Why is my Android Studio emulator screen only visible in the task bar - android-studio

I am trying to run my Android Studio applications using my emulator. But when i try to run it emulator only shows up like this:
Emulator stuck in taskbar - Windows 10
I have created multiple Virtual devices though..and all of these have same issue. Sadly, I have no control over my emulator except if i hover over it then only the screen for emulator is displayed but the view is minimized and as soon as I move my mouse away or even if i double click the screen nothing happens. By the way i'm using windows 10 and Android Studio 3.6.3. My problem is similar to Android Studio emulator gets stuck minimised in task bar. But this question has not been helpful to me in fixing my problem.

Mabye it opens somewhere else: Try the following:
- Right Click on the Program showing up in the taskbar.
- Select the "Move" Window option
- Use the keyboard (Left Arrow/Right Arrow) <-/ -> keys to move the window to the center of the screen.
- Try holding down the left arrow key for a while to see the Window outline. Try moving right/up/down if the window outline is still not visible.
- Hit enter when you can see the Window outline move to the center of the screen.
It appears that the desktop extends beyond the Screen Display and the program window seems hidden. Moving the Window either to the Left / Right / Top/ Bottom of the screen helps.
Coppied from here.


Removing two finger touch on Android Emulator

I am running Linux Mint and are creating flutter apps. Once in a while when I change my workspace (CTRL + ALT + Left/Right) away from my android emulator then this weird tracer starts appearing and I can't get rid of it without closing everything on the emulator. The tracer follows my cursor and reacts to right click etc.
Has anyone any idea what this is?
I just noticed that they are representing two fingers. How to get rid of it though?
It's a bug I think. It should only appear when you press CTRL button and disappears as soon as you release the CTRL button. To get rid of this press the zoom button once.

How to make the Android-Studio run window (logcat) sticky and prevent it from automatically hiding?

I have dual screens on my Windows desktop and I like to keep Android Studio run logcat on one of them open all the time. Every time I hit Run the logcat window automatically hides and I need to click on the tab to make it appear again, which is annoying. Is there a setting where I can keep the logcat window always visible?
To do that
Simply open the Logcat window once more...
Click on the settings icon at the far right
Then select Pinned Mode there
This should work...i hope it helped...

Dock logcat window on a side of Android Studio

I hope not to be off topic.
I consider Android's logcat window in Android Studio horribly annoying, even working with two monitors.
To open the logcat window, that often needs to be fairly big, my procedure is:
click below on "Android Monitor"
select the current running device (one time only)
click on that tiny and almost invisible icon on the extreme right
reduce again the Android Monitor that I don't need at all
most of the times resize and move the logcat window.
Whenever a change has to be written or something has to be seen on the emulator, the logcat window needs to be moved or closed, because it stands on top of every window, and this leads to perform that same sequence again after maybe few minutes.
Debugging using logcat becomes a pain, made of opening and closing that same window dozens of times.
I want that window to popup or dock automatically with one single icon click or with a key combination from the right, or the left, like for example "Android Model", without getting crazy every time. One click shows it, one click hides it.
Is it possible?

Android Studio - why does my mouse over tooltip keep disappearing

Whilst using Android Studio I am getting this error when I mouse over the text associated with android:name. However, when I move the mouse down to click on more the tooltip disappears. Also the shortcut Cmd F1 does nothing.
What am I doing wrong?

Android Studio: Create a second Windows window

I am getting familiar with Android Studio and now prefer it over Eclipse. However I find the window handling of Eclipse more efficient and flexible.
Is there any way to open a second window for the same project (like you can if you have separate projects)? Basically the "New Window" function of Eclipse.
Is there any way to store different window layouts and switch quickly between them (like the perspective of Eclipse)
I am developing on a Notebook, so space is limited. I rather switch with Alt+Tab between IDE windows than resizing 5 docked windows.
Opening a separate window (Qn #1)
This is possible. For an existing window tab, click and drag the tab outside of the window area of Android Studio. This is easier if the Window is in a restored state. So:
Ensure that there's some desktop area that's not covered by Android. This could be by ensuring the Android Studio window is not maximized (as you'd do on your notebook), or by having a dual-monitor setup.
Bring the window to be 'floated' to be the active tab
Drag the window outside of the Android Studio window area, and release mouse.
The window is now floating. To make it tabbed again, just drag it back to be where it was (beside other tabs).
Alt+Tab navigates between floating windows and the main IDE window.
Floating tool windows
Tool window tabs can be dragged in the same way:
... such that they float like this:
Window layouts (Qn #2)
It appears that there's only the option of a 'Default' layout, and after changing this (e.g. pinning tool windows), the option to revert to a previously saved 'Default' layout.
To save a layout, select 'Window' -> 'Save Current Layout as Default'. Now after re-arranging any tool window layouts, the saved layout can be restored via 'Window' -> 'Restore Default Layout'
Tool windows such as '1. Project', '2. Favorites', 'TODO', 'Terminal' etc. can be dragged to be in different border areas of the application. It's the arrangement of these tool windows that is affected by the layout feature.
