How to set intervals between multiple requests AWS Lambda API - python-3.x

I have created an API using AWS Lambda function (using Python). Now my react js code hits this API whenever an event fire. So user can request API as many times the events are fired. Now the problem is we are not getting the response from lambda API sequentially. Sometime we are getting the response of our last request faster than the previous response of previous request.
So we need to handle our response in Lambda function sequentially, may be adding some delay between 2 request or may be implementing throttling. So how can I do that.

Did you check the concurrency setting on Lambda? You can throttle the lambda there.
But if you throttle the lambda and the requests being sent are not being received, the application sending the requests might be receiving an error unless you are storing the requests somewhere on AWS for being processed later.
I think putting an SQS in front of lambda might help. You will be hitting API gateway, the requests get sent to SQS, lambda polls requests concurrently (you can control the concurrency) and then send the response back.

You can use SQS FIFO Queue as a trigger on the Lambda function, set Batch size to 1, and the Reserved Concurrency on the Function to 1. The messages will always be processed in order and will not concurrently poll the next message until the previous one is complete.
SQS triggers do not support Batch Window - which will 'wait' until polling the next message. This is a feature for Stream based Lambda triggers (Kinesis and DynamoDB Streams)
If you want to streamlined process, Step Function will let you manage states using state machines and supports automatic retry based off the outputs of individual states.

As a previous response said, potentially what could help is to put an SQS in front of the Lambda - if order of processing is important, you could also look at setting the SQS queue up as a FIFO queue, which preserves order:
As the other comment said, the other option is to limit concurrency, but even then you're probably best off putting SQS in front as you're then limiting your throughput.


AWS: inconsistency between SQS and lambda

I want to trigger lambda with a websocket. I have deployed a EC2 instance of websocket producer which is throwing all its data through SQS FIFO and SQS triggering lambda with same messageGroupId. But sometimes lambda is executing concurrently, I am expecting lambda to be executed sequentially. Because data is coming in a Queue. Since it is a cryptocurrency exchange websocket, data frequency is really high. And I checked one message from the websocket takes 3ms in lambda to get processed.
I was expecting lambda to run only 1 process not concurrently (which is causing wrong data calculation). Can anyone tell me what config in Queue should I configure or is there any other method to achieve this goal.
Edit: Attaching config for fifo
There are two types of Amazon SQS queues: first-in, first-out (FIFO) and standard queues.
In FIFO queues, message strings remain in the same order in which the original messages were sent and received. FIFO queues support up to 300 send, receive or delete messages per second.
Standard queues attempt to keep message strings in the same order in which the messages were originally sent, but processing requirements may change the original order or sequence of messages. For example, standard queues can be used to batch messages for future processing or allocate tasks to multiple worker nodes.
The frequency of message delivery differs between standard and FIFO queues, as FIFO messages are delivered exactly once, while in standard queues, messages are delivered at least once.
Suggestion : check your que type and change it to FIFO.
You need to set the maximum lambda concurrency to 1.
To process each message sequentially:
When sending a message to the Amazon SQS queue, specify the same MessageGroupId for each message
In the Lambda function, configure the SQS Trigger to have a Batch size of 1
When using a FIFO queue, if a message is 'in-flight' then SQS will not permit another message with the same MessageGroupId to be processed. It will, however, allow multiple messages with the same MessageGroupId to be sent to a Lambda function, which is why you should set the Batch Size to 1.
Using the Amazon SQS message group ID - Amazon Simple Queue Service
New for AWS Lambda – SQS FIFO as an event source | AWS Compute Blog

