How to allow multiple Identity Providers on Azure App Service - azure

It is straightforward to configure Azure App Service authentication for one of the following authentication sources: Azure AD (federation), Microsoft (local AD), Facebook (OAuth), Google (OAuth) or Twitter (OAuth). I have two questions:
Is is possible to allow more than one authentication sources from that list (hence with a Home Realm discovery)
Is it possible to add any arbitrary SAML 2.0 Identity Provider?
I don't see a way to do either one via the Portal, but perhaps are there other ways, such as via API?

Usually the most desirable option is as follows:
Your company UIs receive tokens issued only by Azure AD
Your company APIs receive tokens issued only by Azure AD
Users can authenticate multiple ways
Azure AD can federate to other identity providers
Any solution that returns multiple types of token to your UIs and APIs is usually bad. They will add a lot of complexity to your apps.
The goal is for your Azure AD to manage complexity for your apps, and to return a consistent user id regardless of the login method.
There are definitely working SAML2P options - many companies use them for corporate sign in to Office etc
Not sure which category this fits into, but it's worth clarifying your goals before choosing the tech. SAML2P is a little complex but tends to be widely used in the corporate world.


Restricting access to Microsoft Graph based on IP address, using application level auth and multi-tenanted app

I'm using Microsoft Graph API to access data from a variety of tenants' ADs. This is with a multitenanted Azure app hosted in my Azure tenancy. Authentication is handled using application level tokens and the client credentials flow; customer admins authorize the collection of data for their tenancy using OAuth. A customer is asking whether it's possible for me to restrict access to my Azure app based on location, so that our app dispenses tokens only to clients who are inside our data center.
It seems to me that this is not going to work. Microsoft recently added the possibility of conditional access based on workload identities; but are pretty clear that this only works for single-tenant apps, where the same tenancy hosts both the enterprise application and the app registration:
Policy can be applied to single tenant service principals that have
been registered in your tenant. Third party SaaS and multi-tenanted
apps are out of scope. Managed identities are not covered by policy.
But, I am not an expert and may be working on incorrect assumptions. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm what I have posted here? Is there some way I can provide what the customer is asking for?
As mentioned in the document that it is applicable only to the single tenants, If you want this feature to be available for the mutlti tenants as well you can raise a feature request for same here:

Experiences with migraton from OKTA to Azure AD

I'm wondering if anybody can share some practical experience here:
I have a client making extensive use of the OKTA identity solution for single sign-on to various cloud/web applications (both internal and external) as well as extensive provisioning options (creating users in SaaS apps, adding them to groups etc.). They also use OKTA in combination with Radius to provide MfA for Linux users setting up VPN's and for shell login on Linux (dev-ops) servers. Their sign-in to O365 / D365 is at this stage also federated via OKTA, performing SSO into on premise Active Directory.
When they implemented OKTA 2 years ago Azure AD was not yet mature enough in this area but my feeling is that it since has become mature enough to replace OKTA. We want to make use of AAD Premium for SSO and provision, the Microsoft Company Portal and Azure App Proxy for reverse proxy if internal web applications. We also want to use the NPS plugin for AAD MfA for providing MfA during Radius login requests.
In other swords we will need to make use of just about every tool in the Azure AD box to meet the various requirements imposed due to migration from OKTA (current implementation has unfortunately become a "requirement").
Does anybody have experience with migration from OKTA to AAD?
Are their any experiences with extensive use of provisioning options for SaaS apps in AAD?
Any advice, tips, experiences are welcome and much appreciated.

Role Claims when Federating Azure AD

We want to create a MVC web application using claims-based authentication, expecting roles as one of the claims. We want to Federate authentication providers using the Azure Access Control Service to manage this federation. One of the authentication providers is our Azure AD.
The problem is that Azure AD doesn't seem to be able to generate role (or even group) claims. What is the appropriate method to manage group or role access in Azure AD and have role claims served by Azure Access Control Service.
A previous comment asked for details: We want to provide access to our cloud application to 3rd parties using their active directory (to simplify user management for them). Our application has a few levels of access to information that the 3rd parties can configure. We were hoping they could do this in their AD (based on our instructions). Groups seemed like the obvious choice, but if there is another way that works, as long as we can provide instructions, it'll work.
We want our application to get claims for a user's level of access. If we had only one partner that was using Azure AD, we could use the graph API against that endpoint, but with multiple partners changing over time, we wanted to federate them so our application only needs to trust the federation server. We were assuming that we needed Azure ACS to manage the federation.
AAD does support roles / groups and you can administer them from the Azure Portal.
Howeve, these are not passed in the "canned" set of claims.
You need to use the Graph API and then convert them e.g. Windows Azure Active Directory: Converting group memberships to role claims.
ACS requires something to federate with. You can't hook a customer AD up to ACS - you need something like ADFS on top of their AD.
I assume your cloud app. runs in Azure?
Then make your app. multi-tenanted. If your customers have their own Azure tenant, it will work. You just need to add the Graph API code to your app. ACS is not required.
Your customers then run DirSync. This keeps their Azure tenant in sync. with their AD changes.
So two options:
Customer does not have Azure tenant. They install ADFS and federate with AAD.
Customer's who do have Azure tenant use DirSync.
Good news: we have recently turned on the Application Roles and Groups Claim features in Azure AD.
Get a quick overview here:
Deep dive post and video on app roles feature is here:
Deep dive post and video on app roles feature is here:
Hope that helps.
Groups aren't the best choice because they are unique within each directory. Unless you get your customers to define a set of groups that have well-known names and match against the strings, that is (the object IDs of a group is different per directory even if they have the same name). I'm actually from the Azure AD team and we are seriously considering releasing a feature to allow you to define roles in your app that your customers can assign their users to. Please stay tuned on this. In the meantime, unfortunately groups are the only way to go. You would have to call "GetMemberGroups" using the Graph to retrieve the groups that the user is assigned to.
What are your timelines for releasing this application? You can contact me directly to see if we can work with your scenario.

