chmod

I am making a program where I need permission to file paths so I am using the chmod command. I get the paths from a text document. I put the paths there and organized them by rows by using the "/n" command. The problem is when I plug the variable in the string still has a /n on it. I was wondering if there was a way to have a txt document go down a line but in a way it wont interfere.
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: 'C:/Users/*****/Pictures/Camera Roll\n'
I have python 3.6.2 and windows 10. I am still in the early stages of learning this language.
You want to .strip() the path before sending it to chmod:
st = 'abcd\n'
st.strip() == 'abcd' # strip() trims all whitespace

add a permitted path to ghostscipt running configuration

I use a program which create me postscript file before using ps2pdf to make it a readable pdf, i've made a program which add some string to overwrite the company new logo. (The first program can't import image file itself).
I add the string before the before-last line of the file (" showpage").
While running my program to add the logo there is no error.
With the option -dNOSAFER everything is fine, but by default it's set to -dSAFER, and an invalidfileaccess error pop, the files are 6 jpg images alone in their directory.
I don't want to make it run with the -dNOSAFER option on. As it will fully open the file system.
In the documentation I've seen that there is a "permitted path" setting, but i can't find nowhere to set this up. Is it just a command line option to set in the command launching the program ? Or is there a config file for GhostScript / ps2pdf where i can put the path to this directory as permitted path.
in this documentation :
I only find
Causes Ghostscript to read a character from /dev/tty, rather than
standard input, at the end of each page. This may be useful if input
is coming from a pipe. Note that -dTTYPAUSE overrides -dNOPAUSE. Also
note that -dTTYPAUSE requires opening the terminal device directly,
and may cause problems in combination with -dSAFER. Permission errors
can be avoided by adding the device to the permitted reading list
before invoking safer mode
gs -dTTYPAUSE -dDELAYSAFER -c '<< /PermitFileReading [ (/dev/tty)] >> setuserparams .locksafe' -dSAFER
The quote is just for the context but is this a way to put the permitted path ?
As gs automatically launch with the full system as readOnly there will be no difference ? There is no other find result for PermitFile in this page.
Try adding the required path to the search path with -I (Include) See Use.htm, section 8 How Ghostscript finds files. This should only be a problem if you are using 'run' or similar to read files from another location.
The section on TTYPAUSE is not relevant.

Need more clarity on file command usage in linux?

I have built a linux image for ARM on Ubuntu. I was curious to use the file command on the image file created in arch/arm/boot directory. When i execute the following the command
balaji#balaji-virtual-machine:~/meraj/linux-stable/arch/arm/boot$ ls
bootp compressed dts Image install.sh Makefile zImage
balaji#balaji-virtual-machine:~/meraj/linux-stable/arch/arm/boot$ file Image
Image: data
balaji#balaji-virtual-machine:~/meraj/linux-stable/arch/arm/boot$ file zImage
zImage: data
It gives not much information. I would like to know if this is expected behaviour or not?
From file manpage:
The type printed will usually contain one of the words...
... "data" meaning anything else (data is usually 'binary' or non-printable).
Exceptions are well-known file formats (core files, tar archives) that
are known to contain binary data.
Any file that cannot be identified as having been written in any of
the character sets listed above is simply said to be 'data'.

Running TreeTagger

I'm attempting to run TreeTagger using the French parameter file but I am getting a permission denied error with the french-utf8.par file
[bash]:echo cmd/tree-tagger-french-utf8 | lib/french-utf8.par
[bash]:lib/french-utf8.par: Permission denied
This is quite similar to this question here (TreeTagger installation successful but cannot open .par file), but I'm able to run the tagger like this:
[bash]: echo 'Bonjour' | cmd/tree-tagger-french-utf8
reading parameters ...
tagging ...
Bonjour NOM bonjour
I've tried changing to echo bin/tree-tagger, but I get the same error. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
echo cmd/tree-tagger-french-utf8 will print the string cmd/tree-tagger-french-utf8 and you're piping that to a par file. That cannot work, you need to pipe a file to a command, like in your second example but using cat filename (instead of echo 'Bonjour') if you want to feed a file to the TreeTagger.
Thats strange, I know this may seem obvious but have you tried running that command as sudo?
The "Permission Denied" hints that there is some permission problem.

Why does ~ symbol is coming when ls command is given

I was working on a desktop server of Ubuntu 12.04 through putty.
When I was giving the ls command in a directory the text file are given along with the same text file followed by a ~ symbol is provided.
Last login: Tue Nov 12 10:34:45 2013 from
ncclab#slave13:~$ cd benchmarks/
ncclab#slave13:~/benchmarks$ ls
config_fermi_islip.icnt gpgpusim.config RAY
data gpgpusim.config~ running benchmarks
DG gpuwattch_gtx480.xml running benchmarks~
MUM gpgpu_inst_stats.txt~
Any file of the name gpgpu_inst_stats.txt is not present actually in that folder. Why is this happening. May be question is simple, but I was curious to know the reason behind it
Generally that means either someone opened the file with a text editor and then saved, and the editor made a backupit's a temporary fileit's just just a file with a '~' in the name
