How to split a Dataframe column whose data is not unique - python-3.x

I have a column called users in dataframe which doesn't have a unique format. I am doing a data cleanup project as the data looks unreadable.
company Users
A [{"Name":"Martin","Email":"","EmpType":"Full"},{"Name":"Rick","Email":"","Dept":"HR"}]
B [{"Name":"John","Email":"","EmpType":"Full","Dept":"Sales" }]
I used the below query to this has broke down the data frame as below
df2 = df
df2 = df2.join(df['Users_config'].str.split('},{', expand=True).add_prefix('Users'))
company Users0 Users1
A "Name":"Martin","Email":"","EmpType":"Full" "Name":"Rick","Email":"","Dept":"HR"
B "Name":"John","Email":"","EmpType":"Full","Dept":"Sales"
and further breaking the above df with "," using the same query I got the output as
Company Users01 Users02 Users03 Users10 Users11 Users12
1 "Name":"Martin" "Email":"" "EmpType":"Full" "Name":"Rick" "Email":"" "Dept":"HR"
2 "Name":"John" "Email":"" "EmpType":"Full" "Dept":"Sales"
As this dataframe looks messy I want to get the output as below. I feel the best way to name the column is to use the column value "Name" from "Name":"Martin" itself and If we hardcore using df.rename the column name will get mismatch.
Company Name_1 Email_1 EmpType_1 Dept_1 Name_2 Email_2 Dept_2
1 Martin Full Rick "HR"
2 John" Full Sales
Is there any way I can get the above output from the original dataframe.

df['Users'] = df['Users'].apply(ast.literal_eval)
d = df.explode('Users').reset_index(drop=True)
d = d.join(pd.DataFrame(d.pop('Users').tolist()))
d = d.set_index(['company', d.groupby('company').cumcount().add(1).astype(str)]).unstack()
d.columns ='_'.join)
First we use ast.literal_eval to evaluate the strings in Users column, then use DataFrame.explode on column Users to create a dataframe d.
company Users
0 A {'Name': 'Martin', 'Email': '', 'EmpType': 'Full'}
1 A {'Name': 'Rick', 'Email': '', 'Dept': 'HR'}
2 B {'Name': 'John', 'Email': '', 'EmpType': 'Full', 'Dept': 'Sales'}
Create a new dataframe from the Users column in d and use DataFrame.join to join this new dataframe with d.
company Name Email EmpType Dept
0 A Martin Full NaN
1 A Rick NaN HR
2 B John Full Sales
Use DataFrame.groupby on column company then use groupby.cumcount to create a counter for each group, then use DataFrame.set_index to set the index of d as company + counter. Then use DataFrame.unstack to reshape the dataframe creating MultiIndex columns.
Name Email EmpType Dept
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
A Martin Rick Full NaN NaN HR
B John NaN NaN Full NaN Sales NaN
Finally use map along with .join to flatten the MultiIndex columns.
Name_1 Name_2 Email_1 Email_2 EmpType_1 EmpType_2 Dept_1 Dept_2
A Martin Rick Full NaN NaN HR
B John NaN NaN Full NaN Sales NaN


Map Pandas Series Containing key/value pairs to a new columns with data

I have a dataframe containing a pandas series (column 2) as below:
column 1
column 2
column 3
Requested By = John Doe 1\n Requested On = 12 October 2021\n Comments = This is a generic request
Requested By = John Doe 2\n Requested On = 2 September 2021\n Comments = This is another generic request
I'm struggling to extract, split and map column 2 data to a series of new column names with the appropriate data for that record (where possible, that is where there is data available as I have NaNs).
The Desired output is something like (where Ive dropped the column 3 data for legibility):
column 1
column 3
Requested By
Requested On
John Doe 1
12 October 2021
This is a generic request
John Doe 2
2 September 2021
This is another generic request
I have spent quite some time, trying various approaches, from lambda functions to comprehensions to explode methods but havent quite found a solution that provides the desired output.
First I would convert column 2 values to dictionaries and then convert them to Dataframes and join them to your df:
df['column 2'] = df['column 2'].apply(lambda x:
{y.split(' = ',1)[0]:y.split(' = ',1)[1]
for y in x.split(r'\n ')}
if not pd.isna(x) else {})
df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(df['column 2'].values.tolist())).drop('column 2', axis=1)
column 1 column 3 Requested By Requested On Comments
0 1123 INC29192 John Doe 1 12 October 2021 This is a generic request
1 1251 INC18217 NaN NaN NaN
2 1918 INC19281 John Doe 2 2 September 2021 This is another generic request

