Choco 4: calling a method whenever a Boolean variable gets assigned or unassigned - constraint-programming

I have a technical question regarding the Choco 4 CP solver.
I would like to call a method (lets call it f()) whenever some Boolean variables in my model are assigned or unassigned during search. The purpose of f() is to update a data structure which is used extensively by propagators.
My first attempt was to implement a custom IVariableMonitor but the method onUpdate(Variable v, IEventType iEventType) is invoked only when a variable gets assigned to 0/1 but not unassigned.
I also tried to use search monitors but no success for now.
Is there a way to perform this task?

I have figured out how to solve this issue.
What I actually needed is a data structure that supports an automatic undo operation. That is, modified when a variable is assigned and reverted automatically if the corresponding variable that triggered the modification gets unassigned.
Luckily, choco provides such backtrackable data structures (see org.chocosolver.util.objects).
As far as I understand, the state of a backtrackable data structure is associated with a decision level. When the solver backtracks any modification above the current decision level is reverted.


How can I implement it using DiffSuppressFunc()?

Context: I'm developing a TF Provider.
There's an attribute foo of type string in one of my resources. Different representations of values of foo can map to the same normalized version but only backend can return a normalized version of value of foo.
When implementing the resources, I was thinking I could store any user value for foo (i.e., it's not necessarily normalized). And then I could leverage DiffSuppressFunc to detect any potential differences. For example, stores any user input (by definition), TF state could store either normalized version return from a backend or user input version (don't matter a lot). And then, the biggest challenge is to differentiate between structural update (requires an update) and syntactic update (doesn't require update since it can be converted to the same normalized version).
In order to implement this I could use
"foo": {
DiffSuppressFunc: func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
// Option #1
normalizedOld := network.GetNormalized(old)
normalizedNew := network.GetNormalized(new)
return normalizedOld == normalizedNew
// Option #2
// Backend also supports a check whether such a value exists already
// and returns such a object
if obj, ok := network.Exists(new); ok { return obj.Id == d.GetObjId(); }
However it seems like I can't send network requests in DiffSuppressFunc since it doesn't accept meta interface{} from:
func resourceCreate(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{})
So I can't access my specific http client (even though I could send some generic network request).
Is there a smart way to avoid this limitation to pass meta interface{} to DiffSuppressFunc:
// The interface{} parameter is the result of the Provider type
// ConfigureFunc field execution. If the Provider does not define
// a ConfigureFunc, this will be nil. This parameter is conventionally
// used to store API clients and other provider instance specific data.
// The diagnostics return parameter, if not nil, can contain any
// combination and multiple of warning and/or error diagnostics.
ReadContext ReadContextFunc
The intention for DiffSuppressFunc is that it be only syntactic normalization that doesn't rely on information from outside of the provider. A DiffSuppressFunc should not typically interact with anything outside of the provider because the SDK can call it at various steps and expects it to return a consistent result each time, rather than varying based on the state of the remote system.
If you need to rely on information from the remote system then you'll need to implement the logic you're discussing in the CustomizeDiff function instead. That function is the lowest level of abstraction for diff customization in the SDK but in return for the low level of abstraction it also allows more flexibility than the higher-level built-in behaviors in the SDK.
In the CustomizeDiff function you will have access to meta and so you can make API requests if you need to.
Inside your CustomizeDiff function you can use d.GetChange to obtain both the previous value and the new value from the configuration to use in the same way as the old and new arguments to DiffSuppressFunc.
You can then use d.SetNew to change the planned value for a particular attribute based on what you learned. To approximate what DiffSuppressFunc would do you would call d.SetNew with the value from the prior state -- the "old" value.
When implementing CustomizeDiff you must respect the consistency rules that apply to all Terraform providers, which include:
When planning initial creation of an object, if the module author provided a specific value in the configuration then you must preserve exactly that value, without normalization.
When planning an update to an existing object, if the module author has provided a specific value in the configuration then you must return either the exact value they wrote without normalization or return exactly the value from the prior state to indicate that the new configuration value is functionally equivalent to the previous value.
When implementing Read there is also a similar consistency rule:
If the value you read from the remote system is not equal to what was in the prior state but the new value is functionally equivalent to the prior state then you must return the value from the prior state to preserve the way the author originally wrote it, rather than the way the remote system normalized it.
All of these rules exist to help ensure that a particular Terraform configuration can converge, which is to say that after running terraform apply it should be possible to immediately run terraform plan and see it report "No changes". If you don't stick to these rules then Terraform may return an explicit error (for problems it's able to detect) or it may just behave strangely due to the provider producing confusing information that doesn't match the assumptions of the protocol.

stateless4j parameterized StateMachineConfig

I would like to use StateMachineConfig in to configure various transitions of states based on events received from kafka. However in order to evaluate the conditions in either .permitIfElseIgnore (FuncBoolean guard) or .permitDynamic (Func interface), I would need to take the state of the objects into account, since we are unable to rely exclusively on the event type itself. Can this be accomplished with the stateless4j lib? Somehow define functions to the configuration and have the parameters evaluated at runtime in order to determine the correct transition?