Combine SQS messages that arrive within milliseconds of each other

I am faced with a situation that I am not quite sure how to solve. Basically my system receives data from a third-party source via API gateway, publishes this data to an SNS topic which triggers a lambda function. Based on the message parameters, the lambda function pushes the message to one of three different SQS queues. These queues trigger one of three lambda functions which perform one of three possible actions - create, update or delete items in that order in another third-party system through their API endpoints.
The usual flow would be to first create an entity on the destination system and then each subsequent action should be to update/delete this entity. The problem is, sometimes I receive data for the same entity from the source within milliseconds, thus my system is unable to create the entity on the destination due to the fact that their API requires at least 300-400ms to do so. So when my system tries to update the entity, it's not existing yet, thus my system creates it. But since I have a create action in the process of executing, it creates a duplicate entry on my destination.
So my question is, what is the best practice to consolidate messages for the same entity that arrive within less than a second of each other?
My Thoughts so far:
I am thinking of using redis to consolidate messages that are for the same entity before pushing them to the SNS topic, but I was hoping there would be a more straight-forward approach as I don't want to introduce another layer of logic.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
The best option would be to use an Amazon SQS FIFO queue, with each message using a Message Group ID that is set to the unique ID of the item that is being created.
In a FIFO queue, SQS will ensure that messages are processed in-order, and will only allow one message per Message Group ID to be received at a time. Thus, any subsequent messages for the same Message Group ID will wait until an existing message has been fully processed.
If this is not acceptable, then AWS Lambda now supports batch windows of up to 5 minutes for functions with Amazon SQS as an event source:
AWS Lambda now allows customers using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) as an event source to define a wait period, called MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds, to allow messages to accumulate in their SQS queue before invoking a Lambda function. In addition to Batch Size, this is a second option to send records in batches, to reduce the number of Lambda invokes. This option is ideal for workloads that are not time-sensitive, and can choose to wait to optimize cost.
Previously, Lambda functions polling from an SQS queue would send messages in batches of up to 10 before invoking the function. Now, customers can also define a time window that Lambda should wait to poll messages from their SQS queue before invoking their function. Lambda will wait for up to 300 seconds to poll messages from the SQS queue. When a batch window is defined, Lambda will also allow customers to define a batch size of up to 10,000 messages.
To get started, when creating a new Lambda function or updating an existing function with SQS as an event source, customers can set the MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds field to any value between 0 and 300 seconds on the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, AWS SAM or AWS SDK for Lambda. This feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Lambda and Amazon SQS are available, and requires no additional charge to use.
the lambda function pushes the message to one of three different SQS queues
So when my system tries to update the entity, it's not existing yet, thus my system creates it. But since I have a create action in the process of executing, it creates a duplicate entry on my destination
By using multiple queue you created yourself a thread race and now you are trying to patch it.
Based on the provided information and context - as already answered - a single fifo queue with context id could be more appropriate (do you really need 3 queues?)
If latency is critical, then a streaming could be a solution as well.
As you described your issue, I think you don't need to combine the messages (indeed you could use Redis, AWS Kinesis Analytics, DynamoDB..), but rather not to create the issue at thecfirst place
having a single fifo queue
having an idempotent and thread-safe backend service able handling concurrent updates (transactions, atomic updates,..)
As well if you can create "duplicate" entries, it means the unique indexes are not enforced. They exist exactly for that reason.
You did not specify the backend service (RDBMS, DynamoDB, MongoDB, other?) each has an option to handle the problem somehow.

Spawning hundreds of Lambda processes but waiting for them all to finish

I'm currently using AWS Step Functions in a "queue watcher" setup.
I have an initial Lambda that spawns hundreds of ID's that are added to an SQS queue, which is then consumed by a "Worker" Lambda. When the "Worker" lambda has consumed the queue I need to run a "Logout" Lambda to expire a ticket.
The problem I'm having is sometimes the logout happens before the queue is empty.
Is there a better solution to this? I've looked into callbacks but it doesn't seem usable in this scenario? Passing the payload through Step Functions instead of SQS isn't possible either due to payload limits.
Step Function:
Flow Chart of Lambdas:

SQS Lambda - retry logic?

When the message has been added to an SQS queue and it is configured to trigger a lambda function (nodejs).
When a lambda function is triggered - I may want to retry same message again after 5 minute without deleting the message from the Queue. The reason I want to do this if Lambda could not connect external host (eg: API) - i like to try again after 5 minutes for 3 attempts only.
How can that be written in node js?
For example in Laravel, we can Specifying Max Job Attempts functionality. The number of times the job may be attempted using public $tries = 5;
How can we do similar fashion in node.js?
I am thinking adding a message to another queue (for retry). A lambda function read all the messages from that queue after 5 minutes and send that message back to main Queue and it will be trigger a lambda function.
Re-tries and re-tries "timeout" can all be configured directly in the SQS queue.
When you create a queue, set up the following attributes:
The Default Visibility Timeout will be the time that the message will be hidden once it has been received by your application. If the message fails during the lambda run and an exception is thrown, lambda will not delete any of the messages in the batch and all of them will eventually re-appear in the queue.
If you only want to try 3 times, you must set the SQS re-drive policy (AKA Dead Letter Queue)
The re-drive policy will enable your queue to redirect messages to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) after the message has re-appeared in the queue N number of times, where N is a number between 1 and 1000.
It is essential to understand that lambda will continue to process a failed message (a message that generates an exception in the code) until:
It is processed without any errors (lambda deletes the message)
The Message Retention Period expires (SQS deletes the message)
It is sent to the DLQ set in the SQS queue re-drive policy (SQS "moves" the message to the DLQ)
You delete the message from the queue directly in your code (User deletes the message)
Lambda will not dispose of this bad message otherwise.
Important observations
Lambda will not deal with failed messages
Based on several experiments I ran to understand the behavior of the SQS integration (the documentation on re-tries can be ambiguous).
Lambda will not delete failed messages and will continue to re-try them. Even if you have a Lambda DLQ setup, failed messages will not be sent to the lambda DLQ. Lambda fully relies on the configuration of the SQS queue for this purpose as stated in the lambda DLQ documentation.
Always use a re-drive policy in your SQS queue.
Exceptions will fail a whole batch of messages
As I stated earlier if there is an exception in your code while processing a message, the whole batch of messages is re-tried, it doesn't matter if some of the messages were processed correctly. If for some reason a downstream service is failing you may end up with messages that were processed in the DLQ.
Manually delete messages that have been processed correctly
Ensure that your lambda function can process the same message more than once
Lambda concurrency limits and SQS side effects
The blog post "Lambda Concurrency Limits and SQS Triggers Don’t Mix Well (Sometimes)" describes how, if your concurrency limit is set too low, lambda may cause batches of messages to be throttled and the received attempt to be incremented without ever being processed.
The post and Amazon's recommendations are:
Set the queue’s visibility timeout to at least 6 times the timeout that you configure on your function.
The extra time allows for Lambda to retry if your function execution is throttled while your function is processing a previous batch.
Set the maxReceiveCount on the queue’s re-drive policy to at least 5. This will help avoid sending messages to the dead-letter queue due to throttling.
Configure the dead-letter to retain failed messages long enough so that you can move them back later to be reprocessed
Here is how I did it.
Create Normal Queues (Immediate Delivery), Q1
Create Delay Queues (5 mins delay), Q2
Create DLQ (After retries), DLQ1
(Q1/Q2) SQS Trigger --> Lambda L1 (if failed, delete on (Q1/Q2), drop
it on Q2) --> On Failure DLQ
When messages arrive on Q1 it triggers Lambda L1 if success goes from there. If fails, drop it to Q2 (which is a delayed queue). Every message that arrives on Q2 will have a delay of 5 minutes.
If your initial message can have a delay of 5 mins, then you might not need two queues. One queue should be good. If the initial delay is not acceptable then you need two queues. One another reason to have two queues, you will always have a way for new messages that comes in the path.
If you have a code failure in handling Q1/Q2 aws infrastructure will retry immediately for 3 times before it sends it to DLQ1. If you handle the error in the code, then you can get the pipeline to work with the timings you mentioned.
SQS Delay Queues:
SQS Lambda Architecture:
Hope it helps.
Fairly simple (if you execute the Lambda in a Async way) and without the need to do any coding. First of all: if you code will throw an error, AWS Lambda will retry 3 more times to execute you code. In this case if the external API was not accessible, there is a big change that by the third time AWS retries – the API will work. Plus the delay between the re-tries is random-ish meaning, there a is a delay between the re-tries.
If the worst happens, and the external API is not yet up, you can take advantage of the dead-letter queue (DLQ) feature that each lambda have. Which will push to SQS a message saying what went wrong, so you can take additional actions. In this case, keep re-trying until you make it.
You can read more here:
According this blog:
Leverage existing retry logic and dead letter queues. If the Lambda
function does not return success, the message will not be deleted from
the queue and will reappear after the visibility timeout has expired.

