sync/async functions and frozen background loop - node.js

I'm trying to dev a lottery game on top of a blockchain.
In server.js, this loop is intended to run "in background" and gather data on the blockchain every second.
let test = 0;
setTimeout(async function run() {
setTimeout(run, 1000);
}, 1000);
In an other module, I want to allow user to login with a keystore/password :
socket.on("login", data => {
helpers.checkCredentials(data).then(r => {
//console.log(jwt.verify(r, process.env.JWT_PASS));
io.emit("login", r);
that calls checkCredentials :
const int4 = require("int4.js");
module.exports = async function(cred) {
let account = null;
let RPC = int4.rpc(process.env.URL_RPC);
if (cred.keystore !== undefined && cred.password !== undefined) {
try {
account = int4.keystore.fromV3Keystore(cred.keystore, cred.password);
} catch (e) {
return "bad password or keystore";
But the function int4.keystore.fromV3Keystore takes time to decrypt the keystore (approx. 5-7s) and during this time, my counter doesn't run, it's frozen.
I think I'm not familiar enough with practice of async functions, and despite a lot of readings I can't figure out why it freezes.
I tried to use util to util.promisify the int4.keystore.fromV3Keystore, hoping for some "async acting" but... nope.
Can you help me getting this "background" loop independant from the other functions ? Or making a clean code that would run every functions really asynchronously ?
Thanks a lot.
I use the beta lib for the INTChain testnet keystore decrypt

All of these async functions are running on the same thread. Promises and async/await is a way to get this one thread to run things asynchronously.
A result of this is that if any of these functions take too long before yielding execution (return or await on some other), the event loop gets stuck.
What you need is actual multithreading. You need to create a worker thread in which you run the long-running function and get the result back.
Here are some pointers to get started:


Looping over JSON objects synchronously NodeJS

I'm requesting a JSON API then doing a for each loop over a JSON object and want a way to know once it's complete.
This is my current for each loop
Object.entries([key, value]) => {
//code to run for each user
At the moment it'll just loop through each user till it's completed them all but I have no definitive max number of objects there could be so I can just do the usual loop counting technique.
I'm not sure if I've just got this completely wrong but I've always had trouble working out how to perform synchronous events with node js so hopefully, this will teach me
It depends on whether the "code to run for each user" is synchronous or asynchronous.
There isn't enough detail in your question to give a definitive answer.
If the code in the loop is synchronous then the loop will complete before any code after it will run.
That is the definition of synchronous code ;)
let count = 0;
Object.entries([key, value]) => {
// some sync code to run for each user
// Because the code in your loop is synchronous then we'll only get to this
// part of the code once the code above is complete.
console.log(`The tasks have finished`);
console.log(`count of users=`, count);
If the per-user code is asynchronous then you will need to wait until all tasks have completed before continuing.
It is common to use Promises for this:
// Note the use of `.map()` here instead of `.forEach()` that is used in previous example
const promises = Object.entries([key, value]) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// some async code to run for each user
// Resolving to `key` here for example only - you might return data from
// some `fetch()` request or other async task
// Because the code above is **asynchronous** then we'll reach this point in code
// before the code above has "finished" (i.e. there are still outstanding tasks).
// We have to wait until those tasks have completed using either `await` or `promise.then()`
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(`The tasks have finished. results=`, results);
// OR use `promise.then(...)`
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
console.log(`The tasks have finished. results=`, results);

How to stop async code from running Node.JS

I'm creating a program where I constantly run and stop async code, but I need a good way to stop the code.
Currently, I have tried to methods:
Method 1:
When a method is running, and another method is called to stop the first method, I start an infinite loop to stop that code from running and then remove the method from the queue(array)
I'm 100% sure that this is the worst way to accomplish it, and it works very buggy.
class test{
async Start(){
const response = await request(options);
await timeout(10)
Code 2:
var tests = [];
const test = new test();
tests.forEach((t, i) => {t.stopped = true;};
tests = [];
Method 2:
I load the different methods into Workers, and when I need to stop the code, I just terminate the Worker.
It always takes a lot of time(1 sec) to create the Worker, and therefore not the best way, since I need the code to run without 1-2 sec pauses.
const Worker = require("tiny-worker");
const code = new Worker(path.resolve(__dirname, "./Code/Code.js"))
Is there any other way that I can stop async code?
The program contains Request using nodejs Request-promise module, so program is waiting for requests, it's hard to stop the code without one of the 2 methods.
Is there any other way that I can stop async code?
Keep in mind the basic of how Nodejs works. I think there is some misunderstanding here.
It execute the actual function in the actual context, if encounters an async operation the event loop will schedule it's execetution somewhere in the future. There is no way to remove that scheduled execution.
More info on event loop here.
In general for manage this kind of situations you shuold use flags or semaphores.
The program contains Request using nodejs Request-promise module, so program is waiting for requests, it's hard to stop the code
If you need to hard "stop the code" you can do something like
func stop() {
But if i'm getting it right, you're launching requests every x time, at some point you need to stop sending the request without managing the response.
You can't de-schedule the response managemente portion, but you can add some logic in it to (when it will be runned) check if the "request loop" has been stopped.
let loop_is_stopped = false
let sending_loop = null
func sendRequest() {
const response = await request(options) // "wait here"
// following lines are scheduled after the request promise is resolved
if (loop_is_stopped) {
// do something with the response
func start() {
sending_loop = setInterval(sendRequest, 1000)
func stop() {
loop_is_stopped = true
module.exports = { start, stop }
We can use Promise.all without killing whole app (process.exit()), here is my example (you can use another trigger for calling controller.abort()):
const controller = new AbortController();
class Workflow {
static async startTask() {
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000))
class ScheduleTask {
static async start() {
return await Promise.all([
new Promise((_res, rej) => { if (controller.signal.aborted) return rej('YAY') }),
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500)
const run = async () => {
try {
await ScheduleTask.start()
} catch (err) {
"DONE" will never be showen.
res will be complited
Maybe would be better to run your code as script with it's own and when we need to interrupt this functionality we can kill this process by pid in another place of your code process.kill.

