Linking static native library to managed C++ project pulls unused (and unexpected) dependencies in - visual-c++

Managed (/clr) C++ project (.dll) statically links native C++ library (which is compiled with /MD). Static library is big and references a lot of other libraries, but functionality used by managed C++ code is trivial and shouldn't pull in any additional dependencies.
linking fails with LNK2001 and LNK2019 mentioning symbols that code definitely does not depend on
even if I add required dependencies, switching toolset (e.g. migrating from VS2017 to VS2019) causes errors to come back (this time mentioning other dependencies)
What happens:
Apparently, /clr switch causes compiler to treat inlined functions differently -- they are no longer get embedded into .obj files (as "weak symbols"), instead they get referenced in the table of imports. This means linker has to find things like:
"public: virtual char const * __cdecl std::exception::what(void)const " (?what#exception#std##UEBAPEBDXZ)
... which it does and (since CRT libraries are DEFAULTLIB and therefore are used last) typically it finds it in other library (namely, in aforementioned static native lib). So, it finds first .obj file in static lib that contains std::exception::what() and pulls it in -- meaning we now depend on everything said .obj depends. This explains problem #1 (bogus linker errors).
Now, if you compile your static lib with another toolset -- obj files can be stored in different order, causing problem #2.
To reproduce the issue you can use this code (make sure managed project links static lib):
// statlib.cpp
#include <exception>
void this_is_a_trap() { throw std::exception(); }
extern int bar();
int foo() { return bar(); }
// clrdll.cpp (managed code)
#include <exception>
__declspec(dllexport) void oops()
throw std::exception();
If you link with /VERBOSE flag you'll see smth like:
1> Searching C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.17763.0\um\x64\oleaut32.lib:
1> Searching C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.17763.0\um\x64\uuid.lib:
1> Searching C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.17763.0\um\x64\odbc32.lib:
1> Searching C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.17763.0\um\x64\odbccp32.lib:
1> Searching C:\tst\x64\Release\statlib.lib:
1> Found "public: virtual char const * __cdecl std::exception::what(void)const " (?what#exception#std##UEBAPEBDXZ)
1> Referenced in clrdll.obj
1> Loaded statlib.lib(statlib.obj) <-- Now we depend on `bar()`
What is the best way to deal with this?
adding msvcrt.lib to linker inputs (before other static libs) helps, but not always -- certain symbols (such as std::bad_weak_ptr::what() aren't present in msvcrt.lib)
this problem is the root cause for this SO post

In mixed (/clr and native) code std::exception::what() (and other similar symbols) do get inlined, but these definitions are managed (not native). Which normally is not an issue, but native code refers to native definition via std::exception's vtable. Normally, such reference (once it fails to resolve) gets redirected to managed definition (which is generated, as stated above), but in this case -- native definition is found in another object (random object from native static library) before "redirection" kicks in, causing that object to be referenced.
See details here. MS is figuring out a best way to deal with this.


Possible to use older vc6 .lib built in VS2003 in a VS2010 or newer project? Getting LNK2001 errors on one repeated function call (type_info::name)

I'm working on an older c++ Visual Studio 2003 project which uses a static .lib (of which the source code is lost to time) that I would like to move to Visual studio 2010 or newer. There are a bunch of LNK2001 linker errors, all to the same symbol, when trying to build in 2010:
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) >public: char const * >__thiscall type_info::name(void)const " (__imp_?>name#type_info##QBEPBDXZ)
After doing some digging, it appears that trying to build with an older static library in a newer version of MS c++ is troublesome or possibly impossible and this particular error occurs because the newer MSVCRT.dll used by VS2005+ has a different definition for type_info::name(void):
There is an MSDN forum issue here with the same problem, which it appears the original poster may have gotten a solution to - he at least got it to build, which I was not able to do using the workaround given of putting the following code into the project:
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma warning(disable:4273)
struct __type_info_node {
void *memPtr;
__type_info_node* next;
extern __type_info_node __type_info_root_node;
class type_info {
__declspec(dllimport) const char* name() const;
__declspec(dllimport) const char* name(__type_info_node*) const;
const char* type_info::name() const {
return name(&__type_info_root_node);
I tried building in different ways with that code - inserted into an existing file, a new file, and compiling it into a .obj and using the lib.exe tool to update the original .lib with said .obj and then building, but all attempts ended up with the original errors or different ones - redefinition errors for type_info::name. I'm fairly new to c/c++ & VS so maybe I'm missing something.
Does anyone know of a way to workaround this and build in a newer version of VS? Or am I stuck using the 2003 version?