V8 JavaScript Object vs Binary Tree

Is there a faster way to search data in JavaScript (specifically on V8 via node.js, but without c/c++ modules) than using the JavaScript Object?
This may be outdated but it suggests a new class is dynamically generated for every single property. Which made me wonder if a binary tree implementation might be faster, however this does not appear to be the case.
The binary tree implementation isn't well balanced so it might get better with balancing (only the first 26 values are roughly balanced by hand.)
Does anyone have an idea on why or how it might be improved? On another note: does the dynamic class notion mean there are actually ~260,000 properties (in the jsperf benchmark test of the second link) and subsequently chains of dynamic class definitions held in memory?
V8 uses the concepts of 'maps', which describe the layout of the data in an object.
These maps can be "fast maps" which specify a fixed offset from the start of the object at which a particular property can be found, or they can be "dictionary map", which use a hashtable to provide a lookup mechanism.
Each object has a pointer to the map that describes it.
Generally, objects start off with a fast map. When a property is added to an object with a fast map, the map is transitioned to a new one which describes the location of the new property within the object. The object is re-allocated with enough space for the new data item if necessary, and the object's map pointer is set to the new map.
The old map keeps a record of the transitions from it, including a pointer to the new map and a description of the property whose addition caused the map transition.
If another object which has the old map gets the same property added (which is very common, since objects of the same type tend to get used in the same way), that object will just use the new map - V8 doesn't create a new map in this case.
However, once the number of properties goes over a certain theshold (in fact, the current metric is to do with the storage space used, not the actual number of properties), the object is changed to use a dictionary map. At this point the object is re-written using a hashtable. In general, it won't undergo any more map transitions - any more properties that are added will just go in the hashtable.
Fast maps allow V8 to generate optimized code (using Crankshaft) where the offset of a property within an object is hard-coded into the machine code. This makes it very fast for cases where it can do this - it avoids the need for doing any lookup.
Obviously, the generated machine code is then dependent on the map - if the object's data layout changes, the code has to be discarded and re-optimized when necessary. V8 has a type profiling mechanism which collects information about what the types of various objects are during execution of unoptimized code. It doesn't trigger optimization of the code until certain stability constraints are met - one of these is that the maps of objects used in the function aren't changing frequently.
Here's a more detailed description of how this stuff works.
Here's a video where one of the lead developers of V8 describes stuff like map transitions and lots more.
For your particular test case, I would think that it goes through a few hundred map transitions while properties are being added in the preparation loop, then it will eventually transition to a dictionary based object. It certainly won't go through 260,000 of them.
Regarding your question about binary trees: a properly sized hashtable (with a sensible hash function and a significant number of objects in it) will always outperform a binary tree for a use-case where you're just searching, as your test code seems to do (all of the insertion is done in the setup phase).

Is there a compelling reason to call type.mro() rather than iterate over type.__mro__ directly?

Is there a compelling reason to call type.mro() rather than iterate over type.__mro__ directly? It's literally ~13 times faster to access (36ns vs 488 ns)
I stumbled upon it while looking to cache type.mro(). It seems legit, but it makes me wonder: can I rely on type.__mro__, or do I have to call type.mro()? and under what conditions can I get away with the former?
More importantly, what set of conditions would have to occur for type.__mro__ to be invalid?
For instance, when a new subclass is defined/created that alters an existing class's mro, is the existing class' .__mro__ immediately updated? Does this happen on every new class creation? that makes it part of class type? Which part? ..or is that what type.mro() is about?
Of course, all that is assuming that type.__mro__ is, in fact, a tuple of cached names pointing to the objects in a given type's mro. If that assumption is incorrect; then, what is it? (probably a descriptor or something..) and why can/can't I use it?
EDIT: If it is a descriptor, then I'd love to learn its magic, as both: type(type.__mro__) is tuple and type(type(type).__mro__) is tuple (ie: probably not a descriptor)
EDIT: Not sure how relevant this is, but type('whatever').mro() returns a list whereas type('whatever').__mro__ returns a tuple. (Un?)fortunately, appending to that list doesn't change the __mro__ or subsequent calls to .mro() of/on the type in question (in this case, str).
Thanks for the help!
According to the docs:
This attribute is a tuple of classes that are considered when looking for base classes during method resolution.
This method can be overridden by a metaclass to customize the method resolution order for its instances. It is called at class instantiation, and its result is stored in __mro__.
So yes, your assumption about __mro__ being a cache is correct. If your metaclass' mro() always returns the same thing, or if you don't have any metaclasses, you can safely use __mro__.

Lua registry not visible from new states

In a C function called from my Lua script, I'm using luaL_ref to store a reference to a function. However, if I then try to use the returned integer index to fetch that function from a different thread which isn't derived from the same state, all I get back is nil. Here's the simplest example that seems to demonstrate it:
// Assumes a valid lua_State pL, with a function on top of the stack
int nFunctionRef = luaL_ref(pL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
// Create a new state
lua_State* pL2 = luaL_newstate();
lua_rawgeti(pL2, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, nFunctionRef);
const char* szType = luaL_typename(pL2, -1);
I'm finding that szType then contains the value 'nil'.
My understanding was that the registry was globally shared between all C code, so can anyone explain why this doesn't work?
If the registry isn't globally shared in that way, how can I get access to my values like I need to from another script?
The registry is just a normal table in a Lua state, therefore two unrelated Lua states can't access the same registry.
As Kknd says, you'll have to provide your own mechanism. A common trick is creating an extra state that doesn't execute any code, it's used only as a storage. In your case, you'd use that extra state's registry from your C code. unfortunately, there's no available method to copy arbitrary values between two states, so you'll have to unroll any tables.
copying functions is especially hard, if you're using the registry for that, you might want to keep track of which state you used to store it, and execute it on the original state, effectively turning it into a cross-state call, instead of moving the function.
luaL_newstate() creates another separeted state, as the name says. The registry is only shared between 'threads', created with lua_newthread(parent_state);
Edit to match the question edit:
You can run the scripts in the same state, or, if you don't want that, you will need to provide your own
mechanism to synchronize the data between the two states.
To use multiple Lua universes (states) you might find Lua Lanes worth a look. There is also a rough comparison of multi-state Lua solutions.
Lanes actually does provide the 'hidden state' that Javier mentions. It also handles locks needed to access such shared data and the ability to wait for such data to change. And it copies anything that is copyable (including functions and closures) between your application states and the hidden state.
