NestJS -- JWT Dependency is not being loaded - node.js

I do not need complete passport, I just need to sign a JWT token.
I tried working with this repository
I tried all possible combinations, but I just cant integrate it in the project. I had followed the course of several different errors. I fix one, and the another pops up. So, I am including minimum part, and the current error that is thrown.
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { JwtModule } from '#nestjs/jwt';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { JwtService } from '#nestjs/jwt';
imports: [ JwtModule.register({ secret: 'hard!to-guess_secret' })],
providers: [AuthService],
exports: [AuthService, JwtService]
export class AuthModule {}
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service';
import { JwtService } from '#nestjs/jwt';
export class AuthService {
private readonly jwtService: JwtService,
) {}
async signPayload (user: any) {
const payload = { username: 'HARDCORE', color:'RED' };
return {
whatever: this.jwtService.sign(payload),
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
secret: 'wefwefwef',
inject: [ConfigService],
type: 'mysql',
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {
export class UsersController {
constructor(private readonly usersService: UsersService,
private readonly authService: AuthService
) {}
#ApiResponse({ status: 401, description: 'Unauthorized.' })
#ApiResponse({ status: 404, description: 'User Not Found.' })
async findOne(#Query() userGetDto: UserGetDto): Promise<User> {
const user = await this.usersService.findByUsername(userGetDto.userName);
if (!user) throw new NotFoundException('User Not Found')
let signedUser = this.authService.signPayload(user);
return user;
And this is the error with this setup that I get:
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the JwtService (?). Please make
sure that the argument JWT_MODULE_OPTIONS at index [0] is available in
the JwtService context.
I spend lot of time on this one, but I just cant make it work.

Based on your error, JwtService is in an imports array somewhere. Providers (classes marked with #Injectable()) never go in the imports array, but rather should be added to the exports array and that module where the exports was added should be put in the consuming module's imports array.
Also, if you are working with a Dynamic Module (any module that uses register or forRoot or an async variant of the two) you should always export the module instead of its services, as the module most likely has important configurations necessary for the service to work.


Nest can't resolve dependencies of the ~repository

I'm getting a strange error with my nestjs code.
Repository not connected in module file
[ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the UserRepository (?). Please make sure that the argument Connection at index [0] is available in the TypeOrmModule context
The current code is this
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import connectionOptions from 'ormconfig';
import { UserModule } from './modules';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forRoot(connectionOptions), UserModule],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { UserRepository } from 'src/repositories';
import { UserController } from './user.controller';
import { UserService } from './user.service';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([UserRepository])],
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [UserService],
export class UserModule {}
import { User } from '../entities';
import { EntityRepository, Repository } from 'typeorm';
export class UserRepository extends Repository<User> {
async findOneById(userId: string) {
return await this.createQueryBuilder()
.where('user_id = :userId', {
How can I fix it?
From the code you provided, there should be no problem. The only thing that will trigger the error is the ormconfig config you did not provide.
Can you check if you have name: "xxxx" in your ormconfig config like below:
name: 'dbname', <-- check if you have name config here
type: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
There are 2 ways to solve it if you have name in the config:
If there is only ONE database, you can remove the name and use the default name typeorm provides.
If you have multiple databases or you want to preserve the connection name, you will need to specify the name in the code as well to help typeorm to determine which database to work with, see the below changes:
imports: [
TypeOrmModule.forFeature([UserRepository], 'dbname'), // provide the name here
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [UserService],
export class UserModule {}
export class UserService {
#InjectRepository(UserRepository, 'dbname') // provide the name here
private usersRepository: UserRepository,
) {}

TypeError : Cannot read property 'roles' of undefined NestJs

I try to block some root if it's not an admin, but when I run the code I have a TypeError but I don't know how to resolve it.
import { Injectable, CanActivate, ExecutionContext } from '#nestjs/common';
import { Reflector } from '#nestjs/core';
import { Role } from './role.enums';
import { ROLES_KEY } from './roles.decorator';
export class RolesGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private reflector: Reflector) {}
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
const requiredRoles = this.reflector.getAllAndOverride<Role[]>(ROLES_KEY, [
if (!requiredRoles) {
return true;
const { user } = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
return requiredRoles.some((Role) => user.roles?.includes(Role));
async addArticle(
#Body('title') artTitle: string,
#Body('description') artDescription: string,
#Body('url') artUrl: string,
#Body('cover') artCover: string,
#Body('content') artContent: string,
#Body('category') artCategory: string,
const generatedId = await this.articlesService.insertArticle(
return { id: generatedId };
when I run the code I have a TypeError but I don't know how to resolve it.
I'd like to add more detail to Jay McDoniel's answer since it still took me a few hours to get around this issue.
Create JWT.module.ts (JwtModule is already used by #nestjs/jwt hence my use of caps) file with the following:
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from "#nestjs/config";
import { JwtModule } from "#nestjs/jwt";
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
secretOrKeyProvider: () => (configService.get<string>("JWT_SECRET")),
signOptions: {
expiresIn: 3600,
inject: [ConfigService],
global: true
exports: [JwtModule]
export class JWTModule {}
Add this class to your app.module.ts's imports array.
if you have
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: RolesGuard,
in any of your modules... DELETE IT. declaring guards in any providers will automatically make it global and endpoints which you don't want to be guarded will end up getting guarded (I'm aware tells you to register the role guard in your providers but that just didn't work for me). You only need to import your strategies to the relevant routes.
In your controller, this should now work
#UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
findAll() {
return this.usersService.findAll();
so this endpoint accepts users with a valid JWT and an admin role inside said JWT.
If I had to bet, your RolesGuard is bound to the global scope, whereas the JwtAuthGuard is bound to the route handler scope. Global guards execute first and foremost, so the RolesGuard executes before the JwtAuthGaurd can set req.user (passport is what does this under the hood). What you can do is either ensure that there is a req.user property (either via a middleware or jutt running the JwtAuthGuard globally) or you can move the RolesGuard to be scoped at the route handler level after the JwtAuthGuard runs.
Use JwtGuard and RoleGuard in the controller like #UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard). The issue because of RoleGuards is not used in guard.
#Query(() => [User], { name: 'User' })
in this module file update in provider rolesGuards
providers: [AuthResolver, AuthService,LocalStrategy,JwtStrategy,RolesGuard],
use #Post() above your controller
async addArticle(
#Body('title') artTitle: string,
#Body('description') artDescription: string,
#Body('url') artUrl: string,
#Body('cover') artCover: string,
#Body('content') artContent: string,
#Body('category') artCategory: string,
const generatedId = await this.articlesService.insertArticle(
return { id: generatedId };

