Unrolling tree-recursion into an iterative program - node.js

I wrote a library that can generate arbitrary strings given a spec-object (https://github.com/rgrannell1/revexp) and I want to convert the function that reads the spec from a recursive algorithm to an iterative algorithm. I'm running into stackoverflow errors due to the depth of the specs I'm traversing.
I believe I need to move from using the call-stack to an explicit stack, but I've never done this before. I've read through previous posts on StackOverflow but I didn't fully understand how to apply the solutions to this problem.
Here is an example spec object.
const data = {
every: [
digit: { zero: false }
repeat: {
value: { digit: {} }
and a minimal example of how the algorithm currently traverses the spec and generates a string matching the spec.
const fromSpec = (data) => {
if (data.every) {
return fromSpec.every(data)
} else if (data.digit) {
return fromSpec.digit()
} else if (data.repeat) {
return fromSpec.repeat(data.repeat)
fromSpec.digit = () => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
fromSpec.every = part => {
let message = ''
for (const elem of part.every) {
message += fromSpec(elem)
return message
fromSpec.repeat = part => {
let message = ''
// -- just using fixed repeat for the example
for (let ith = 0; ith < 10; ++ith) {
message += fromSpec(part.value)
return message
const result = fromSpec(data)
result // 1034856872
I'd appreciate any advice on how to traverse this data-structure and generate an output string in an iterative rather than recursive fashion.

The following example modifies the code to use a stack data structure. Data on the stack is processed incrementally, with new data possibly added on each iteration.
const fromSpec = (data) => {
const stack = [data];
let message = '';
while (stack.length > 0) {
const item = stack.pop();
// Assumption based on the code in the question:
// 'every', 'digit', and 'repeat' keys are mutually exclusive.
if (item.every) {
// Add items in reverse order, so that items are popped off the stack
// in the original order.
for (let i = item.every.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
} else if (item.digit) {
message += String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10));
} else if (item.repeat) {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
return message;
An alternative approach would be required for a more complicated scenario (e.g., when a node in the tree requires processing both 1) when it's initially encountered in the traversal and 2) after all its children have been traversed).
The following links may be relevant.

