Cucumber No features found with JUnit5 - cucumber

I am trying to setup Cucumber in my project. I am following the same configuration from my previous projects but I still have issues with running the tests. Now I am starting to suspect that the issue might be that this project is using JUnit 5 instead of 4. I have added junit4 to the build options as well to be able to execute the #RunWith annotation with jUnit4, but I still get the same error ( No features found at classpath ) .
The runner class is as follows:
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions.SnippetType;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
#CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:resources", plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/reports/cucumber/html",
"json:target/cucumber.json", "usage:target/usage.jsonx",
"junit:target/junit.xml"}, snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE)
public class TestCucumberRunner {
The structure of the folders is following:
Here is the pom configuration:
As far as I can see, the #RunWith annotation is imported from junit4 and not 5, so why is this issue happening?
I also tried adding the feature file in the same folder with the runner, as well as adding the exact path in the feature option, but still the same error.

You can run Cucumber tests with Junit 5 and via maven. I searched a lot before finding the right configuration.
The important steps :
add maven-surefire-plugin in you plugins pom, so cucumber tests can bu run from mvn test
use the same structure for features in your test resources as your cucumber java steps (if your test class is in com.example.usescase, locate your feature in resources/com/example/usecase )
add cucumber launcher on the root folder of your java tests. I can be annotated with just #Cucumber
Courtesy to , I really found how to make it work thanks to its repository

With Junit5, you just need to write runner like below :
#SelectClasspathResource("Features Folder")
public class Runner {
For using tags, you can put the tags properties in
You can refer for pom dependencies -
I was facing a lot of issues. I followed above and could run my cucumber tests with Junit5 without any issues.

There might be some problems with the step definitions as well (cann't tell exactly by looking at the info), looks like that Cucumber cannot find your feature file step definitions.
please have a look on cucumber documentation
You need to specify the path to your step definitions (glue path) correctly.
Usually cucumber jvm will search in the package (or sub-packages) of the runner class. However, you can also mention explicitly by the following way:
#CucumberOptions(glue = ["", "", ""])

Setting up Cucumber with JUnit 5 has not been documented very well (yet). The trick is to use the cucumber-junit-platform-engine as described in
For example:
Now use the maven-surefire-plugin to inject Cucumber parameters, since the 'old' JUnit 4 #CucumberOptions annotation won't have any effect anymore.
More Cucumber configuration options can be found here:
Your Java entry point for your Cucumber tests will now look like this:
public class BDDEntryPointTest {
Entry point class for Cucumber test.
It will automatically scan for
1. *.feature files in src/test/resources
2. Step definitions in java files under in src/test/java

I had similar issues with junit5 and I got it resolved by removing these three dependencies from pom
and by keeping these ones
and then your runner class will be just
public class AcceptanceIT {
and step defs would be . No #Test annotations
#Given("I log {string}")
public void logSomething(String teststr ) {
System.out.println("sample text:"+ teststr);
Note I am using maven-failsafe here . The runner class name might different if you use other plugin like maven-surefire or use any other mechanism. Here is my maven-failsafe config


Cucumber with JUnit 5: features not found, tests aren't executed

I'm using since a while Cucumber with JUnit 4 but currently I need to use it for the first time with JUnit 5 and it doesn't seem to work. I have the following dependencies:
I'm using the failsafe maven plugin configured as follows:
The test class looks as follows:
public class CustomersCucumberIT
Here I'm using the #Tag annotation which is replacing JUnit4 #Category in order to selectively execute tests based on the element configured in the failsafe maven plugin, here above.
The fetaures file is in src/main/test/resources/features/it and its name is customers.features.
Last but not least, here is the steps class:
public class CustomersCucumberSteps
Running the verify goal display the following output:
│ Share your Cucumber Report with your team at │
│ Activate publishing with one of the following: │
│ │
│ src/test/resources/ cucumber.publish.enabled=true │
│ Environment variable: CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_ENABLED=true │
│ JUnit: #CucumberOptions(publish = true) │
│ │
│ More information at │
│ │
│ To disable this message, add cucumber.publish.quiet=true to │
│ src/test/resources/ │
but simply skips the test execution as if there weren't any. Previously, with JUnit 4 I was using #CucumberOptions in order to set the features location. But with JUnit 5 this annotation isn't supported any more and I don't find any other. It seems that it is supposed to be discovered.
I've seen a couple of posts mentioning that the features files might be configured in the failsafe or surefire maven plugin with:
but this syntax doesn't seem to be supported and, anyway, I didn't find any parameter that I could use in order to configure where the steps are.
Could someone please enlighten me on that and provide also a simple example ?
Many thanks in advance.
Maven Surefire and Gradle do not yet support discovery of non-class based tests (see: gradle/#4773, SUREFIRE-1724).
As a workaround you can use the #Cucumber annotation. Cucumber will scan the package of a class annotated with #Cucumber for feature files.
So if the runner class is src/test/java/com/example/RunCucumberIT then the feature files should be in src/test/resources/com/example.
I'm answering my own question. It appears that, as a matter of fact, Cucumber 6.7.0, that is used in my case, is unable to correctly interpret the JUnit 5 "#Tag" annotation. In the current test case presented above, commenting out the "groups" statement in the failsafe plugin configuration, which is used in order to filter the test execution, behaves as expected, i.e. all the tests are executed. Keeping this statement uncommented and whatever the "#Tag" annotation defines, all the tests are skipped.
However, JUnit 4 "#Category" annotation works as expected, i.e. the filtering is okay. Accordingly, in order to filter Cucumber tests execution based on, for example, maven profiles, only JUnit 4 style works.

