Can chatbots learn or unlearn while chatting with trusted users - nlp

Can chatbots like [Rasa] learn from the trusted user - new additional employees, product ids, product categories or properties - or unlearn when these entities are no longer current ?
Or do I have to go through formal data collection, training sessions, testing (confidence rates > given ratio), before the new version be made operational.

If you have entity values that are being checked against a shifting list of valid values, it's more scalable to check those values against a database that is always up to date (e.g. your backend systems probably have a queryable list of current employees). Then if a user provides a value that used to be valid and now isn't, it will act the same as if a user provided an invalid value in the first place.
This way, the entity extraction can stay the same regardless of if some training examples go out of relevance -- though of course it's always good to try to keep your data up to date!

Many Chatbots do not have such a function. Except avanced ones like Alexa, with the keyword "Remember" available 2017 +/-. The user wants Alexa to commit to memory certain facts.
IMHO such a feature is a mark of "intelligence". It is not trivial to implement in ML systems where coefficients in their neural network models are updated by back-propagation after passing learning examples. Rule-based systems (such as CHAT80 a QA system on geography) store their knowledge in relations that can be updated more transparently.


CQRS Read Model Projections: How complex is too complex a data transformation

I want to sanity check myself on a view projection, in regards to if an intermediary concept can purely exist in the read model while providing a bridge between commands.
Let me use a contrived example to explain.
We place an order which raises an OrderPlaced event. The workflow then involves generating a picking slip, which is used to prepare a shipment.
A picking slip can be generated from an order (or group of orders) without any additional information being supplied from any external source or user. Is it acceptable then that the picking slip can be represented purely as a read model?
PlaceOrderCommand -> OrderPlacedEvent
OrderPlacedEvent -> PickingSlipView
The warehouse manager can then view a picking slip, select the lines they would like to ship, and then perform a PrepareShipment command. A ShipmentPrepared event will then update the original order, and remove the relevant lines from the PickingSlipView.
I know it's a toy example, but I have a conceptually similar use case where a colleague believes the PickingSlip should be a domain entity/aggregate in its own right, as it's conceptually different to order. So you have PlaceOrder, GeneratePickingSlip, and PrepareShipment commands.
The GeneratePickingSlip command however simply takes an order number (identifier), transforms the order data into a picking slip entity, and persists the entity. You can't modify or remove a picking slip or perform any action on it, apart from using it to prepare a shipment.
This feels like introducing unnecessary overhead on the write model, for what is ultimately just a transformation of existing information to enable another command.
So (and without delving deeply into the problem space of warehouses and shipping)...
Is what I'm proposing a legitimate use case for a read model?
Acting as an intermediary between two commands, via transformation of some data into a different view. Or, as my colleague proposes, should every concept be represented in the write model in all cases?
I feel my approach is simpler, and avoiding unneeded complexity, but I'm new to CQRS and so perhaps missing something.
Edit - Alternative Example
Providing another example to explore:
We have a book of record for categories, where each record is information about products and their location. The book of record is populated by an external system, and contains SKU numbers, mapped to available locations:
Book of Record (Electronics)
SKU# Location1 Location2 Location3 ... Location 10
XXXX Introduce Remove Introduce ... N/A
YYYY N/A Introduce Introduce ... Remove
Each book of record is an entity, and each line is a value object.
The book of record is used to generate different Tasks (which are grouped in a TaskPlan to be assigned to a person). The plan may only cover a subset of locations.
There are different types of Tasks: One TaskPlan is for the individual who is on a location to add or remove stock from shelves. Call this an AllocateStock task. Another type of Task exists for a regional supervisor managing multiple locations, to check that shelving is properly following store guidelines, say CheckDisplay task. For allocating stock, we are interested in both introduced and removed SKUs. For checking the displays, we're only interested in newly Introduced SKUs, etc.
We are exploring two options:
Option 1
The person creating the tasks has a View (read model) that allows them to select Book of Records. Say they select Electronics and Fashion. They then select one or more locations. They could then submit a command like:
GenerateCheckDisplayTasks(TaskPlanId, List<BookOfRecordId>, List<Locations>)
The commands would then orchestrate going through the records, filtering out locations we don't need, processing only the 'Introduced' items, and creating the corresponding CheckDisplayTasks for each SKU in the TaskPlan.
Option 2
The other option is to shift the filtering to the read model before generating the tasks.
When a book of record is added a view model for each type of task is maintained. The data might be transposed, and would only include relevant info. ie. the CheckDisplayScopeView might project the book of record to:
Category SKU Location
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) XXXX Location1
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) XXXX Location3
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) YYYY Location2
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) YYYY Location3
Fashion (BookOfRecordId) ... ... etc
When generating tasks, the view enables the user to select the category and locations they want to generate the tasks for. Perhaps they select the Electronics category and Location 1 and 3.
The command is now:
GenerateCheckDisplayTasks(TaskPlanId, List<BookOfRecordId, SKU, Location>)
Where the command now no longer is responsible for the logic needed to filter out the locations, the Removed and N/A items, etc.
So the command for the first option just submits the ID of the entity that is being converted to tasks, along with the filter options, and does all the work internally, likely utilizing domain services.
The second option offloads the filtering aspect to the view model, and now the command submits values that will generate the tasks.
Note: In terms of the guidance that Aggregates shouldn't appear out of thin air, the Task Plan aggregate will create the Tasks.
I'm trying to determine if option 2 is pushing too much responsibility onto the read model, or whether this filtering behavior is more applicable there.
Sorry, I attempted to use the PickingSlip example as I thought it would be a more recognizable problem space, but realize now that there are connotations that go along with the concept that may have muddied the waters.
The answer to your question, in my opinion, very much depends on how you design your domain, not how you implement CQRS. The way you present it, it seems that all these operations and aggregates are in the same Bounded Context but at first glance, I would think that there are 3 (naming is difficult!):
Order Management or Sales, where orders are placed
Warehouse Operations, where goods are packaged to be shipped
Shipments, where packages are put in trucks and leave
When an Order is Placed in Order Management, Warehouse reacts and starts the Packaging workflow. At this point, Warehouse should have all the data required to perform its logic, without needing the Order anymore.
The warehouse manager can then view a picking slip, select the lines they would like to ship, and then perform a PrepareShipment command.
To me, this clearly indicates the need for an aggregate that will ensure the invariants are respected. You cannot select items not present in the picking slip, you cannot select more items than the quantities specified, you cannot select items that have already been packaged in a previous package and so on.
A ShipmentPrepared event will then update the original order, and remove the relevant lines from the PickingSlipView.
I don't understand why you would modify the original order. Also, removing lines from a view is not a safe operation per se. You want to guarantee that concurrency doesn't cause a single item to be placed in multiple packages, for example. You guarantee that using an aggregate that contains all the items, generates the packaging instructions, and marks the items of each package safely and transactionally.
Acting as an intermediary between two commands
Aggregates execute the commands, they are not in between.
Viewing it from another angle, an indication that you need that aggregate is that the PrepareShippingCommand needs to create an aggregate (Shipping), and according to Udi Dahan, you should not create aggregate roots (out of thin air). Instead, other aggregate roots create them. So, it seems fair to say that there needs to be some aggregate, which ensures that the policies to create shippings are applied.
As a final note, domain design is difficult and you need to know the domain very well, so it is very likely that my proposed solution is not correct, but I hope the considerations I made on each step are helpful to you to come up with the right solution.
UPDATE after question update
I read a couple of times the updated question and updated several times my answer, but ended up every time with answers very specific to your example again and I'm most likely missing a lot of details to actually be helpful (I'd be happy to discuss it on another channel though). Therefore, I want to go back to the first sentence of your question to add an important comment that I missed:
an intermediary concept can purely exist in the read model, while providing a bridge between commands.
In my opinion, read models are disposable. They are not a single source of truth. They are a representation of the data to easily fulfil the current query needs. When these query needs change, old read models are deleted and new ones are created based on the data from the write models.
So, only based on this, I would recommend to not prepare a read model to facilitate your commands operations.
I think that your solution is here:
When a book of record is added a view model for each type of task is maintained. The data might be transposed, and would only include relevant info.
If I understand it correctly, what you should do here is not create view model, but create an Aggregate (or multiple). Then this aggregate can receive the commands, apply the business rules and mutate the state. So, instead of having a domain service reading data from "clever" read models and putting it all together, you have an aggregate which encapsulates the data it needs and the business logic.
I hope it makes sense. It's a broad topic and we could talk about it for hours probably.