It's natural to write RevExp.toString as a recursive program because it is expected to process a recursively structured input. However because recursive programs can lead to deep stacks, it's not uncommon to flatten a recursive process to an iterative one.
Good programmers know that maintaining complexity goes a long way in sustaining our sanity. I want to keep my recursive program and I want the computer to handle flattening the process for me. Can I have my cake and eat it too?
Here's another way to look a the problem -
// example1.js
import { concat, upper, digit, str, toString } from './RevExp.js'
const licensePlate =
concat(upper(), upper(), upper(), str("-"), digit(), digit(), digit())
// RFX-559
// VKT-794
// KSF-823
Let's begin writing the RevExp module. We'll start by creating constructors for each of our expression types -
// RevExp.js
const str = (value = "") =>
({ type: str, value })
const lower = () =>
({ type: lower })
const upper = () =>
({ type: upper })
const digit = ({ zero = true } = {}) =>
({ type: digit, zero })
const concat = (...exprs) =>
({ type: concat, exprs })
Now let's work on RevExp.toString -
// RevExp.js (continued)
import { inRange } from './Rand.js'
const toString = (e) =>
{ switch (e.type)
{ case str:
return String(e.value)
case lower:
return String.fromCharCode(inRange(97, 122))
case upper:
return String.fromCharCode(inRange(65, 90))
case digit:
return e.zero
? String(inRange(0, 9))
: String(inRange(1, 9))
case concat:
return e.exprs.reduce((r, v) => r + toString(v), "")
default: throw Error(`unsupported expression type: ${e.type}`)
export { lower, upper, digit, alpha, repeat, concat, str, toString }
It should be possible to make complex expressions by combining several simple expressions. And we imagine some new types like alpha, and repeat -
// example2.js
import { alpha, digit, repeat, concat, str, toString } from './RevExp.js'
const segment =
concat(alpha(), digit(), alpha(), digit(), alpha())
const serial =
( repeat
( concat(segment, str("-"))
, { count: 4 }
, segment
// F3Q7U-b6k8Q-R8e3A-a2q3M-j0a9k
// g6G3w-h2O3O-b8O3k-L4p1y-m5I0y
// m6E0M-A4C2y-K3g0M-d7X7j-w8v5G
And add corresponding support in the RevExp module -
// RevExp.js (enhanced)
import { inRange, sample } from './Rand.js'
const str = // ...
const lower = // ...
const upper = // ...
const digit = // ...
const concat = // ...
const alpha = () =>
oneOf(upper(), lower())
const oneOf = (...exprs) =>
({ type: oneOf, exprs })
const repeat = (expr = {}, { count = 10 } = {}) =>
({ type: repeat, expr, count })
const toString = (e) =>
{ switch (e.type)
{ case str: // ...
case lower: // ...
case upper: // ...
case digit: // ...
case concat: // ...
case oneOf:
return toString(sample(e.exprs))
case repeat:
return toString(concat(...Array(e.count).fill(e.expr)))
default: // ...
export { /* ..., */ alpha, oneOf, repeat }
Now let's transform the recursive program to an iterative one. And without having to think about the stack or mutate state as the program runs, too!
// RevExp.js (stack-safe)
// ...
import * as Str from './Str.js'
import { loop, recur, call } from './TailRec.js'
// ...
const toString = (e = {}) =>
loop(toStringTailRec, e)
const toStringTailRec = e =>
{ switch (e.type)
{ case str: // ...
case lower: // ...
case upper: // ...
case digit: // ...
case concat:
return e.exprs.length
? call
( Str.concat
, recur(e.exprs[0])
, recur(concat(...e.exprs.slice(1)))
: Str.empty
case oneOf:
return recur(sample(e.exprs))
case repeat:
return recur(concat(...Array(e.count).fill(e.expr)))
default: throw Error(`unsupported expression type: ${e.type}`)
export { /*...*/, toString } // <-- don't export toStringTailRec helper
And here are the remaining modules, Str, Rand, and TailRec -
// Str.js
const empty =
const concat = (a = "", b = "") =>
a + b
export { empty, concat }
// Rand.js
const rand = (n = 2) =>
Math.floor(Math.random() * n)
const inRange = (min = 0, max = 1) =>
rand(max - min + 1) + min
const sample = (t = []) =>
export { rand, inRange, sample }
Writing modules is an important factor in creating reusable code. This TailRec module was written in another post and can be reused, without modification1, to meet our program's needs.
Now we can rely on recursively structured programs without having to introduce complexity or requiring a change in how we think every time we encounter a recursive problem. Write the module once, reuse as needed -
// TailRec.js
const identity = x =>
const call = (f, ...values) =>
({ type: call, f, values })
const recur = (...values) =>
({ type: recur, values })
const loop = (f, ...init) =>
{ const aux1 = (e, k) =>
e.type === recur
? call(aux, e.values, r => call(aux1, f(...r), k))
: e.type === call
? call(aux, e.values, r => call(aux1, e.f(...r), k))
: call(k, e)
const aux = (exprs, k) =>
( exprs.reduce
( (mr, e) =>
k => call(mr, r => call(aux1, e, x => call(k, [ ...r, x ])))
, k => call(k, [])
, k
return run(aux1(f(...init), identity))
const run = r =>
{ while (r && r.type === call)
r = r.f(...r.values)
return r
export { loop, call, recur }
In the end, the approach here is virtually the same as yours. However instead of representing expressions writing JS objects by hand, we use functions, which can be parameterized and composed, and can handle the tedious and precarious assembly for us. Programmer sanity maintained -
// example2.js
// ...
{ type: concat
, exprs:
[ { type: repeat
, expr:
{ type: concat
, exprs:
[ { type: concat
, exprs:
[ { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
, { type: digit, zero: true }
, { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
, { type: digit, zero: true }
, { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
, { type: str, value: "-" }
, count: 4
, { type: concat
, exprs:
[ { type: concat
, exprs:
[ { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
, { type: digit, zero: true }
, { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
, { type: digit, zero: true }
, { type: oneOf, exprs: [ { type: lower }, { type: upper } ] }
I hope this was seen as an exciting way to see the same problem from a different perspective. If you end up using the TailRec module, see the original post for additional explanation. I'm happy to answer any follow-up questions.
1. Minor formatting changes and variable renaming for consistency with this answer


What's the right way to actually get this search functionality to work?