Which amazon service should i use to implement time based queue dispatcher (serverless application)?

User submit a csv file which contains time (Interval) with message. I want to submit that message on the time mentioned with message to chat API. I am using DynamoDB to store message and a lambda function which read the message from DynamoDB and one at a time use setTimeout function to publish message on chat. I am using node js to implement that functionality. I also created a amazon API to trigger that lambda fUnction.
But this approach is not working. Can any one suggest me which other service should i use to do same ? Is there any amazon queue service for that?
From the context of your question what I understand is that you basically need to create a futuristic timer. A system that can inform you sometime in the future with some metadata to take an action.
If this is the case, on top of my head I think you can use the below solution to achieve your goal:
Pre-requisites: I assume, you are already using Dynamo DB(aka DDB) as a primary store. So all CSV data is persisted in the dynamo and you are using dynamo stream to read the insert and updated records to trigger your lambda function(let's call this lambda function as Proxy_Lambda).
Create another lambda function that processes records and sends a message to your chat system(let's call this lambda function as Processor_Lambda)
Option 1: AWS SQS
Proxy_Lambda reads records from DDB stream and based on the future timestamp attribute present in the record, it publishes a message to AWS SQS queue with initial visibility timeout equals to the timestamp. Sample example: Link. Remember, these messages will not be visible to any of the consumer until the visibility timeout.
Add a trigger for Processor_Lambda to start polling from this SQS queue.
Once message becomes visible in the queue(after the initial timeout), Processor_Lambda consumes the message and send the chat events.
Result: You will be able to create a futuristic timer using the SQS visibility timeout feature. Cons here is that you will not be able to view the in-flight SQS message content until the visibility timeout of the message occurs.
Note: Max visibility timeout can be set for 12 hours. So if your use-case demand a timer for more then 12 hours, you need to add code logic in Processor_Lambda to send that message back to queue with new visibility timeout.
Option 2: AWS Step function (my preferred approach ;) )
Crate state machine in AWS Step function to generate task timers (let's call it Timer_Function). These task timers will keep looping between the wait state until the timer expires. Timer window will be provided as an input to this step function.
Link Timer_Function to trigger Processor_Lambda once the task timer expires. Basically, that will be the next step after the Timer step.
Connect Proxy_Lambda with Timer_Function i.e. Proxy_Lambda will read records from DDB stream and invoke the Timer_Function with message interval attribute present the Dynamo DB record and the necessary payload.
Result: A Timer_Function that keep looping until the time window(message interval) expires. Which in turn provide you a mechanism to trigger Proxy_Lambda in the future(i.e. the timer window)
Having said that, now I will leave this up to you to choose the right solution based on the use-case and business requirement.