LUIS: Identify "normalized" value based on synonyms automatically

I am currently developing a chatbot that recommends theater plays to the user.
It is working pretty well, but now I want to enable the user to get recommendations based on the type of theater plays (like funny, dramatic, sad).
Nevertheless, as I do not know how exactly the user is phrasing the request also synonyms might be used (funny: witty, humourous, ...)
What is a good solution to get these types from the user's request in a normalized way?
Typically I would use the List entity, but then I have to insert all synonyms for each possible value by myself. Is there a way how i can define my "normalized" values and synonyms are automatically matched by LUIS (and improved by further training of the model)

How recommendation systems work in production?

I am newbie to this and have started learning Spark. I have general question regarding how recommendation systems work in production environments or rather how is it deployed to production.
Below is a small example of a system for e-commerce website.
I understand that once the system is built, at the start we can feed the data to the engine(we can run the jobs or run the program/process for the engine) and it will give the results, which will be stored back to the database against each user. Next time when the user logins the website can fetch the data, previously computed data by the engine from the database and show as recommended items.
The confusion I have is how ‘these systems’, on the fly generate outputs based on the user activity. e.g. If I view a video on Youtube and I refresh the page, Youtube starts showing me similar videos.
So, do we have these recommendation engine running always in background and they keep updating the results based on the user’s activity? How it is done so fast and quick?
Short answer:
Inference is fast; training is the slow part.
Retraining is a tweak to the existing model, not from scratch.
Retraining is only periodic, rarely "on demand".
Long answer:
They generate this output based on a long baseline of user activity. This is not something the engine derives from your recent view: anyone viewing that video on the same day will get the same recommendations.
Some recommender systems will take your personal history into account, but this is usually just a matter of sorting the recommended list with respect to the predicted ratings for you personally. This is done with a generic model from your own ratings by genre and other characteristics of each video.
In general, updates are done once a day, and the changes are small. They don't retrain a model from scratch every time you make a request; the parameters and weights of your personal model are stored under your account. When you add a rating (not just viewing a video), your account gets flagged, and the model will be updated at the next convenient opportunity.
This update will begin with your current model, and will need to run for only a couple of epochs -- unless you've rated a significant number of videos with ratings that depart significantly from the previous predictions.
To add to Prune's answer, depending on the design of the system it may also be possible to take into account the user's most recent interactions.
There are two main ways of doing so:
Fold-in: your most recent interactions are used to recompute the parameters of your personal model while leaving the remainder of the model unchanged. This is usually quite fast and could be done in response to every request.
A model that takes interactions as input directly: some models can compute recommendations directly by taking a user's interactions as input, without storing user representations that can only be updated via retraining. For example, you can represent the user by simply averaging the representations of the items she most recently interacted with. Recomputing this representation can be done in response to every request.
In fact, this last approach seems to form part of the YouTube system. You can find details in the Covington et al. Deep Neural Networks For YouTube Recommendations paper.