I have this app which displays a list of "coins" to the users . This list was parsed from an JSON API and I used Jetpack Compose for the UI. I implemented
Here is the code of the Jetpack composable list of "coins"
fun CoinListScreen(
navController: NavController,
viewModel: CoinListViewModel = hiltViewModel(),
) {
val state = viewModel.state.value
Surface {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
Column {
androidx.compose.foundation.Image(painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_currency_bitcoin_24),
contentDescription = "BTC",
modifier = Modifier
.size(50.dp, 50.dp)
hint = "Search..",
modifier = Modifier
viewModel.searchCoinsList(it) **//here I'm calling my search function from the view model, inside my search bar**
LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
items(state.coins) { coin ->
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(5.dp))
coin = coin,
onItemClick = {
navController.navigate(Screen.CoinDetailScreen.route + "/${coin.id}")
if (state.error.isNotBlank()) {
text = state.error,
color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 20.dp)
if (state.isLoading) {
CircularProgressIndicator(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))
**//and this Is my composable search bar**
fun SearchBar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
hint: String = "",
onSearch: (String) -> Unit = {}
) {
var text by remember {
var isHint by remember {
mutableStateOf(hint != "")
Box(modifier = modifier){
value = text,
onValueChange = {
text = it
maxLines = 1,
singleLine = true,
modifier = Modifier
.shadow(5.dp, CircleShape)
.background(Color.White, CircleShape)
.padding(horizontal = 20.dp, vertical = 12.dp)
.onFocusChanged {
isHint = it.isFocused != true
text = hint,
color = Color.LightGray,
modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 20.dp, vertical = 12.dp)
and this is my view model, this is where I'm implementing the search function, this is where I'm lost, variables that I'm searching for are name, rank, and symbol from the Coin domain list
#HiltViewModel //injecting the use case
class CoinListViewModel #Inject constructor (
private val getCoinsUseCase: GetCoinsUseCase,
) : ViewModel() {
//vmstate Live Template, only the view model touches it
private val _state =
val state: State<CoinListState> = _state
**//for search purposes , this is where I'm lost**
private var coinsList = mutableStateOf<List<Coin>>(listOf())
private var cachedCoinsList = listOf<Coin>()
private var isSearchStarting = true
private var isSearching = mutableStateOf(false)
init {
**//for search purposes , this is where I'm lost**
fun searchCoinsList(query: String){
val listToSearch = if(isSearchStarting){
} else {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
coinsList.value = cachedCoinsList
isSearching.value = false
isSearchStarting = true
val results = listToSearch.filter {
//val iterate: Int = coins.size
it.name.contains(query.trim(), ignoreCase = true) ||
(it.rank.toString() == query.trim()) ||
it.symbol.contains(query.trim(), ignoreCase = true)
cachedCoinsList = coinsList.value
isSearchStarting = false
coinsList.value = results
isSearching.value = true
//function that calls our GetCoinsUseCase and puts the data inside the state object
//to display that in the UI
private fun getCoins() {
//overwrote the invoke function earlier for the use case which allows us to call the use case as a function
getCoinsUseCase().onEach { result ->
when (result) {
is Resource.SUCCESS -> {
_state.value =
CoinListState(coins = result.data ?: arrayListOf())
is Resource.ERROR -> {
_state.value =
error = result.message ?: "An unexpected error occurred"
is Resource.LOADING -> {
_state.value = CoinListState(isLoading = true)
CoinsListState data class used in view model
data class CoinListState(
val isLoading: Boolean = false,
val coins: ArrayList<Coin> = arrayListOf(),
val error: String = ""
this is my "GetCoinsUseCase" to get the coins
class GetCoinsUseCase #Inject constructor(
private val repository: CoinRepository
) {
// overwriting the operator fun invoke allows us to call the use case
//GetCoinsUseCase as if it was a function, and we return a flow because
// we want to emit states LOADING -> for progress bar, SUCCESS -> attach list of coins,
// and ERROR
operator fun invoke(): kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<Resource<ArrayList<Coin>>> = flow {
try {
//we mapped it to toCoin because we returning a list of coin, not coinDTO
val coins = repository.getCoins().map { it.toCoin() }
emit(Resource.SUCCESS<ArrayList<Coin>>(coins as ArrayList<Coin>))
}catch (e: HttpException){
emit(Resource.ERROR<ArrayList<Coin>>(e.localizedMessage ?: "An unexpected error occurred"))
}catch (e: IOException){
emit(Resource.ERROR<ArrayList<Coin>>("Couldn't reach server. Check connection"))
just the coin repository that is implemented in another place
interface CoinRepository {
//repository definitions
suspend fun getCoins() : ArrayList<CoinDTO>
suspend fun getCoinById(coinId: String) : CoinDetailDTO
This is my domain - Domain - only contains the data needed
data class Coin(
var id: String,
var isActive: Boolean,
var name: String,
var rank: Int,
var symbol: String
and this is how I'm mapping it
data class CoinDTO(
val id: String,
val isActive: Boolean,
val isNew: Boolean,
val name: String,
val rank: Int,
val symbol: String,
val type: String
fun CoinDTO.toCoin(): Coin {
return Coin(
id = id,
isActive = isActive,
name = name,
rank = rank,
symbol = symbol,
// logo = CoinDetailLogo(logo = String()).logo
Coin list item if needed for reference, this is what is displayed to the user in the list
fun CoinListItem (
coin: Coin,
onItemClick: (Coin) -> Unit
) {
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { onItemClick(coin) }
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween
) {
text = "${coin.rank}. ${coin.name} (${coin.symbol})",
style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis
text = if(coin.isActive) "active" else "inactive",
color = if(coin.isActive) Color.Green else Color.Red,
fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,
textAlign = TextAlign.End,
style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2,
modifier = Modifier.align(CenterVertically)
as well as the "Resource" generic for states
sealed class Resource<T>(val data: T? = null, val message: String? = null) {
class SUCCESS<T>(data: T) : Resource<T>(data)
class ERROR<T>(message: String, data: T? = null) : Resource<T>(data, message)
class LOADING<T>(data: T? = null) : Resource<T>(data)
again, given this info, how can I get the function searchCoinList in the view model to correctly view the searched data (name, rank, or symbol) when it is called in the CoinListScreen inside the Search Bar. Thank you so much
It seems like you want to implement a basic instant search functionality. It's pretty easy to achieve using Kotlin's StateFlow and its operators. Consider the following implementation with description:
// CoinListViewModel
private val queryFlow = MutableStateFlow("")
private val coinsList = mutableStateOf<List<Coin>>(listOf())
init {
.debounce(300) // filters out values that are followed by the newer values within the given timeout. The latest value is always emitted.
.filterNot { query -> userInput.isEmpty() } // filter the unwanted string like an empty string in this case to avoid the unnecessary network call.
.distinctUntilChanged() // to avoid duplicate network calls
.flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) // Changes the context where this flow is executed to Dispatchers.IO
.flatMapLatest { query -> // to avoid the network call results which are not needed more for displaying to the user
getCoinsUseCase(query).catch { emitAll(flowOf(emptyList())}
.onEach { coins: List<Coin> -> // go through each list of Coins
coinsList.value = coins
fun searchCoinsList(query: String) {
queryFlow.value = query

