How to know the treadmills are enough or not? - excel

I'm doing an analysis of a gym and want to know if we should get more treadmills or not.
The running history record contains the users name, start time, end time and duration.
My idea is to use a pivot table in Excel, put the start date and time into the row, and the sum of duration in the value, the right click on the time, click group, by hour, then the duration will be the sum for each hour from morning to evening.
If the sum of duration of each hour is close to 120 mins for 2 treadmills, it means it's full.
But if people run over the hour, for example, from 1:30pm to 2:30pm, the duration will all count to 1-2pm, so it's not correct.
Does anyone have a good method?
Here is some sample data
name sex device id device type start date start time end date end time duration(mins) distance(km) Calorie
Emmie Aguila Female a001 Treadmill 2020-7-25 9:34:18 2020-7-25 10:20:20 46 4.5 338.6
Dusty Gorham Female a002 Treadmill 2020-7-25 9:13:45 2020-7-25 9:49:02 35 3.1 192.2
Diann Lafreniere Female a001 Treadmill 2020-7-25 9:12:06 2020-7-25 9:33:27 21 2.1 142.6
Rima Hoop Male a001 Treadmill 2020-7-25 7:10:10 2020-7-25 7:30:14 20 2.4 230.8
my pivot result

One of mine friend find a solution for Excel.
Convert start/end time to seconds, for example, 0-3600 for 0-1am, 3600-7200 for 1-2pm
Get the overlap time length by comparing the duration with each hour.
> name sex mobile device-id device-type start date starttime endtime duration(mins) distance(km) calorie Start–sec end-sec 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 32400 36000 39600 43200 46800 50400 54000 57600 61200 64800 68400 72000 75600 79200 82800 86400
> Emmie Female 1.23412E+11 a001 Treadmill 2020-7-25 9:34:18 2020-07-25 10:20:20 46 4.5 338.6 34458 37220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1542 1220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(I tried many times but last few zero digits can not align correctly)
convert time to seconds
starttiem(H3) -> start-sec(M3)
endtime(I3) -> end-sec(N3)
=HOUR(I3)*3600+MINUTE(I3)*60+SECOND(I3) the duration with each hour in secods
=IF(OR(O$1>$N3, $M3>O$2), 0, MIN($N3, O$2)- MAX($M3, O$1))
Apply the fomula for whole sheet, then the data is ready.
Create a pivot sheet, drag the date into the row, all the hour seconds(1-24) into column, we can see the result clearly by creating a bar chart.
usage for treadmills for each day


Convert Daily dates to weekly using a specific first day of the week

I am currently working on grouping/aggregating data based on date range for a weekly plot.
Below is how my dataframe looks like for Daily data:
The first day of the week I'd want is Sunday.
My current code to perform weekly group is:
weekly_df = weekly_df.resample('w').sum().reset_index()
The output I am desiring is:
A bit of explanation about desired output - the reason for 02/06/2022 & 01/30/2022 is that both these dates are start date of that respective week which is a sunday. And for the week of 01/30/2022 only 02/05/2022|05|03, 02/04/2022, 02/03/2022, 02/02/2022 dates are considered as those are the one's in the daily dataframe.
My current implementation follows the instructions provided here.
I am looking for any suggestion to achieve my Desired Output
df.resample('W-SUN', label='left', closed='left').sum().reset_index()
daily_dates registered attended
0 2022-01-30 40 28
1 2022-02-06 22 6

Aging Bucket DAX formula issue

I have a table as stated below,
MEM_ID dateDiff
4522 10
111 1
1112 -1
1232 5
121135 20
145 30
12254 60
I want a Dax formula which will give the output as stated below under measure column as
MEM_ID dateDiff Measure
4522 10 0-15 Days
111 1 0-15 Days
1112 -1 <0 Days
1232 5 0-15 Days
121135 20 15-30 Days
145 30 15-30 Days
12254 60 >60 Days
I have used this formula which didnt worked, any help much appriricated =IF(MAX([DateDiff]) <= 1, "0", IF(MAX([DateDiff])>=1 && MAX([DateDiff])<15,"1-15 Days",IF(MAX([DateDiff])>=15 && MAX([DateDiff])<30,"15-30 Days",IF(MAX([DateDiff])>=30 && MAX([DateDiff])<60,"30-60 Days",IF(MAX([DateDiff])>=60 && MAX([DateDiff])<90,"60-90",BLANK())))))
Using a lookup-table like Ian Ash suggests is better, but if you must use an IF formula, Try the formula you have, but delete the MAX functions.
=IF([DateDiff]< 1, "0",
IF([DateDiff]>=1 && [DateDiff]<15,"1- 15 days",
IF([DateDiff]>=15 && [DateDiff]<30,"15-30 Days",
IF([DateDiff]>=30 && [DateDiff]<60,"30-60 Days",
IF([DateDiff]>=60 && [DateDiff]<90,"60-90",
I would solve this problem by creating a look up table as follows.
Create a new worksheet called Lookup, then starting from A1 add the following data:
Min Max Bucket Description
-1000 0 1 <0 Days
1 15 2 0 - 15 Days
16 30 3 16 - 30 Days
You can add additional rows if you need to add more buckets. For example, to create a bucket for 30 to 60, you would add the row:
31 60 4 30 - 60 Days
Once you have the lookup table defined, you can reference into it using the following formula from your main worksheet:
In the above formula, the value being looked up is in B2.
If you have added rows to your lookup table, you will need to extend the look up range in the formula, i.e. Lookup!$A$2:$A$4 changes to Lookup!$A$2:$A$5 and so on.

