Microsoft Azure Graph API for login using certificate thumbprint - azure

I am searching for the Microsoft graph API to get login and get token.
What i have got is the API login via client id and client secret.
But i haven't got any API to login using client id and certificate and thumbprint.
Where i have searched for API

You should refer to the Client credentials flow documentation for info on this.
Specifically this part.
Example of the raw request from the docs:
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 // Line breaks for clarity
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Imd4OHRHeXN5amNScUtqRlBuZDdSRnd2d1pJMCJ9.eyJ{a lot of characters here}M8U3bSUKKJDEg
The main thing that is a bit complicated here is the assertion, which you can read about here.
If you use e.g. MSAL.NET, it's a lot easier though (reference):
IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)
// Use app object to acquire tokens


Using a certificate in Azure Active Directory to sign and return an access token when called from Postman

I am trying to get an access token from Azure Active Directory, where I have registered an app and uploaded a certificate (in Certificates and secrets blade). AD should use this certificate to sign the access token that it will send in the response. I would like to get the access token response in Postman.
Please suggest a general method or steps to setup postman and call AD.
Please see this sample.
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 // Line breaks for clarity
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Imd4OHRHeXN5amNScUtqRlBuZDdSRnd2d1pJMCJ9.eyJ{a lot of characters here}M8U3bSUKKJDEg
I think all the parameters are clear except client_assertion, which is the aforementioned signed JWT token.
You need to generate the JWT Token by following certificate credentials.
And then use this client_assertion in Postman.

Calling Azure WebApi from Postman with specific scope

I use Postman to test my API hosted in Azure. First I get an Access Token like this
Since I use the grant_type ´client_credentialsI have to use the default scope like this api://my-app-id/.default` as explained here.
But one of the endpoint of my API requires a specific scope, so the call fails because my access token does not contain this scope.
How am I supposed to test from Postman with the required scope ?
If you use Client Credential Flow to obtain an access token for an api protected by Azure, you must create an application and grant application permissions to the application (this is because Client Credential flow has no user interaction).
Then you need to define the application permissions by editing the list of api is an example.
Next, grant application permissions to the application:
Refer to this document and use Client Credential flow to get access token here:
1.First you need to get the administrator's consent:
2.Then you can get the access token by sharing the secret:
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 //Line breaks for clarity
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parse the token and you will see your custom roles:
Try using the token to access your API.
According to your mistakes, there is user interaction, so if you want to use a user token, you should not use Client Credential Flow but auth code flow, and grant client application Delegated permissions.{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parse the token and you will see your custom scp:

Azure AD OAuth 2.0 Auth Code Token Exchange using cert

The docs for the OAuth2 auth code to token exchange show making a request using client_id and client_secret. However is there a way to do this using cert based auth for the azure app?
Yes you can acquire tokens using a certificate instead of using client secret as well. It's covered as part of Client Credentials Grant.
Azure AD V1 Endpoint
Here is a detailed code sample - It makes use of a self signed certificate and uses Azure AD V1 endpoint
Authenticating to Azure AD in daemon apps with certificates
certCred = new ClientAssertionCertificate(clientId, cert);
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(todoListResourceId, certCred);
In case you're looking to make direct REST based calls (not using ADAL Library) here's a sample. You can read more details on each of the parameters here on Microsoft Docs:
Access token request with a certificate
POST /<tenant_id>/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded{a lot of characters here}M8U3bSUKKJDEg&grant_type=client_credentials
Azure AD V2 Endpoint
Using MSAL.NET Library you can do it like this. Both client secret and Certificate Credentials variations are shown here. (Certificate is covered in the else case)
More details available here - Client credential flows in MSAL.NET
// Even if this is a console application here, a daemon application is a confidential client application
IConfidentialClientApplication app;
#if !VariationWithCertificateCredentials
app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(config.ClientId)
// Building the client credentials from a certificate
X509Certificate2 certificate = ReadCertificate(config.CertificateName);
app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(config.ClientId)
// With client credentials flows the scopes is ALWAYS of the shape "resource/.default", as the
// application permissions need to be set statically (in the portal or by PowerShell), and then granted by
// a tenant administrator
string[] scopes = new string[] { "" };
AuthenticationResult result = null;
result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes)
catch(MsalServiceException ex)
// Case when ex.Message contains:
// AADSTS70011 Invalid scope. The scope has to be of the form "https://resourceUrl/.default"
// Mitigation: change the scope to be as expected
Again in case you're interested in making direct REST based calss (not using MSAL Library) here's a sample.You can read more details on each of the parameters here on Microsoft Docs:
Access token request with a certificate
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 // Line breaks for clarity
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Imd4OHRHeXN5amNScUtqRlBuZDdSRnd2d1pJMCJ9.eyJ{a lot of characters here}M8U3bSUKKJDEg

Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Azure Functions (WITHOUT using Active Directory)

I am sure someone out there has already done this, but I have yet to find any documentation with regard to the Microsoft implementation of JWT. The official documentation from Microsoft for their JWT library is basically an empty page, see:
So, here is what I (and I am sure many others) would like to accomplish:
Definition: User ID = The username or email address used to log into a system.
A user logs in. The user fills in web form and the system sends (via HTTPS POST) the users ID and password (hashed) to the server in order to authenticate / validate the user.
Server Authenticates user. The users ID and password are checked against the values saved in the database and if NOT valid, an invalid login response is returned to the caller.
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 3 and 4?
[FunctionName( "authenticate" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get user ID and password from POST data
* Step 2 - Verify user ID and password (compare against DB values)
* If user ID or password is not valid, return Invalid User response
// Step 3 - Create JWT token - ????
// Step 4 - Return JWT token - ????
Assuming the user was authenticated and now has a JWT token (I am assuming the JWT token is saved in the users session; if someone wants to provide more info, please do):
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
If the JWT token is NOT valid, a BadRequest response is returned by the function.
If the JWT token is valid, the function uses the data passed to it to process and issue a response.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 1 and 2?
[FunctionName( "do_something" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get JWT token (from POST data or headers?)
// Step 2 - Validate the JWT token - ???
// Step 3 - If JWT token is not valid, return BadRequest response
// Step 4 - Process the request and return data as JSON
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Thanks in advance.
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Per my understanding, you could use the related library in your azure function code to generate / validate the JWT token. Here are some tutorials, you could refer to them:
Create and Consume JWT Tokens in C#.
Jwt.Net, a JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET
JWT Authentication for Asp.Net Web Api
Moreover, you could leverage App Service Authentication / Authorization to configure the function app level Authentication / Authorization. You could go to your Function App Settings, click "NETWORKING > Authentication / Authorization" under the Platform features tab. Enable App Service Authentication and choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action) as follows:
You could create a HttpTrigger function with anonymous accessing for user logging and return the JWT token if the user exists. For the protected REST APIs, you could follow the code sample below:
//TODO: retrieve the username claim
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK,(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).Claims.Select(c => new { key = c.Type, value = c.Value }),"application/json");
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,"Access Denied!");
For generating the JWT token used in App Service Authentication, you could follow How to: Use custom authentication for your application and the code under custom API controller CustomAuthController from adrian hall's book about Custom Authentication to create the JWT token.
For the custom authentication approach under App Service Authentication, I just want op to leverage the authentication / Authorization provided by EasyAuth. I have did some test for this approach and found it could work on my side. Op could send the username and password to the HttpTrigger for authentication, then the HttpTrigger backend need to validate the user info, and use Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Login package for issuing App Service Authentication token to the client, then the client could retrieve the token from the AuthenticationToken property. The subsequent requests against the protected APIs could look like as follows:
Header: x-zumo-auth:<AuthenticationToken>
For this approach, the related HttpTrigger functions need to allow anonymous accessing and the App Service Authentication also needs to choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action). Otherwise, the App Service Authentication and function level authentication would both validate the request. For the protected APIs, op needs to manually add the System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated checking.
Try this:
I successfully made it work using this guide. It took awhile due to nuget versions.
Follow that guide properly and use the following nuget versions
IdentityModel.Protocols (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConenct (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt (5.1.4)
Oh and, the guide tells you to write your AUDIENCE as your api link, don't. You'll get unauthorized error. Just write the name of your api, e.g. myapi
If you get error about System.http.formatting not being loaded when running the function, try to reinstall NET.Sdk.Functions and ignore the warning about AspNet.WebApi.Client being restored using .NETFramework. And restart visual studio.
What you're describing is something that you should be able to do yourself by doing a little bit of research. To address your specific questions:
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
The link Bruce gave you gives a nice example for how to create a JWT:
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
There's no documentation because you're basically inventing your own protocol. That means how you do it is entirely up to you and your application requirements. If it's a login action, it might make sense to return it as part of the HTTP response payload. Just make sure that you're using HTTPS so that the token stays protected over the wire.
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
How you send the token is, again, entirely up to you. Most platforms use the HTTP Authorization request header, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
Use the ValidateToken method of the JwtSecurityTokenHandler (see the previous link for how to get the JwtSecurityTokenHandler). Docs here:
I created an Azure Functions input binding for JWT Token Validation. You can use this as an extra parameter with the [JwtBinding] attribute. See for source and NuGet package information.
Basically Azure Functions built on top of ASP.NET Core. By making some dependency injection tricks you could add your own authentication and policy-based authorization. I created demo solution with JWT authentication just for fun, beware to use it on production.