NodeJS: Finding a Key that has the most key array matches in a string

I am trying to achieve a small amount of javascript code that is able to locate a key that contains another key with the most array element occurrences in a string. It's a little hard to explain but I have given an example below. I have tried several filters, finds, and lengthy code loops with no luck. Anything would help, thanks :)
const object = {
keyone: {
tags: ["game","video","tv","playstation"]
keytwo: {
tags: ["book", "sport", "camping", "out"]
const string = "This is an example, out playstaion, tv and video games are cool!";
// I am trying to locate the key that contains the most tags in a string.
// In this case the result I am looking for would be "keytwo",
// because it's tags have greater occurances inside the string (playstaion, tv, video, game/s).
This should do it, though you might want to consider adding keyword stemming.
const object = {
keyone: {
tags: ["game", "video", "tv", "playstation"]
keytwo: {
tags: ["book", "sport", "camping", "out"]
const string = "This is an example, out playstaion, tv and video games are cool!";
result = {}
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
result[key] = value.tags.reduce((acc, item) => (acc += (string.match(item) || []).length), 0)
{ keyone: 3, keytwo: 1 }
How to count:
let result_key;
let result_count = 0;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
const result = value.tags.reduce((acc, item) => (acc += (string.match(item) || []).length), 0);
if(result > result_count) {
result_count = result;
result_key = key;
console.log(result_key, result_count)
keyone 3

Why is the first function call is executed two times faster than all other sequential calls?