nodejs concurrency synchronous execution

I've two WebSockets getting data asynchronously, every time I get some message from the sockets I execute some code in CompareData.
The problem is that CompareData should be executed synchronously, or (better) only if it is not already running
This is my code:
function CompareData(data) {
console.log('data ', data);
ws1 = new WebSocket(WS1_URL);
ws2 = new WebSocket(WS2_URL);
ws1.on('message', (data) => {
ws2.on('message', (data) => {
Can you help me, please? I'm very new to NodeJs
Node.js is single threaded. So you don't really get true concurrency issues occurring in Node programs as you might in other languages. In your example, there can only be at most one WebSocket callback for CompareData occurring at any given time.
You should not make synchronous call in node.js but you can make those call sequential. See below example might be helpful.
var messages = [];
var inProgress = false;
function CompareData(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do some stuff and resolve
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
const start = async () => {
if (!inProgress) {
if (messages.length !== 0) {
inProgress = true;
try {
const data = await CompareData(messages.shift());
} catch (error) {
inProgress = false;
await start();
console.log('Process Done');
const handler = (data) => {
// ws1 = new WebSocket(WS1_URL);
// ws2 = new WebSocket(WS2_URL);
// ws1.on('message', handler);
// ws2.on('message', handler);
You should use some mutex in order to avoid that two async operations of compareData are executed at the same time, like node-mutex or mutexify.
My suggestions are:
First of all, you need to know when CompareData is finished. Reorganize your code to use promises or callbacks. If you're using third-party async functions, I'm almost sure they provide some feedback on completion - This is a must have in async world
Add inProgress = false flag somewhere to serve for you as simple lock. As someone posted, JS is single-threaded and you're guaranteed that your code won't get interrupted in the middle of operation. Thanks to that you can use really simple locks instead of complicated os-based mutexes known from multithreaded
In ws.on(...) check if inProgress is set. If not, lock it and run CompareData
In CompareData completion callback or on promise resolution set inProgress back to false, so you're no longer ignoring incoming data.
If you can simply discard the data, there is no need to complicate this scenario with extra queues, mutexes, etc.
If you need to serve it all, then queue incoming data and serve next piece after completion callback is fired.
This is basically what Rahul's suggests, but he uses features that are not established in current version of standard, so don't use it if you're not transpiling your code.

