Serverless SignalR Service - What do Azure Functions provide? - azure

Say I'm working with an Azure SignalR Service run in serverless mode to implement a chat application. I'm wondering why would we use Azure Functions for this. What do they provide us? Couldn't we just build the connection with the SignalR Service on our own directly? Or say, after we negotiate an access token with an Azure Function, why can't we just use the connection we build with that token to broadcast messages, rather than relying on an additional Azure Function to broadcast messages?

In the past, people used to couple SignalR in their own web api or mvc project. The problem was that when there was a need to scale, it wasn't possible to scale things separately. Also, when comes to SignalR, it's hard to work with sticky sessions for example. This is when they released Azure SignalR Service, a managed service that would implement the backplane pattern for you.
More info:
The last piece would be to separate the real time bi-directional communication from the webapi / mvc project. They added Azure Functions as it's a light weight and easier to scale when comparating with webapi / mvc.
why can't we just use the connection we build with that token to
broadcast messages, rather than relying on an additional Azure
Function to broadcast messages
A: It's because the function is not being executed 100% time.


Single entry point for list of APIs hosted in Azure App Service

I have 7 APIs (API Apps) hosted in Azure App Service and I have a client app (SPA) which consumes all these APIs currently. For better maintainability at the client side, i would like to have a single entry point for all these APIs. Therefore, the APIs wouldn't be exposed to the client directly.
With the single entry point i can validate the authenticity (AD B2C token) of the client call and then route the request to respective API. In this case, the response from any API would return through the entry point to the client app.
I have couple of thoughts to implement this flow as below:
Azure API management would be a fit for my use case. However, the cost of the service looks little high for me.
Create one more API which would sit in-front of all the existing APIs, then it would act as an entry point of each request which comes from web app client. Here, for 'App Service Plan' a high end tier should be chosen to process thousands of request per second. I am expecting one thousand requests/second.
As i just started with Azure, i would like to take suggestions from you on achieving my use case. Please let me know your thoughts on suitable solution.
p.s, All the APIs are .net core web api (3.1)
Since you've already crossed out API Management, I would say creating a API "traffic router" is your best solution. You could use something like Application Gateway and use url routing to direct to a pool but you'll have to check the pricing to see if that works for you.
I would however, if it's not too difficult, place your 7 APIs into on one API project and just have the various controllers for your API endpoint. I certainly get if that's not possible. Should that be the case, I would place all API app services inside a VNet and restrict access so that only app services on that VNet could talk to it. That way, your "traffic router" API app can do the authorization and be able to talk to the other 7 API apps.

How to secure Azure Serverless Microservice Architecture?

I am trying to build Serverless Microservice Architecture
Azure services used by me are:
Azure CDN
Azure Active Directory
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Functions
Azure Event Grid
Azure SignalR Service
Which below tools do I need mange and secure my API in Azure Serverless Microservice Architecture?
Azure Traffic Manager
Azure Application Gateway
Azure API Management
Azure Function Proxy
Links Referred by me are :
Please help
I understand above tools and it purpose but what I can't understand is do I require them, if yes in what order, all I am developing is an Angular 2+ app, post a Command Event to Azure Functions/Logic Apps using REST api returning RequestId (and triggering chain of events) and subscribing to that RequestId to listen for Domain Event.
This is very broad Architecture question. All the services you mentioned have specific purpose. You can even secure your functions without using any of them by simply turning on authentication on functions.
I would suggest reading all of them in details can help you identify which service may suit your needs in this case. e.g. Traffic manager is used for cross region traffic distribution and may not be required in your case. Function proxies and Api management overlap in few cases and really depends on what you are trying to achieve. To get better idea you may need to share your architecture diagram.