I have a custom JS iterator implementation and code for measuring performance of the latter implementation:
const arrayIterator = (array) => {
let index = 0;
return {
hasValue: true,
next() {
if (index >= array.length) {
this.hasValue = false;
return array[index++];
const customIterator = (valueGetter) => {
return {
hasValue: true,
next() {
const nextValue = valueGetter();
if (nextValue === ITERATION_END) {
this.hasValue = false;
return nextValue;
const map = (iterator, selector) => customIterator(() => {
const value = iterator.next();
return value === ITERATION_END ? value : selector(value);
const filter = (iterator, predicate) => customIterator(() => {
if (!iterator.hasValue) {
let currentValue = iterator.next();
while (iterator.hasValue && currentValue !== ITERATION_END && !predicate(currentValue)) {
currentValue = iterator.next();
return currentValue;
const toArray = (iterator) => {
const array = [];
while (iterator.hasValue) {
const value = iterator.next();
if (value !== ITERATION_END) {
return array;
const test = (fn, iterations) => {
const times = [];
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
const start = performance.now();
times.push(performance.now() - start);
console.log(times.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0) / times.length);
const createData = () => Array.from({ length: 9000000 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
const testIterator = (data) => () => toArray(map(filter(arrayIterator(data), x => x % 2 === 0), x => x * 2))
test(testIterator(createData()), 10);
The output of the test function is very weird and unexpected - the first test run is constantly executed two times faster than all the other runs. One of the results, where the array contains all execution times and the number is the mean (I ran it on Node):
Similar results can be observed using Deno runtime, however I could not reproduce this behaviour on other JS engines. What can be the reason behind it on the V8?
Node v13.8.0, V8 v7.9.317.25-node.28,
Deno v1.3.3, V8 v8.6.334
(V8 developer here.) In short: it's inlining, or lack thereof, as decided by engine heuristics.
For an optimizing compiler, inlining a called function can have significant benefits (e.g.: avoids the call overhead, sometimes makes constant folding possible, or elimination of duplicate computations, sometimes even creates new opportunities for additional inlining), but comes at a cost: it makes the compilation itself slower, and it increases the risk of having to throw away the optimized code ("deoptimize") later due to some assumption that turns out not to hold. Inlining nothing would waste performance, inlining everything would waste performance, inlining exactly the right functions would require being able to predict the future behavior of the program, which is obviously impossible. So compilers use heuristics.
V8's optimizing compiler currently has a heuristic to inline functions only if it was always the same function that was called at a particular place. In this case, that's the case for the first iterations. Subsequent iterations then create new closures as callbacks, which from V8's point of view are new functions, so they don't get inlined. (V8 actually knows some advanced tricks that allow it to de-duplicate function instances coming from the same source in some cases and inline them anyway; but in this case those are not applicable [I'm not sure why]).
So in the first iteration, everything (including x => x % 2 === 0 and x => x * 2) gets inlined into toArray. From the second iteration onwards, that's no longer the case, and instead the generated code performs actual function calls.
That's probably fine; I would guess that in most real applications, the difference is barely measurable. (Reduced test cases tend to make such differences stand out more; but changing the design of a larger app based on observations made on a small test is often not the most impactful way to spend your time, and at worst can make things worse.)
Also, hand-optimizing code for engines/compilers is a difficult balance. I would generally recommend not to do that (because engines improve over time, and it really is their job to make your code fast); on the other hand, there clearly is more efficient code and less efficient code, and for maximum overall efficiency, everyone involved needs to do their part, i.e. you might as well make the engine's job simpler when you can.
If you do want to fine-tune performance of this, you can do so by separating code and data, thereby making sure that always the same functions get called. For example like this modified version of your code:
class ArrayIterator {
constructor(array) {
this.array = array;
this.index = 0;
next() {
if (this.index >= this.array.length) return ITERATION_END;
return this.array[this.index++];
function arrayIterator(array) {
return new ArrayIterator(array);
class MapIterator {
constructor(source, modifier) {
this.source = source;
this.modifier = modifier;
next() {
const value = this.source.next();
return value === ITERATION_END ? value : this.modifier(value);
function map(iterator, selector) {
