azure pipeline cron not run - azure

Why isn't cron running every two minutes

I believe it should be:
- cron: '0 0/2 * 1/1 * ? *'
displayName: success
include: master
always: true
When I use a cron generator to evaluate your cron string it errors which leads me to believe the issue is due to a bad cron string.
Here is the tool I used: cronmaker

Why isn't cron running every two minutes
The cron syntax */2 * * * * should be work.
I test it with github resource and your cron syntax:
And the result:
So, I can sure your cron syntax */2 * * * * is correct. We need to check other aspects, like:
Check the modification of schedules in the .yml file is synchronized to the github repo.
Create a new pipeline for the success.yml without any other settings.
If above not help you, you could try to create a pipeline for the Azure devops repo instead of the github rrpo with same cron syntax to check if you still have this issue, so that we could narrow the scope of this issue.


Add a job to linux cron list programmatically with Nodejs

I have a job with Nodejs that I want to do it each 30 minutes to scan the Database and Update Products Data in An Ecommerce API with my Nodejs Program, note that the Nodejs Program is serving an REST API (Backend) for a react js web application
So I searched for that and I found that I can do that with Nodejs Cron Library like "node-schedule" but I know that will be more interesting to do it with Linux Cron
var j = schedule.scheduleJob('42 * * * *', function(){
console.log('The answer to life, the universe, and everything!');
Is there any library that can let me add Cron jobs to Linux using Nodejs Or would I do it with "fs" only? so I will open the cron job file and add my command?
The command crontab which is part of Vixie Cron allows you to create, edit and delete per-user cron entries.
Or if you are running as the root user, which you should not be doing, you can drop cron files into /etc/cron.d
This is not always supported, and if you're running in a Docker type container environment it is doubtful that you have any cron at all. In that environment you'd want your running Nodejs to handle scheduled jobs for you. Or use some other kind of distributed scheduled work system.
You can put your cron job to a nodejs script. Then adding to the crontab can be done with cronbee module, via API:
import { cronbee } from 'cronbee'
await cronbee.ensure({
taskName: 'do smth',
taskRun: `node my-script`,
cron: '42 * * * *'
or you can ensure the cron job via CLI, if the module is installed globally or from npm scripts:
$ cronbee ensure mytasks.json

How to change the schedule of a Kubernetes cronjob or how to start it manually?

Is there a simple way to change the schedule of a kubernetes cronjob like kubectl change cronjob my-cronjob "10 10 * * *"? Or any other way without needing to do kubectl apply -f deployment.yml? The latter can be extremely cumbersome in a complex CI/CD setting because manually editing the deployment yaml is often not desired, especially not if the file is created from a template in the build process.
Alternatively, is there a way to start a cronjob manually? For instance, a job is scheduled to start in 22 hours, but I want to trigger it manually once now without changing the cron schedule for good (for testing or an initial run)?
You can update only the selected field of resourse by patching it
patch -h
Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch, a JSON merge patch, or a JSON patch.
JSON and YAML formats are accepted.
Please refer to the models in
to find if a field is mutable.
As provided in comment for ref :
kubectl patch cronjob my-cronjob -p '{"spec":{"schedule": "42 11 * * *"}}'
Also, in current kubectl versions, to launch a onetime execution of a declared cronjob, you can manualy create a job that adheres to the cronjob spec with
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/mycron
The more recent versions of k8s (from 1.10 on) support the following command:
$ kubectl create job my-one-time-job --from=cronjobs/my-cronjob
Source is this solved k8s github issue.
From #SmCaterpillar answer above kubectl patch my-cronjob -p '{"spec":{"schedule": "42 11 * * *"}}',
I was getting the error: unable to parse "'{spec:{schedule:": yaml: found unexpected end of stream
If someone else is facing a similar issue, replace the last part of the command with -
"{\"spec\":{\"schedule\": \"42 11 * * *\"}}"
I have a friend who developed a kubectl plugin that answers exactly that !
It takes an existing cronjob and just create a job out of it.
Look into the README for installation instructions.
And if you want to do patch a k8s cronjob schedule with the Python kubernetes library, you can do this like that:
from kubernetes import client, config
v1 = client.BatchV1beta1Api()
body = {"spec": {"schedule": "#daily"}}
ret = v1.patch_namespaced_cron_job(
namespace="default", name="my-cronjob", body=body

Ansible: setup a cron job on one host

I'm deploying a 2-hosts service that also needs to setup a cron job. This job should only be run on one of the two machines (I dont care which). what's the easiest way to do so?
I know that the shell module in Ansible supports "run_once", but the cron module does not.
I could setup the cron job on both machines and then use the command "crontab -r" to remove all the jobs (provided no other jobs are needed there) on one machine. this is dirty, but very easy.
any better ideas?
I know that the shell module in Ansible supports "run_once", but the cron module does not.
Wrong. run_once is a property of a task, not of action modules.
Use cron module and set run_once for the task (mind the indentation level), for example:
- cron:
name: "check dirs"
minute: "0"
hour: "5,2"
job: "ls -alh > /dev/null"
run_once: true

Execute Node.JS script via crontab on OS X

I have been trying to figure out how to use crontabs on my mac OS X I have a node script written that I would like to be able to execute in a scheduled manner. Here is the line I am using in my crontab file.
30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/node /Users/pmanca/Google Drive/JavaScript/code/Peter/marketing-tests/testBackup.js
It doesn't appear to be executing though. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Also is there another way on a mac or linux server to accomplish what I'm looking for? Also can you use the same line for a crontab job in linux as well(besides the file paths needing to change)?
You can use one of the two npm packages, cron or agenda
Both work on linux and OS X. Cron is best if your tasks are lightweight and you don't need your jobs to be persisted into db. Agenda uses mongodb for persistence.
You can configure a job in cron as:
var CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
var job = new CronJob({
cronTime: '00 */30 * * * *',
onTick: function() {
* Runs every 30 minutes, every hour, every day, all week
start: false,
timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
To run in background on server you can run it with forever
Remember cron has an additional 6th place to the left for seconds. Otherwise the syntax is same.
By default cron process doesn't have the required permission to access the disk in macos. So, you should allow full access disk to cron process. For this one, add /usr/sbin/cron to your allowed full disk access process under Security & Privacy. Further information can be seen in How to Fix Cron Permission Issues in MacOS Catalina & Mojave

Cronjob doesn't execute (Cygwin)

I'm using Cygwin to synchronize folders between a Windows-Machine and an Apache server. It works fine if I execute the commands, but I can't get Cronjob to work properly.
I tried to create a simple mkdir command as a cronjob and when I save the crontab, it successfully installs it.
My Cronjob is:
*/1 * * * * mkdir newfolder
I wait for the new folder to pup up, but nothing happens.
In the cron.log it says:
Cron 7072 fork: child -1 - CREATEPROCESSW failed for c:cygwin/usr/sbin/cron.exe, errno 30
Can anybody help?
I solved the problem: (drumroll)
I reconfigurated it... often!
I kept trying "cron-config" time after time and now it works. I'm still not any smarter what I configurated wrong/right.
I'm sorry for the vague help if anybody with the same problem stumbles upon this.