Multi Criterion Max If Statement

My dataset looks like this...
State Close Date Probability Highest Prob/State
WA 12/31/2016 50% FALSE
WA 12/19/2016 80% FALSE
WA 10/15/2016 80% TRUE
My objective is to build a formula to populate the right-most column. The formula should assess Close Dates and Probabilities within each state. First, it should select the highest probability, then it should select the nearest close date if there is a tie on probability (as in the example). For that record, it should read "TRUE".
I assume this would include a MAX IF statement but haven't been able to get it to work.
Here is a more robust set of data I'm working with. It may actually be easier to first find the highest probability within each Region then select the minimum (oldest) date if there is a tie on probability. This too will serve my purposes.
Region Forecast Close Date Probability (%)
Okeechobee FL 6/27/2016 90
Okeechobee West FL 7/1/2016 40
Albany GA 3/11/2016 100
Emerald Coast FL 6/30/2016 60
Emerald Coast FL 10/1/2016 40
Cullman_Hartselle TN 4/30/2016 10
North MS 10/1/2016 25
Roanoke VA 8/31/2016 25
Roanoke VA 8/1/2016 40
Gardena CA 6/1/2016 80
Gardena CA 6/1/2016 80
Lomita-Harbor City 6/30/2016 60
Lomita-Harbor City 6/30/2016 0
Lomita-Harbor City 6/30/2016 40
Eastern NC 6/30/2016 60
Northwest NC 9/16/2016 10
Fort Collins_Greeley CO 3/1/2016 100
Northwest OK 6/30/2016 100
Southwest MO 7/29/2016 90
Northern NH-VT 3/1/2016 20
South DE 12/1/2016 0
South DE 12/1/2016 20
Kingston NY 12/30/2016 5
Longview WA 11/30/2016 5
North DE 12/1/2016 20
North DE 12/1/2016 0
Salt Lake City UT 8/31/2016 20
Idaho Panhandle 8/26/2016 0
Bridgeton_Salem NJ 7/1/2016 25
Bridgeton_Salem NJ 7/1/2016 65
Layton_Ogden UT 3/25/2016 5
Central OR 6/30/2016 10
The following Array formula should work:
Being an array formula use Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting Edit mode. If done properly Excel will put {} around the formula.
Added #tigeravatar suggestion to avoid volatile functions.
I think this is OK now but needs to be checked against the more complete set of data provided by OP.
It counts:-
(1) Any rows with same state but higher probability
(2) Any rows with same state and probability, in the future (or present) and nearer to today's date
(3) Any rows with same state and probability, in the past and nearer to today's date.
If all these are zero, you should have the right one.
+COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$100,$A2,$C$2:$C$100,$C2,$B$2:$B$100,"<"&$G$2+IF ($B2>=$G$2,DATEDIF($G$2,$B2,"d"),DATEDIF($B2,$G$2,"d")),$B$2:$B$100,">="&$G$2)
If the dates are all in the future, it can be simplified a lot:-

Ageing Formula without having column for No of Days

Doc. Date Aging (days) Aging class
10/06/2010 1820 121+ Days
09/30/2015 0 0 - 30 Days
09/11/2015 19 0 - 30 Days
09/11/2015 19 0 - 30 Days
09/11/2015 19 0 - 30 Days
09/11/2015 19 0 - 30 Days
I want to add ageing grop in Column without having Ageing Days. So can i have help in calculating it in single column instead of 2 steps.
formula for no of days is
=IF(ISBLANK(H4),"",'Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4)
formula for ageing group is
=IF(J4<=30,"0 - 30 Days",IF(J4<=60,"31 - 60 Days",IF(J4<=90,"61 - 90 Days",IF(J4<=120,"91 - 120 Days","121+ Days"))))
Warning it is long:
=IF(ISBLANK(H4),"",IF('Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4<=30,"0 - 30 Days",IF('Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4<=60,"31 - 60 Days",IF('Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4<=90,"61 - 90 Days",IF('Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4<=120,"91 - 120 Days","121+ Days")))))
alternatively: (without nested if's but need always the same range)
=IF(I4="","",CHOOSE(MIN(MAX(TRUNC(('Ex. rate'!$G$2-I4-1)/30)+1,1),5),"0 - 30 Days","31 - 60 Days","61 - 90 Days","91 - 120 Days","121+ Days"))
(changed H4 to I4) ...still works perfectly for me. Don't know how it can be wrong... sorry :/