inconsistent dll linkage & definition of dllimport static data member not allowed

Assuming I have these two files:
class DLL ExportClass{
static int test;
#ifdef EXPORT
#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL __declspec(dllimport)
#include "Header.h"
int ExportClass::test = 0;
And I won't define EXPORT (to import a already exported class with a static member), why do I get these warnings:
1>source.cpp(11): warning C4273: 'test' : inconsistent dll linkage
1> header.h(4) : see previous definition of 'public: static int ExportClass::test'
1>source.cpp(13): warning C4273: 'ExportClass::ExportClass' : inconsistent dll linkage
1> header.h(3) : see previous definition of '{ctor}'
And this error:
1>source.cpp(11): error C2491: 'ExportClass::test' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowed
If I define EXPORT it works. I kind of understand the warnings, but I thought, that the static variable and the ctor could be ignored by the compiler, because the whole class is declared as __declspec(dllimport) anyway. I want to use the same codebase for the __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport) - but it seems the compiler stll tries to define these symbols that are marked as __declspec(dllexport) in their declaration. What is the common practice to solve this problem?
You are expecting the compiler to ignore a very serious mishap. It encountered the __declspec(dllimport) attribute on the class declaration, that quite unequivocally states that the class implementation is present in different module that's going to bound at runtime. But then it encountered the definition as well, completely unexpected since the attribute contract says that it is compiled in an entirely different project.
The C4273 warning is generated to remind you that it is very unclear what function is actually going to execute at runtime. There are two, one that is busy compiling, another in the DLL. Which one will actually execute is a wild guess. C4273 is a level 1 warning, the kind that fit the "this is almost surely wrong" category. It is not entirely impossible to work okay since there's some expectation that the functions have at least the same code. The odds that will not cause trouble are however not great, it could only work if the function doesn't have any side effects that change the internal DLL state. Very hard to diagnose bug when it does btw.
Then it encountered the exported variable. Same case, there are two of them. This is where the compiler programmer put his foot down, having code randomly use one or the other is no longer something that can be ignored. That just cannot ever work, the variables cannot have the same value. So C2491 is a hard error.
No idea how you got in this pickle, clearly the road you're trying to travel will make you fall off a steep cliff.
The only way I can reproduce your problem is to do the following:
Create a Win32 DLL project, call it Project1
Add the source code as you described
Compile the DLL and LIB
Change the project properties to remove EXPORT from the preprocessor definitions
Attempt to compile again (then I see your errors/warnings)
If, instead of steps 4 and 5, I do the following, I do not see an error:
Create a Win32 console application, call it Project2
Add source code as follows:
#include "Project1.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "Project1.lib")
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
ExportClass pClass;
return 0;
I suspect you see those errors because you are doing everything from the same DLL project and it is overwriting the LIB that it previously created and then attempting to import it.
If I am correct in guessing what you did, can you try using your DLL/LIB from another project and see what happens?
Although it is an old thread, it will be probably read by others. Therefore, if you want to make this code cross-compilable, I would usually define a header "export.h" like:
#pragram once
#if ! defined(DLL_API)
# if defined(_WIN32) // for windows builds
# if defined(myDLL_EXPORTS)
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else // for linux builds
# define DLL_API
# endif
and include it in all the classes (.h) you want to export from your dll. You will also have to define the variable myDLL_EXPORTS as a parameter of the compiler for the dll project.
The way it works is very simple, when you are compiling your dynamic library (dll/so), because the variable myDLL_EXPORTS is defined, the compiler will replace DLL_API with __declspec(dllexport) so that your class can be consumed by the user of your dll. Conversely, when you are including the header file where you want to use your class at, because the variable myDLL_EXPORTS is not defined in the consumer project (it is defined only in the DLL project), the compiler will replace myDLL_EXPORT with __declspec(dllimport), so it knows that your class symbols are defined somewhere else (in this case, defined in your dll/so).
Finally, as __declspec(...) is a Windows-only thing, for linux we replace DLL_API with nothing.

