Can we handle millions of requests using FastAPI? [closed] - node.js

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are building a platform using microservice-based architecture. We are expecting 500K users in the next two years so for that we are thinking to use below technology stack as below:
Python - Fast API
UI - React SSR (Server Side Rendering)
Here, we found during concurrency analysis that node is faster than Fast API.
We are confused that should we go with nodeJS or Fast API (asyncio). We have more expertise in python so more leaning towards it but we do not want to bias in the selection of technology which later on creates problems for us.
So we need guidance the shall we proceed with Python to handle millions of requests using - Fast API or we should go with node?
Or If you think we can have a better technology option then above then we are open for suggestions.


Migrating from firebase [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I will start developing my e-commerce website soon however, I don't have experience in backend. So I'm considering to use firebase. But my real concern is, , is firebase good option on long term? Is it easy to migrate to mongodb and node js or is it better to write my own backend from the beginning?
You should consider using firebase if the features are useful to you:
noSQL database
in-app messaging
It is a good option long-term if don't hit the upper limits of the free plan for a long time. This is almost always the case for new unknown projects.
Because of the noSQL nature, switching to mongoDB is straight-forward. The real question is if you are already experienced with setting up and using node.js with mongoDB. You are better served with what you already know.
Use Firebase if you have no significant experience with the alternatives.

What's the best way in UNITY to communicate with server in real time sending and receiving string data [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am starting an real time "word detecting" game and need a way to communicate with server in real time sending and receiving mostly string data maybe some int and bool too what is the best solution for this ? where should I start my R&D
There are different types of networking solutions. You can have high level/low level apis for networking.
For low level apis you could look into LiteNetLib for unity and for high level apis you could check photon.
Here is a link comparing different networking solutions : Solutions low/high level apis
I would look into types of server aswell. P2p, authoritative server...

Modern Web Application - Design [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am building a large web application in node.js and I'm always faced with the question 'where should the heavy lifting be done?' I was always taught that the 'logic' should always be done in the backend of the application, but with modern computers and browsers being so powerful it begs the question if some of the heavy lifting logic can go in the front end.
So context to my specific application. Using angularjs and postgres. A specific question is: would it be a bad practice to have the back end api fetch the rows from the database and pass it to the front end. And then have the front end deal with the logic of deriving the information from the rows? Things like counts with in date ranges and such. (ignore security for this question) or should all the be done on the backend?
If it deals with script that doesn't need to be hidden or is not a secret, then I would suggest putting most of it on the front-end, it would lessen the stress on your server and give you more space to run more processes at a time without filling the ram.

Mongo DB - is 1 DB per client really recommended for multi-tenant SAAS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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this article suggests that using MongoDB for a SAAS application that you should use one DB for each client - can this be right? (see bottom of page)
If so are there any occasions when it would still pay to put all clients into one DB?
I asked a similar question
Is it better to use multiple databases when you are managing independent sets of things in MongoDB?
The conclusion seems to be its not really very efficient to have multiple databases. But its still a valid way of doing things.
A more important consideration is if you want to do queries across customers for whatever reason, then your job gets a lot more difficult if they are in separate databases.

Is it recommended to build a forum using node.js? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've heard that node.js is really fast for applications like chats and real time apps.
I was wondering if node is a good choice to develop a forum or a q&a site like StackOverflow?
Yes it's perfectly possible, you don't have to implement your own web server like somebody said, you can just create it using something like Express (as a framework) and Mongoose (as a MongoDB ORM) or whatever you choose.
I think Node.js is a good solution for such a case because of its high concurrency (and Stack Overflow is a site where thousands of users are online in the same time probably). So yes you can achieve this with PHP, Ruby and Python etc, but I believe Node.js is a better fit (that's my opinion, based on the success stories I've heard which were based on Node).
Node isn't just a solution for building small services, here are some good examples ( ).