multiple-tenant, multiple-platform, multiple-services single sign-on using Azure Active directory

I have the following services
I have a Web application that has a client side script that will talk directly to each of the above services to retrieve information
I also have Native Mobile client applications which also will talk directly to each of the above services
Windows/Windows Phone
Now this application will be a SaaS solution where customers can sign-up online create their own tenant and then create user accounts for there employees and add the employees to groups and change permissions of those groups.
Now i need a solution that a user can log on to a mobile application or Web and it be allowed to gain access to the above mentioned services depending on there groups permissions, but i want strong separation of each tenant
Looking at the tags it seems you are considering Azure AD. Good choice. Azure AD allows developers to secure their SAAS APIs and Web/Mobile Apps. Azure AD satisfies all the requirements that you've described - it even has client SDKs for the popular platforms.
The following should see you through:
Authentication scenarios supported by AAD ( will answer questions like - how can my mobile app access my multi-tenant web api on behalf of the user, or how can my web app sign-in the user as well as receive a delegated token to access my web api
AAD integrated multi-tenant SAAS application sample ( covers special techniques for multi-tenant apps
Authorization using group membership ( describes how you can perform authorization in your application per the group membership of users.
Hope this helps.

Using Windows Azure Active Directory for Public Users

I understand that WAAD is meant for internal organizational accounts. I understand the concepts behind ADFS and other "AD in the cloud" related topics. But is there really anything that is preventing WAAD to be used for public accounts?
I want to build a public facing web site using ASP.Net MVC. I will use WIF to implement claims authentication and plan to use ACS as a claims federation provider. I want to allow the end users to login using Social Network Accounts (out of the box with ACS). But I also want to allow users to register their own user name and passwords for my web site. Can I use WAAD for this part?
Of course I could build my own custom STS. Or I could use Thinktecture IdentityServer for this purpose. But there are some clear advantages of sticking with WAAD:
simplicity (to set up WAAD as a STS to ACS takes just few clicks)
performance, security, reliability guaranteed by Azure SLAs
Is there any disadvantage to this approach?
You certainly can use WAAD for creating user accounts. You, also of course, have to force users to use e-mail style logins.
There is however one (BIG in my opinion) disadvantage of WAAD against ThinkTecture's Identity Server: WAAD does not have a user registration / password management / password reset flow.
UPDATE (29.07.2014)
Today WAAD provides Self-service-password-reset as part of Premium Features. However still no self-service-user-registration. Frankly I do not expect to ever see self service user registration, as WAAD is targeting enterprises, and not your specific scenario.
To implement mentioned flow in WAAD, you have to developed your own MVC App from scratch, that uses the Graph API for all mentioned scenarios.
On the other side, you have Identity Server, which has thousands of downloads, which is developed by the Gurus of Claims based authentication and security. Identity server has very rich and easy to use extensible structure. While it also does not provide the user registration and password reset flows out of the box, it is already an MVC 4 application with very rich extensibility points.
Setting up an Identity server for run in Azure is also extremely easy. And setting up Identity Server as Identity provider in Azure ACS is just couple of clicks on the management portal.
You say that WAAD is SLA backed, highly available, etc. But your Identity Server deployment on a Cloud Service will be SLA backed too if use at least 2 instances of a Web Role.
If I have to chose whether to extend Identity Server to support user registration etc, or to create entirely new application from scratch that uses WAAD GRaph API for that feature - I would use Identity Server.
As of September this year the Azure B2C preview is there. This should satisfy the scenerio of self service user registration and different identity providers (Facebook, Google, Microsoft...). These are all serviced from AzureAD.
Azure AD b2c
There is als a complete MVC sample available
Azure AD b2c MVC Sample