asynchronous version of JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

var assert = require('assert');
var parseJSON = require('json-parse-async');
var contact = new Object();
contact.firstname = "Jesper";
contact.surname = "Aaberg"; = ["555-0100", "555-0120"];
var contact2 = new Object();
contact2.firstname = "JESPER";
contact2.surname = "AABERG"; = ["555-0100", "555-0120"];
contact.toJSON = function(key) {
var replacement = new Object();
for (var val in this) {
if (typeof(this[val]) === 'string')
replacement[val] = this[val].toUpperCase();
replacement[val] = this[val]
return replacement;
var jsonText = JSON.stringify(contact);
contact = JSON.parse(jsonText);
assert.deepEqual(contact, contact2, 'these two objects are the same');
What are the asynchronous equivalent functions of JSON.parse, JSON.stringify and assert.deepEqual? I am trying to create a race condition and non-deterministic behavior within the following code but I have not been able lto find non-blocking, asynchronous equivalents of the functions mentioned above.
node.js does not have an actual asynchronous JSON parser built-in. If you want something that will actually do the parsing outside the main node.js Javascript thread, then you would have to find a third party module that parses the JSON outside of the Javascript thread (e.g. in a native code thread or in some other process). There are some modules in NPM that advertise themselves as asynchronous such as async-json-parser or async-json-parse or json-parse-async. You would have to verify that whichever implementation you were interested in was truly an asynchronous implementation (your Javascript continues to run while the parsing happens in the background).
But, reading the detail in your question about the problem you're trying to solve, it doesn't sound like you actually need a parser that truly happens in the background. To give you your ability to test what you're trying to test, it seems to me like you just need an indeterminate finish that allows other code to run before the parsing finishes. That can be done by wrapping the synchronous JSON.parse() in a setTimeout() with a promise that has a random delay. That will give some random amount of time for other code to run (to try to test for your race conditions). That could be done like this:
JSON.parseAsyncRandom = function(str) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// use a random 0-10 second delay
setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch(e) {
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));
JSON.parseAsyncRandom(str).then(function(obj) {
// process obj here
}, function(err) {
// handle err here
Note: This is not true asynchronous execution. It's an asynchronous result (in that it arrives some random time later and other code will run before the result arrives), but true asynchronous execution happens in the background in parallel with other JS running and this isn't quite that. But, given your comment that you just want variable and asynchronous results for testing purposes, this should do that.
I've recently faced this problem myself, so I decided to create a library to handle JSON parsing in a really asynchronous way.
The idea behind it is to divide the parsing process into chunks, and then run each separately in the event loop so that other events (user interactions, etc) can still be evaluated within a few milliseconds, keeping the UI interactive.
If you are interested, the library it's called RAJI and you can find it here:
After installing RAJI, you can then convert your synchronous JSON.parse calls into async raji.parse calls, such as:
const object = await parse(payload);
These calls won't block the UI
You can use 'bluebird', like this example to convert calling function to promise.
I write code below using javascript es6.
const Promise = require('bluebird')
function stringifyPromise(jsonText) {
return Promise.try(() => JSON.stringify(jsonText))
function parsePromise(str) {
return Promise.try(() => JSON.parse(str))
.then(jsonText => parsePromise(jsonText))
.then(contact => {
assert.deepEqual(contact, contact2, 'these two objects are the same')

wait for async to complete before return

mongoosejs async code .
var isPresent;
this.count({alias : name },function(err,count){
isPresent = !!count
console.log('Value of flag '+isPresent);
return isPresent;
I know isPresent is returned before the this.count async function calls the callback , so its value is undefined . But how do i wait for callback to change value of isPresent and then safely return ?
what effect does
(function(){ asynccalls() asynccall() })(); has in the async flow .
What happens if var foo = asynccall() or (function(){})()
Will the above two make return wait ?
can process.nextTick() help?
I know there are lot of questions like these , but nothing explained about problem of returning before async completion
There is no way to do that. You need to change the signature of your function to take a callback rather than returning a value.
Making IO async is one of the main motivation of Node.js, and waiting for an async call to be completed defeats the purpose.
If you give me more context on what you are trying to achieve, I can give you pointers on how to implement it with callbacks.
Edit: You need something like the following:
userSchema.static('alreadyExists',function (name, callback) {
this.count({alias : name}, function (err, count) {
callback(err, err ? null : !!count);
console.log('Value of flag ' + !!count);
Then, you can use it like:
User.alreadyExists('username', function (err, exists) {
if (err) {
// Handle error
if (exists) {
// Pick another username.
} else {
// Continue with this username.
Had the same problem. I wanted my mocha tests to run very fast (as they originally did), but at the same time to have a anti-DOS layer present and operational in my app. Running those tests just as they originally worked was crazy fast and ddos module I'm using started to response with Too Many Requests error, making the tests fail. I didn't want to disable it just for test purposes (I actually wanted to have automated tests to verify Too Many Requests cases to be there as well).
I had one place used by all the tests that prepared client for HTTPS requests (filled with proper headers, authenticated, with cookies, etc.). It looked like this more or less:
var agent = thiz.getAgent();
thiz.log('preReq for user ' + thiz.username);
thiz.log('preReq for ' + req.url + ' for agent ' + agent.mochaname);
if(thiz.headers) {
Object.keys(thiz.headers).map(function(header) {
thiz.log('preReq header ' + header);
req.set(header, thiz.headers[header]);
So I wanted to inject there a sleep that would kick in every 5 times this client was requested by a test to perform a request - so the entire suite would run quickly and every 5-th request would wait to make ddos module consider my request unpunishable by Too Many Requests error.
I searched most of the entries here about Async and other libs or practices. All of them required going for callback - which meant I would have to re-write a couple of hundreds of test cases.
Finally I gave up with any elegant solution and fell to the one that worked for me. Which was adding a for loop trying to check status of non-existing file. It caused a operation to be performed long enough I could calibrate it to last for around 6500 ms.
for(var i = 0; i < 200000; ++i) {
try {
fs.statSync('/path' + i);
} catch(err) {
