Can I use node 'child_process' in a React App? - node.js

I'm building a native app with React (I plan to use it inside Electron.js later), and I need to run some local scripts and other things which are common in a native app.
This is easy with NodeJS and it's back-end abilities, but even if mine is not a web app, it seems I just can't use Node with React.
Is using 'web-like' requests and messages, even so it's a local app, the only way to do this?

If your app is running in a browser, you will not be able to use child_process or any other node goodies like that.
Electron uses a browser, but is managed by a node process, so you will have access to all node functions:


Is it possible to turn express server serving react frontend into desktop app using electron?

I have made a web app using express and react, and I want to bundle it into a desktop application, is this possible using electron?
I recommend the tutorial at:
This isn't too hard actually, you can find all instructions you need in
To accomplish this, either your app keeps hosting it with express locally and electrons connects to localhost, or even better, do it by not hosting any servers and just keeping your JSX and html files in your project.
If you're using TypeScript and ES6, also consider taking a look here for some examples:

Does the default Reactjs application use node.js?

This may be a dumb question, but is the default react app (created using npm create-react-app my-app) using node.js? I am confused because in my web development class at university, I had to download node.js to create react applications. However, I didn't have to do anything like creating a server or initiating a node.js file, which is described in w3school's node.js tutorial. Because of this, I found out that I don't even really know what node is used for, besides downloading packages like redux and whatnot.
create-react-app uses node.js for all of its dev tooling. Likewise, a lot of the tools you'll use in the React ecosystem (like webpack, prettier, npm), all run on top of node.js as well).
You'll most probably build your react app to a static file, in which case the production output will not require node.js, it will be html and javascript assets that can be served directly to a client.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have other specific questions
Node.js is used for server-side while React.js is for the front-end part. So, no, you don't need Node.js.
Under development mode, yes. Create react app runs NodeJs with Webpack Dev Server to allow you get feedback when modifing files, start or stop the server.

Different ways to use react inside node and their pros/cons

I'm working on a project and using nodejs as backend. I want to use react for the frontend. And currently, the way I know to use react is by creating a client folder inside it and using create-react-app and then running both the server separately and using the proxy to connect with the node backend. The other way I came to know is via this link which basically involves installing react, reactdom, webpack etc, and using it directly inside the node app without having a separate server for react as in the case of create-react-app. So which way is better and what are their pros and cons.
The usual way is to run both react and node in separate servers.
Create the react app using npx-create-react-app
Create the node app using npm init
If both the folders are in the same directory you can use a npm package called concurrently and run both the servers with a single command. Also don't forget to install the npm package cors in your node app. If you don't , you'll get CORS errors from your API calls.
Imo using create react app is better than manually trying to configure webpack. Saves a lot of time and it's more easy to deploy.

Reactjs + Electron + Nodejs

I've been researching for long time but haven't found what I need. Maybe here someone can help me out.
What I want:
I'm trying to create an application that will run inside electron. Both frontend and backend should be encapsulated within a single executable, so I was thinking React js and Nodejs would be a good option.
But it's not as simple as I thought. Found a good boilerplace for reactjs but I have no idea how I could encapsulate nodejs as a backend to it.
It'd also somehow would need to be integrated with the release package and so on...
Additionally I'd need to have a webserver that will run on localhost:[port] when you launch the application.
Technical Summary:
So basically:
Electron with React js - as the application 'face'
Nodejs - as the backend of the application
Webserver running locally - (using react js).
In the application, I would put link to the pages that is served by that locally running reactjs web app.
Hope I was clear. And I really hope someone can help me out.
as you know the serverside part is separate from front can lunch react electron together like this article .but serverside must start to stand alone . you could use pm2 for launching them.
lets talk about electron. what is electron?
according to :
Electron is an open source library developed by GitHub for building
cross-platform desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Electron accomplishes this by combining Chromium and Node.js into a
single runtime and apps can be packaged for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
so the electron is a tool for creating desktop uses chromium engine for accessing resources of the operating system level. but the intention of that is creating apps not a serverside job.
if you have some needs and logics that must handle in a server you should be considering that. otherwise, read about serverless applications.

Why Angular need Node Js? and what is role of Angular Cli?

I am a Beginner to Angular technology and came across this question.
why is Node js needed in Angular as Node js is a backend technology?
You need NodeJs for angular if you intend to create a front end server, use typescript or make anything other than a purely in browser application(unless you use another server framework: Apache, nginx, lighttp, ruby/rails etc.). For example Vanilla javascript does not support require or import functionality so you need node to load file dependencies, and angularjs does not allow for server creation on its own. You can also choose to build angular applications in TypeScript which utilises NodeJs.
It is worth noting that technically speaking nodejs and angularjs are separate frameworks, angular can be run without node but would only support limited functionality(no db access, no server etc).
The CLI is needed in order to run angular commands through the command line, to generate services / components etc.
You can read more about angular here
Angular does not need Node. However to make the dependencies management easier especially in package.json , npm which is a package manager is required. And in order to get npm, you need to install Node first.
As for angular cli, it provides a terminal that makes it easy to execute operations like creation of an angular app, angular components, building...
