DialogFlow - send custom payload for telegram such as video - dialogflow-es

I need to send video file from dialog flow as URI to telegram user.
"telegram": {
"video": "https://"
Tried to guess JSON format for fulfillment message via "payload" but nothing works.
And I could not find documentation about the required format.
How to do it ?

So apparently you cannot send a video in Telegram. According to doc the only supported rich responses are Image, Card, Quick Replay, and Custom Payload (which includes text and hyperlink). If you want to send the link here's the format of custom response:
"telegram": {
"text": "You can read about *entities* [here](/docs/concept-entities).",
"parse_mode": "Markdown"


Google Dialogflow Quick Replies formatting issues in Telegram

I had create a chatbot using Dialogflow and integrated it with Facebook Messenger & Telegram. I noticed that for the Quick Replies in Telegram (Link 1) appears differently in FB Messenger (Link 2). Is there any way to make it nicer and more presentable in Telegram?
Facebook Messenger
This is my Quick Replies settings in Dialogflow.
in DialogFlow you can indeed (as Marc pointed out) use a Custom Payload for Telegram, here it is an example:
"telegram": {
"text": "What would you like help with?",
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "Daily News",
"callback_data": "news"
"text": "New Features",
"callback_data": "features"
The quick replies appear a buttons you can click (notice the actual response is sent but not displayed within the chat).
All the best!
That is NOT possible.
Each Channel (Facebook Messenger, Telegram etc.) has its own UI components and its own styling. Those can't be changed as they are rendered/controlled by the channel it self.
What Dialogflow doing is giving you the ability to show these UI components in each channel without making you handle the different implementation needed for each channel.
Dialogflow also gives you the ability to send Custom Payloads where you can send a custom JSON (that should be compatible with the channel you are connected to) That can be used if the channel for example has a UI component that is not yet supported by Dialogflow.
If the channel gives you an option to change a property in the UI components you are using, you could do that using Custom JSON, But still you are always limited to how each channel renders the UI components and what features they provide us

Dialogflow Web Integration not showing Quick Replies and Multiple Replies

I've created a chatbot using Dialogflow and integrated it with Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Web.
The response for Dialogflow is created via Fulfillment written in Python.
In Telegram and Facebook Messenger I am getting replies as expected for each message from user.
But now when I am trying integration for Web, I've noticed that the replies from chatbot does not show multiple reply messages/lines and Quick Replies.
Below is screenshot when user say 'Hi' to the chat bot in Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Web and Dialogflow console respectively. Why is this happening and how can I fix this?
Below is the Fulfillment response JSON:
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"Greetings from Tulsi Village!!!",
"My name is Appu. I am your virtual assistant.",
"How can I help you?"
"quickReplies": {
"quickReplies": [
The rendering of response depends on the client you are using.
Telegram, Facebook Messenger, are able to render the quick-replies and multi-line replies.
But the web-demo which you are using does not support these, hence you are not able to see quick-replies and multi-line replies.
If you want to integrate it with a website, you need to design it in such a way that it can render the json response and show it correctly. Web-demo is not designed to render these.

Slack bot send an image

I am developing a bot for slack. I am implementing a notification functionality, where it will send a notification for every one hour. Currently, I am sending normal text in notification, but I need to send an image along with text. Is it possible to send an image?
You can send images as part of the attachments of a message. That can be either a full image or a thumbnail.
Just add the image_url property for full images or the thumb_url property for a thumbnail image with a url to an image to your attachment and it will be displayed under your message. You can also send multiple images through adding multiple attachments.
Example attachment: (based on official Slack documentation example)
"attachments": [
"fallback": "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
"text": "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
"image_url": "http://my-website.com/path/to/image.jpg",
"thumb_url": "http://example.com/path/to/thumb.png"
This works with all approaches for sending message, e.g. API method, Incoming webhook, response to slash commands etc.
See here for the official Slack documentation for attachments.

