Mongodb and node js transaction alternative and relations - node.js

I am trying to implement relations on collections. My requirement is
Post request 1, json body:
Post request 2, creating from first document so I got company name from previous json body:
Post request 3, creating from first document so I got company name from previous json body:
Post request 4, next company json body:
Here company is foreign key field. How can I achieve company with id field without failing one another like transactions.
In mysql I will create two tables company, user and using transactions i will insert in both tables in single post using id's if any update in company name id will remain same for owner and engineer.
How can I achieve these in mongodb, with node.js?
In online searches I have found most suggest avoid transactions and using mongodb functionalities like mongodb embedded.

I would suggest you to start with making schemas for user and company using mongoose. Its an ODM(object document mapper) which is almost always used with node.js and mongodb
Now this is one to many relations. In relational databases as you have mentioned, you would make a company table and a user table.
In mongodb it "depends". If its one to "few" relationship you would just nest the users array into company's collection. Then since you are only updating a single document(pushing user to users array in company's document), you wont be needing any transactions. Single document update is always atomic(no matter how many fields you update on the same document).
But if each company can have large number of users(ever growing nested array is not good, as it can cause data fragmentation and bad performance), then its better to store the company's id in user's document. And even in this case you would not need transaction, since you are not updating the company's document.
Another reason for storing user as separate collection, is query issues. If you just want to query users its difficult if they are nested in companies. So basically you need to consider how you will query and figure out the number of relations then decide to nest of store is separate collections.

First of all, you should notice that Mongo is document-oriented DB, not a relation one. So if you need transactions and relation model, probably you should try to use any SQL relative database? Especially if you are more familiar with them?
About relation and data modeling: you should this article (or even entire part) at official Mongo docs, Data Modelling.
TL:DR, you could create two separate collections (the same as tables in SQL) like employees, and companies (by default, collection's name will be in plural forms). And store data separately.
So you employees will be stored like you mention above, but companies will be like:
_id: ObjectID("35473645632")
name: "SAS"
}, ...
and as for your employees collection, you should store not like, "company":"SAS", but, "company":"ObjectID("35473645632"), or even as array if you want it too. But don't forgot to edit you schema than.
You could use not just MongoDB's default _id but your own one, it could be any unique number/string combination
So, if your company will be renamed, your connection with other documents (employees) still will be there.
To request all/any of your employees with company name's you should use .aggregation framework with $lookup, instead of .find.


related tables in mongodb

I have two related tables in mongodb.
such as users and students.
Since each student is also a user, I store the userid as a userid in the students table. Should I do this? What is the best practice in this regard?
I'm a little confused as I'm coming from a relational database.
enter image description here
enter image description here
If you will follow that pattern, will be better if you save the userId in the students collection (not a table) as ObjectId instead of string, because that will allow you to do lookups easily.
Another idea can be save the type attribute in users collection to specify what kind of user a user is. Because as I see your are using exactly the same information in both collections, the only thing that will be different is the context.

MongoDB - When to add SubDocuments and when to Ref

Im using MongoDB for storing information for a nodeJS application and a doubt came to my mind, after finding that it is possible to use ObjectID to ref another document. As it is known, MongoDB is a no-SQL db, so there is no need for consistency whatsoever and information can be repeated.
So, lets say, I have a collection for users and one of their field values is 'friends', which is an array of this user friends (another users). What is the best practice, saving all the user info there (thus repeating the same thing over and over again throughout the DB) or saving only the ObjectID of the friendUser (makes way more sense to me, but it sounds kinda SQL mindset). I'm not really getting when should I use each of the options, so a professional opinion would be very appreciated.
To model relationships between connected data, you can reference a document or embed it in another document as a subdocument.
Referencing a document does not create a “real” relationship between these two documents as does with a relational database.
Referencing documents is also known as normalization. It is good for data consistency but creates more queries in your system.
Embedding documents is also known as denormalization.
The benefit of Embedding approach is getting all the data you need about a document and it’s sub-document(s) with a single query. Therefore, this approach is very fast. The drawback is that data may not stay as consistent in the database.
If one document is to be used by many documents then better create a referenced doc.
i. Will Save Space.
ii. if any change required, we will have to update only the referenced doc
instead of updating many docs.
Create sub doc(embedded)
i. If another document is not dependent on the subdocument.
Recommended reading:
MongoDB Applied Design Patterns by Rick Copeland
To Embed or Reference

