How good is Azure Data Lake for storing an SQL database used for Power BI visualizations? - azure

We have an Azure SQL database where we collect a large amount of sensor data and we regularly extract the data from it and transform it a bit with a python script. The end result is a pandas DataFrame file. We would like to store the transformed data in an Azure database and use it as a source of a power BI dashboard.
On the one hand, we want to show the "almost" real-time data on a dashboard (the latency due to the transformation etc. is acceptable, but the dashboard needs to refresh very frequently, let's say once a minute), but we also want to store the transformed data and query it later e.g. to visualize the data only for a given day.
Is it possible to convert the pandas DataFrame into SQL and store it on Data Lake and stream the data from there? I read that it is possible to store structured data on Data Lake and even query it, but I am unsure if this would be the best solution.
(My current task is to choose the best database for storing the transformed data to enable both streaming and querying it later. I am very new in Azure products and I don't have a sandbox account yet to even try around and identify possible pitfalls. I've just figured out that PowerBI does not support DirectQuery for DataLake and I feel like this can be an issue - meaning we would have to query the data on DataLake at first and store it somewhere if we wanted to visualize a subset, is that correct?)

Azure Datalake is not a database, just a store for the data both structured and unstructured, so as mentioned you can't direct query it unless you have some compute capacity (Databricks, Azure Synapse, Azure DataLake Analytics, Power BI Premium with enhanced compute)
Depending on your approach, it may be best to move from Azure SQL Database and Pandas, to Azure Databricks, that can ingest the streaming data, transform, and provide an outputted table that is stored in the data lake. You will then connect Power BI to the Databricks instance and query that. The data will only be available while the cluster is running.
Moving to Databricks, will involve rewriting your Panda code to Koalas, or preferably Pyspark.
You do have the option of using Databricks to write the items back to a Azure SQL Database table. Depending on what transformations you are doing you could keep it all in Azure SQL, or if it is sensor data streaming, take the data through Azure Event Hubs, to Azure Streaming Analytics (does transformations), to Azure SQL Database (store Realtime and historical).


Azure Data Lake for Structured Data

We've been reviewing the Modern Data Warehouse architectures from Microsoft (link here), which references using Azure Data Factory to pull structured and unstructured data into the Azure Data Lake. I've attended a lot of presentations on the subject as well, but most people are split on whether the Data Lake is a good home for structured data. What I am trying to determine is if importing data into the Data Lake is a good strategy if the only source we will be utilizing is on-prem SQL Server databases? And, what would be the advantage / disadvantages of that strategy?
For context sake, we're looking for a single pane of glass for consumption - whether it's end user's reporting with Power BI, or fodder for Azure Data Warehouse / on-prem Data Warehouse. We want one container that is the source for all of these systems, which is not the source OLTP system (i.e. OLTP database --> (Azure Data Factory) --> Data Lake --> everything else).
I appreciate any guidance on the subject. Thank you.
You have not mentioned the data size and I think for moving to ADL , the data is a very strong parameter . In your case the data is very much structured . If you we had unstructured & massive data and if you wanted to use ADB or Hadoop or any other technology to process it later , i think ADL is a good candidate .
You should also consider that the data is encrypted in motion using SSL .You can authorize users and groups with fine-grained POSIX-based ACLs for all data in the Store enabling role-based access controls .
The only real value in taking stuctured data, flattening it and loading it into a data lake is to save cost and decouple the data from any proprietary tool/compute. In your scenario, it will be less expensive to store the data in a data lake store vs. Azure SQL Database.
However, there is a complexity cost to flattening the data. You will need to restructure the data (ie. load it back into a database, or wrap logical structure) when you need to consume the data. Formats such as Parquet will help with this, but it is more complex for users to query data in a datalake than it is to connect to a relational database. Most all analysts and data consumers will know how to query a relational database, especially if the data is already in SQL Server.
Look at the volume of data and use cases for consumption to make that decision. A "logical datalake" can include both structured data in a relational database, semi structured data flattened in a storage account, and unstructured data saved to a storage account.

Reading data from lake

I need to read data from azure data from azure data lake and apply some joins in sql and show in Web UI.
Data is around 300 gb and migrating data from azure data factory to azure sql database is happening at the speed of 4Mbps.
I have also tried to use sql server 2019 which has polybase support but that is also taking 12-13 hours to copy data.
Also tried cosmos db for storing data from lake but seems it is taking large amount of time.
Any other way we can read data from lake.
One way can be azure data warehouse,but that is too costly and support only 128 concurrent transactions.
Can databricks be used,but its a computation engine and we need it to be available 24*7 for UI Queries
I still suggest you using Azure Data Factory. As you said, your data is around 300 gb.
Here's the Copy performance and scalability achievable using ADF:
I agree with David Makogon. The performance of your Data Factory is very slowly( 4Mbps). Please reference this document Copy activity performance and scalability guide.
It will help you improve the Data Factory data copy performance, give more suggestions about Data Factory settings or Database settings.
Hope this helps.
I had a very similar situation, just more data +-900GB.
If you need to show it in ui, you will still need to load data to Azure SQL, as DWH is not very good at handling parallel load and its costy.
We ended up using bulk insert from blob storage.
I created sp to call bulk insert with parameters (source file, target table) and ADF to orchestrate and run in parallel.
Could not find anything faster than that.