Token based authentication with flask-security extension

I am currently looking for a way to secure a REST API using token based authentication. I am developing the API in Python using Flask and have discovered the flask-security extension which seems to have a lot of interesting features.
One of the features mentioned in the documentation is Token Authentication.
According to the documentation:
Token based authentication is enabled by retrieving the user auth
token by performing an HTTP POST with the authentication details as
JSON data against the authentication endpoint. A successful call to
this endpoint will return the user’s ID and their authentication
token. This token can be used in subsequent requests to protected
I am however still a bit confused on how to implement this feature using flask-security.
Some online research has led me to using things such as #auth_token_required but I am having some trouble to put everything together. The flask-security documentation itself is not very helpful.
For example, how can a user get an authentication token? what is the authentication endpoints?
It would be great if you could lead me in the right direction. Code examples would be awesome too :-)
Endpoint is /login, you post your credentials as json request body:
{'email':'', 'password':'1234'}
However for this to work you need to disable the csrf tokens in your flask app (thanks Mandar Vaze):
app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False
Then you do each request with the token in the HTTP headers:
Or as query string:
Client example in python 3:
import requests
import json
#do the login
r ='http://localhost:5000/login',
data=json.dumps({'email':'', 'password':'1234'}),
headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
response = r.json()
print(response) #check response
token = response['response']['user']['authentication_token'] #set token value
#Now you can do authorised calls
r = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/protected',
headers={'Authentication-Token': token})
Angular example snippet to obtain the token:
$'/login', {"email": $scope.formdata.login,"password":$scope.formdata.password}).
success(function(results) {
$window.sessionStorage.token = results.response.user.authentication_token;
Angular example snippet to visit protected pages:
if ($window.sessionStorage.getItem('token')) {
config.headers['Authentication-Token'] = $window.sessionStorage.getItem('token');
I found Flask-Security's token-based not a good candidate for my project. I recommend using JWT token instead.
The problems with Flask-Security's token based authentication.
Need to disable CSRF globally, this is not good when you also have a traditional web application in which CSRF token is desirable
No easy way to renew the token ( without submitting password again )
Can not control the payload of the token, there's no API to put/get data to/from the token
That token, by design, only works with one Flask app. So if your frontend app needs to talk with multiple restful apis, this wont work well
Check out JWT (pyjwt or flask-jwt) token, it solves all the above problems and more.
Authentication endpoint is /login
Look at the code of flask-security here specifically _render_json()
login() calls _render_json which in turn calls get_auth_token() - and returns the auth token.
Problem (for me) is to get this to work.
For me request.json seems empty (hence this does not work)
{"email": "", "password": "test123"}
Hopefully this helps you move forward a little.
