Cannot connect to ssh-agent with automation script in Linux - linux

I'm trying to write a script to automate an rclone process that requires ssh authentication via public key with a passphrase for the private key. The authentication service does not run by default in a new session. Manually I can do
$ eval `ssh-agent`
Agent pid 2335
$ ssh-add
Enter passphrase for /home/user/.ssh/private_key:
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/private_key (/home/user/.ssh/private_key)
and then I run the rclone process. However, if I run the script, let's call it auth
eval `ssh-agent`
where scpw is an expect script that automates the passphrase input for ssh-add, then I get the same output as manual entry:
$ /path/to/auth
Agent pid 2335
Enter passphrase for /home/user/.ssh/private_key:
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/private_key (/home/user/.ssh/private_key)
but when I try to run the rclone process now, I get the error message
yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss Failed to create file system for "computer:directory": couldn't
connect to ssh-agent: SSH agent requested but SSH_AUTH_SOCK not-specified
which is the same error message I get if I didn't run ssh-add at all. I tried several variants such as
eval `ssh-agent` && ssh-add
eval `ssh-agent` && sleep 3 && ssh-add`
eval `ssh-agent` && /path/to/scpw (where scpw waits 3 seconds to enter passphrase)
all of which also worked manually but didn't work in script. I'm pretty baffled.

Different issues (here or there) point out to the lack of the private key.
In your case, check if:
this would work better with a default name key (for testing) id_rsa
if the expect script spawns a subshell (in which the private key is added to the agent) but, on the next line, the rclone command would not benefit from that, because the agent is only populated by the scpw expect script in a subshell.

You should not eval ssh-agent multiple times, that would create multiple instances of ssh-agent.
What you need is
nohup ssh-agent 2>/dev/null | grep -v echo > $HOME/.ssh/
and then in your scripts which need ssh-agent, do :
source $HOME/.ssh/


Running bash script over SSH [duplicate]