batch processing in azure

We are planning to do batch processing on a daily basis. We generate 1 GB of CSV files every day and will manually put them into Azure Data Lake Store. I have read the Microsoft Azure documents regarding the batch processing and I have decided to use Spark as to batch processing. My question is that after we transfer the data using RDD/DF what would be the next step? how we can visualize the data? since this process is supposed to be run every day, once the data transformation done using Spark, do we need to push the data to any kind of data store like hive hdfs or cosmos before we could visualize it?
There are several options doing this on Azure. It really depends on your requirements (e.g. number of users, needed visualizations, etc). Examples for doing it:
Running Spark on Azure Databricks, you could use the Notebook capabilities to visualize your data
Use HDInsight with Jupyter or Zeppelin Notebooks
Define Spark tables on Azure Databricks and visualize them with Power BI
Load the data with Azure Data Factory V2 to Azure SQL DB or Azure SQL Data Warehouse and visualize it with Power BI.
For Time-Series-Data you could push the data via Spark to Azure EventHubs (see Example notebook with Eventhubs Sink in the following documentation) and consume it via Azure Time Series Insights. If you have an EventData-Stream this could also replace your batch oriented architecture in the future. Parquet files will be used by Azure Time Series Insights as Long-term Storage (see the following link). For Spark also have a look at Time Series Package which adds some time series capabilities to spark.

Azure Data Lake - HDInsight vs Data Warehouse

I'm in a position where we're reading from our Azure Data Lake using external tables in Azure Data Warehouse.
This enables us to read from the data lake, using well known SQL.
However, another option is using Data Lake Analytics, or some variation of HDInsight.
Performance wise, I'm not seeing much difference. I assume Data Warehouse is running some form of distributed query in the background, converting to U-SQL(?), and so why would we use Data Lake Analytics with the slightly different syntax of U-SQL?
With python script also available in SQL, I feel I'm missing a key purpose of Data Lake Analytics, other than the cost (pay per batch job, rather than constant up time of a database).
If your main purpose is to query data stored in the Azure Data Warehouse (ADW) then there is not real benefit to using Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA). But as soon as you have other (un)structured data stored in ADLS, like json documents or csv files for example, the benefit of ADLA becomes clear as U-Sql allows you to join your relational data stored in ADW with the (un)structured / nosql data stored in ADLS.
Also, it enables you to use U-Sql to prepare this other data for direct import in ADW, so Azure Data Factory is not longer required to get the data into you data warehouse. See this blogpost for more information:
A common use case for ADLS and SQL DW is the following. Raw data is ingested into ADLS from a variety of sources. Then ADL Analytics is used to clean and process the data into a loading ready format. From there, the high value data can be imported into Azure SQL DW via PolyBase.
You can import data stored in ORC, RC, Parquet, or Delimited Text file formats directly into SQL DW using the Create Table As Select (CTAS) statement over an external table.
Please note that the SQL statement in SQL Data Warehouse is currently NOT generating U-SQL behind the scenes. Also, the use cases between ADLA/U-SQL and SDW are different.
ADLA is giving you an processing engine to do batch data preparation/cooking to generate your data to build a data mart/warehouse that you then can read interactively with SQL DW. In your example above, you seem to be mainly doing the second part. Adding "Views" on top on these EXTERNAL tables to do transformations in SQL DW will quickly run into scalability limits if you operating on big data (and not just a few 100k rows).

How to Handle or Architecture, incremental data ingestion in Azure data lake Store?

I've Two Custom code dll, for Image related to IP Cams.
dll-One : Extract image from IP cams and can be stored it to Azure data lake Store.
Like :
dll-two : Use those image and extract information from it and load data into RDBMS tables.
So for instance in RDBMS ,say there are entities dimpatient, dimclinic and factpatientVisit.
For start, a one time data can be exported to defined location in Azure data lake store.
Question :
How to push incremental data in same file or how we can handle this incremental load in Azure data Analytics?
This like implementing Warehouse in Azure Data Analytics.
Note: Azure SQL db or any other storage offered by Azure is not want to.
I mean why to spend in other Azure Services if one type of storage has capabilities to hold all types of data.
adls is name of my ADLS storage.
I am not sure I completely understand your question, but you can organize your data files in Azure Data Lake Store or your rows in partitioned U-SQL tables along a time dimension, so you can add new partitions/files for each increment. In general, we recommend that such increments are of substantial sizes though to preserve the ability to scale.
