Best way to distribute modules used the same framework - node.js

I am creating my first open source project, and I am making some plugins for it. These plugins will be published as npm packages, and they will have identical dependencies.
My question is, what I the best way to deliver them and avoid code repetition? I know I can use something like Rollup.js to pack all dependencies used by that module in the final distribution js file, but if the user is using multiple modules, the inlined dependencies will be repeated and make the file bloat.
I know end user can use a bundler to remove those repeated codes, but is there anything more I can do to reduce the size of my distribution js files?


PWA app.js how to move code to many smaller files

I've written PWA application, application isn't big, but now my app.js has 800 lines of the code. It has many methods. How to move these methods to another files divided thematically?
require doesn't work
You have a few options depending on what browsers you support.
You may be able to use native support for modules. You can find more information about this in This would be one of the simpler solutions as it does not require any additional tooling but at this time the support outside chrome is not very good.
A second alternative is to break up your code into multiple JS files and just load them all separately. This can have performance implications but if your files are small and few it wont cause too many problems. Just ensure that the code produced in these files put themselves onto a name object to avoid conflicts.
Ex file
(function() {
window.mycode = {};
window.mycode.func = function() {...};
A third option is to use an existing module loader in the browser such as
The fourth option, which is probably the most common, is to integrate a build step into your code that uses npm and a module loader such as webpack or browserify. This also lets you integrate babel which is really common among large javascript projects. The downside is it adds a step to your deployment that needs to be run and you need to learn how to use tools like webpack(which is surprisingly complicated). However, if you do javascript dev you will need to be familiar with them eventually.

Notating Multiple Modules in the Same Package.json File

I am trying to package up some modules that I have been working on. I have five modules, split in to five files. Four of them are the actual outward-facing modules that I want the user to be able to install. The other one is a support module that they all need to function correctly. They are all stored in the same directory. I want to be able to specify each as a separate module in the same directory. But as far as I can tell, one can only define a single module in package.json.
Is there a way to specify multiple modules? If not, that means this must be a bad practice. How should I structure my module's exports to move it in to one main module?
Currently there's not a supported way of having a separate package.json file for each module you'll be publishing within the same directory. And really, this makes sense, as each package you deploy may have issues, feature requests, bugs, etc that need to be handled separately and don't force updates of the others. Separating these out will allow you to focus on the maintenance of each independently, and also allow the consumers of these modules to include them separately. A lot of larger scale projects who have started by creating something they think people will like, end up having the thing that everyone actually use be the random sub-project that was created separately.
So separate directories, and separate package.json files, then include dependencies within the package.json for each. If you haven't already seen there's a couple good writeups to help development of node packages here:

Creating node module half-native half-js

I have made a module for Node.js, which is part native, a C++ compiled library and half-JavaScript - about 10 *.js files. How should I distribute that? As single module or separately?
Depends on the use case I suppose, but as one module is probably fine. Unless you'd like to maintain them in separate repositories, you've got other modules that might prefer depending on them separately, or other otherwise and then it is just a matter of adding one to the other's package.json dependency list.

Can I include npm (or similar) modules inside Couch views?

I want to run an npm module as part of my map function. I realise it's possible to include CommonJS-style modules as strings within the view document. But including a whole npm module in this way along with its dependencies is a little impractical. Is there a way to include npm modules as external files?
Not at the moment, no. You would have to use the CommonJS method you are suggesting. Just be warned that you might have to compile the module and its dependencies into one body of JS to be most effective, and not all Node behaviors will be found in CouchDB since it uses a different engine.
As Dominic mentions, there has been a lot of discussion on this topic for the last year or so.

Any library for visualizing module dependencies in Node.js?

As part of a major refactoring of my Node.js app (going DDD), I'm looking for a library that through inspecting code is able to visualize module dependencies (by means of 'requiring' them) between different node-modules.
Visualizing in Table-format is fine, I don't need fancy graphs.
Any Node libraries out there?
If you may accept also some fancy graphs:
I do not know if this exists, but I found the following by quick search:
Maybe subdeps is not exactly what you want right now, but I think you could use these projects to make that project yourself?
See also
Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies. Could also be useful for finding circular dependencies in your code. Tested on Node.js and RequireJS projects. Dependencies are calculated using static code analysis.
I just published my node-dependency-visualizer, which is a small module, that creates a digraph from your node dependencies. Paired with graphviz/dot you can create a dependency graph as svg (or other image format) which you can include with your documentation, embed in your, ...
However, it does not check, whether the dependencies are actually needed in code - not sure, whether the OP meant that with "requiring". Of course this question is old, but this tool might be helpful for others, too.
Sample image (Angluar cli):