I have to run a local shell script (windows/Linux) on a remote machine.
I have SSH configured on both machine A and B. My script is on machine A which will run some of my code on a remote machine, machine B.
The local and remote computers can be either Windows or Unix based system.
Is there a way to run do this using plink/ssh?
If Machine A is a Windows box, you can use Plink (part of PuTTY) with the -m parameter, and it will execute the local script on the remote server.
plink root#MachineB -m
If Machine A is a Unix-based system, you can use:
ssh root#MachineB 'bash -s' <
You shouldn't have to copy the script to the remote server to run it.
This is an old question, and Jason's answer works fine, but I would like to add this:
ssh user#host <<'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
This can also be used with su and commands which require user input. (note the ' escaped heredoc)
Since this answer keeps getting bits of traffic, I would add even more info to this wonderful use of heredoc:
You can nest commands with this syntax, and that's the only way nesting seems to work (in a sane way)
ssh user#host <<'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
ssh user#host2 <<'END2'
# Another bunch of commands on another host
wall <<'ENDWALL'
Error: Out of cheese
ftp <<'ENDFTP'
You can actually have a conversation with some services like telnet, ftp, etc. But remember that heredoc just sends the stdin as text, it doesn't wait for response between lines
I just found out that you can indent the insides with tabs if you use <<-END!
ssh user#host <<-'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
ssh user#host2 <<-'END2'
# Another bunch of commands on another host
wall <<-'ENDWALL'
Error: Out of cheese
ftp <<-'ENDFTP'
(I think this should work)
Also see
Also, don't forget to escape variables if you want to pick them up from the destination host.
This has caught me out in the past.
For example:
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo \$HOME"
prints out /home/user2
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo $HOME"
prints out /home/user
Another example:
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo hello world | awk '{print \$1}'"
prints out "hello" correctly.
This is an extension to YarekT's answer to combine inline remote commands with passing ENV variables from the local machine to the remote host so you can parameterize your scripts on the remote side:
ssh user#host ARG1=$ARG1 ARG2=$ARG2 'bash -s' <<'ENDSSH'
# commands to run on remote host
echo $ARG1 $ARG2
I found this exceptionally helpful by keeping it all in one script so it's very readable and maintainable.
Why this works. ssh supports the following syntax:
ssh user#host remote_command
In bash we can specify environment variables to define prior to running a command on a single line like so:
ENV_VAR_1='value1' ENV_VAR_2='value2' bash -c 'echo $ENV_VAR_1 $ENV_VAR_2'
That makes it easy to define variables prior to running a command. In this case echo is our command we're running. Everything before echo defines environment variables.
So we combine those two features and YarekT's answer to get:
ssh user#host ARG1=$ARG1 ARG2=$ARG2 'bash -s' <<'ENDSSH'...
In this case we are setting ARG1 and ARG2 to local values. Sending everything after user#host as the remote_command. When the remote machine executes the command ARG1 and ARG2 are set the local values, thanks to local command line evaluation, which defines environment variables on the remote server, then executes the bash -s command using those variables. Voila.
<hostA_shell_prompt>$ ssh user#hostB "ls -la"
That will prompt you for password, unless you have copied your hostA user's public key to the authorized_keys file on the home of user .ssh's directory. That will allow for passwordless authentication (if accepted as an auth method on the ssh server's configuration)
I've started using Fabric for more sophisticated operations. Fabric requires Python and a couple of other dependencies, but only on the client machine. The server need only be a ssh server. I find this tool to be much more powerful than shell scripts handed off to SSH, and well worth the trouble of getting set up (particularly if you enjoy programming in Python). Fabric handles running scripts on multiple hosts (or hosts of certain roles), helps facilitate idempotent operations (such as adding a line to a config script, but not if it's already there), and allows construction of more complex logic (such as the Python language can provide).
cat ./ | ssh <user>#<host>
chmod +x
ssh -i key-file root# < ./
Try running ssh user#remote sh ./script.unx.
Assuming you mean you want to do this automatically from a "local" machine, without manually logging into the "remote" machine, you should look into a TCL extension known as Expect, it is designed precisely for this sort of situation. I've also provided a link to a script for logging-in/interacting via SSH.
ssh user#hostname ". ~/.bashrc;/cd path-to-file/;."
highly recommended to source the environment file(.bashrc/.bashprofile/.profile). before running something in remote host because target and source hosts environment variables may be deffer.
I use this one to run a shell script on a remote machine (tested on /bin/bash):
