Reading a database table without Pandas - python-3.x

I am trying to read a table from a HANA database in Python using SQLAlchemy library. Typically, I would use the Pandas package and use the pd.read_sql() method for this operation. However, for some reason, the environment I am using does not support the Pandas package. Therefore, I need to read the table without the Pandas library. So far, the following is what I have been able to do:
query = ('''SELECT * FROM "<schema_name>"."<table_name>"'''
''' WHERE <conditional_clauses>'''
with engine.connect() as con:
table = con.execute(query)
row = table.fetchone()
However, while this technique allows me to read table row by row, I am do not get the column names of the table.
How can I fix this?

I am do not get the column names of the table
You won't get the column names of the table but you can get the column names (or aliases) of the result set:
with engine.begin() as conn:
row = conn.execute(sa.text("SELECT 1 AS foo, 2 AS bar")).fetchone()
print(row.items()) # [('foo', 1), ('bar', 2)]
# or, for just the column names
print(row.keys()) # ['foo', 'bar']


Python data source - first two columns disappear

I have started using PowerBI and am using Python as a data source with the code below. The source data can be downloaded from here (it's about 700 megabytes). The data is originally from here (contained in
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
path = /path/to/file
to_chunk = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path,'A.txt'), delimiter = '\t', header = [0,1], index_col = [0,1],
iterator=True, chunksize=1000)
def chunker(to_chunk):
to_concat = []
for chunk in to_chunk:
return to_concat
A = pd.concat(chunker(to_chunk))
I = np.identity(A.shape[0])
L = pd.DataFrame(np.linalg.inv(I-A), index=A.index, columns=A.columns)
The code simply:
Loads the file A.txt, which is a symmetrical matrix. This matrix has every sector in every region for both rows and columns. In pandas, these form a MultiIndex.
Filters just the region that I need which is BG. Since it's a symmetrical matrix, both row and column are filtered.
The inverse of the matrix is calculated giving us L, which I want to load into PowerBI. This matrix now just has a single regular Index for sector.
This is all well and good however when I load into PowerBI, the first column (sector names for each row i.e. the DataFrame Index) disappears. When the query gets processed, it is as if it were never there. This is true for both dataframes A and L, so it's not an issue of data processing. The column of row names (the DataFrame index) is still there in Python, PowerBI just drops it for some reason.
I need this column so that I can link these tables to other tables in my data model. Any ideas on how to keep it from disappearing at load time?
For what it's worth, calling reset_index() removed the index from the dataframes and they got loaded like regular columns. For whatever reason, PBI does not properly load pandas indices.
For a regular 1D index, I had to do S.reset_index().
For a MultiIndex, I had to do L.reset_index(inplace=True).

Any optimize way to iterate excel and provide data into pd.read_sql() as a string one by one

#here I have to apply the loop which can provide me the queries from excel for respective reports:
df1 = pd.read_sql(SQLqueryB2, con=con1)
df2 = pd.read_sql(ORCqueryC2, con=con2)
if (df1.equals(df2)):
print(Report2 +" : is Pass")
Can we achieve above by something doing like this (by iterating ndarray)
df = pd.read_excel(path) for col, item in df.iteritems():
OR do the only option left to read the excel from "openpyxl" library and iterate row, columns and then provide the values. Hope I am clear with the question, if any doubt please comment me.
You are trying to loop through an excel file, run the 2 queries, see if they match and output the result, correct?
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
# add user, pass, database name
con = create_engine(f"mysql+pymysql://{USER}:{PWD}#{HOST}/{DB}")
file = pd.read_excel('excel_file.xlsx')
file['Result'] = '' # placeholder
for i, row in file.iterrows():
df1 = pd.read_sql(row['SQLQuery'], con)
df2 = pd.read_sql(row['Oracle Queries'], con)
file.loc[i, 'Result'] = 'Pass' if df1.equals(df2) else 'Fail'
file.to_excel('results.xlsx', index=False)
This will save a file named results.xlsx that mirrors the original data but adds a column named Result that will be Pass or Fail.
Example results.xlsx:

How to get values based on 2 user inputs in Python

As per below data, using Python how can I get Headers column value for the corresponding given input from DB & Table column.
DB Table Headers
Oracle Cust Id,Name,Mail,Phone,City,County
Oracle Cli Cid,shopNo,State
Oracle Addr Street,Area,City,Country
SqlSer Usr Name,Id,Addr
SqlSer Log LogId,Env,Stg
MySql Loc Flat,Add,Pin,Country
MySql Data Id,Txt,TaskId,No
Output: Suppose if i pass, Oracle & Cli as parameters, then it should return the value as "Cid,shopNo,State" in a list.
Trying with python dictionary, but it takes 2 values key and value. But i have 3 values. how to get ?
Looks like your data is in some sort of tabular format. In that case I would recommend using the pandas package, which is very convenient if you are working with tabular data.
pandas can read data into a DataFrame from a CSV file using pandas.read_csv. This dataframe you can then filter using the column names and the required values.
In the example below I assume that your data is tab (\t) separated. I read in the data from a string using io.StringIO. Normally you would just use pandas.read_csv('filename.csv').
import pandas as pd
import io
data = """DB\tTable\tHeaders
dataframe = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep='\t')
db_is_oracle = dataframe['DB'] == 'Oracle'
table_is_cli = dataframe['Table'] == 'Cli'
filtered_dataframe = dataframe[db_is_oracle & table_is_cli]
This will result in :
DB Table Headers
1 Oracle Cli Cid,shopNo,State
Or to get the actual headers of the first match:
>>> Cid,shopNo,State

Getting NONE in the last row of dataframe when using pd.read_sql_query

I am trying to create a db using sqlite3. i created methods to read write delete and show table. however in order to view table in proper format on Command line, i decided to use pandas (pd.read_sql_query). However, when i do that i get None in the last row of the first column.
I tried writing the table to a csv and there was no none value there.
def show_table():
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM ticket_info", SQLITEDB.conn, index_col='resource_id')
def fetch_from_db(query):
df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM ticket_info WHERE {}'.format(query), SQLITEDB.conn, index_col='resource_id')
here's the output as a picture.output image
Everything is correct but the last None value, where is it coming from? and how do i gt rid of it?
You are adding query as a variable. You might have a query that doesn't return any data from you table.

Access third value of first key in dictionary python

I have created a dictionary where one key has multiple values - start_time_C, duration_pre_val, value_T. All are input from an excel sheet.
Then I have sorted the dictionary.
pre_dict = {}
pre_dict_sorted = sorted(pre_dict.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))
Now, I want to compare a value (Column T of the excel sheet) with value_T.
How do I access value_T from the dictionary?
Many thanks!
Let's break this into two parts:
Reading in the spreadsheet
I/O stuff like this is best handled with pandas; if you'll be working with spreadsheets and other tabular data in Python, get acquainted with this package. You can do something like
import pandas as pd
#read the excel file into a pandas dataframe
my_data = pd.read_excel('/your/path/filename.xlsx', sheetname='Sheet1')
Accessing elements of the data, creating a dict
Your spreadsheet's content is now in the pandas DataFrame "my_data". From here you can reference DataFrame elements like this
#pandas: entire column
#pandas: 2nd row, 0th column
my_data.iloc[2, 0]
and create Python data structures
#create a dict from the dataframe
my_dict = my_data.set_index(my_data.index).to_dict()
#access the values associated with the 'value_T key of the dict