Azure Web API - how to communicate between services

I'm currently developing a SOA based architecture in Azure, using disparate Web API services (they'd probably qualify as Microservices, but I'm hesitant to use the term).
I have a service which is triggered by the Azure Scheduler. It does some "stuff" and then needs to call another Web API (via HttpClient) service to trigger something else. To do this, I need to know the URI of the 2nd service. When running locally, this is fine, as it is something like
POST http://localhost:1234/2ndService/api/action
However, when I deploy to Azure (using Internal Only as the access level), it gets an obfuscated URI, such as http://microsoft-apiapp8cf3d453-39d8-4b3b-ad00-e9d8008a9b58, which I obviously can't guess at deploy time.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem? Or have I made a fundamental error here?
Instead of relying on public http endpoints, have you considered passing messages via queues in Azure Table Services? It's very simple to do and is going to be more robust since you can take advantage of built-in features like guaranteed message delivery.
The overall idea is that Service A does some "stuff" then puts a message on queue ONE. Service B continuously reads from queue ONE until it picks up a new message from Service A (or any other service for that matter) and then does its "STUFF". You can continue to chain calls like this to other services that need to be notified.
If you want a more elegant solution you can look at using Service Bus Topics but the concept is basically the same.
Also, since you mentioned that your architecture is much like microservices, you can check out the new Service Fabric which is designed for your scenario.
In case of Azure Web Apps, you may always see such properties going to the web app dashboard, then properties. When deploying from the Visual Studio, you can set the URL as you want - just checked it, and it works fine.
Not very clear what technology do you use - is it IaaS VM? Is it Web Apps?
From my standpoint, each service should be deployed as a separate Web App (or API App, if you want). Each Web App has defined its own name as in, so once you have provisioned the Web App no 1 in Azure, you know its address so you will call it from the Web App no 2.
In all the cases, you should have fully qualified domain names, and not local/internal ones.

Considerations when moving Web API to Fabric

I have an existing Web API 2 project that I'm looking to move over to Azure Service Fabric. I'm planning on creating a single stateless service within Fabric as detailed here (mainly as I don't understand actors/services at the moment!) and move the API across.
My API uses Entity Framework for it's backend and the built in Individual Accounts using OWIN.
Is there anything I need to consider when moving the service over (I mainly thought the the DB and authentication might be an issue) or is it just a case of putting a Service Fabric layer on top?
I've had a bit more of a thought about this and have some more questions (based on #Mihail's comment)!
So I'm going to have many stateless services (so I'm splitting my Web API project up) which will be exposed via a Web API project (based on this)
So two questions really:
I need to authenticate users based on Individual Accounts. I think I should do this on the Web API frontend so only authenticated users get through to the Fabric services but that means that the API has access to the DB and it's not just a pass through anymore. Is this OK? Should the API call a microservice to authenticate and then call the service it requires or is this overkill?
Entity Framework. If I have many services (and API frontend) accessing the same DB do I have to worry about concurrent connections/locking or will Entity Framework handle this for me?
As Mihail said, the questions around Entity Framework and authentication shouldn't be a problem, or at least not a Service Fabric specific problem.
One thing to consider though is whether Service Fabric is appropriate here if the only thing you'll have is a simple API, or whether an Azure API app would be a better fit for you.
If you went with Service Fabric, you'd have to have at least 5 VMs so you'll need to consider whether your app requires 5 VMs or whether that would be an overkill. Also remember that you'll need to manage those VMs - you don't get the magic that a PaaS solution would give you. You'd also have to deal with certain things that you'd get out of the box from an API app like auto-scale, authentication, rate limiting, integration with SaaS applications, etc. Might be worth having a look at this SO question for a comparison between Service Fabric and the App Service.

Hosting both MVC frontend and WebAPI backend in same Cloud Service in Azure

I have an MVC front end application (relatively small) with its own DAL implementation using repository pattern. I am thinking of moving the DAL in its own WebAPI project to maintain cleaner separation. The MVC app is hosted in Azure using a cloud service (web role). The WebAPI will only be used by the front end application and would not be exposed to any other external application for now, but even then i would still want it to be hosted as a separate app/web/worker role rather than keeping the DAL in same project.
Would it be a good idea to:
1) Host the WebAPI project within the same Cloud Service as a Web/Worker role or should I create a new website/cloud service for hosting it? Using the same cloud service is preferred keeping the cost factor and n/w latency issues in mind.
2) If I host in same cloud service, what is more advisable to use for web api project - web or worker role?
3) Somewhere i read that I should make use of Service Bus in Azure for interaction between MVC frontend and WebAPI backend. Is this the suggested way of doing it or is there any simpler way of getting it done?
I would suggest you to use the same cloud service. The reason being complexity and failure scenarios, when you split your app into multiple cloud services the problem comes when you are updating them service from your source control
You will need to do two deployments and make sure they are in sync etc.
I would keep the service runtime simple in one cloud service.
Again it is preference and comfort, if you really want to separate them at code level and know they will work fine. The two cloud services should be OK.
From experience, refactoring decision like these add a lot of work in the future. Positive or negative depends on your understand of the problem and the image of the bigger picture you have in your head that cannot be put on paper :).
Happy to Help, Yours Truly -CB
