Move product backlog items to another teamwork board project - azure

I'm going to move PBIs(product backlog items) with its tasks to another teamwork board project, but I couldn't find an option to do this, it would be so helpful if anyone could help me.

In the Azure DevOps Server, you can change the work item type or move work items to another project within a project collection, these features require that the data warehouse is disabled.
Disable warehouse steps:
Open Azure DevOps Server Administration Console->Reporting->Click the button Disable Reporting->Enter the server name to confirm.
Then you can see the button move to team project and change type… in the Drop-down list.


Online collaboration on TFS

is it possible to collaborate online with TFS? I mean, when I move a task, others can see it in real time without sharing screen or updating the page. Thank you!
Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1 RC1 and higher has live updates on work items. If you change a work item someone else has open in view mode, it will update in their client.
You can enable notifications using ../DefaultCollection/_usersSettings/notifications
You can use the Follow icon to follow a work item. Any changes will result in an e-mail to you saying the item has changed, and what has changed.
If you move a story out of an iteration, the Taskboard (../_sprints/taskboard/..) view updates automatically for all users viewing that iteration
Similarly, if you add/edit/move/change state on a task in an iteration the Taskboard will update.

Azure Devops Wishlist backlog (StakeHolder create Work Item, but don't edit)

We are using Azure Devops with our team, we want to have a space were other colleagues out of our team can add ideas about future project.
We created a specific Backlog "Wishlist" and give to some users a StakeHolder account. We added them to the members of this backlog.
We want them to be able to create ticket, but not to edit them (no delete, no chamgement of state ...)
Our team that have admin rights will be able to operate those work items (accepted, rejected, Active and Close)
I look for a solution to restrict those user from editing but was not able to found a successful way to do it.
-In Rules, We couldn't specify those specific rule about work Item edition
-In Project Settings / Permissions / Wishlist
we don't have any permision linked to the Work Items
-In Project Settings / Project Configuration / Areas / Wishlist / Security
We can set for specific users "Edit Work Items in this node" to Deny, but they will not be able to create Work items
If someone have an idea about how to deal with this request, it will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Sorry, it's not able to do this right now.
A user needs to have the Edit work items in this node permission for some Area and Iteration path to create a work item.
There is no sperate permission for either creating or editing work item. This is by designed.

Is it possible to make 'Folders' view default in Azure Pipelines?

When I started to have a lot of build pipelines it has become more comfortable to use 'Folders' view instead of 'Recent'. But it is too annoying to switch it all the time. Is it possible to configure 'Folders' view be default one? Thanks.
As far as I know, this is not possible.
What might help you is enabling the new preview feature for Multi-stage pipelines. To do this, click your profile picture on the top right, click 'Preview features' and enable 'Multi-stage pipelines'.
This new view doesn't allow you to set the default view to folder view. However, it does give you the option to select 'Folder view' on the top right (next to the search box). This changes the URL, which enables you to create a bookmark that starts in Folder view automatically.
Your URL should look something like{organization_name}/{project_name}/_build?view=pipelines&option=folders
Is it possible to make 'Folders' view default in Azure Pipelines?
Agree with rickvdbosch, we could not set the 'Folders' view as default, at least for now.
Some other communities raised the same requirement earlier on the Developer Community, and this requirement has been passed to product team, you can check the details from the ticket:
Builds - Pipelines should default to the folder view if you have one or more folders
Note:You can vote and add your comments for this feedback. When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.
Hopw this helps.

Restricting team user level access to edit backlog boards in visual studio online

How can we restrict access to edit/move backlog boards in VSO from one section/column(New/Committed/Developed/Done) to another section/column(New/Committed/Developed/Done).
we are facing issues as there is no control on board movement for our project.
Thanks in advance.
To move backlogs from one section to another section on the Backlog Board, one needs to have the Edit work items in this node permission for the Area and Iteration path. You can deny the permission to disable the ability for that specific engineer.
Go to the team project admin page (, right click the Area and select Security. Select the engineer you would like to set the permission to set disable that permission. See:
Per my above screenshot, user Victory Song can't move work items which is under Agile area. (and she can't edit work items under Agile area either.)

Added team member cannot see project despite similar permissions

We have a project administrator for a collection of projects on TFS Online. We recently hired so he had to add the guy as a new member into the team.
However he cannot see one specific project we have, even with identical permissions as the other users. His account was created in the same way as the others.
Trying to help the guy out here I offered to try a few things and noticed, If I create a new project as a test. "Test1", and add him as a member, he can see this account fine when he logs in to TFS Online/Connects on Visual Studio.
Which leads me to believe that it's based on some visibility setting within TFS, even though the other members linked to the project can see it fine.
Any possible ideas for me to try?
You need to try and trace his effective permissions. It sounds like there is a denied somewhere.
If you open the admin for that team project and goto the security tab there is a box to add the users account. You should then see the effective permission on the right and he should have and Alowed in the "View project level information" permission.
If he does bot you can roll your mouse over it and click the "why" button and you will see where the overide is coming from.