ssh deploy#host . /home/deploy/path/to/
if you wanna execute command like this
temp=`ls -a`
echo $temp
command in `` will cause errors.
below command will solve this problem
ssh user#host '''
temp=`ls -a`
echo $temp
If the script is short and is meant to be embedded inside your script and you are running under bash shell and also bash shell is available on the remote side, you may use declare to transfer local context to remote. Define variables and functions containing the state that will be transferred to the remote. Define a function that will be executed on the remote side. Then inside a here document read by bash -s you can use declare -p to transfer the variable values and use declare -f to transfer function definitions to the remote.
Because declare takes care of the quoting and will be parsed by the remote bash, the variables are properly quoted and functions are properly transferred. You may just write the script locally, usually I do one long function with the work I need to do on the remote side. The context has to be hand-picked, but the following method is "good enough" for any short scripts and is safe - should properly handle all corner cases.
somevar="spaces or other special characters"
another_func() {
mkdir -p "$1"
work() {
another_func "$somevar"
touch "$somevar"/"$somevar2"
ssh user#server 'bash -s' <<EOT
$(declare -p somevar somevar2) # transfer variables values
$(declare -f work another_func) # transfer function definitions
work # call the function
The answer here ( works great if
you're trying to run a script on a remote linux machine using plink or ssh.
It will work if the script has multiple lines on linux.
**However, if you are trying to run a batch script located on a local
linux/windows machine and your remote machine is Windows, and it consists
of multiple lines using **
plink root#MachineB -m local_script.bat
wont work.
Only the first line of the script will be executed. This is probably a
limitation of plink.
Solution 1:
To run a multiline batch script (especially if it's relatively simple,
consisting of a few lines):
If your original batch script is as follows
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop
you can combine the lines together using the "&&" separator as follows in your
local_script.bat file:
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop && python
After this change, you can then run the script as pointed out here by
#JasonR.Coombs: with:
`plink root#MachineB -m local_script.bat`
Solution 2:
If your batch script is relatively complicated, it may be better to use a batch
script which encapsulates the plink command as well as follows as pointed out
here by #Martin
rem Open tunnel in the background
start plink.exe -ssh [username]#[hostname] -L 3307: -i "[SSH
key]" -N
rem Wait a second to let Plink establish the tunnel
timeout /t 1
rem Run the task using the tunnel
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH qidash.R
rem Kill the tunnel
taskkill /im plink.exe
This bash script does ssh into a target remote machine, and run some command in the remote machine, do not forget to install expect before running it (on mac brew install expect )
set username "enterusenamehere"
set password "enterpasswordhere"
set hosts "enteripaddressofhosthere"
spawn ssh $username#$hosts
expect "$username#$hosts's password:"
send -- "$password\n"
expect "$"
send -- "somecommand on target remote machine here\n"
sleep 5
expect "$"
send -- "exit\n"
You can use runoverssh:
sudo apt install runoverssh
runoverssh -s user host1 host2 host3...
-s runs a local script remotely
Useful flags:
-g use a global password for all hosts (single password prompt)
-n use SSH instead of sshpass, useful for public-key authentication
If it's one script it's fine with the above solution.
I would set up Ansible to do the Job. It works in the same way (Ansible uses ssh to execute the scripts on the remote machine for both Unix or Windows).
It will be more structured and maintainable.
It is unclear if the local script uses locally set variables, functions, or aliases.
If it does this should work:
myalias $myvar
myfunction $myvar
It uses $myvar, myfunction, and myalias. Let us assume they is set locally and not on the remote machine.
Make a bash function that contains the script:
eval "myfun() { `cat`; }"
Set variable, function, and alias:
alias myalias='echo This alias'
myfunction() { echo This function "$#"; }
And "export" myfun, myfunction, myvar, and myalias to server using env_parallel from GNU Parallel:
env_parallel -S server -N0 --nonall myfun ::: dummy
Extending answer from #cglotr. In order to write inline command use printf, it useful for simple command and it support multiline using char escaping '\n'
example :
printf "cd /to/path/your/remote/machine/log \n tail -n 100 Server.log" | ssh <user>#<host> 'bash -s'
See don't forget to add bash -s
There is another approach ,you can copy your script in your host with scp command then execute it easily .
First, copy the script over to Machine B using scp
[user#machineA]$ scp /path/to/script user#machineB:/home/user/path
Then, just run the script
[user#machineA]$ ssh user#machineB "/home/user/path/script"
This will work if you have given executable permission to the script.

