Hiding unfilled fields in pdf/html templates via source code - netsuite

I'd like to make certain fields invisible/disappear when remain unfilled.
i.e. Email:
This will result in the email text field not being printed out

Here is an example of how I do that. It's a custom field, on mine, but the logic is the same. The ?has_content piece is what tests for data in the field.
<#if record.custbody_bill_to_email?has_content>
<td style="width: 147px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong>Email</strong></span></td>
<td style="width: 175px;"><span style="font-size:11px;">${record.custbody_bill_to_email}</span></td>


display quotation marks within a variable freemarker - netsuite advanced pdf

I'm trying to show results in the PDF from the netsuite database, however some results have quotation marks, so the results are incomplete, try adding "? Html" at the end of each variable, but do not It affects the column that I want.
I hope and you can help me, greetings!
Netsuite Advanced PDF template - Freemarker
<table cellmargin="5"><#list results as result><tr>
<td style="width: 150px;">
<#if result.custitem_gg_item_image?length != 0><img src="https://----com${result.custitem_gg_item_image}" style="width: 125px; height: 125px;"/><#else><img src="https:/---.com" style="width: 125px; height: 125px;"/></#if>
<td><strong style="font-size: 12pt"><u><span>${result.itemid?html}</span></u></strong><br/><br/><strong style="font-size: 10pt"><span>${result.displayname?html}</span></strong><br/><br/>
<#if result.purchasedescription?length != 0><span>${result.purchasedescription?html}</span><#else><span>${result.salesdescription?html}</span></#if></td>
Just having a quotation mark in the field values shouldn't cause any issues. Do you also have html in the sales and purchase descriptions? Normally you should not do that -- leave the html for the storedetaileddescription field.
If your issue is actually html in the descriptions then see this answer: Remove HTML tags in Freemarker Template

suitescript set custom column value netsuite

Using Pick, Pack and Ship and advanced PDF HTML templates, NetSuite cannot display the qty remaining to pick. So if we do a partial pick, we cannot show the warehouse the remaining balance. The math is simple, here is the script and function I would like to see (based on forum feedback). Will this work and what is the best way to deploy this script such that the result is stored in the custom column until another pick takes place? The value is to be calculated at time of changes, but available to all related transaction records.
function SetQtytoPick(type){
if(type == 'item'){
var qtyordered = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity');
var qtypicked = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantitypicked');
var qtytopick = qtyordered-qtypicked
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_qty_to_pick', qtytopick);
Actually one of the really fun things about the Advanced HTML/PDF templates is that you don't need your code. When print the packing slip the template supplies the item fulfillment (as record) and the sales order (as salesorder).
You can get the value you need from the Sales Order's Item Line's quantityfulfilled value.
the following snippet was from a customized packing slip where the customer wanted the PS to always show all the Sales Order's items. It doesn't directly solve your problem but you can see that the template itself can be used to calculate the items remaining to ship at the time of printing.
<#list salesorder.item as tranline>
<#assign shipped=0>
<#assign prevShipped=tranline.quantityfulfilled>
<#assign qtyRemaining=tranline.quantity - prevShipped>
<#if (tranline.quantitybackordered gt 0)> <#assign qtyRemaining=tranline.quantitybackordered></#if>
<#list record.item as item><#if tranline.line==item.orderline>
<#assign shipped=item.quantity>
<#assign prevShipped=tranline.quantityfulfilled-item.quantity>
<td colspan="12"><span class="itemname">${tranline.item}</span><#if tranline.itemtype =='NonInvtPart'>**<#assign anyNonInvt='T'></#if><br />${tranline.description?html}</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3"><#if shipped gt 0><b>${shipped}</b><#else>0</#if></td>
<td align="center" colspan="3">${tranline.quantity}</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3">${prevShipped}</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3">${qtyRemaining}</td>
<td colspan="4">${tranline.options?html}</td>
The other way to do this would be to put your script into a user event script before submit event. You'd deploy it on Item Fulfillments

xpages dijit.form.checkbox multiple values

Using xpages on domino 8.5.3 server.
Can a djcheckbox be use with muiltiple value field similar to a checkboxgroup ?
if so, would it be possible to supply a code snippet.
dijit.form.CheckBox can deal with only one value and that's true for djCheckBox too as it's based on dijit.form.CheckBox.
You could combine several djCheckBox controls and let it look like a checkBoxGroup. Bind every djCheckBox to a viewScope variable initialized by a document item and write values back at document save.
Here is an example for UI similarity to checkBoxGroup:
I am not sure though what's the reason for your question and if it's worth the extra effort.

Replace Woocommerce Attribute name with an icon or an image

I'm using the Divi theme along with WC.
I have created 3 product attributes for my tea shop.
I wish to display an image on the front end rather that the name (or label) of the attribute.
For instance, instead of reading Steeping Temperature, I would like to display the image of a thermometer.
I am not a programmer / developper.
Please help
it is posible to use
in css for add an icon to each title of attributes.
content:" ";
background-position:left center;
<tr class="alt">
<th id="attribute45896">color:</th>
<td><ul class="jcaa_attr_select jcaa_size_small jcaa_rounded_corners">
<li style="list-style:none;">red
but woocommerce do not set an auto id or random class to attributes.

JavaFX hide text of column in tableview

I have a tableview and I want to show an image in the first column. My problem is I can't sort the column then. My idea is to set text in the column too and hide the text so it is only for the correct sorting set. Is there a way to do that? Or what other solutions are possible for my problem?
I think this is the perfect example what you wants to do.Still let me know if you have any issue.
Check here
I would have a look at TableColumn.setCellValueFactory() and TableColumn.setCellFactory(). The further is used to provide the actual cell value (used for sorting!), the latter is used to provide the rendering.
In other words: If you need the sort order, you must not change the content, but only the Cell rendering. The methods mentioned above let you do exactly this.
Hope that helps ...
You could do it with just CSS using text-indent. You would also need to set the image as a css background. You did not provide an code of your table, but below is some example:
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td class="hidetext image">Text 1</td>
<td>Some text to show</td>
<td class="hidetext image">Text 2</td>
<td>Some text to show</td>
<td class="hidetext image">Text 3</td>
<td>Some text to show</td>
<td class="hidetext image">Text 4</td>
<td>Some text to show</td>
.hidetext {text-indent:-9000px}
.image {background:url(http://www.madisoncopy.com/images/jpeg.jpg) no-repeat;}
See how in the left column the text does not show (but it is actually there just indented off the screen).
See this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/D297P/
