How to upload video to s3 using API GW and python? - python-3.x

Im trying to make a api which will upload video to s3 . I all ready managed to upload the video in s3, but the problem is the video file is not working . i checked content-type of video file, and it's binary/octet-stream instead on video/mp4 . So i set content-type to "video/mp4" while calling put_object api, but it still not working.
I use Lambda function for putting the video to s3 . here is my lambda code -
import json
import base64
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket_name = 'ad-live-streaming'
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
file_content = event['content']
merchantId = event['merchantId']
catelogId = event['catelogId']
file_name = event['fileName']
file_path = '{}/{}/{}.mp4'.format(merchantId, catelogId, file_name)
s3_response = s3_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=file_path, Body=file_content, ContentType='video/mp4')
return {
'statusCode': 200,
Any idea how to solve this issue ?

Based on the example in Upload binary files to S3 using AWS API Gateway with AWS Lambda | by Omer Hanetz | The Startup | Medium, it appears that you need to decode the file from base64:
file_content = base64.b64decode(event['content'])


How can I scrape PDFs within a Lambda function and save them to an S3 bucket?

I'm trying to develop a simple lambda function that will scrape a pdf and save it to an s3 bucket given the url and the desired filename as input data. I keep receiving the error "Read-only file system,' and I'm not sure if I have to change the bucket permissions or if there is something else I am missing. I am new to S3 and Lambda and would appreciate any help.
This is my code:
import urllib.request
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
url = event['url']
filename = event['filename'] + ".pdf"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
file = open(filename, 'w')
s3.upload_fileobj(, 'sasbreports', filename)
This was my event file:
"url": "",
"filename": "nike"
When I tested the function, I received this error:
"errorMessage": "[Errno 30] Read-only file system: 'nike.pdf.pdf'",
"errorType": "OSError",
"requestId": "de0b23d3-1e62-482c-bdf8-e27e82251941",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/task/\", line 15, in lambda_handler\n file = open(filename + \".pdf\", 'w')\n"
AWS Lambda has limited space in /tmp, the sole writable location.
Writing into this space can be dangerous without a proper disk management since this storage is kept alive across multiple executions. It can lead to a saturation or unexpected file share with previous requests.
Instead of saving locally the PDF, write it directly to S3, without involving file system this way:
import urllib.request
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
url = event['url']
filename = event['filename']
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
s3.upload_fileobj(, 'sasbreports', filename)
BTW: The .pdf appending should be removed according your use case.
AWS Lambda functions can only write to the /tmp/ directory. All other directories are Read-Only.
Also, there is a default limit of 512MB for storage in /tmp/, so make sure you delete the files after upload it to S3 for situations where the Lambda environment is re-used for future executions.

python aws botocore.response.streamingbody to json

I am using boto3 to acccess files from S3,
The objective is to read the files and convert it to JSON
But the issue is none of the files have any file extension (no .csv,.json etc),although the data in the file is structured like JSON
client = boto3.client(
aws_access_key_id = 'AKEY',
aws_secret_access_key = 'ASAKEY',
region_name = 'us-east-1'
obj = client.get_object(
Bucket = 'bucketname',
Key = '*filename without extension*'
obj['Body'] returns a <botocore.response.StreamingBody> object
is it possible to find out the data within it?
The extension does not matter. Assuming your file contains valid json, you can get it:
my_json = json.loads(obj['Body'].read())
The response is a dictionary object.
Response returns StreamingBody in 'Body' attribute. So here is the solution.
Find more information here.
Boto S3 Get Object
client = boto3.client('s3')
response = client.get_object(
Key='<<file key from aws mangement console (S3 Info) >>'
jsonContent = json.loads(response['Body'].read())

How to download PDF file from AWS API gateway in python

I'm creating AWS API endpoint (GET) to get a PDF file and facing a serializable issue.
AWS Lambda is mapped to access the file from s3.
import boto3
import base64
def lambda_handler(event, context):
response = client.get_object(
data = response['Body'].read()
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'isBase64Encoded': True,
'body': data,
'headers': {
'content-type': 'application/pdf',
'content-disposition': 'attachment; filename=test.pdf'
[ERROR] Runtime.MarshalError: Unable to marshal response: bytes is not JSON serializable.
If I return str(data, "utf-8") will download PDF file and making issues while open.
Please suggest to me where I'm lagging.
You will need to initiate the client variable first and then encode the data that is coming back from s3 as followed:
import json
import boto3
import base64
client = boto3.client('s3')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket_name ='bucket-name'
fileObject = client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=file_name)
file_content = fileObject["Body"].read()
print(bucket_name, file_name)
return base64.b64encode(file_content)

