Move to the last character of previous line vim - vim

I have started using vim recently and was wondering if there's any keyboard shortcut to move the the last character of previous line( line number l-1 if I am currently on line number l) ?
One of the ways is to use the up arrow to move to the same column of previous line and then use $ to move to the end of the line.
I am looking for some shortcut to do that in one command.

Here's also another solution to move to the beginning of the next line / the end of the previous line without the need to set any mappings. Add these three to your .vimrc:
set whichwrap+=<,h
set whichwrap+=>,l
set whichwrap+=[,]
(Credit to: Kevin H. Lin and garyjohn)
Original Answer:
I've not memorized all Vim shortcut combinations, so there might be one shortcut for what you're asking for, but I usually define a mapping whenever I need something I don't know how to do.
For what you need, you can simply define it with this:
nnoremap <S-L> <Up><S-4>
Just add it to your ~/.vimrc(if this file doesn't exist yet, create it yourself), then restart vim. Then the next time you open up your Vim, the "Shift-L" shortcut will do the job.
You can go straight into the insert mode as well and append characters after the last character of the previous line with this rule instead:
nnoremap <S-L> <Up><S-A>
Also in case you don't understand the structure of the above rules, you can read more about it here:
Understand Vim Mappings and Create Your Own Shortcuts.

There is a corner case: If your cursor is on the first line, pressing this mapping should not move the cursor.
Therefore, we can use the <expr> mapping:
nnoremap <expr> <F6> line('.')==1?'\<F6>':'k$'
In the example above, I used <F6>, you can choose the short-cut key you like.


Vim function to find pattern, replace, and visual mode

So I use Vim to write reports at work, reports are basically a bunch of "common issues" that we write over and over, so they are templated. These templates have placeholder blocks {==BLOCK==} to ensure people modify things as/when needed, so this is an example:
The test revealed that it was possible to access {==sensitive data==},
as shown in the examples below...
That block may need to be modified, or not. So the idea is, I am editing the common issue, and I see there are 3 or 4 blocks like the one in the example, I'd like to press let's say [leader]b and then end up having the template text for the first block selected in visual mode without the {== and ==} that are around it.
I have tried a few things but I didn't get too far, any suggestions?
You could define the following function:
function! VisualSelect()
call search("==}")
norm hvT=
nnoremap <leader>b :call VisualSelect()<cr>
vnoremap <leader>b Ol<esc>:call VisualSelect()<cr>
This will visually select the contents between {== and ==}. Typing <leader>b repeatedly will select the next occurrence.
Most template/snippet expand plugins support this.
With my lh-brackets plugin, you can execute
:SetMarkers {== ==}
and then jump from one placeholder to the next with CTRL+J with vim, or META-DEL with gvim. lh-brackets doesn't take care of loading/expanding templates. mu-template will add this layer.
If instead you choose to use one of the more popular snippet plugin, there will certainly be an option to change the syntax of the placeholders, but I don't know it.
The poor man's solution would look like:
nnoremap <c-j> <c-\><c-n>/{==.*==}<cr>v/==}/e<cr><c-g>
snoremap <c-j> <c-\><c-n>/{==.*==}<cr>v/==}/e<cr><c-g>
but it won't take care of restoring the search pattern, of the cases where the cursor is already within a placeholder, and so on...
EDIT: the version that automatically deletes the placeholder marks is
nnoremap <c-j> <c-\><c-n>/{==.*==}<cr>v/==}/e<cr>s<c-r>=matchstr(#", '{==\zs.*\ze==}')<cr><esc>gv6h<c-g>
the same in snoremap
In short:
nnoremap <leader>b /{==.*==}<cr>xxxvt=<esc>/==}<cr>xxxgv
What it does:
1.) find the pattern
2.) Remove the first "{=="
3.) Visual select your text until the first = (maybe this could be also optimized for using a regex instead of simple searching for the next =)
4.) Go to the end sequence
5.) Remove it
6.) Select again your last selection
I have figured out a way based on what #snap said, I ended up adding the code to a Python plugin to run it through it, as that fits better with what I am trying to do, snippet below:
def urlify(self):
"""Search next codify block and prepare for editing"""
self.nvim.command('call search("{==")') # Find beginning of codify block
self.nvim.command('norm xxx') # Delete {==
self.nvim.command('norm vf=') # Select the inner text
self.nvim.command('norm v')
self.nvim.command('norm xxxgvh') #Delete ==} and leave the inner text selected in Visual Mode

