Mouse scroll wheel causing text selection in VS code - node.js

I'm using VS code and by accident I pressed some keys and somehow the scroll wheel of the mouse is selecting text rather than scrolling the page up and down. I feel like the mouse wheel press is acting like pressing the "alt" key.
I've tried deleting VS code and deleting extensions and such and it didn't work.
The problem persists only in VS code.
Is that problem familiar to you?
Do you know how to fix that?
Thank you, Ori Silberman.

The only help I can give is to completely nuke your VS code, and all preferences and support files and start again.
The preferences and support files can be found as follows.
~/Library/Application Support/Code


Code snippet floating in mid-air as a tooltip, cannot hide it, after extracting method [IntelliJ Idea / Android Studio]

Trying to perform the Ctrl + G (Go to line) keyboard shortcut, seems I accidentally activated a feature that pins the code the cursor was previously on.
After closing and reopening the file, things are worse; the code snippets still are floating over the screen, no matter if I move the Android Studio window.
I have searched keyboard shortcuts using this guide, but no luck.
Is there a way to disable or revert this?
Noticed by comment below and confirmed by myself: This happens after extracting a method.
I have been able to get rid of those permanent tooltips by invalidating caches and restart, but this should not be the way to disable them, as I still don't know which is the keyboard shortcut to toggle this "pin snippet" function.

Shortcut alt+enter is not working in Android Studio

alt + enterfor importing was work normally maybe until I updated Android Studio,
my version now is2.3.3
as this screenshot, I can't press alt + enter at all, knowing that I have tested them on other programs and they are working normally
Use LEFT Alt Key + Enter. It works well in Android Studio 3.0.1.
I encountered the same problem today, this is how I solved it.
Go to File > Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import
Uncheck and Check Show Import Popup
Do Invalidate caches and Restart of Android Studio. (If this option doesn't work, restart your computer
Another solution I've found to work is to uninstall Android Studio and reinstall it.
Try "the Windows Key + Alt + Enter" if you are using windows.
It feels weird as I am pretty sure my keyboard works fine and android studio settings are alright, but I just see the pop-up suggestion for class import and nothing happens when I press Alt+Enter.
I work on Windows 10 and my Android SDK is on a different hard drive(E:) from the Android Studio installation(C:), not sure if these contribute to the problem.
After some trial and error I accidentally solved the problem by pressing "the Windows Key + Alt + Enter" to conjure the import class menu and could then press Enter again to properly import the suggested class.
In the Android studio Settings/Keymap "shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S"
search for usage of "Alt + Ent" as below image if its not assigned for any action plz go for No. 2
In the Android studio Settings/Editor/Intentions.
Check whatever you want to show Intention in are checked or not as below photo
Double check no.1 is working fine and you found usage of "Alt + Ent" shortcut
[You can find the solution on official Jet brains website]
Intellij IDEA keyboard shortcuts
Intention actions
I faced the same problem and was sure that the problem is in Android Studio. But when I reinstalled it I realized that it did not helped. So I decided to test my keyboard. I found that my left Alt is not working with Enter and right Alt somewhy is turning on Ctrl key. That is why Alt+Enter was not working in any combinations. Problem was solved by reinstalling keyboard driver. Hope it will helps somebody.
Go to File and Unchecked Power Save mode.
For Windows/Linux, you can go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import -> Java and make the following changes:
change Insert imports on paste value to All if ask or none to All
markAdd unambigious imports on the fly option as checked
On a Mac, do the same thing in Android Studio -> Preferences
If someone encounters this issue nowadays, for me it was the language change on the keyboard. I must have made some weird keyboard combination that changed the language, therefore ALT + ENTER was not really doing I was thinking it should do. Switching it back to ENG made it work correctly. Cheers.
in Android Studio 3.2.1, the Alt + Enter combination key is only used on the left side of the keyboard.
If you want to use the Alt to the right, it should be manually selected from the section
Settings> Keymap> other
Right-click on the row
show intention action
select add keyboard shortcut
Press Alt (Right) + Enter
I hope this helps
it was the problem with the latest version to...instead of pressing alt+enter. use ctr+o it will open a dialog box then select the method u want to implement and then click on ok button ..its works with all version of android studio.. { Happy coding ;) }
I thought I had the same issue and none of the above fixed the problem. I thought I was using Alt+Enter for Parameter info. Now I use Ctrl+p I get the parameter info for the widget. Not sure if this was changed from Alt+Enter to Ctrl+p but if looking in the File/Setting/Keymap it shows Ctrl+P.
I just ran into this and what worked is Alt+Insert combination
The first thing you have to check is did you put the code inside the onCreate function?
If not put it there and try again. the Alt+ Enter would work after that.
I encountered the same issue after I upgraded Ubuntu. Left Alt+Enter was working but more comfortable Right Alt+Enter did't. Resolved using this solution in AskUbuntu.
In case if you cannot open the link:
Open "Tweaks" (aka "Gnome Tweaks") go to "Keyboard & Mouse" -> "Additional Layout Options" -> "Key to choose the 3rd level" and put a check mark on "Right Alt never chooses 3rd level".
I faced the same problem. Then I found that I was typing the
public void functionName (View view) outside the class. Hence alt + enter did not work.
After I moved the function inside the class, alt + enter worked.
This is a silly mistake though.
In my case (v4.0.0) there was a plugin (CSV Plugin) blocking the shortcut alt + enter.
Generally speaking, my suggestion is to try deactivating all the plugins and see if then it works.
I just pressed alt + f4 to exit and pressed cancel just to check if alt key was working. Fortunately after that everything was working fine.
Go to 1)setting > 2)intensions > 3)checkmark (Dart) and it will work normally without any problem.