Pandas Drop an Entire Column if All of the Values equal a Certain Value

Let's say I have dataframes that looks like this:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
The logic I am trying to implement is something like this:
If all of column C = "NaN" then drop the entire column
Else if all of column C = "Member" drop the entire column
else do nothing
Any suggestions?
Edit: Added Expected Output
Expected Output if using on both data frames:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green
Edit #2: Why am I doing this in the first place?
I am ripping text from a PDF file into placing into CSV files using the Tabula library.
The data is not coming out in the way that I am hoping it would, so I am applying ETL concepts to move the data around.
The final outcome would be for management to be able to open the final result into a nicely formatted Excel file.
Some of the columns have part of the headers put into a separate row and things got shifted around for some reason while ripping the data out of the PDF.
The headers look something like this:
Team Type Member Contact
What I am doing is checking an entire column for certain header values. If the entire column has a header value, I'm dropping the entire column.
Idea is replace Member to missing values first, then test if at least one no missing value by notna with any and add all columns with Trues for mask by Series.reindex:
mask = (df[['c']].replace('Member',np.nan)
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1, fill_value=True))
print (mask)
Another idea id chain both mask by & for bitwise AND:
mask = ((df[['c']].notna() & df[['c']].ne('Member'))
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1, fill_value=True))
print (mask)
Last filter by columns in DataFrame.loc:
df = df.loc[:, mask]
Here's an alternate approach to do this.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
c = ['a','b','c']
d = [
['dave', 'blue', np.NaN],
['bill', 'red', np.NaN],
['sally', 'green', 'Member'],
['Ian', 'Org', 'Paid']]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(d,columns = c)
df2 = df1.loc[df1['a'] != 'Ian']
print (df1)
print (df2)
if df1.c.replace('Member',np.NaN).isnull().all():
df1 = df1[df1.columns.drop(['c'])]
print (df1)
if df2.c.replace('Member',np.NaN).isnull().all():
df2 = df2[df2.columns.drop(['c'])]
print (df2)
Output of this is:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green
my idea is simple, maybe it will help you. I wanna make sure that you want this one: drop the whole column if this column contains only NaN or 'Member' else do nothing.
So I need to check the column first (contain only NaN or 'Member'). We change 'Member' to NaN and use numpy for a test(or something else).
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['dave','bill','sally','ian'],'B':['blue','red','green','org'],'C':[np.nan,np.nan,'Member','Paid']})
df2 = df.drop(index=[3],axis=0)
# df 1
col = pd.Series([np.nan if x=='Member' else x for x in df['C'].tolist()])
if col.isnull().all():
df = df.drop(columns='C')
# df2
col = pd.Series([np.nan if x=='Member' else x for x in df2['C'].tolist()])
if col.isnull().all():
df2 = df2.drop(columns='C')
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 ian org Paid
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green

Python - Transpose/Pivot a column based based on a different column

I searched it and indeed I found a lot of similar questions but none of those seemed to answer my case.
I have a pd Dataframe which is a joined table consist of products and the countries in which they are sold.
It's 3000 rows and 50 columns in size.
I'm uploading a photo (only part of the df) of the current situation I'm in now and the expected result I want to achieve.
I want to transpose the 'Country name' column into rows grouped by the 'Product code name. Please note that the new country columns are not limited to a certain amount of countries (some products has 3, some 40).
Thank you!
Use .cumcount() to count the number of countries that a product has.
Then use .pivot() to get your dataframe in the right shape:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Country': ['NL', 'Poland', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'China', 'Egypt'],
'Product Code': ['123', '123', '115', '115', '117', '118'],
'Product Name': ['X', 'X', 'Y', 'Y', 'Z', 'W'],
df['cumcount'] = df.groupby(['Product Code', 'Product Name'])['Country'].cumcount() + 1
df_pivot = df.pivot(
index=['Product Code', 'Product Name'],
Resulting dataframe:
cumcount country_1 country_2
ProductCode Product Name
115 Y Spain Sweden
117 Z China NaN
118 W Egypt NaN
123 X NL Poland
Try this:
df_out = df.set_index(['Product code',
'Product name',
df.groupby('Product code').cumcount() + 1]).unstack()
df_out.columns = [f'Country_{j}' for _, j in df_out.columns]
Product code Product name Country_1 Country_2 Country_3
0 AAA115 Y Sweden China NaN
1 AAA117 Z Egypt Greece NaN
2 AAA118 W France Italy NaN
3 AAA123 X Netherlands Poland Spain
Reshape dataframe with set_index and unstack, using cumcount to create country columns. Then flatten multiindex header using list comprehension.

How can I create an aggregate/summary pandas dataframe based on overlapping dates derived from a more specific dataframe?

