WKWebView on iOS 14 only loads content after a significant delay - wkwebview

There seems to be some issue with loading content in WKWebViews in iOS 14. Whenever something is loaded (either a webpage or html string) it takes 25 seconds before the loading actually starts.
I've tried this with a production project and a couple boilerplate WKWebView projects written in Swift and Objective-C, all of them have the same 25 second delay.
This happens in the simulator for both iPhone and iPad on two Macs, both running Catalina and Xcode 12 beta 3.
I haven't tried this on an actual device yet as my primary phone is the only device I have that is capable of running iOS 14 and I prefer not to install iOS 14 on it just to check if this issue is present.
Has anyone else seen this issue?

After two nights working on this thinking it was a mistake I made in SwiftUI (WKWebView inside UIViewRepresentable), I came to the conclusion that this is an issue with iOS 14, but only on the simulator. Not fixed in Xcode 12 beta 4.
There is no delay in iOS 13 on the simulator. You can easily test this by opening Safari in a simulator running iOS 13 and in a second simulator running iOS 14. Any webpage in Safari iOS 13 will open almost instantly. Any webpage in Safari iOS 14 will open with a delay of 20-30 seconds (unless it is a link you click on the website itself).
There is also no delay if you open a webpage in WKWebView or Safari on a real device with iOS 14 (tested with iOS 14 beta 4).
I reported this issue to Apple via the Feedback Assistent app.
[UPDATE] Seems fixed in Xcode 12 beta 5: no longer a delay in the simulator.


iOS 12 beta 4 CoreLocation from background launch

My app tracks users' travel (with their knowledge and consent, and with appropriate permissions set). A significant location change event starts the app, and then the app starts updating locations.
This works great for iOS 10 and 11, but it isn't working for the iOS 12 betas (tested beta 3 and 4) - the app is getting started, but it is either not getting location updates, or it is not staying active in the background.
I filed a bug report with Apple, and they called my bug report a dupe of an existing bug that's open, but I couldn't see details on the existing bug.
Does anyone have any more information on this? I scoured release notes and developer event presentations, but I didn't find any mention of something Apple purposefully changed that might cause this.
What I'd really like to know is if there's an intended behavior change that I need to support before the final iOS 12 release. Even better, if there's some workaround that will get this working in the beta versions, that would let me sleep at night...
Seems to be fixed in iOS 12 beta 5 or 6 - upgraded iOS and it started working without other changes.

Xcode 9.4 + Only Test-flight app crash

I reuploaded my app to TestFlight via Xcode 9.4 but it is continuously crash after splash screen on that test flight build in IOS 11 while same test flight working in IOS 10. While when running in the Adhoc build in the device, it is working fine without any issue.
And my last submission by Xcode 9.2 is working fine in all IOS devices including 11.4 too.
When I am getting crash logs from Organizer, it says, App crash on a statement like self.viewInput.refreshRewardCount(current: current, max: max) where current and max value passed static as 0 and 50 respectively first time when app start.
Additionality, I have also checked my Optimization Flags for LLVM and Swift compiler which are set properly as my other app and people suggested on the stack too.
Help me to solve that issue.
We ran into this before. If you have not resolved this try using ImageOptim (downloaded from the Mac AppStore) and optimize all of your images. iOS 9 had a bug where it couldn't process certain metadata of PNG files.

Failed to acquire termination assertion when installing placeholder. What does it mean?

I am getting this error in Xcode 9 beta . What does it mean? Attaching snapshot for the same.
The problem seems to be that Xcode 9 Beta does/can not close the iPhone app if it is open on the simulator when the app is built and run (which it used to do). Simply closing the app on the iPhone simulator (shift-command-h) seems to do the trick. Another option is to restart the simulator. Hopefully Apple will fix this issue soon.

Why does my Monotouch App crash with iOS 6?

I need to make sure that our iPhone App (implemented with Monotouch) will still be be working from the very first day that iOS 6 is released to the public.
I've installed XCode 4.5 and iOS 6 Beta 3 and upgraded Monotouch to the latest version. Then I ran my app in the iOS 6 emulator and the app crashed instantly with the following error message:
Terminating since there is no system event server.
(Run the EventPump or pass the argument "-RegisterForSystemEvents" if you want to run without SpringBoard.
I've tried googling for similar problems but could not find anything. What can I do to make my App run on iOS 6?
Details on iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5 are under NDA and won't be discussed publicly. Please either contact support#xamarin.com or fill private bug reports on http://bugzilla.xamarin.com

Apps slower to start on iPhone 4, iOS 5.1 compiled with Xcode 4.3.1?

I am keeping a close eye on the start time of my app in development. In main I store the start time using CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() and log elapsed time when didFinishLaunchingWithOptions gets called, as well as during the initialization and painting of my StopWatchView and finally in the viewDidAppear of the main view controller. This served me very well in figuring out where my start time goes and keeping it in check. My startup performance tests on actual devices were done on iPhone 3G (iOS 4.2.1) and iPhone 4.
Since upgrading the device to iOS 5.1 I was forced to upgrade the Xcode to the version 4.3.1, too. I have immediately noticed that the start times on iPhone 4 changed dramatically. All measurements were performed with Xcode attached for debugging, reading the elapsed times from logs in console. Now I've also added debugging label that displays elapsed time to be able to measure without debugger attached.
To eliminate the possibility that the change was caused by something in my code, I've created new Utility Application and confirmed the slowdown. The iPhone 4 used to be ~3x faster than iPhone 3G, now it starts slower(!!!) than 3G. The startup time has also become highly volatile (+- 0.3s), where it used to be +-0.05s. The volatility disappears in Airplane Mode, so I suspect it's caused by some background process related to iCloud. However I'm very puzzled by 3x slower startup time on iPhone 4 before and after the upgrade.
Here are the average startup times, first during debugging in Xcode (then without Xcode):
Debug No-debug
iPhone 3G: 1.23s (0.67s)
iPhone 4: 0.43s (-----) [iOS 5.0.1, Xcode 4.3]
iPhone 4: 1.53s (1.18s) [iOS 5.1, Xcode 4.3.1]
iPad 2: 0.41s (0.22s) [iOS 5.1, Xcode 4.3.1]
I don't know if this is caused by iOS 5.1 or Xcode 4.3.1 or if this is iPhone 4 specific problem. Does anybody see similar slowdown?
On further investigation, I have noticed during profiling (after watching WWDC 2012 Session 235 "iOS App Performance - Responsiveness") that the time difference I have noticed is attributable to the call to _UIAccessibilityInitialize.
I have been testing the accessibility of my app and have enabled Settings > Accessibility > Tripple-click Home > Ask. This coincided with the release of the 5.1 update and I have erroneously attributed the problem to the new version. I guess that the OS has to initialize the accessibility machinery, so that you can turn on the VoiceOver anytime, without it needing to restart all open apps.
The performance impact of enabling accessibility is not clearly documented, as far as I know. So, to save other performance and accessibility conscious developers this surprise, know that even with Tripple-click Home set to Ask, you pay the cost of _UIAccessibilityInitialize.
I'm also about to devise a scheme to do my custom accessibilityLabels lazily, as they too, are having non-negligable impact on the responsiveness of my app in normal use. I guess there is no free lunch after all ;-)