ssh-copy-id fails when run from within a remote session

I have a task to copy ssh keys from one node to all others in an array. For this, I wrote a simple bash script which copies itself to other nodes and runs it there. What confuses me is the fact that ssh-copy-id works fine on the node where the script is executed manually but it fails if run remotely in an ssh session. Here’s the script:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
4 nodes=( main worker-01 worker-02 worker-03 )
6 for n in $( echo "${nodes[#]}" ); do
7 [ $n != $HOSTNAME ] && ssh-copy-id $n
8 done
10 if [ -z $REMOTE ]; then
11 for n in $( echo ${nodes[#]} ); do
12 if [ $n != $HOSTNAME ]; then
13 scp $0 $USER#$n:$0 > /dev/null
14 ssh $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
15 fi
16 done
17 fi
The code in rows 6-8 works fine copying the ssh key to all nodes other than itself. Then, if the REMOTE variable is not set, code in rows 11-16 copies the script to remote nodes (except the node it’s running on, row 12) and runs it there. In row 14, I set and pass the variable REMOTE to skip the code block in rows 10-17 (so the script copies itself only from the source node to others), and the variable HOSTNAME because I found it’s not set in an ssh session. The user’s name and the script path are completely the same on the source node and all destination nodes.
When running on the source node, it works properly asking for a confirmation and the remote host's password. But the script that has just run successfully on the source node fails running in the remote ssh session: ssh-copy-id fails with the following error:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/username/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: Host key verification failed.
At that moment, no .ssh/known_hosts file is present on a remote node so I can't do ssh-keygen -R. What am I missing and how to make it work?
ssh $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
Try running ssh with the "-tt" option to request a PTY (pseudo-TTY) for the remote session:
ssh -tt $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
In the case that you're describing, you're launching ssh on the remote system to connect to a third system. The ssh instance doesn't have a saved copy of the third host's host key. So you'd normally expect ssh to prompt the user whether to continue connecting to the third host. Except that it's not prompting the user--it's just refusing to connect to the third host.
When ssh is invoked with a command to run on the remote system, by default it runs that command without a TTY. In this case, the remote ssh instance sees that it's running without a TTY and runs non-interactively. When it's non-interactive, it doesn't prompt the user for things like passwords and whether to accept a host key or not.
Running the local ssh instance with "-tt" causes it to request a PTY for the remote session. So the remote ssh instance will have a TTY and it will prompt the user--you--for things like host key confirmations.
ssh-copy-id is not copying your keys to remote hosts, it's adding them to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and when you jump to that remote host there are no keys(or are they?) so there is nothig to copy further. And if ssh-copy-id run without -i option it'll copy(add to authorized_keys) all .pub keys from your ~/.ssh dir wich could be not desired so i suggest to run it like this ssh-copy-id -i $key $host
Be sure that on the destination side, the /etc/ssh/sshd_config is configured to accept the type of key that was generated.
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ed25519,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,ssh-rsa
I generated the key using ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 ... however, up above the following line did not include the ,ssh-rsa at the end, so even though the ssh-copy-id updated my destination, the sshd did not accept rsa type generated keys. Once i added ,sha-rsa, the did systemctl restart sshd it worked!

How can I pass the contents of a pem file in the scp command? [duplicate]

I can connect to a server via SSH using the -i option to specify the private key:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa user#hostname
I am creating a script that takes the id_dsa text from the database but I am not sure how I can give that string to SSH. I would need something like:
ssh --option $STRING user#hostname