MSVC: __declspec(dllexport) does not symbols

I have a small issue when it comes to writing a DLL in MSVC (the 2010 version in particular).
My program consists of the main part and a DLL. The DLL contains a function that is
__declspec(dllexport) int test_function(void) {
return 42;
The file is compiled using a DLL project (not using pre-compiled headers, I have chosen a empty DLL project). Now, when I want to list the exported symbols using the dumpbin tool, the test_function is not listed under exports. Is there a specific setting that forces __declspec(dllexport) to actually export symbols?
Any help is welcome. Thank you!
That should do it. If this is the whole code, check the following:
1) You are actually checking the correct dll. Look at the timestamp. Double-check the location and the name.
2) You are compiling the specified cpp (I take it your definition is in the cpp file). Just because the file is in the directory doesn't mean it gets compiled, make sure it is added to the project.
3) Make sure your function is not excluded from the compilation unit by preprocessor directives.
Also look for other symbols and try to see what differences are there between the symbols that get exported and your function.
If this fails, you should move __declspec(dllexport) to your .h file and the definition (without __declspec(dllexport) ) to your .cpp. It might not be exported because the compiler might try to optimize it out by inlining it.

MSVC unresolved external symbol linking executables

I have two existing executables A and T, in the same solution that both ran just fine before I touched them. In executable A is a header defining a class P, and a prototype for a static instance MyP. The definitions are compiled in project A. In executable T, I wanted to call member functions of MyP in project A, so I added dllimport/export macros to the declarations of the class and MyP in the headers (not at the definitions), and included the headers in project T. The dllimport/export macros are standard, and A_EXPORTS is defined in project A, but not in T.
#ifdef A_EXPORTS
#define A_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define A_API __declspec(dllimport)
//various definitions and includes, defining ENUM_RECORDING_TYPE and ERROR
A_API HFILE viosopen(const _TCHAR *path, ENUM_RECORDING_TYPE rt, int flags);
A_API struct P {
ERROR B(SHORT phraseNum);
A_API extern P MyP;
I added project A as a dependency on project T in the solution. A still compiles fine, but T comes up with unresolved external symbol "__declspec(import) <snip> referenced in function <snip> for the function calls, and unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class P MyP" <snip> for the static object. I also see in the output log, right after it starts linking: Creating library Debug/A.lib and object Debug/A.exp which seems ominous since it's supposed to be linking against the existing executable.
My question is: how can I tell MSVC 2010 where those are? I thought simply setting A as a dependency would have it figure that out automatically. I can link against the existing executable, right?
To statically link your program you don't need the __declspec() stuff and you don't need a separate project to create a LIB file. I think you can just link using the .obj file from your A project.
Your A project has a header file and presumably has a .cpp file that contains the implementation of the items described in that header. Let's say your header file is foo.h and the associated implementation is foo.cpp. When compiled, there should be a foo.obj intermediate file in the <solutiondir>\A\Debug or <solutiondir>\A\release intermediate folder. That file can be used by the linker.
In project T's properties, find Linker | Input and change the "Additional Dependencies" property to include the foo.obj file. One approach would be to use a relative file path to locate the file - for example ..\A\Debug\foo.obj in your debug configuration. Another approach is to use the simple file name in "Additional Dependencies" - foo.obj - and then use Linker | General | Additional Library Directories" to help the linker find the file - e.g., ..\A\$(IntDir). Using the $(IntDir) macro has the advantage that the same value works for Debug and Release settings.
Remember to set up a build dependency from your T project to your A project to be sure the A project is compiled first. Otherwise the foo.obj file might not exist when the T linker comes to look for it. In the Solution properties, select Project Dependencies and then set Project T depends on Project A.
To dynamically link you need to use the A.LIB file as #ajay said. The __declspec(DllImport) tells the compiler what functions and data you are importing but doesn't tell it where you are importing those things from.
Using the A.LIB file as input to the linker is much the same as using the foo.obj file in the statically linking case except that the lib file ends up in the solution output directory <solutiondir>\Debug instead of the project intermediate directory <solutiondir>\A\Debug.
This walkthrough on creating and using a DLL might be useful background.
I asssume project A is DLL not an EXE, which is successfully producing a LIB file.
You need to use the A.LIB as Linker Input in project B. Just producing LIB file wont make other projects automatically link to it.