Getting the email id from the Outlook REST API when sending email

I am trying to use the Microsoft Rest API to send emails on behalf of our users. When I create a message as a draft, I get back an ID that I can use in future requests for editing, deleting, viewing the full conversation (after it is sent), etc.
I do not want to save it as a draft since I have no reason to, I just want to send it directly. After it is sent, I would still like to view the full conversation. However, if I just send the email (using the /sendmail endpoint), I do not get that ID. Is there anyway to get it? Here is my request:
POST https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/Users/email/sendmail
"Message": {
"Subject": "Test",
"Importance": "Normal",
"ToRecipients": [{
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "<email>",
"Name": "<name>"
"Sender": {
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "<email",
"Name": "<name>"
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML",
"Content": "<html>\\n<head>\\n <style>\\n p { color: red; }\\n </style> \\n</head>\\n<body>\\n <p>Test</p>\\n</body>\\n</html>\\n"
"SaveToSentItems": "true"
The HTTP response code is 202, the email sends, but the body is empty (no content, whatsoever).
I don't think this matters, since I can recreate this in Postman, but I am running this in Nodejs using the node-outlook package.
Emails in Exchange via REST and EWS are submitted for transport, but the actual send and subsequent save to the sent items folder are done async. This is why you don't get the id. Transport is who actually writes the email to the sent items folder, not REST.
If you really need to find the item after it has been saved to the sentItems folder, set something like the PR_SEARCH_KEY and then do a view of the sent items folder and seek to that search key value.
Also note when you save a draft, the id that you get back will be different than the id of the item in the sent items folder because the folder Id is part of the id of the item, so that id wouldn't help you anyways.
I don't know which rest api version are you using (i'm using v2.0) but i will try to explain this issue. Sorry for my english i advance.
You have 2 ways to reply a message: on the fly way or the complete way.
On the fly way
Its the easy way, just send a post request to
and with the body
"Comment": "This is your message in plain text or html code"
and thats all.
The problem with this methos that you can only send plain text or HTML, no attachments or anything else. If that's all you need this is your best option.
The complete way
If you need to send an attachment or perform any other action you need to perform these 3 steps:
1. Create a draft from the message you want to reply
Send a post request to
This will give you an json object save the "Id" property {draft_id} of this draft for later use.
2. Update the draft
Send a patch request to
and with the body
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML or Text",
"Content": "Your response in plain text or html"
or any other parameter you want to change.
3. Send the draft
Send a post request to
And thats it.
If you need more info abut this check https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/mail-rest-operations

Microsoft Bot Framework attachments for Facebook messenger

Microsoft Bot Framework messages with buttons in Facebook Messenger
My question relates to the question linked aboved. I am writing a bot using node.js that does not use the bot builder sdk. I manually returning a compatible response for the ms bot connector service. This is working fine for a text response, but I wish to return more complicated responses, e.g the buttons/carousel you can return with messenger. Based on the question I linked above, I guessed the format and added the below:
response.attachments = [ { "Title": "Choose One: ", "Actions": [{ "Title": "Postback!", "Message": "Postback from button" }, { "Title": "Postback2!", "Message": "Postback2 from button" }] } ];
The top level title seems to do nothing but the actions render as postback type buttons correctly (they send the Message as the postback content). With messenger you also have the option to return url based buttons, and image urls.
As far as I can tell there is zero documentation on returning attachments using the node bot builder sdk. If there were I'd just write the bot with the sdk in order to obtain the response format.
So my question is, does anyone know how to correctly return both postback and url based buttons to the bot connnector service, including accompanying images, with or without the bot builder sdk?
Update 05/05/2016
So I found the link below and you can see a definition of the attachments property:
If you follow it to the IAttachment specification, it makes me wonder how/why my code above works at all? As a test of that format I wrote in the following:
var att = {};
att.content = "I am content";
att.contentType = "text/plain";
att.contentUrl = "http://www.google.com";
att.fallbackText = "I am fallback text";
att.text = "I am text";
att.thumbnailUrl = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/638751551457103872/KN-NzuRl.png";
att.title ="I am title";
att.titleLink = "http://yahoo.com";
Now in slack I get a fairly nice output from this:
However in messenger I get "Service Error:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"
I found the info I needed. Not sure if it hadn't been published at the time or whether I was just hunting in the bot builder docs, but it's all detailed fairly well below.
You have to tweak your message a little for certain integrations, e.g Skype doesn't really seem to support attachments.