Vim: yank and paste line and maintain column postition

Background: I am editing a reStructuredText table in vim. I would like to yank a line and paste it. The line only contains cell vertical delimiters (|) so this operation corresponds to giving an existing row one more line of space in the source, but doesn't alone affect the output. A simple yyP or yyp, puts the cursor to column 1 after the operation.
Q: Is there an easy way to "yank and paste a line" and keep the cursor in the same column after the operation as before it?
After I wrote the question, it dawned on me to use a mark, and indeed that works: I can do mayyP and then `a to jump back to the desired column. That's a bit long though. So the question is, can I do this with less keystrokes?
Edit: As Shahbaz rightly points out, I can just write an alias, now I know how to do what I want. I am still interested in any shorter way that uses standard commands, in case I am missing some functionality that I should know about.
As #romainl says, you should :set nostartofline (or :set nosol for short). Then, instead of yyp, use the :copy command:
:copy .
:copy -
If :copy is too long, you can use :co or :t. If you do not use any ex commands in between, then you can repeat the command with #: and then with ##.
:help :copy
:help #:
:help #
:set nostartofline
See :help startofline.
You could record a simple macro like
This writes your command to the register a and lets you replay it with the command #a.

How can I delete empty lines in motion in Vim

I know how to delete blank lines with commands.
We may visually select the text block first, and then run commands like
s/^$/d to delete all blank lines or %s/^\(\s*\n\)\+/\r to keep only one blank lines.
Can I perform the above using motion, so that I can just press some keys to perform the "delete-motion" without having to enter command-line mode?
Creating a new operator for this is a good idea, but it can be tough to get right.
The operator-user plugin makes that task easy.
Once you have installed operator-user, all you need to do is add two lines to your vimrc, one to define the operator, and one to define your personal mapping to it:
call operator#user#define_ex_command('delete-blanks', 'g/^$/d')
map _ <Plug>(operator-delete-blanks)
This creates a new operator _. Change it to whatever you like best.
Now you can do _3} or _G or _23k to delete the blank lines contained in the motion. Text objects _a}, doubling of the operator 4__, and Visual mode V7j_ are all also supported, as befits a proper operator.
You could use operatorfunc. For example:
Define a function like this in your .vimrc:
function! DeleteEmptyLines(type)
if a:type == 'line'
silent execute ".,'\"g/^$/d"
And a mapping:
nnoremap <silent> ,d :set operatorfunc=DeleteEmptyLines<CR>m"g#
,d performs now just like an operator and accepts a (line-based) motion. You can, for example, insert ,d5j or ,dG in normal mode to delete empty lines in the next 5 lines or to the end of file.
You can find more information on how to extend this functionality here:
and of course::h operatorfunc and :h map-operator.
From :h map-operator:
"An operator is used before a {motion} command. To define your own operator
you must create mapping that first sets the operatorfunc option and then
invoke the g# operator. After the user types the {motion} command the
specified function will be called."
well, using motions I don't think you can only delete blank lines.
But you can do it using a mapping:
:nmap <Leader>db :g/^$/d<CR>
The motions help you move one word, one paragraph away... And before the motion you use an operator (d, c...).
So what you'd want is to create a new operator that deletes blank lines within the given motion (or selection). What I gave you is close to that, but you'd have to invent a new operator (and I don't think there's many unbound keys left).
Other vimmers may correct me, but I think the easiest way to create such operators would be to define a map for each motion and bind it to a function.
There isn't a motion that can combine with a delete such that it only deletes blank lines. A motion denotes all the text between the initial and final position, without any gaps. That includes motions which search using regular expressions.