.h, .dll and .lib confusion

I'm new to vc++. I've just built a software and it generated a .dll and a .lib. I need to use functions from this in my code. Do I need to link to both .lib and .dll to build my code? What project properties do I have to alter to do this linking?
Actually, you need only the .dll file. It contains all the necessary code and data to run it's functions. It also contains a table that links the symbolic names of the functions (e.g. the function PrintMe), their ordinals (the number of that function in the DLL) and their addresses in the DLL.
If you want to use only the DLL, you have to "manually" get the symbols resolved:
Let's say you want to use the function PrintMe of the DLL. What you had to do is to resolve it's name (PrintMe) or it's ordinal (PrintMe is the 1st function of the DLL) to it's address. For this, you could use LoadLibrary, GetModuleHandle and GetProcAdress from the Win32 API (aka Windows SDK). Additionally, this method allows you to load the DLL at runtime (see below).
The easier way is to use the MSVC(++) features __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport), e.g.
// your DLL
__declspec(dllexport) void PrintMe()
printf("Hello World!");
// you project to use the DLL
__declspec(dllimport) void PrintMe();
The first one (dllexport) tells the compiler to export the function. The second one (dllimport) is the interesting one: It creates all the necessary code to be able to use the function from the DLL.
For this, you need the .lib file in your project (which wants to use the DLL). The .lib file contains information for the linker to resolve the symbol name (PrintMe) to its address in the DLL. Since the .lib is statically bound, the linker can make use of it - the DLL on the contrary is bound at runtime / loading time, so the linker cannot use it. (Yes, the information in the .lib file is redundant.). Note: You cannot change the whole DLL when using this method w/o rebuilding your project with the new .lib file. Some structure changes affect the addresses of the functions in the DLL, see this SO answer.
One last difference between using the Win32 API (LoadLibrary...) and the MSVC method via __declspec is the loading of the DLL. When you use LoadLibrary, the DLL is loaded at runtime, of course (so you can catch exceptions when it cannot be found and so on). The other method loads the DLL at loading time, so you program will terminate (will not run) when Windows cannot find the DLL.
When you create a project in VS, you can activate the "export symbols" checkbox at the end of a wizard (Win32 project). That gives you some examples of exported symbols. Additionally, it introduces a macro plus a preprocessor defition plus some directives that are very useful:
// DLL header
#define YOUR_DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define YOUR_DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
You now can use this header file to build you DLL as your DLL project has that _YOUR_DLL_EXPORTS definition (see project properties page, C++, preprocessor). The project that uses the DLL can use this header, too, but then must not have such a name defined. When you include the header file in the project in which you want to use the DLL, the macro is resolved to __declspec(dllimport). This instructs the linker to look for this function (which is found in the .lib file) and create all the necessary code to load the DLL at runtime and resolve the symbol name.