Copy warning message when you hover over a WORD in Android Studio using Mac

Not sure if this question was already answered in the past but I was not able to find anything on it. I wanted to know if there is a possibility to immediately copy a warning that appears under some "words" in Android Studio?
Is there a Mac keyboard shortcut to copy that '' message?
This is an IntelliJ inherited problem. You can find a workaround here.
Basically, click on the error/warning in order to have the cursor on it. Then you will find the same message in the message bar on the bottom. Right-click and copy
Alt+click(left button of the mouse) on popup copies the whole text. Tested on android studio 3.6 windows 10.
I think it is possible to mark it with the mouse and while you still hold the mouse button down press cmd + c.... but in fact this is not a shortcut.

Sublime Text Side Bar Activating every time when switching between open files. How can I stop it?

Using Sublime Text: build 3114 on Win7
Every time when I move between open files in different tabs the side bar annoyingly keeps activating itself each time and keeps sliding in.
Is this a bug or am I missing some setting somewhere that I have to tweak?
Looked all over the place for an explanation/settings option but no luck.
I have Sublime on another Win7 machine and the sidebar behaves as expected. It doesn't activate itself when I move between open files.
YES!!! finally found what was doing it :)
An obscure plugin I had : AutoHide Sidebar , Uninstalled and all is good..finally...
Hope this helps anyone who gets in my situation.
you can hide side bar from view
i had the same problem.
I did resolve it! just uninstall package AutoHide Sidebar and SyncedSideBar.

Copy-paste is not working in Android Studio on Mac

I am facing a weird issue with Mac version of Android Studio (i.e., I am not able to copy (⌘ + C) and paste (⌘ + V) any text). I have no idea why it is behaving strange like this. My question may be silly, but I have been facing this issue since I started working from Windows to Mac. Any solutions and alternatives would be much helpful for me. I am completely stuck with this issue for the past two days.
There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this
You are using ClipMenu and Android studio doesn't like it
Your keybinding is messed up.
To solve keybinding issue press File -> Settings and check what the keybindings are, you have maybe changed it or imported settings from somebody else. See the image as a reference.
Note: the filter of copy, you need to do this for paste too.
To fix the issue with ClipMenu.
Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA"
choose "Show Package Contents"
edit bin/
add this property ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True
restart IntelliJ IDEA.
There is a YouTrack issue with further information
this worked for me
go to file menu and click on invalidate Caches/Restart ,after this confirm the dialog open .
Go to File-> Setting->Editor(Under IDE Settings)->Change value of maximum number of contents to keep in clipboard to 1(Under Limits section)
I have this issue due to PopClip I have to disable it to get the keyboard shortcuts working.
Check that your keymaps aren't messed up. Go to Android Studio > Preferences > Keymap > Main Menu > Edit. If copy and paste are set correctly there, then it must be something else in your system that's stopping it
I got this bug with my ClipMenu (on Mac) while set useNativeClipboard=true.
I solved the problem by using ClipMenu to paste file into Android Studio (show menu of ClipMenu, then select item)
In my case, the Ctrl c is occupied by other programs(my case is "Oulu Dictionary" program).
Try to check if other programs have global shortcut keys.
disable the plugin Ideavm if installed under settings>plugins>installed.