return new MapIterator(iterator, selector);
class FilterIterator {
constructor(source, predicate) {
this.source = source;
this.predicate = predicate;
next() {
let value = this.source.next();
while (value !== ITERATION_END && !this.predicate(value)) {
value = this.source.next();
return value;
function filter(iterator, predicate) {
return new FilterIterator(iterator, predicate);
function toArray(iterator) {
const array = [];
let value;
while ((value = iterator.next()) !== ITERATION_END) {
return array;
function test(fn, iterations) {
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
const start = performance.now();
console.log(performance.now() - start);
function createData() {
return Array.from({ length: 9000000 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
function even(x) { return x % 2 === 0; }
function double(x) { return x * 2; }
function testIterator(data) {
return function main() {
return toArray(map(filter(arrayIterator(data), even), double));
test(testIterator(createData()), 10);
Observe how there are no more dynamically created functions on the hot path, and the "public interface" (i.e. the way arrayIterator, map, filter, and toArray compose) is exactly the same as before, only under-the-hood details have changed. A benefit of giving all functions names is that you get more useful profiling output ;-)
Astute readers will notice that this modification only shifts the issue away: if you have several places in your code that call map and filter with different modifiers/predicates, then the inlineability issue will come up again. As I said above: microbenchmarks tend to be misleading, as real apps typically have different behavior...
(FWIW, this is pretty much the same effect as at Why is the execution time of this function call changing? .)
Just to add to this investigation, I compared the OP's original code with the predicate and selector functions declared as separate functions as suggested by jmrk to two other implementations. So, this code has three implementations:
OP's code with predicate and selector functions declared separately as named functions (not inline).
Using standard array.map() and .filter() (which you would think would be slower because of the extra creation of intermediate arrays)
Using a custom iteration that does both filtering and mapping in one iteration
The OP's attempt at saving time and making things faster is actually the slowest (on average). The custom iteration is the fastest.
I guess the lesson here is that it's not necessarily intuitive how you make things faster with the optimizing compiler so if you're tuning performance, you have to measure against the "typical" way of doing things (which may benefit from the most optimizations).
Also, note that in the method #3, the first two iterations are the slowest and then it gets faster - the opposite effect from the original code. Go figure.
The results are here:
The code is here:
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
const arrayIterator = (array) => {
let index = 0;
return {
hasValue: true,
next() {
if (index >= array.length) {
this.hasValue = false;
return array[index++];
const customIterator = (valueGetter) => {
return {
hasValue: true,
next() {
const nextValue = valueGetter();
if (nextValue === ITERATION_END) {
this.hasValue = false;
return nextValue;
const map = (iterator, selector) => customIterator(() => {
const value = iterator.next();
return value === ITERATION_END ? value : selector(value);
const filter = (iterator, predicate) => customIterator(() => {
if (!iterator.hasValue) {
let currentValue = iterator.next();
while (iterator.hasValue && currentValue !== ITERATION_END && !predicate(currentValue)) {
currentValue = iterator.next();
return currentValue;
const toArray = (iterator) => {
const array = [];
while (iterator.hasValue) {
const value = iterator.next();
if (value !== ITERATION_END) {
return array;
const test = (fn, iterations) => {
const times = [];
let result;
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
const start = performance.now();
result = fn();
times.push(performance.now() - start);
console.log(times.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0) / times.length);
return result;
const createData = () => Array.from({ length: 9000000 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
const cache = createData();
const comp1 = x => x % 2 === 0;
const comp2 = x => x * 2;
const testIterator = (data) => () => toArray(map(filter(arrayIterator(data), comp1), comp2))
// regular array filter and map
const testIterator2 = (data) => () => data.filter(comp1).map(comp2);
// combine filter and map in same operation
const testIterator3 = (data) => () => {
let result = [];
for (let value of data) {
if (comp1(value)) {
return result;
const a = test(testIterator(cache), 10);
const b = test(testIterator2(cache), 10);
const c = test(testIterator3(cache), 10);
function compareArrays(a1, a2) {
if (a1.length !== a2.length) return false;
for (let [i, val] of a1.entries()) {
if (a2[i] !== val) return false;
return true;
console.log(compareArrays(a, b));
console.log(compareArrays(a, c));