Where $STRING contains the value of id_dsa. I need to know the --option if there is one.
Try the following:
echo $KEY | ssh -i /dev/stdin username#host command
The key doesn't appear from a PS statement, but because stdin is redirected it's only useful for single commands or tunnels.
There is no such switch - as it would leak sensitive information. If there were, anyone could get your private key by doing a simple ps command.
EDIT: (because of theg added details in comment)
You really should store the key in to a temporary file. Make sure you set the permissions correctly before writing to the file, if you do not use command like mktemp to create the temporary file.
Make sure you run the broker (or agent in case of OpenSSH) process and load the key using <whatever command you use to fetch it form the database> | ssh-add -
Passing cryptokey as a string is not advisable but for the sake of the question, I would say I came across the same situation where I need to pass key as a string in a script. I could use key stored in a file too but the nature of the script is to make it very flexible, containing everything in itself was a requirement. so I used to assign variable and pass it and echo it as follows :
echo "${KEY}" | ssh -q -i /dev/stdin username#IP 'hostnamectl'
exit 0
-q suppress all warnings
By the way , the catch here in above script, since we are using echo it will print the ssh key which is again not recommended , to hide that you can use grep to grep some anything which will not be printed for sure but still stdin will have the value from the echo. So the final cmd can be modified as follows :
echo "${KEY}" | grep -qw "less" | ssh -q -i /dev/stdin username#IP 'hostnamectl'
exit 0
This worked for me.
I was looking at the same problem. Adding private key content to ssh command via stdin did not work for me. I found out that its possible to add the private key file contents to ssh-agent using the command ssh-add. This will let you ssh into the remote host without explicitly specifying the identity file. My particular usecase was that I didn't want to store the SSH key in cleartext on my machine and was dynamically getting it from a secrets vault. This answer is mostly a collection of other answers on StackOverflow.
ssh-agent is a program to hold private keys used for public key
authentication. Through use of environment variables the agent can
be located and automatically used for authentication when logging
in to other machines using ssh
This is what I have done.
First start the ssh-agent.
You can start it from your terminal by simply executing ssh-agent.
OPTIONAL: If you'd like to make sure ssh-agent is running on every login, you can add something like the following to your shell config.
This is what I have added to my ~/.bashrc file.
# set SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var to a fixed value
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh-agent.sock
# test whether $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is valid
ssh-add -l 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
# if not valid, then start ssh-agent using $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
[ $? -ge 2 ] && ssh-agent -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" >/dev/null
(This particular snippet also makes sure new ssh-agent processes are not getting created when there's one already running.)
Now you have the ssh-agent running.
Since we're interested in loading SSH key as a string, I'll assume a scenario where private key contents has already been loaded in to a variable, $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY.
I can now add this Key contents to the ssh-agent by executing the following command.
ssh-add - <<< "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}"
This can just be added to the bashrc file as well.
You can confirm that your key has been added by listing all keys by executing ssh-agent -l. Aaand you're done now.
Try connecting to the remote host and you don't need a private key file.
ssh username#hostname
This does come with extra security risks. These are some I could think of:
Adding the private key to the ssh-agent will let any process on the machine access the key to authenticate remote hosts without explicitly providing any information.
Since the goal is to load Private key as a string, it will either be stored in a variable or the contents embedded directly in the command. This might make the key available in command history, the shell variable and other places.