PIT-Cucumber plugin not finding scenarios in feature files

Try to institue PIT Mutation testing in a enterprise project. Got it to do existing JUNit tests, but we also have a lot of Cucumber tests that need to be part of the metric. Added pit-cucumber plugin to the maven project, but the output is no scenarios found. Not sure if there is some secret in the config of the plugin that I can't see.
I get this output:
INFO : Sending 0 test classes to minion
Make sure you're using Cucumber version 4.20 jars with pitest-cucumber-plugin 0.8
Everything else looks good. You may not need to specify targetClasses and targetTests.

Unable to connect mongodb atlas to intellij MongoExplorer

I'm using mongodb atlas for my backend and I'm trying to connect it to Mongo Explorer of intellij
This is the first image for furthur details
This is the second image where I provided the database username and password but still I'm not able to connect.
I have connected to localhost very easily without any problems but this is not connecting...
I'm using Intellij Idea Ultimate 2017.1.3 with student license. I think there is no problem with this particular license and Ide version
Thanks in advance :)
It is very easy steps:
Add these Dependencies in pom.xml file :
You want to add this code to file : your_uri_here database_name_here

Maven: how to set thread count for testng

I'm using testng to run tests in parallel. Xml file contains thread-count parameter.
<suite name="Lalala" parallel="tests" thread-count="3" preserve-order="true">
But I want to set the thread-count value from POM file. I tried
But thread count still equals 1
Is there some way to add thread-count from Pom file??
You may need to remove thread-count from your suite definition in your XML file as it will override any -threadcount parameter that Maven Surefire is passing to TestNG (see Command Line Parameters under Running TestNG).
From local testing it appears that threadCount and suiteXmlFiles aren't compatible and from the Maven Surefire Plugin documentation for suiteXmlFiles is states:
Note that suiteXmlFiles is incompatible with several other parameters of this plugin, like includes/excludes.
I believe that threadCount is another of the incompatible "other parameters".
Some of the same options available in TestNG XML files are also available when configuring the Maven Surefire Plugin so it looks like you will have to "port" your TestNG XML to Maven Surefire Plugin Configuration XML.
In my local testing I found that I could simply omit suiteXmlFiles and the plugin found and ran my tests with the specified threadCount. Depending on your TestNG XML your solution might take a bit more work.
I dont try to do this, but this configuration should work.
I'm not sure, but to use this you should use surefire plugin with version 2.19+. Also I recommend to not use surefire-specific element names in section (like <parallel>, <threadCount>, <groups> etc) when you use TestNG. The better choose is to use <properties> section with set of <property> values. Those values will be passed to testNG command line. Behavior for such properties are clearly described in TestNG documentation

Reading/Writing files to HDFS from Windwos server

I want to write files to HDFS from windows server. Hadoop cluster is on Linux.
I tried researching everywhere I got a java code that can be run using "hadoop jar"
Can somebody help me to understand how can I run HDFS file write java code from windows? What is required on Windows box? Even a proper link will do.
You need only to code a simple java program and run it like a normal .jar file.
In the project you need to import the hadoop library.
This is a working example maven project (I tested it on my cluster):
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
public class WriteFileToHdfs {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
String dataNameLocation = "hdfs://[your-namenode-ip]:[the-port-where-hadoop-is-listening]/";
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get( new URI( dataNameLocation ), configuration );
Path file = new Path(dataNameLocation+"/myFile.txt");
FSDataOutputStream out = hdfs.create(file);
out.writeUTF("Some text ...");
Remember to put the dependencies to your pom.xml and the instruction to build the manifest file for the main class:
Just lunch the program with the command:
java -jar nameOfTheJarFile.jar
Of course you need to edit the code with your package name and namenode ip address.