suggest list of how-to articles based on text content

I have 20,000 messages (combination of email and live chat) between my customer and my support staff. I also have a knowledge base for my product.
Often times, the questions customers ask are quite simple and my support staff simply point them to the right knowledge base article.
What I would like to do, in order to save my support staff time, is to show my staff a list of articles that may likely be relevant based on the initial user's support request. This way they can just copy and paste the link to the help article instead of loading up the knowledge base and searching for the article manually.
I'm wondering what solutions I should investigate.
My current line of thinking is to run analysis on existing data and use a text classification approach:
For each message, see if there is a response with a link to a how-to article
If Yes, extract key phrases (microsoft cognitive services)
Treat each how-to as a 'classification' that belongs to sets of key phrases
Use some supervised machine learning, support vector machines maybe to predict which 'classification, aka how-to article' belongs to key phrase determined from a new support ticket.
Feed new responses back into the set to make the system smarter.
Not sure if I'm over complicating things. Any advice on how this is done would be appreciated.
PS: naive approach of just dumping 'key phrases' into search query of our knowledge base yielded poor results since the content of the help article is often different than how a person phrases their question in an email or live chat.
A simple classifier along the lines of a "spam" classifier might work, except that each FAQ would be a feature as opposed to a single feature classifier of spam, not-spam.
Most spam-classifiers start-off with a dictionary of words/phrases. You already have a start on this with your naive approach. However, unlike your approach a spam classifier does much more than a text search. Essentially, in a spam classifier, each word in the customer's email is given a weight and the sum of weights indicates if the message is spam or not-spam. Now, extend this to as many features as FAQs. That is, features like: FAQ1 or not-FAQ1, FAQ2 or not-FAQ2, etc.
Since your support people can easily identify which of the FAQs an e-mail requires then using a supervised learning algorithm would be appropriate. To reduce the impact of any miss-classification errors, then consider the application presenting a support person with the customer's email followed by the computer generated response and all the support person would have to-do is approve the response or modify it. Modifying a response should result in a new entry in the training set.
Support Vector Machines are one method to implement machine learning. However, you are probably suggesting this solution way too early in the process of first identifying the problem and then getting a simple method to work, as well as possible, before using more sophisticated methods. After all, if a multi-feature spam classifier works why invest more time and money in something else that also works?
Finally, depending on your system this is something I would like to work-on.

Best Practices / Patterns for Enterprise Protection/Remediation of SSNs (Social Security Numbers)

I am interested in hearing about enterprise solutions for SSN handling. (I looked pretty hard for any pre-existing post on SO, including reviewing the terriffic SO automated "Related Questions" list, and did not find anything, so hopefully this is not a repeat.)
First, I think it is important to enumerate the reasons systems/databases use SSNs: (note—these are reasons for de facto current state—I understand that many of them are not good reasons)
Required for Interaction with External Entities. This is the most valid case—where external entities your system interfaces with require an SSN. This would typically be government, tax and financial.
SSN is used to ensure system-wide uniqueness.
SSN has become the default foreign key used internally within the enterprise, to perform cross-system joins.
SSN is used for user authentication (e.g., log-on)
The enterprise solution that seems optimum to me is to create a single SSN repository that is accessed by all applications needing to look up SSN info. This repository substitutes a globally unique, random 9-digit number (ASN) for the true SSN. I see many benefits to this approach. First of all, it is obviously highly backwards-compatible—all your systems "just" have to go through a major, synchronized, one-time data-cleansing exercise, where they replace the real SSN with the alternate ASN. Also, it is centralized, so it minimizes the scope for inspection and compliance. (Obviously, as a negative, it also creates a single point of failure.)
This approach would solve issues 2 and 3, without ever requiring lookups to get the real SSN.
For issue #1, authorized systems could provide an ASN, and be returned the real SSN. This would of course be done over secure connections, and the requesting systems would never persist the full SSN. Also, if the requesting system only needs the last 4 digits of the SSN, then that is all that would ever be passed.
Issue #4 could be handled the same way as issue #1, though obviously the best thing would be to move away from having users supply an SSN for log-on.
There are a couple of papers on this:
UC Berkely
Oracle Vault
I have found a trove of great information at the Securosis site/blog. In particular, this white paper does a great job of summarizing, comparing and contrasting database encryption and tokenization. It is more focused on the credit card (PCI) industry, but it is also helpful for my SSN purpose.
It should be noted that SSNs are PII, but are not private. SSNs are public information that be easily acquired from numerous sources even online. That said if SSNs are the basis of your DB primary key you have a severe security problem in your logic. If this problem is evident at a large enterprise then I would stop what you are doing and recommend a massive data migration RIGHT NOW.
As far as protection goes SSNs are PII that is both unique and small in payload, so I would protect that form of data no differently than a password for one time authentication. The last four of a SSNs is frequently used for verification or non-unique identification as it is highly unique when coupled with another data attribute and is not PII on its own. That said the last four of a SSN can be replicated in your DB for open alternative use.
I have come across a company, Voltage, that supplies a product which performs "format preserving encryption" (FPE). This substitutes an arbitrary, reversibly encrypted 9-digit number for the real SSN (in the example of SSN). Just in the early stages of looking into their technical marketing collateral...
