Add attachments in a rich text dokument - domino-appdev-pack

I am currently trying to add an attachment to a rich text field. I try to do this, so that I can replicate the current workflow, in which the user edits the document, selects the rich text field and adds the attachment with the attachment-button. After the document was saved, the user can click the image and view or save it.
Is it currently possible to replicate that workflow with the domino-db or richtext package from the app-dev-pack 1.0.5?

That functionality is not yet supported. You can add attachments to a document, but they won't be linked to a hot spot in the rich text.


Domino Designer - send an email notification with the preview of the saved form

I have a survey that will rate the "Seller" regarding the "Performance" and "Improvement". I need to send an email notification together with an actual copy of my rating. What command can I use?
Attached is the screen capture of the actual survey. In that example, Janine must be able to see through email my rating for her.
You could create a separate Form defined "On Create: Inherit entire selected document into richtext field / as rich text".
when your survey is open, compose this form, copy the Rich Text content and put it in a mail.
You can also design this form to be mail ready (call the Rich Text Body, add the sendto field...)

How to format link in email to open an Xpage App

I am sending out an HTML email to our users every week in which I want to include links to certain documents and then a link to the overall database. The database is an Xpage db.
On my docs I have a field only visible to me in which I compute the link I need. The format is as follows:
What I want is the URL to open not just a specific document, but the Xpages app in general. Everything I try opens up the all documents view.
If I put this in the address bar, it works fine. If I put it in a link, it goes to the all documents view.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could try formatting it as: notes://servername/__.nsf/nameOfXpageYouWantToOpenTo.xsp?OpenXPage
Have you set the launch properties for the database? You can specify a designated XPage in there too.
The format you are looking for is:
in the "someview" view you add a form formula to point to an empty form that has the property set "open XPage instead" - careful there are 2 of them: for web and client.
If you don't use native forms and the Xpage is always the same, then you can skip the step with the form formula and the extra form and edit the properties of the existing form.
Paul's solution should work too.
Use this code syntax to open any XPage in the Notes client:
Additional details:
And use the following to open a specific document in the XPage where unid is the unique document identifier for the document:

How to create Lotus form to both enter data and display the same information (Lotus Designer)

Very new to Lotus designer.
I am trying to create a simple form with a field which is updated from time with additional information. I want the admin user to be able to update this information on the same form interface as the user viewing the information.
It appears I do not really understand how to get the form to display information entered into it previously.
I did Ctrl+shift view of the database and saw all the previous entries but I can not seem to get the form to display these information as well as allow me to append to them.
Kindly help.
Have a look at the online Domino Designer help - for instance the sections on designing forms:
A form is used to create a new document or to edit an existing document. Since you say that you can see the previous entries, you must be creating a new document for each entry.
If you want to see and modify the contents of an existing document, you have to navigate to the document and open it for edit.
If you want the user to see a list of all the previous documents while he is creating a new one, you can add an embedded view to the form and use that to display data from the previous documents.
If you want all the information to be in a single document, then you need to stop creating new documents and just select the exiting document, open it for edit, make your changes, and re-save the document.

Programmatically Modify EditForm.aspx

I am working with document upload, after upload, it takes user to EditForm.aspx, where I do not want few of the fields displayed.
How do I hide Fields from EditForm.aspx programmatically? Including automated deployment.
You don't.
You simply update the list fields to set them as non editable via the ShowInEditForm property.

How to save a word template for a content type without filling in required fields

I have a content type that has required fields. I have associated Word document with the content type as a template. I now want to edit the Word template, but word won't allow me to save the template without filling in the required fields. However, if I fill in the required fields and save the document, then those fields get populated with my values when you create a new document. This isn't good because I want the fields to be blank when a new document is created - I want the users to be forced to fill in those values.
I can update the templace by updating the colums and making them optional, editing the word template, saving the template & then changing the columns back to required. This is a PITA - there's got to be a better way, does anyone know what it is?
I've been using this work around: When I edit the template (ie go to the content type settings --> Advanced settings --> Edit Template), I make my changes and save the file locally. Then, on the same page that I clicked the "Edit Template" link, I upload the copy that I saved locally. Saving it locally avoids the validation that happens when you try to save it back to SharePoint. But the validation still gets applied to any new documents of that content type. So no need to toggle the settings off & on! :)
Have you tried saving the document as a normal document content type, making the changes, saving it, then moving back over the top of where the old version of the template was?
The only solution I've found is to modify document templates on library level. Just upload a new document template for the required content type.
However, this will not work if you'd like to re-use one and same content type across different document libraries.