Provide password to ssh command inside bash script, Without the usage of public keys and Expect

I want to use SSH inside a script, but this script is not going to be executed on my machine.
In my implementation there are two limitations.
I can not work outside shell's standards,therefore i can not use expect because i do not know if it will be available on this machine.
I can not expect that this machine will have public keys for the SSH.
What are the possible options-solutions ?
How can i provide ssh with the requested password with an automated and secure way without adding extra dependencies?
Will it be possible to provide the password inside the script?
Thank you all in advance :)
Install sshpass, then launch the command:
sshpass -p "yourpassword" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no yourusername#hostname
For security reasons you must avoid providing password on a command line otherwise anyone running ps command can see your password. Better to use sshpass utility like this:
export SSHPASS="your-password"
sshpass -e ssh -oBatchMode=no sshUser#remoteHost
You might be interested in How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script?
First of all: Don't put secrets in clear text unless you know why it is a safe thing to do (i.e. you have assessed what damage can be done by an attacker knowing the secret).
If you are ok with putting secrets in your script, you could ship an ssh key with it and execute in an ssh-agent shell:
#!/usr/bin/env ssh-agent /usr/bin/env bash
cat << EOF > ${KEYFILE}
ssh-add ${KEYFILE}
# do your ssh things here...
# Remove the key file.
rm -f ${KEYFILE}
A benefit of using ssh keys is that you can easily use forced commands to limit what the keyholder can do on the server.
A more secure approach would be to let the script run ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/my-script-key to create a private key specific for this purpose, but then you would also need a routine for adding the public key to the server.
AFAIK there is no possibility beside from using keys or expect if you are using the command line version ssh. But there are library bindings for the most programming languages like C, python, php, ... . You could write a program in such a language. This way it would be possible to pass the password automatically. But note this is of course a security problem as the password will be stored in plain text in that program
I completely agree with everybody who says this is almost certainly a terrible idea. It is extremely likely to allow others to attack your computers.
Make a program /path/to/saypass which outputs the password, such as
echo 'secret'
Make it executable with
chmod +x /path/to/saypass
Then this is the main command:
SSH_ASKPASS="/path/to/saypass" DISPLAY=anything setsid ssh username#hostname [farcommand]
sets the two environment variables SSH_ASKPASS and DISPLAY
and then runs setsid
which then runs ssh without a controlling terminal
which connects to the far hostname
... runs saypass locally to get the password
... tells it to the far server
... and assuming it's correct
which then runs farcommand (if given), or an interactive shell.
I normally test with date or hostname for the optional farcommand.
There are lots of places for this to go wrong.
The trick to this is that standard Linux command line ssh has a couple of environment variables you can use to choose a program which gets executed to supply the password.
ssh(1) manual page says:
SSH_ASKPASS If ssh needs a passphrase, it will read the passphrase from the current terminal if it was run from a terminal. If ssh does not have a terminal associated with it but DISPLAY and SSH_ASKPASS are set, it will execute the program specified by SSH_ASKPASS and open an X11 window to read the passphrase.
So: you need a program (shell script or any other kind) which will output the password. Then you need to convince ssh to use it:
With SSH_ASKPASS set to /path/to/saypass
With DISPLAY set to something silly
With no controlling terminal (this is what setsid does)
Which you put together in the following sh command:
SSH_ASKPASS="/path/to/saypass" DISPLAY=anything setsid ssh username#hostname [command]
ssh will execute
/path/to/saypass "username#hostname's password:"
Fingerprint check
If the fingerprint is needed, where you'd normally see the message
The authenticity of host '*hostname* (*ipaddress*)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Then ssh will run your command like this:
/path/to/saypass "Please type 'yes' or 'no':"
All-in-one script
The following is a single script for creating, using, and removing a saypass within the main script. Everyone will tell you do not put plaintext passwords in files and also never hardcode a password. They tell you this for good reason: it will cause you a lot of trouble. Use at your own risk.
echo "#!/bin/sh\necho 'secret';rm -f /tmp/saypass.$$" > /tmp/saypass.$$
chmod 775 /tmp/saypass.$$
SSH_ASKPASS="/tmp/saypass.$$" DISPLAY=anything setsid ssh "$#"
This also works for scp, the copy program on top of ssh:
SSH_ASKPASS=/path/to/saypas DISPLAY=anything setsid scp username#hostname:/path/to/farfile .
Really don't use this except in dire, dire, circumstances, such as where you have hundreds of computers and you can't install anything like ssh keys, sshpass even expect.
If you do use it, please don't tell anyone I told you how to do it. It really is terrible.
I don't know what the man page means about "open an X11 window", no such thing happens in my testing.
Tested on
OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2, OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS,
OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.1, OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017 on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

Linux script - password step cuts the flow

Lets assume the script i want to write ssh to and then invokes
The problem is that when the line "ssh" is invoked, a password is
Required, hence, the flow is stopped, even when i fill the password,
The script wont continue.
How can i make the script continue after the password is given?
You want to do public key authentication. Here are some resources which should get you going.
I would post a couple more links, but I don't have enough reputation points. ;) Just google on "SSH automated login" or "SSH public key authentication" if you need more help.
Actually you're trying to run ls locally but you have an ssh session opened. So it won't run ls until the session is opened. If you want to run ls remotely, you should use
ssh username#host COMMAND
Where command is the command you want to run. Ssh session will finish as soon as the command is invoked and you can capture its output normally.
I would suggest you to use RSA authentication method for script that needs ssh.
I just tried this script:
ssh vps1 ls
mkdir temp
cd temp
echo test > file.txt
And it works. I can connect to my server and list my home. Then, locally, it creates temp dir, cd into it and then creates file.txt with 'test' inside.
write simple login bash script named login_to and give exec permissions (chmod 744 login_to)
if [ $1 = 'srv1' ]; then
echo 'srv1-pass' | pbcopy
ssh root#
if [ $1 = 'foo' ]; then
echo 'barbaz' | pbcopy
ssh -t dux# 'cd ~/somedir/someotherdir; bash'
now use it like this
login_to srv1
login_to foo
When asked for password, just pate (ctrl+v or command+v) and you will be logged in.
