You cannot access body after reading from request's data stream, django - python-3.x

I am trying to read request body using django but, it throws an error:
You cannot access body after reading from request's data stream
Here is my code:
def update_profile(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
# Validate
payload = json.loads(request.body)
# get files
profile_pic = request.FILES.get('profile_pic')
user_data = util.update_profile(obj_common, user_id, payload,profile_pic)
return user_data
I have seen many answer on the stackoverflow, They advice me to replace request.body with
but when it tried i got another error
{AttributeError}'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'data'

Looks like request.POST is being processed somewhere before calling this function. Try searching for it


How can I read response content (that is JSON) from Django middleware so I can convert it to HTML?

From my django view I am returning a serialized JSON as below:
def features(request):
features = db_service.fetch_all_features()
data = serializers.serialize('json', features)
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
I have registered a middleware, where I want to fetch this JSON and convert it into HTML
class ReturnResponseAsHTML:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
# One-time configuration and initialization.
def __call__(self, request):
# Code to be executed for each request before
# the view (and later middleware) are called.
response = self.get_response(request)
# Code to be executed for each request/response after
#return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
return response
Once I have access to the response object, how may I fetch the JSON from it so I may convert it to HTML
where response is an instance of django.http.HttpResponse

How to set response status code in route with type json in odoo 14

I have created a route with type Json in odoo 14.
#http.route('/test', auth='public', methods=['POST'], type="json", csrf=False)
def recieve_data(self, **kw):
headers = request.httprequest.headers
args = request.httprequest.args
data = request.jsonrequest
So when I receive request using this route everything is fine, but suppose I want to return a different status code like 401, I could not do that with the route which type is json.
I have also tried the bellow method but the problem with this method is that it stops all odoo future requests.
from odoo.http import request, Response
#http.route('/test', auth='public', methods=['POST'], type="json", csrf=False)
def recieve_data(self, **kw):
headers = request.httprequest.headers
args = request.httprequest.args
data = request.jsonrequest
Response.status = "401 unauthorized"
return {'error' : 'You are not allowed to access the resource'}
So in the above example If I set the response status code to 401 all other requests even if they are to different routes will be stopped and its status code changes 401 .
I have checked this problem in both odoo14 and odoo13.
You cannot specify the code of the response, as you can see the status code is hardcoded in
def _json_response(self, result=None, error=None):
# ......
# ......
return Response(
body, status=error and error.pop('http_status', 200) or 200,
headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]
If the result is not an error the status code is always 200. but you can change the code of the method directly or use a monkey patch witch if it's not really important to specify the code of status in the result don't do ti ^^.
A simple monkey patch put this in of the module that you want this behavior in it.
from odoo.http import JsonRequest
class JsonRequestPatch(JsonRequest):
def _json_response(self, result=None, error=None):
response = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': self.jsonrequest.get('id')
default_code = 200
if error is not None:
response['error'] = error
if result is not None:
response['result'] = result
# you don't want to remove some key of another result by mistake
if isinstance(response, dict)
defautl_code = response.pop('very_very_rare_key_here', default_code)
mime = 'application/json'
body = json.dumps(response, default=date_utils.json_default)
return Response(
body, status=error and error.pop('http_status', defautl_code ) or defautl_code,
headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]
JsonRequest._json_response = JsonRequestPatch._json_response
and in the result of JSON api you can change the code of status like this
def some_controler(self, **kwargs):
result = ......
result['very_very_rare_key_here'] = 401
return result
The risk in monkey patching is you override the method compeletly and if some change is done in Odoo in new version you have to do you it in your method too.
The above code is from odoo 13.0 I did a lot of this when I build a restfull module to work with a website uses axios witch don't allow sending body in GET request. and odoo expect the argument to be inside the body in json request.