Pass Image to Python3 AWS Lambda via API Gateway

I want to upload an image to AWS lambda via API gateway. How do I get the image from the lambda handler?
Local code:
import requests
url = ''
files = {'image': open('image.jpg', 'rb')}
r =, files=files)
Lambda code:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
image = event['image']??????????????<---HOW DO I GET THE IMAGE?????????????????
Note: I do not want to upload the image to S3 then get the image from S3 from the lambda

Download file from AWS S3 using Python

I am trying to download a file from Amazon S3 bucket to my local using the below code but I get an error saying "Unable to locate credentials"
Given below is the code I have written:
from boto3.session import Session
import boto3
session = Session(aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY,
s3 = session.resource('s3')
your_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket_name')
for s3_file in your_bucket.objects.all():
print(s3_file.key) # prints the contents of bucket
s3 = boto3.client ('s3')
Could anyone help me on this?
You are not using the session you created to download the file, you're using s3 client you created. If you want to use the client you need to specify credentials.
your_bucket.download_file('k.png', '/Users/username/Desktop/k.png')
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=... , aws_secret_access_key=...)
From an example in the official documentation, the correct format is:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=... , aws_secret_access_key=...)
s3.download_file('BUCKET_NAME', 'OBJECT_NAME', 'FILE_NAME')
You can also use a file-like object opened in binary mode.
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=... , aws_secret_access_key=...)
with open('FILE_NAME', 'wb') as f:
s3.download_fileobj('BUCKET_NAME', 'OBJECT_NAME', f)
The code in question uses s3 = boto3.client ('s3'), which does not provide any credentials.
The format for authenticating a client is shown here:
import boto3
client = boto3.client(
# Or via the Session
session = boto3.Session(
And lastly you can also re-use the authenticated session you created to get the bucket, and then download then file from the bucket.
from boto3.session import Session
import boto3
session = Session(aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY,
# session is authenticated and can access the resource in question
For others trying to download files from AWS S3 looking for a more user-friendly solution with other industrial-strength features, check out It abstracts the S3 functions into a simpler interface. It also supports directory sync, uploading files, permissions and many other things you need to sync files from S3 (and ftp).
import d6tpipe
api = d6tpipe.api.APILocal() # keep permissions locally for security
settings = \
'name': 'my-files',
'protocol': 's3',
'location': 'bucket-name',
'readCredentials' : {
'aws_access_key_id': 'AAA',
'aws_secret_access_key': 'BBB'
d6tpipe.api.create_pipe_with_remote(api, settings)
pipe = d6tpipe.Pipe(api, 'my-files')
pipe.scan_remote() # show all files
pipe.pull_preview() # preview
pipe.pull(['k.png']) # download single file
pipe.pull() # download all files
pipe.files() # show files
file=open(pipe.dirpath/'k.png') # access file
You can setup your AWS profile with awscli to avoid introduce your credentials in the file. First add your profile:
aws configure --profile account1
Then in your code add:
aws_session = boto3.Session(profile_name="account1")
s3_client = aws_session.client('s3')
can be any name; with that name; file will be downloaded.
It can be added to any existing local directory.
Is the S3 file path along with the file name in the end.
It does not start with a backslash.
It automatically picks the credentials from ~/.aws/config OR ~/.aws/credentials
If not you need to explicitly pass that.
from boto3.session import Session
import boto3
# Let's use Amazon S3
s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
# Print out bucket names to check you have accessibility
# for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
# print(
session = Session()
session = Session(aws_access_key_id="AKIAYJN2LNOU",
session.resource('s3').Bucket('bucket-logs').download_file(Key="logs/20221122_0_5ee03da676ac566336e2279decfc77b3.gz", Filename="/tmp/Local_file_name.gz")
