Devices not available in Android Studio and Intelij Idea - android-studio

I'm working on virtual machine ( OS Win10 ) using Intelij Idea and Android Studio. I have field Devices empty in both IDEs when developing Android apps.
Screen shots :
Intelij Idea
Android Studio
Flutter Doctor says:
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel master, 1.21.0-2.0.pre.114, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388], locale pl-PL)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.0)
[√] Chrome - develop for the web
[√] Android Studio (version 4.0)
[!] Android Studio
X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
X android-studio-dir = C:\Program
X Android Studio not found at C:\Program
[√] Connected device (3 available)
I have 3 connected devices.
3 connected devices:
Web Server (web) • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools
Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 84.0.4147.89
Edge (web) • edge • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 84.0.522.40
Why I cant see them in IDEs ?
Any ideas ?


Why did android studio change Nexus 6 to sdk gphone x86 arm?

Here are the phones
Here is the error message when I hover over the Nexus 6 phone
"Not applicable for main.dart configuration"
Image system is R. API is 30. Flutter doctor says there are no issues.
Running on macOS Catalina. Android Studio 4.0.1.
How do I get it to work?
Flutter in Android Studio doesn't use the regular Android Studio device selector (the one on the right that's grayed out) because you can also select iPhones as target, which Android Studio's selector cannot do. Disregard that device selector for Flutter development, it's not used. The first one alone determines the phone your Flutter app will run on.
sdk_gphone_<architecture> is the device fingerprint of an official Android emulator. Select your phone's fingerprint (it should be either "Nexus 6", or the Nexus 6's code name, which is "shamu") in the left dropdown menu instead to run it on that, or make sure you have no emulators running.

How to add windows (desktop) to android studio devices

Iam creating a flutter desktop app ,how to add windows (desktop) device to android studio virtual devices as in the image below
The device list is filtered to what platforms you can build the currently open project for, so for Windows to show up in your device list you need:
Desktop support enabled in the Flutter tool.
A windows runner set up for the project you want to build.

How to pair mac to test flutter app using android studio in windows

I am developing an flutter app. i want to debug in both android and ios at the same time.To run in ios i can use mac but how to pair it.
You can use below command :
flutter run -d all will hot-reload all devices when started in terminal and pressing "s"
But this option is not available in Android studio, here is an open issue for the same.
You can switch platform by using the Toggle Platform button of Flutter Inspector.

Problem trying to apply dart support for a flutter project in Android Studio

It seems not to let me enable dart support. FLutter Doctor says there's no problems. Here is a video of what's happenin:
Doctor Screenshot

Unable to debug Xamarin iOS App from Visual Studio 2015 after upgrade

I was able to debug my Xamarin cross-platform app on iOS as well as Android using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows. Recently, I installed Xamarin updates on Windows as well as Mac. After the upgrade, I am no longer able to debug portable library from iOS app. Breakpoint hits MainActivity.cs but later it doesn't stop at other breakpoints in portable library.
However, if I open the same project in Xamarin Studio on Mac, I can debug iOS and Android app.
Anybody has any idea about the possible solution for the issue?
Visual Studio 2015
Xamarin Studio Enterprise 6.3
XCode 8.3.3
iOS 10.3