Messenger Send API

I am creating a self built Python chatbot that does not use a chatbot platform such as Dialogflow. The issue is that there is no easy integration with messaging apps such as Messenger to connect it too. I am trying to create a webhook to Messenger using the Messenger Send API. I am looking at the documentation and it shows me how to request a POST api call. However when I look at examples online they all seem to deal with json values called "entry" and "messaging" which I can't find anywhere and can't seem to see why it is necessary. I was wondering how exactly the input body of a Messenger Send API looks like so I can call it appropriately and what json objects are in its body. This is what I have so far from following online examples. I am using Flask. And am using Postman to test this
#app.route("/webhook", methods=['GET','POST'])
def listen():
if request.method == 'GET':
return verify_webhook(request)
if request.method == 'POST':
payload = request.json
event = payload['entry'][0]['messaging']
for x in event:
if is_user_message(x):
text = x['message']['text']
sender_id = x['sender']['id']
respond(sender_id, text)
return "ok"
Below is what I think the body of the request looks like:
"text":"book me a cab"
But it is unable to read this and gives me an error of:
File"/Users/raphael******/Documents/*****_Project_Raphael/", line 42, in listen
event = payload['entry'][0]['messaging']
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Where am I going wrong that the webhook is not registering the body correctly as json objects?
Here is how we do it:
# GET: validate facebook token
if request.method == 'GET':
valid = messenger.verify_request(request)
if not valid:
abort(400, 'Invalid Facebook Verify Token')
return valid
# POST: process message
output = request.get_json()
if 'entry' not in output:
return 'OK'
for entry in output['entry']:
if 'messaging' not in entry:
for item in entry['messaging']:
# delivery notification (skip)
if 'delivery' in item:
# get user
user = item['sender'] if 'sender' in item else None
if not user:
user_id = user['id']
# handle event
messenger.handle(user_id, item)
# message processed
return 'OK'
If you are using postman, please make sure to also set Content-Type header to application/json, otherwise Flask can't decode it with request.json. I guess that's where None comes from in your case.

django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDictKeyError REST API post request

Getting django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDictKeyError: 'email_id' while post request. Here's my code
def post(self, request):
video_file =['media_file']
user_email_id =['email_id']
file_storage = FileSystemStorage()
saved_file_name =, video_file)
headers = {"Authorizarion": "auth/key"}
data = {"email_id": "",
"media_file": open(video.file_path, "rb")}
response ="/api/url", headers=headers, data=data)
When try to upload the file via Postman works fin as it takes care of Content-Type, but trying to upload in the backend makes it difficult to clear it.
It seems you're not passing the email_id - can you print its value in before you post?
To be on the safe side, provide a default value in your
video_file ="media_file", None)
user_email_id ="email_id", None)
Replace None with whatever you want as a default if a field is missing.
UPDATE: Of course, then you'll encounter the issue of uploading file contents the way you do. To upload the actual file you should use a files structure in your call, e.g.:
headers = {"Authorizarion": "auth/key"}
data = {"email_id": ""}
files = {"media_file": open(video.file_path, "rb")}
response ="/api/url", headers=headers, data=data, files=files)
Then on Django side you'll have to retrieve the contents as:
def post(self, request):
video_file = request.FILES.get('media_file', None)
user_email_id = request.POST.get('email_id', None)
# you should probably validate video_file and user_email_id here
file_storage = FileSystemStorage()
saved_file_name =`d4()), video_file)

Can't extract data from RESTClient response

I am writing my first Groovy script, where I am calling a REST API.
I have the following call:
def client = new RESTClient( 'http://myServer:9000/api/resources/?format=json' )
That returns:
[[msr:[[data:{"level":"OK"}]], creationDate:2017-02-14T16:44:11+0000, date:2017-02-14T16:46:39+0000, id:136]]
I am trying to get the field level, like this:
def level_value = client.get( path : 'msr/data/level' )
However, when I print the value of the variable obtained:
println level_value.getData()
I get the whole JSON object instead of the field:
[[msr:[[data:{"level":"OK"}]], creationDate:2017-02-14T16:44:11+0000, date:2017-02-14T16:46:39+0000, id:136]]
So, what am I doing wrong?
Haven't looked at the docs for RESTClient but like Tim notes you seem to have a bit of a confusion around the rest client instance vs the respons object vs the json data. Something along the lines of:
def client = new RESTClient('http://myServer:9000/api/resources/?format=json')
def response = client.get(path: 'msr/data/level')
def level =[0].msr[0].data.level
might get you your value. The main point here is that client is an instance of RESTClient, response is a response object representing the http response from the server, and contains the parsed json payload in the response.
You would need to experiment with the expression on the last line to pull out the 'level' value.
