azure app service authentication/authorization not available - azure

I am attempting to set up the authentication for a Google login in my Azure App Service.
However In my App Service the 'Authentication/Authorization' section is not available.
What do I need to do to enable this???

From your description it seems you are based on Linux Consumption plan (because only this host plan doesn't support authentication/authorization feature).
The solution is give your function app another host plan, such as Linux Premium plan.
This is the official document:
If you use Linux Consumption plan, then any way of authentication/authorization is impossible.


App Service Plan and Reservation App Service

I am curious about the difference is when creating an App Service in the reservations for 3 years and just having an App Service Plan which I can add multiple App Services to ?
The cost is much lower than an App Service Plan, but I was wondering if its the exact same concept as an App Service Plan ?
Meaning I can create multiple App Services and have them all in the same App Service Plan ?
Or is the Reservation App Service for a single app alone ?
Yes, you can deploy multiple App Services in the same App Service Plan though it is normal or reserved.
You can also create multiple App Services within the same region or across regions supported by Azure in which this flexibility makes ASEs ideal for horizontal scaling feature.
Features of Normal ASP and Reserved ASP were almost same, and you'll get some discount on the Reserved ASP cost.
In the Middle of Reserved ASP, you can increase the Number of instances in that ASP based on your requirement or load balancing.
Refer to Azure App Service Pricing doc and How Reservation works in Azure App Service for more information.

What is different azure function app and app service plan?

What is different azure function app and app service plan ?
I think;
Function app is a core layer - where hosted code and execute
App service plan is higher layer of function app - it can be covering function app. For example, it can cover network layer for function app.
But I see in function app has Vnet integration feature and app service plan has virtual network integration too.
I am confused with it.
What is different azure function app and app service plan in network part ?
p/s: I have created virtual network and assign app service plan to that VNET. then I deployed a function app into app service, but this function does not stay in that VNET. how to verify that ?
There are a few things that will help you to understand this little better and you can also verify through Azure Portal. After all, it's all the hosting plan you want to use.
App Service Plan: This is something a root consumption plan you are paying for. kind of resources you want for much of your work. (I would say - choose this wisely)
Function App: This resource has 3-4 different kinds of hosting plan options
(i) Consumption plan (ii) Premium Plan (iii) App Service Plan (iV) ASE.
now, if you have notice - App Service Plan (item iii) is also one of the options. Not necessary that is only an option. So, in other words; Function App can sit outside the App Service plan (like Consumption plan) where it will deploy separately.
At this moment Question might come - what could be a difference. for that visit Microsoft's well-documented link here which states you are paying and resources are getting allocated during the function real-use whereas, App Service Plan uses your own app Dedicated service plan which you already have decided a lot earlier in the cycle.
Your last question - How do we confirm? well, Open App Service Plan inside Azure Portal and there is an essential section where you will find App(s)/ Slot(s). Click on that you will see how many app services/ function apps already sharing that specific App Service Plan like below:
An App Service Plan is the environment which you pay for.
You can then run different workloads including function apps within the App Service Plan. Grouping workloads in a single App Service Plan can save you money compared with having different App Service Plans for each App Function.
The VNET configuration is both at the App Service Plan and the App Service / Function App level. You do not necessarily want all App Services / Function Apps in the same App Service Plan to run on the same VNET.
The consumption plan is based on function runtime, which means only when your function is running else no.
Premium plan you need to specify prewarmed instances that will always be online. so it's kind of minimum fixed billing and it can go beyond if you use it for resources.
The app service plan (Dedicated plan) is Running function like other apps. It will use the same app service plan.
Refer to this documentation for more details.

Set up an azure botframework application to be 'always on'

When I configure a new azure bot service application on Azure, it creates it as a consumption pricing tier application. This seems to possibly be causing issues on cold starts where the application takes quite a long time (in comparison to a running application) to respond.
I would like to configure the application to use a resource group that is on an basic plan so that I can make it 'always on'.
Is there a setting I am missing or is this just not possible at this time?
Edit: I am OK with paying for the ability to enable "Always On" like I can with the typical Azure Function/web apps. At this point I do not see a way to configure a bot application to allow it to be anything but a consumption based application.
Edit2: clarified that this is an azure bot service application
Are you creating an SDK bot, or an Azure Bot Service bot? SDK bots are just web applications, and can be in any consumption pricing plan (including Always On):
Azure Bot Service bots are function applications. They should also be provisional within an App Service plan:
From above documentation: you will need to setup a VM to host an Azure Function as Always On.
App Service plan
In the App Service plan, your function apps run on dedicated VMs on
Basic, Standard, and Premium SKUs, similar to Web Apps. Dedicated VMs
are allocated to your App Service apps, which means the functions host
is always running. Consider an App Service plan in the following
cases: You have existing, underutilized VMs that are already running
other App Service instances. You expect your function apps to run
continuously, or nearly continuously. You need more CPU or memory
options than what is provided on the Consumption plan. You need to run
longer than the maximum execution time allowed on the Consumption
plan. A VM decouples cost from both runtime and memory size. As a
result, you won't pay more than the cost of the VM instance that you
allocate. For details about how the App Service plan works, see the
Azure App Service plans in-depth overview.

New or existing App service plan in Azure deployment

When I publish an api to azure from visual studio I see an existing app-service plan and also an option to create a new plan. The api I am going deploy will be used by the web application which was deployed using the existing service.
I have the following questions:
If I use the existing plan what would happen to the sites which are
already deployed using that plan?
Should I create new or use
Cost-wise which is the best option?
By using the same service plan to host the web app and the api, nothing will happen to the existing website besides you won't have any extra cost. The web apps will share the same resources.
If you create a new service plan for you api, you will have extra cost depending on the pricing tier you need.
The choice can depend on your scaling needs. If you need to define differents scaling plan for the api and the web app, it's a good idea to use two services plan, if not an unique service plan can be used.

How to create or see existing App Service Plans in Azure portal and modify them?

I am trying to determine Azure portal provides any option to create an App Service Plan in a separate step (not while creating the website) and to modify them.
Currently I am creating App Service Plans in the WebSite creation step and modify them in WebSite's Scale option.
Is there any way to create them separately and see a list of available
App Service Plans?
Do websites created within an App Service Plan share the resources in it (CPU, Memory etc)?
What exactly happens when there is an auto scale up?
a.) Will it create a new instance of the App Service Plan and replicate all the websites within it?
b.) or will it create a new instance of the website and share the resources of same App Service Plan?
I am confused because, the App Service Settings (pricing tiers, scale-up option etc) are seen in websites scale option.
Please clarify my doubts.
Thanks in advance.
See page 8 of Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam Reference for 70-532.
"Web hosting plans are created as part of website creation and are not created directly"
Even though this book was published in Feb 2015 some of the terminology is already out of date. It's an "application service plan", not "web hosting plan". And they call what is now known as a "web app" a "website".
Here is an awesome blog post about setting up azure web apps and deployment slots and hosting plans. It goes over what's shared and how to migrate between application service plans about halfway through.
Found this article which explains about App Service Plans in detail.