Duplicating line in Vim and appending few letters

I am editing a dictionary in a text file, containing Russian words - one word per line.
Some nouns are missing their derivatives, which are usually the same word appended by few more letters - in 6-7 variations as shown in this screenshot:
In Vim I would like to put the cursor in the first column and scroll down line by line. And when I recognize a noun, I'd like to press some (as few as possible!) keystrokes to take that word, copy it in separate lines and append the letters.
I can get rid of the duplicates by issuing %sort u later.
If I could run that command on the whole file it would be something like:
Do you please have an idea, how to create such a "macro" in Vim?
There are a couple of ways that you can handle this. You can create a macro or you can create a map. Either can be done while running VIM. Either can be placed in another file (your .vimrc, for example, or a file with bindings specific to this project) and sourced when needed.
I will also give you a bit more advice with regular expressions: if you are writing something particularly complex, you can greatly decrease the number of \s needed by starting the regular expression with \v (i.e., :s/\v([0-9a-f]+\s)/0x\1/g).
Creating a Macro in VIM
You can start a macro in VIM by pressing q in Normal mode, followed by the key that you wish to use for the macro. You can then invoke the macro by pressing # followed by the macro's letter. Press q again in Normal mode to stop recording.
You can therefore enter this macro as follows (using the q register):
Then, when you are on a line and you want to run this command, enter #q from Normal mode.
Storing a macro in a file and sourcing it
When you created a macro in the last step, what you were actually doing was setting the q register. You can check this by entering the registers in command mode. You can instead set this macro in your .vimrc file as follows and it will be available every time you start VIM.
Create the file you want to store this macro in (:new).
Add the following line to the file:
let #q=":s/\\(.\\+\\)$/\\1\\r\\1a\\r\\1b\\r\\1ам\\r\\1ами\\r\\1ах\\r\\1е\\r\\1ном\\r/^M"
(If you yank the line and paste it in VIM with Ctrl+R", there will be a proper ^M character at the end of the line. You'll need to do some manual editing to make sure that it's inside the quotes. Alternatively, you can enter Ctrl+VCtrl+M to enter the ^M character.)
Save the file (:w testmacro.vim).
Source it (:so % or :source %).
Test your macro by typing #q on one of the lines you'd like to do this to.
Later, you will be able to load this macro by running :so testmacro.vim.
Create a Mapping
You can instead create a mapping. The following mapping copies the last word in a given line, pastes it onto the following six lines, and then appends to each of the given lines.
nnoremap <c-j> yy6pAа<esc>jAам<esc>jAами<esc>jAах<esc>jAе<esc>jAном<esc>j
n at the beginning of "nnoremap" indicates that it only functions in Normal mode.
noremap means that this command won't engage in any recursive remapping (whereas with nmap, this could happen).
<c-j> maps to Ctrl+J
yy6p yanks the line and pastes it 6 times.
Aa<esc>j appends to the end of the current line, enters the text (in this case a), exits Insert mode, and moves down a line.
You can enter this command in VIM's command mode or you can store it in a file and load it with the :source command.
Combining Registers with Mappings
You can access a register in your mappings. This means that if you know that entering a given replacement regex will do what you want, you can save that in a register and then enter your command on the current line.
To do this, enter the following commands in a file and then source it:
nnoremap <c-i> :<c-r>f<cr>
let #f="s/\\(.\\+\\)$/\\1\\r\\1a\\r\\1b\\r\\1ам\\r\\1ами\\r\\1ах\\r\\1е\\r\\1ном\\r/^M"
Now you can enter Ctrl+I to run the replacement regex in register f on the current line.
Alternatively, dedicate a few registers to the purpose - let's say a-f.
nnoremap <c-l> yy6p$"apj"bpj"cpj"dpj"epj"fpj
let #a="a"
let #b="ам"
let #c="ами"
let #d="ax"
let #e="e"
let #f="ном
In this case, we're using the ability to press " and the name of a register before hitting a command that uses it, such as paste.
You can record macros by pressing q in the escape mode. For example,
position your cursor on the noun you want to edit.
press qa to start recording macro and store it in register a (other alphabet and digits may also be used for registers) .
do whatever general actions you want to do (copy line, paste, append letters, etc. as in you have tried to show in your search string).
once you are done with the changes, in escape mode press q again.
Your macro is now created in register a. Whenever, you want to repeat your key sequences, just press #a.
Note that you can do anything in recording mode, including any kinds of commands, insertions, cursor movements, and so on. For more information on macros and related options, check out Vim help :h complex-repeat.
Vim registers are shared as place holders for both macros and yanked test; this feature allows you to even save and edit your macros in a file. See this question for details.
Here is a map solution - which copies the line into a buffer and then pastes using p.
The A appends at the end of the line
map <F2> 0dwpo<esc>pAa<enter><esc>pAam<enter><esc>pAax ...etc
If your goal is, when your cursor on a special word, and press something, vim will append different "suffixes" (I hope I used the right word, but you knew what I mean). You could go macro (q). However since you have already written the :s command, you could create a mapping using that command do the same, and it would be shorter.
in command line, you can get the word under cursor by pressing <c-r><c-w>. so you could try:
nnoremap <leader>z :s/<c-r><c-w>/& & &..../<cr>
I didn't write the & & &... part, since I don't know (never tried, I don't have vim under windows. I don't even have windows) if the line break \n could be used here under windows. & means the whole matched part, which in this case is the word under your cursor.
So you just move your cursor to the word, type <leader>z, vim will do the job for you. (if the replacement part is correct :) ).

append to end of visible line with wrapped vim

I've got a file with some rather long lines, which is a pain.
I'm using :set wrap and :set linebreak, which is nice, and I've rebound a few keys from this page so that I can move up and down a visible line (rather than a physical line which has now been wrapped over 10-12 visible lines).
I use A quite a bit (append at the end of the line), but this appends at the end of the physical line, not the visible - is there a keymapping (or alternative keystroke) I can use to append to the end of the visibly wrapped line?
You could try with g$a. g$puts you on the end of the current 'screen line' and a will leave you on insert mode.
Maybe a mapping:
nnoremap <leader>a g$a
g$a - Go to the last character of the screen line, then append.
Want a mapping?
:nnoremap gA g$a
Type g$ to go to the end of visible line and a to enter insert mode. I guess you could create a custom mapping for that.