The following dataframe shows trips made by employees of different companies:
import pandas as pd
emp_trips = {'Name': ['Bob','Joe','Sue','Jack', 'Henry', 'Frank', 'Lee', 'Jack'],
'Company': ['ABC', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HIJ', 'HIJ', 'DEF', 'DEF', 'DEF'],
'Depart' : ['01/01/2020', '01/01/2020', '01/06/2020', '01/01/2020', '05/01/2020', '01/13/2020', '01/12/2020', '01/14/2020'],
'Return' : ['01/31/2020', '02/15/2020', '02/20/2020', '03/01/2020', '05/05/2020', '01/15/2020', '01/30/2020', '02/02/2020'],
'Charges': [10.10, 20.25, 30.32, 40.00, 50.01, 60.32, 70.99, 80.87]
df = pd.DataFrame(emp_trips, columns = ['Name', 'Company', 'Depart', 'Return', 'Charges'])
# Convert to date format
df['Return']= pd.to_datetime(df['Return'])
df['Depart']= pd.to_datetime(df['Depart'])
Name Company Depart Return Charges
0 Bob ABC 2020-01-01 2020-01-31 10.10
1 Joe ABC 2020-01-01 2020-02-15 20.25
2 Sue ABC 2020-01-06 2020-02-20 30.32
3 Jack HIJ 2020-01-01 2020-03-01 40.00
4 Henry HIJ 2020-05-01 2020-05-05 50.01
5 Frank DEF 2020-01-13 2020-01-15 60.32
6 Lee DEF 2020-01-12 2020-01-30 70.99
7 Jack DEF 2020-01-14 2020-02-02 80.87
How can I create another dataframe based on the following aspects:
The original dataframe is based on employee names/trips.
The generated dataframe will be based on companies grouped by overlapping dates.
The 'Name' column will not be included as it is no longer needed.
The 'Company' column will remain.
The 'Depart' date will be of the earliest date of any overlapping trip dates.
The 'Return' date will be of the latest date of any overlapping trip dates.
Any company trips that do not have overlapping dates will be its own entry/row.
The 'Charges' for each trip will be totaled for the new company entry.
Here is the desired output of the new dataframe:
Company Depart Return Charges
0 ABC 01/01/2020 02/20/2020 60.67
1 HIJ 01/01/2020 03/01/2020 40.00
2 HIJ 05/01/2020 05/05/2020 50.01
3 DEF 01/12/2020 02/02/2020 212.18
I've looked into the following as possible solutions:
Create a hierarchical index based on the company and date. As I worked through this, I realized that all this really does is create a hierarchical index but that's based on the specific columns. Also, this method won't aggregate the individual rows into summary rows.
df1 = df.set_index(['Company', not exactly sure how to say overlapping dates])
I also tried using timedelta but it resulted in True/False values in a separate column, and I'm not entirely sure how that would be used to combine into a single row based on overlapping date and company. Also, I don't think groupby('Company') works since there could be different trips and that non-overlapping that would require their own rows.
df['trips_overlap'] = (df.groupby('Company')
.apply(lambda x: (x['Return'].shift() - x['Depart']) > timedelta(0))
.reset_index(level=0, drop=True))

Set Value for a Particular column in duplicated DataFrame using index

I've created a Pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd
students = [('jack', 34, 'Sydeny'),
('Riti', 30, 'Delhi'),
('Aadi', 16, 'New York'),
('Riti', 30, 'Delhi'),
('Riti', 30, 'Delhi'),
('Riti', 30, 'Mumbai'),
('Aadi', 40, 'London'),
('Sachin', 30, 'Delhi')
# Create a DataFrame object
dfObj = pd.DataFrame(students, columns=['Name', 'Age', 'City'])
I want to find the duplicated values from the above DataFrame so used inbuild duplicated() to find duplicate values
duplicateRowsDF = dfObj[dfObj.duplicated()]
and got this
Duplicate Rows except first occurrence based on all columns are :
Name Age City
3 Riti 30 Delhi
4 Riti 30 Delhi
Then I wanted to change the values in the duplicateRowsDF Name column so I tried to iterate through duplicateRowsDF
for i in range(len(duplicateRowsDF)):[i,'Name']= 'rohit'
but the contents of duplicateRowsDF haven't changed instead it added two news rows with new index
Name Age City
3 Riti 30.0 Delhi
4 Riti 30.0 Delhi
0 rohit NaN NaN
1 rohit NaN NaN
I want output like
Name Age City
3 rohit 30.0 Delhi
4 rohit 30.0 Delhi
Any suggestions?
You can create new column in filtered DataFrame with DataFrame.copy for avoid possible SettingWithCopyWarning:
duplicateRowsDF = dfObj[dfObj.duplicated()].copy()
duplicateRowsDF['Name'] = 'rohit'
Or use DataFrame.assign:
duplicateRowsDF = dfObj[dfObj.duplicated()].assign(Name='rohit')
Your solution is possible, but slow with DataFrame.iat and Index.get_loc for positions:
for i in range(len(duplicateRowsDF)):
duplicateRowsDF.iat[i,duplicateRowsDF.columns.get_loc('Name')]= 'rohit'
You don't need a loop, just use .loc
duplicateRowsDF = dfObj.loc[dfObj.duplicated()]
duplicateRowsDF.loc[:,'Name'] = 'rohit'
Name Age City
3 rohit 30 Delhi
4 rohit 30 Delhi