Reducing match indentation for deeply nested properties

I need to refer to a value deep within a structure which includes an Option nested in a struct property, nested in a Result.
My current (working) solution is:
let raw = &packet[16..];
match PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
Err(_value) => {
/* ignore */
Ok(value) => {
match value.ip {
Some(Version4(header)) => {
let key = format!("{}.{}.{}.{},{}.{}.{}.{}",
header.source[0], header.source[1], header.source[2], header.source[3],
header.destination[0], header.destination[1], header.destination[2], header.destination[3],
let Count {packets, bytes} = counts.entry(key).or_insert(Count {packets: 0, bytes: 0});
*packets += 1;
*bytes += packet.len();
if p > 1000 { /* exit after 1000 packets */
for (key, value) in counts {
println!("{},{},{}", key, value.packets, value.bytes);
return ();
p += 1;
_ => {
/* ignore */
(The problem with my current code is the excessive nesting and the two matches.)
All I want is PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(ip) >> Ok >> ip >> Some >> Version4.
How can I get this, or ignore a failure nicely (NOT crash/exit) for each captured packet?
Pattern matching nests, and the pattern for struct looks like struct literals with the addition that .. means "and match all the rest, which I don't care about", similar to how the _ pattern means "match anything". Meaning you can do
match PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Version4(header), .. }) => {
/* handle */
_ => {
/* ignore `Err(_)` and other `Ok(_)` */
and if you're going to ignore all but one case, you can use if let:
if let Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Version4(header), .. }) = PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
/* handle */
Code ended up being:
let raw = &packet[16..];
if let Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Some(Version4(header)), link: _, vlan: _, transport: _, payload: _}) = PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
let key = format!("{}.{}.{}.{},{}.{}.{}.{}",
header.source[0], header.source[1], header.source[2], header.source[3],
header.destination[0], header.destination[1], header.destination[2], header.destination[3],
let Count {packets, bytes} = counts.entry(key).or_insert(Count {packets: 0, bytes: 0});
*packets += 1;
*bytes += packet.len();

Symbol to string with JSON.stringify

I need to convert a Symbol to string in order to create a unique key in Redis, but I can't.
I've already tried to use Object.toString(obj) and String(obj) but I get errors or [Object] resultsĀ”.
This is the controller
const name = req.params.name;
let obj;
obj.data.name = {
[Op.like]: '%' + name + '%'
This is redis controller where I use stringify. I use obj as a parameter.
const hashed = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretHashKey)
I expect an output based on my parameter 'obj' but now it's not getting it so I can't create unique keys for different values.
Maybe a little bit too late, but I hope that somebody else find this useful.
I was looking for something exactly as you: use with Sequelize in a Redis cache.
Mine is TypeScript, convert to JavaScript just by removing the typings.
export function JsonStringifyWithSymbols(object: any, clean?: boolean): string {
return JSON.stringify(object, (_, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) && value !== null) {
const props = [...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value), ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value)];
const replacement: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const k of props) {
if (typeof k === 'symbol') {
replacement[`Symbol:${Symbol.keyFor(k)}`] = value[k];
} else {
replacement[k] = value[k];
return replacement;
return value;
If you're meaning these Symbols you can't convert them to a string.
They're created to be unique and "unreversable", so you can use them also for keep more "secure" various properties or methods. Example:
const a = Symbol('a')
class Foobar {
constructor (_a) {
this[a] = _a
const foobar = new Foobar('aaa')
console.log(foobar) // output: Foobar { [Symbol(a)]: 'aaa' }
const fake = Symbol('a')
foobar[fake] = 'fake'
console.log(foobar) // output: Foobar { [Symbol(a)]: 'aaa', [Symbol(a)]: 'fake' }
You can't corrupt the original one, unless you have the original Symbol.
Another example (info about the JSON.stringify here):
const a = Symbol('a')
const foobar = {}
foobar[a] = 'aaa'
console.log(foobar) // output: { [Symbol(a)]: 'aaa' }
console.log(JSON.stringify(foobar)) // output: {}
const fake = Symbol('a')
foobar[fake] = 'fake'
console.log(foobar) // output: { [Symbol(a)]: 'aaa', [Symbol(a)]: 'fake' }
Hope these info will help you.