MongoDB, how to manage user related records

I'm currently trying to learn Node.js and Mongoodb by building the server side of a web application which should manage insurance documents for the insurance agent.
So let's say i'm the user, I sign in, then I start to add my customers and their insurances.
So I have 2 collection related, Customers and Insurances.
I have one more collection to store the users login data, let's call it Users.
I don't want the new users to see and modify the customers and the insurances of other users.
How can I "divide" every user related record, so that each user can work only with his data?
I figured out I can actually add to every record, the _id of the one user who created the record.
For example I login as myself, I got my Id "001", I could add one field with this value in every customer and insurance.
In that way I could filter every query with this code.
Would it be a good idea? In my opinion this filtering is a waste of processing power for mongoDB.
If someone has any idea of a solution, or even a link to an article about it, it would be helpful.
Thank you.
This is more a general permissions problem than just a MongoDB question. Also, without knowing more about your schemas it's hard to give specific advice.
However, here are some approaches:
1) Embed sub-documents
Since MongoDB is a document store allowing you to store arbitrary JSON-like objects, you could simply store the customers and licenses wholly inside each user object. That way querying for a user would return their customers and licenses as well.
2) Denormalise
Common practice for NoSQL databases is to denormalise related data (ie. duplicate the data). This might include embedding a sub-document that is a partial representation of your customers/licenses/whatever inside your user document. This has the similar benefit to the above solution in that it eliminates additional queries for sub-documents. It also has the same drawbacks of requiring more care to be taken for preserving data integrity.
3) Reference with foreign key
This is a more traditionally relational approach, and is basically what you're suggesting in your question. Depending on whether you want the reference to be bi-directional (both documents reference each other) or uni-directional (one document references the other) you can either store the user's ID as a foreign user_id field, or store an array of customer_ids and insurance_ids in the user document. In relational parlance this is sometimes described to as "has many" or "belongs to" (the user has many customers, the customer belongs to a user).

How collection is different from schema

I am very new to cosmosdb(documentdb), while going through the documentation I keep on reading one thing repeatedly that documentdb is schema free but I feel like collection in analogous to schema and both are logical view.
Wikipedia defined schema as 'The term "schema" refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is constructed'. I believe collection is also same it's the organization of document, stored prcedure, triggers and UDF.
So my question is, how schema is different from collection?
Collections really have nothing to do with schema. They are just an organizational construct for documents. With Cosmos DB, they serve as:
a transaction boundary. Within a collection, you can perform multiple queries / updates within a transaction, utilizing stored procedures. These updates are constrained to a single collection (more specifically, to a single partition within a collection).
a billing/performance boundary. Cosmos DB lets you specify the number of Request Units (RU) / second to allocate to a collection. Every collection can have a different RU setting. Every collection has a minimum cost (due to minimum amount of RU that must be allocated), regardless of how much storage you consume.
a server-side code boundary. Stored procedures, triggers, etc. are uploaded to a specific collection.
Whether you choose to create a single collection per object type, or store multiple object types within a single collection, is entirely up to you. And unrelated to the shape of your data.
The schema of relational databases is slightly different from the schema of document databases. In simple terms, a relational database is stricter than that of a document schema. In other words, records in an RDBMS table must strictly adhere to the schema, where as we have some amount of flexibility while storing a document into a Document collection.
Conventionally a collection is a set of documents which follows the same schema. But document DBs don't stop one from storing documents with different schema in a single collection. It is the flexibility it gives to the users.
Let us take an example. Let us assume we are storing some customer information.
In relational DB, we might have some structure like
Customer ID INT
Name VARCHAR(50)
Phone VARCHAR(15)
Email VARCHAR(255)
Depending on customer having an email or phone number, they will be recorded as proper values or null values.
ID, Name, Phone, Email
1, John, 83453452, -
2, Victor, -, -
3, Smith, 34535345, smith#jjjj
However in document databases, some columns need to appear in the collection, if they don't have any values.
id: "123",
name: "John",
id: "456",
name: "Stephen",
id: "789",
name: "King",
However it is always advisable to stick to a schema in document db's even if they provide flexibility to store schema-less documents to a collection for maintainability purposes.

creating and querying a collection in another collection. mongodb node.js

Is there a way to create and query a collection thats inside another collection...
Can any one direct me to literature that can teach me how to do this?
I've checked the mongodb
docs tutorial and i havent come across this scenario
No code example because i don't know where to start.
Here is what im trying to do.
Im modelling an online shop. So shop object details are in a collection holding many shops.
Now each shop has got products and each product its own unique details. I want to a void using references and rather append but from tutorial from mongodb docs its not quite clear how to do it.
Im fairly new to mongodb
There isn't any such thing as a collection inside another collection with mongo. A collection is a collection of documents.
There are a couple of ways to link documents to other documents, or collections of other data. The correct one to choose is up to you, your data, and your application.
Any document can point to another ObjectId from any field
You can have an array inside a document
Combine the two, and you can have an array of document ids
Mongo is a document store, not a relational database. My suggestion is don't try to use it as a relational database. If what you need is an RDBMS, use one.
