Error while querying parquet table in presto - apache-spark

A hive parquet table is created over a spark dataframe saved in parquet format.
I am able to query the parquet data in my parquet table.
But while querying in presto, it shows an error: "Query 20200817_061959_00150_nztin failed: Can not read value at 0 in block 0 in file"
I am not using any decimal fields. Most of my fields are of string type and some of them are date and timestamp type.
Can someone help?


Prevent pyspark/spark from transforming timestamp when creating a dataframe from a parquet file

I am reading a parquet file into a dataframe. My goal is to verify that my time data (column type in parquet : timestamp) are ISO 8601.
The dates in time column look like this : 2021-03-13T05:34:27.100Z or 2021-03-13T05:34:27.100+0000
But when I read my dataframe, pyspark transform 2021-03-13T05:34:27.100Z into 2021-03-13 05:34:27.100
I want to keep the original format, but I can't figure out how to stop pyspark from doing this. I tried to use a custom schema with string for dates but I get this error: Parquet column cannot be converted in file file.snappy.parquet. Column: [time], Expected: string, Found: INT96
Also I tried using conf parameters but it didn't work for me.

What is valid syntax for spark hive create table with USING and PARTITIONED BY clauses?

I'm trying to create hive table in orc format with following command passed to SparkSesssion.sql(...):
CREATE TABLE `db`.`table`(
_id string,
PARTITIONED BY (load_date string)
And getting exception like mismatched input 'USING' expecting <EOF>
Changing places for above clauses don't help.
Official documentation omits this part or at least I'm unable to find it.
What is the correct way to do it ?
There is no USING tag in hive DDL statements:
You need to use stored as ORC or just the input and output format
CREATE TABLE `db`.`table`(
_id string,
PARTITIONED BY (load_date string)

Spark SQL query returns output although hive table does not contain enough records on queried column

I got output from spark SQL query despite the fact that the actual hive table doesn't contain enough records on queried column. The hive table is partitioned by integer column date_nbr which contains values like 20181125, 20181005 for some reason I had to truncate the table (Note: I did not delete the partitions directory in HDFS) and reload the table for the week date_nbr=20181202
After data load I run below query on hive and got expected result
SELECT DISTINCT date_nbr FROM transdb.temp
but spark SQL doesn't give the same output as hive
scala> spark.sql("SELECT DISTINCT date_nbr FROM transdb.temp").map(_.getAs[Int](0)).collect.toList
res9: List[Int] = List(20181125, 20181005, 20181202)
I'm bit confused by the spark sql result.

Writing Hive table from Spark specifying CSV as the format

I'm having an issue writing a Hive table from Spark. The following code works just fine; I can write the table (which defaults to the Parquet format) and read it back in Hive:
hive> describe table;
val string
Time taken: 0.021 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
However, if I specify the format should be csv:
then I can save the table, but Hive doesn't recognize the schema:
hive> describe table;
col array<string> from deserializer
Time taken: 0.02 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
It's also worth noting that I can create a Hive table manually and then insertInto it:
spark.sql("create table db.table(val string)")'val').write.mode("overwrite").insertInto("db.table")
Doing so, Hive seems to recognize the schema. But that's clunky and I can't figure a way to automate the schema string anyway.
That is because Hive SerDe do not support csv by default.
If you insist on using csv format, creating table as below:
CREATE TABLE my_table(a string, b string, ...)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
"separatorChar" = "\t",
"quoteChar" = "'",
"escapeChar" = "\\"
And insert data through df.write.insertInto
For more info:
You are creating a table with text format and trying to insert CSV data into it, which may run in to problems. So as suggested in the answer by Zhang Tong, create the hive table using hive OpenCSVSerde.
After that, if you are more comfortable with Hive query language than dataframes, you can try this.
spark.sql("insert overwrite db.table select * from temp")
This happens because HiveSerde is different for csv than what is used by Spark. Hive by default use TEXTFORMAT and the delimiter has to be specified while creating the table.
One Option is to use the insertInto API instead of saveAsTable while writing from spark. While using insertInto, Spark writes the contents of the Dataframe to the specified table. But it requires the schema of the dataframe to be same as the schema of the table. Position of the columns is important here as it ignores the column names.
Seq((5, 6)).toDF("a", "b").write.insertInto("t1")

Impala table from spark partitioned parquet files

I have generated some partitioned parquet data using Spark, and I'm wondering how to map it to an Impala table... Sadly, I haven't found any solution yet.
The schema of parquet is like :
{ key: long,
value: string,
date: long }
and I partitioned it with key and date, that gives me this kind of directories on my hdfs :
Do you know how I could tell Impala to create a table from this dataset with corresponding partitions (and without having to loop on each partition as I could have read) ? Is it possible ?
Thank you in advance
Assuming by schema of parquet , you meant the schema of the dataset and then using the columns to partition , you will have only the key column in the actual files.parquet files . Now you can proceed as follows
The solution is to use an impala external table .
create external table mytable (key BIGINT) partitioned by (value String ,
date BIGINT) stored as parquet location '....../data/'
Note that in above statement , you have to give path till the data folder
alter table mytable recover partitions'
refresh mytable;
The above 2 commands will automatically detect the partitions based on the schema of the table and get to know about the parquet files present in the sub directories.
Now , you can start querying the data .
Hope it helps
