Display error in UI of azure while entering parameter for ARM template - azure

I want to display a dynamic error that shows up when a wrong name for storage account is entered(that does not follow Azure naming conventions) while deploying an ARM template. Right now i am taking input from user as parameter but no error message shows up. Is there a way to achieve this.
Azure has this feature as shown in the image below when we create a storage account but i dont know how to implement this using ARM template.
Azure error when wrong storageaccount name is entered

I am afraid that this feature is not available for now in ARM Templates.
Please look at these feedback:
ARM template parameter validation
Resource Group Template parameter validation


How to find the value for aadSessionkey when deploying a Kubernetes template in Azure DevOps

I am trying to use a template to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS). My problem is that the template has a parameter aadSessionKey that I seem to be unable to locate.
I assume the expanded name of the parameter is Azure AD SessionKey. When I look in the portal, I can see that my Azure AD has a Name, Application ID and Object ID, but nothing that looks like a session key, nor a way to generate such a thing.
I am using a free trial account if that matters.
Can you try entering any random value and try deploying it. It seems like this is system generated value which is not to be filled by clients. This has been present in template for some other reason.
Ref - https://twitter.com/ashtonkj/status/1196384865672925184

How do i export an ARM template correctly from Azure?

I have already installed my azure environment with a VM, a storage account and a data base server, and it works fine, but now i want to export the ARM template in order to automate the whole proccess to my customers. The problem is that when exporting this message shows up:
So the question is how do i export an ARM template correctly from Azure with all my resources without having to do much fixing my final template?
that is expected. some resource types cannot be exported. you'd have to take a look at the api definition and use that to export those (say at resources.azure.com)
Simple: use bicep. Azure Resource Manager's transpiler (it's a sweeter syntax that solves your needs)
In Bicep the directive you're looking for in your Azure Resource Manager "ARM" template is keyword "existing"
keyword "existing" lets you reference a resource without a complete definition.
Otherwise you need to provide the entire ARM definition for the object.
Export failures per resource type occur when a given resource types schema is not available. We are looking into how we can autogenerate schemas for Azure resource providers and onboarding them to this new process, improving the overall success of the Export Template API.

Updating Set of Values in ARM Templates Automatically

I have an ARM template, which I will be using it to deploy resources (Mentioned as in Azure Portal) via Azure DevOps Pipeline. These ARM templates were created using my Dev Subscription. If I need to use this same ARM template to move to production, I need to manually update the subscription id etc in the ARM template and then run the respective pipelines. Is there any way to automate this manual updation process in ARM template.
I have tried using File Transform Agent job available under Azure DevOps Release pipeline. But since the values are available inside nested loops of ARM templates, it failed. Is there any PowerShell script that will be suitable for this process of updating values.
I don't want to manually update the ids under the ARM Template. Instead, I want to update it automatically.
Set Json Property task might help to set the property with specific value.
First in the marketplace search for "set Json property" task and install it for your organization.
Then you can set the property path and the value accordingly. check here for detail usage
Instead of hard coding in ARM templates you can use parameters file. For dev and prod you can have separate files and while deploying pass ARM Template along with parameter file whichever is required.
You can use AKV (Azure Key Vault) to access your subscription details in parameter file
subscription().subscriptionid will get you the details

How to create an Azure AKS service through ARM Template

I am working on Azure Kubernetes service. I am creating AKS through portal successfully. But, I need to do it through the ARM Templates.
How to create AKS with help of ARM Templates?
For this, I followed link
But, here am receiving an issue like:
Code : InvalidTemplate
Message : Deployment template validation failed: 'The template
for type
at line '53' and column '9' has incorrect segment lengths. A
nested resource type must have identical number of segments as its resource name. A root resource type must have segment length
one greater than its resource name. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-template/#resources for usage details.'.
How to create AKS with help of ARM Templates?
One of the most direct methods, navigate to creating AKS page in the portal, fill the attributes, click Download a template for automation, then you will get the template.
You could test the template in the Custom deployment, it will work fine.
Old thread but here is why the AKS Advanced Networking ARM Template is not working for you.
One of the steps in the deployment assigns the SP as a contributor to the newly created AKS subnets so that the SP can work its advanced networking magic.
In order to assign a role in a RG one needs to have Owner permissions on that RG.
I suspect you have provided the incorrectly formatted string in the "name" field of the resource. It should follow the pattern like this- "{resource-name}/Microsoft.Authorization/{role-assign-GUID}"
More on this here- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/role-assignments-template#resource

Azure Resource Manager Template parameters

I am trying my hands on over Azure Resource manager templates.
So for making any new resource I am trying to find out which all parameters are required and if they are mandatory or optional. But couldn't get any documentation for same.
I am looking for documentation which is somewhat similar to AWS. To get better in sites about the resources.
Thanks in advance!!
I am not looking for parameters in general which are passed to the template. What I want is the resources parameters. The parameters which are given under the properties tag of every resource
In the below resource "virtualNetworks" there are resource parameters like addressSpace, subnets.
This should help you.
It is the schema for deployment templates. Within it, there are schemas for every type of resource that can be put into an arm template. For example, if we look at the schema for Virtual Machines, it contains all the available properties, profiles, extensions, what is required or not, etc.
However, it shouldn't be necessary for you to really look at this and learn it. When you are creating your arm template in visual studio, intellisense should kick in and show you whether what you are putting in the template is valid or not. For example, here I am editing the properties of a public IP, and it shows me what the available properties to add are.
you are right, there is a lack of documentation for resources and required parameters.
My advice is:
Check the Azure-Quickstart Templates, more than enough examples: Quickstart Templates
Since some days you can export ARM Templates from the Azure Portal. So create your resource in portal and export the Templates & Parameters: Microsoft Blog
Check the resource Explorer: Resource Explorer