NestJs monorepo shared lib injection

I have NestJS application with couple microservices stored in single repository (monorepo approach).
AccessControl module stores in libs, it should be shared across multiple microservices. It has AccessControlModule.ts file
providers: [
provide: 'CONNECTION1',
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
return ClientProxyFactory.create(
inject: [ConfigService],
exports: [ACGuard],
imports: [ConfigModule],
export class AccessControlModule implements OnModuleDestroy {
protected readonly orgConnection: ClientProxy,
) {}
onModuleDestroy(): any {
This file responsible for module description, it creates connection for another microservice and provide it to ACGuard service. ACGuard.ts:
export class ACGuard implements CanActivate {
private readonly reflector: Reflector,
private config: ConfigService,
private readonly userConnection: ClientProxy;
) {}
public async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
// do some stuff
This part by itself compiles well and logically works fine. Problem begins when I try to inject it into one of microservices. I do it as usual by adding AccessControlModule into import part of some module. For example KioskModule:
imports: [
providers: [
export class KiosksModule {}
Since AccessControlModule marked as Global and exports ACGuard I expect it to be injectable into my providers.
export class KiosksResolver {
kiosks() {
// ...
But this code falls on the compilation step with error:
[Nest] 9964 - 05/07/2020, 9:33:02 PM [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the ACGuard (Reflector, ConfigService, ?). Please make sure that the argument CONNECTION1 at index [2] is available in the KiosksModule context.
On the other hand, if i inject it in KiosksResolver's constructor, application builds successfully.
I will appreciate any help and ideas, thanks!
The way how i solved this issue was exporting CONNECTION1 provider in AccessControlModule.ts.
providers: [
provide: 'CONNECTION1',
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
return ClientProxyFactory.create(
inject: [ConfigService],
exports: [ACGuard, 'CONNECTION1'],
imports: [ConfigModule],
export class AccessControlModule ...
With this export KioskModule creates it's own ACGuard but provides here connection exported from AccessControlModule.
It's not clear for me why KioskModule doesn't get built instance of ACGuard exported from AccessControlModule but try build it once more.

Mock multiple TypeORM repositories in NestJS

I'm having trouble to mock multiple repositories from different modules in NestJS.
I'm using a UsersRepository from a UsersModule inside another module service (NotesService). The code is working fine, but I can't make the unit tests work.
I have the following error: Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the UserRepository (?). Please make sure that the argument Connection at index [0] is available in the TypeOrmModule context.
Minimal reproduction
// [users.module.ts]
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([User])],
controllers: [UsersController],
providers: [UsersService],
exports: [UsersService],
export class UsersModule {}
// [users.service.ts]
export class UsersService {
constructor(#InjectRepository(User) private usersRepository: UsersRepository) {}
// [notes.module.ts]
imports: [
TypeOrmModule.forFeature([Note, User]),
controllers: [NotesController],
providers: [NotesService],
export class NotesModule {
// [notes.service.ts]
export class NotesService {
#InjectRepository(Note) private notesRepository: NotesRepository,
#InjectRepository(User) private usersRepository: UsersRepository,
) {}
Here is my unit test configuration:
// [notes.service.spec.ts]
beforeEach(async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [UsersModule],
providers: [
{ provide: getRepositoryToken(Note), useFactory: repositoryMockFactory },
{ provide: getRepositoryToken(User), useFactory: repositoryMockFactory },
notesService = module.get<NotesService>(NotesService);
notesRepositoryMock = module.get(getRepositoryToken(Note));
The problem is I can't make a proper mock of the UsersRepository that comes from another module.
I tried importing TypeOrmModule directly inside the test, and everything I could but I can't make it work.
You don't need to import the UsersModule if you are directly providing the NotesService and the mocks that it will depend on. The reason for the error is that Nest is trying to resolve TypeormModule.forFeature([User]) from the UsersModule. Simply remove the import in the test and you should be golden.

How do I import a global provider into another global provider in NestJS?

I want to import the config provider from the documentation into another provider.
I am using the same config structure that is sown in the documentation here.
So the config.module.ts looks like this:
import { Module, Global } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from './config.service';
providers: [
provide: ConfigService,
useValue: new ConfigService(
`config/env/${process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'}.env`,
exports: [ConfigService],
export class ConfigModule {}
And the other provider should look something like this correct?
import { Module, Global } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TokenService} from './token.service';
import { ConfigService } from './config.service';
import: [ConfigService]
providers: [TokenService],
exports: [TokenService],
export class TokenModule {}
While the TokenService should look something like this
import { ConfigService } from '../../config/config.service';
export class TokenService {
constructor(private readonly configService: ConfigService) {}
test(): string {
return this.configService.get('TestVal');
But when I import TokenModule in AppModule I get this error The "path" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or URL. Received type undefined
You forgot to mark your TokenService as #Injectable(). You need to tell NestJS about arguments that need to be provided to other services.