Daily and Hourly Averages from (m/d/yyyy h:mm) timestamps in Excel

I have an Excel 2007 spreadsheet with date entries in this format m/d/yyyy h:mm (one cell). I would like find the hourly and daily average of all the columns of this spreadsheet and save each time aggregation to a new worksheet.
The data is recorded every ~10 minutes, but throughout the dates of data collection there was some time slips. Not every hour has the same number of rows. Also, the ending minute is either 0 or 6 depending on the time correction.
What would be a good way to approach this task within Excel 2007? It seems like this might be possible with a pivot table if I can create a formula that will select the correct range for the timestamps. Thanks.
For example, an date time entry in TIMESTAMP, 10/31/2012 0:06 which is in one cell.
TIMESTAMP Month Day Year Hour Min Rain_mm Rain_mm_2 AirTC AirTC_2 FuelM FuelM_2 VW ... there are ~16 variables (total) after the data time
10/31/2012 0:06 10 31 2012 0 06 0 0 26.11 26.08 2.545 6.4 0.049
10/31/2012 0:16 10 31 2012 0 16 0 0 25.98 25.97 2.624 6.6 0.049
10/31/2012 0:26 10 31 2012 0 26 0 0 24.32 23.33 2.543 6.5 0.048
10/31/2012 0:36 10 31 2012 0 36 0 0 24.32 23.33 2.543 6.5 0.048
10/31/2012 0:46 10 31 2012 0 46 0 0 24.32 23.33 2.543 6.5 0.048
10/31/2012 0:56 10 31 2012 0 56 0 0 25.87 25.87 2.753 7.3 0.049
10/31/2012 1:06 10 31 2012 0 06 0 0 25.74 25.74 2.879 8.1 0.051
## The above is just over one hour of collection on one day ##
## Different Day ### Notice Missing Time Stamp
11/30/2012 0:00 11 30 2012 0 06 0 0.1 26.12 26.18 2.535 6.4 0.049
11/30/2012 0:10 11 30 2012 0 16 0 0.1 25.90 25.77 2.424 6.6 0.049
11/30/2012 0:20 11 30 2012 0 26 0.1 0.2 24.12 24.43 2.542 6.4 0.046
11/30/2012 0:30 11 30 2012 0 36 0.1 0 24.22 22.32 2.543 6.5 0.048
11/30/2012 0:50 11 30 2012 0 56 0.1 0.2 26.77 25.87 2.743 6.3 0.049
11/30/2012 1:00 11 30 2012 0 06 0 0 24.34 24.77 2.459 5.1 0.050
## so forth on so on ##
After clarification of the requirement for daily averages edited to cover both daily and hourly averages:
Add a column (here B) for ‘H’ (ie hour) with =HOUR(A2) copied down.
(Note: Though formatted to show only m/d/y content of ColumnA is, in line with title, assumed to be all of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm. Makes existing columns [with names jumbled] Month, Day, Year, Hour redundant).
Select data range.
Data, Subtotal, At each change in: TIMESTAMP, Use function: Average, Add subtotal to: check only columns G and to the right, OK.
Uncheck Replace current subtotals in Subtotal and apply At each change in: H, Use function: Average, and Add subtotal to: as before, OK.
Replace =SUBTOTAL(1, in Min column with =MIN( .
Delete ‘spare’ Grand Average row.
Reformat as required.
Hopefully this will be achieved and is what is required!:
Note midnight 'tonight' is counted as within first hour of tomorrow.
I had a similar need and worked it out this way:
Add a column for Date (assuming your dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss data is in cell A2)
Add a column for Year. If you have weeks from a single year, the year column can be neglected.
Add a column for Week Number
Add 2 pivot tables, 1 for daily and 1 for weekly analysis.
Choose fields "Date" and the quantities you want. Put "Date" in the Rows section and sum/average of values in the Values section. You will get a date wise sum/average of the values you need.
In the weekly pivot table, do the same as above, just add "Year" and "Week no" in the Rows section instead of "Dates" as in above.
Hope this helps
