Check kubernetes pod name from other VM - azure

I have a separate VM in the same network as my kubernetes in Azure.
I have a kafka pod and I am able to reach this pod using the IP. The problem is that the pod IP is changing all the time.
Is there any way to get the correct IP each time the pod IP is changing?

I would suggest using a kubernetes service to expose pod. This avoids the problem with change in POD IP because service IP does not change.
Kubernetes ServiceTypes allow you to specify what kind of Service you want. The default is ClusterIP.
Type values and their behaviors are:
ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the default ServiceType.
NodePort: Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service routes, is automatically created. You'll be able to contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting :.
LoadBalancer: Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer. NodePort and ClusterIP Services, to which the external load balancer routes, are automatically created.
ExternalName: Maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field (e.g., by returning a CNAME record
Since you are accessing the POD from outside the kubernetes cluster itself use NodePort or LoadBalancer type service.

As mentioned by #arghya-sadhu already going for Kubernetes service, is the best option. The kubernetes service has an IP depending on the type of kubernetes service.
For services of type ClusterIP, you get a cluster IP address
For services of type Load Balancer, you get a Loadbalancer IP address (i.e) public IP address
For services of type NodePort, you can access using the node's address.
But, whatever the type of service is, you can access the service using the kube-DNS within the cluster. So, let's say your service name is other-service and it exposes port 8080, running on namespace abc, then you can access the service as follows:
Since, your VM runs outside the cluster, it is better to use Loadbalancer and access the pod using Loadbalancer url or IP address. You can set an ingress in case there are multiple pods in the cluster that you want to connect to.


What does an IPs meaning by within cluster and what is outside cluster in AKS?

I have a cluster and pods running inside the cluser.
There are associated services for each pods and few are cluster IP, few are node port and few are load balancers.
I also have VM running in my azure account.
If i am hitting IP of these services/pods in this VMs browser.
What is considered a within-cluster what is considered an outside cluster? Means
why my load blancer ip only accessible in VMs chrome browser and no cluser IPs are not accessible within VMs chrome browser?
That means cluster ips are external and load balancer is internal?
ClusterIP service types are internal to your cluster. The IP address assigned to the service is from the pod-network-cidr which is an internal CIDR. You cannot reach a ClusterIP service from outside the cluster.
NodePort services are external and are bound to the IP address of the Node on a specified port. This is the IP address of the node that is "external" to it (pingable from the outside).
LoadBalancer services are external as well, and usually can be bound to various public IP addresses as required in order to properly load balance traffic to your services.
You can read more about service types here.
I hope this helps!

Can i replace loadbalancer in aks cluster

I am using multiple pods and their services, some of the services are of the type load balancer, which will expose the public IP.
But many of the services are called internally and no need to use public IP instead I can use private IP, what change do I need to make to the load balancer to use private IP.
I assume, the load balancer cost more compared to other types of services in the aks cluster.
Please let me know how to reduce the cost
Just do not annotate the services with type: LoadBalancer but instead use type: ClusterIP
Declare type:ClusterIP instead of type:LoadBalancer under kind:Service
It will generate Private IP for the service, which can be accessed with either IP or name of service.
http://<servicename>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:<port number>
You can annotate the service so that the Loadbalancer gets an private IP from your subnet: true
You can also check the docs here.
One hint: you should only expose the service from your Ingress Controller and not Services directly, This is an Kubernetes anti-pattern and insecure.

Loadbalancing python webserver in kubernetes pods

I was going through Docker and Kubernetes . I want to create two Python web servers and need to access them using public URL and these requests should be balanced between two servers.
I created one Python server and initially deployed that with Docker containers and all this I'm doing using AWS ec2 instance so when I tried to send a request I used ec2publicip:port. This is working which means I created one web server and similarly I will do the same for the second server.
My question is If I deploy this with Kubernetes - Is there any way to do load balancing the Python web servers within the pod. If so, can someone tell me how to do this?
If you create two replicas of the pod via a kubernetes deployment and create a service of type LoadBalancer an ELB on AWS is automatically provisioned.Then whenever a request comes to the ELB on AWS it will distribute the traffic to the replicas of the pod. With a loadbalancer type service you get advanced load balancing capabilities at layer 7. Without a loadbalancer type service or an ingress you get round robin load balancing at layer 4 offered by kube proxy.
Problem with loadbalancer type service is that it will create new ELB for each service which is costly. So I recommend using ingress controller such as Nginx and expose the Nginx Ingress controller via a single loadbalancer on AWS. Then create ingress resource and use path or host based routing to send traffic to pods behind a clusterIP type service.

How to expose multiple kubernetes services trough single azure load balancer?

I want to expose multiple services trough single load balancer. Each service points to exactly one pod.
So far I tried to:
kubectl expose <podName> --port=7000
And in Azure portal to manually set either load balancing rules or Inbound Nat rules, pointing to exposed pod.
So far I can connect to pod using external IP and specified port.
Depends on how you want to separate services on the same IP. The two ways that come to my mind are :
use NodePort services and then map some ports from your LB to that part on your cluster nodes. This gives separation by port.
way more interesting in my opinion is to use Ingress/IngressController. You would expose only IC on standard ports like 80 & 443 and then it will map to your services by hostname and uri
In Azure container service, Azure will use Load Balancer to expose k8s services, like this:
root#k8s-master-E27AE453-0:~# kubectl get svc
jasonnginx 8080:32011/TCP 4m
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 11m
mynginx 80:32366/TCP 5m
yournginx 80:32289/TCP 4m
Via Azure portal, check Azure load balancer frontend IP configuration(different IP address):
ACS will create Load Balancer rules and add rontend IP address automatically.
How to expose multiple kubernetes services trough single azure load
ACS expose k8s services through that Azure Load Balancer, do you mean you want to expose k8s services with a single Public IP address?
If you want to expose k8s services with a single public IP address, as Radek said, maybe you should use Nginx Ingress Controller.
The Ingress Controller works like this:
Thanks guys. I think I have found viable solution to my problem. I should have been more specific about what I'm going to do.
I want to host game server over UDP. So any kubernetes ingress controller is not really an option, since they rarely support UDP routing.
I also don't need to host multitude of services on single machine 1-4 of pods per single node is probably the maximum.
I have found about using :
hostNetwork: true
in yaml config and it actually works pretty well for this scenario.
I get IP directly from host node. I can then select matching node within load balancer and create NAT or load balancing rule
Create multiple nodePort type service, and fix the nodePort.
And the cloud load balancer, set multiple listener groups. The listen port is same as the service's nodeport, and the target are all the worker nodes.

Limit access to public ip (whitelist)

I want to set up a kubernetes cluster with a loadbalancer. Kubernetes will create a load balancer in azure and connect a public ip address with it.
But I don't want to make the api public, it should be exclusive for my api management service.
I tried to direct the load balancer into a vnet with the api service but I found nothing.
So I thought I could just limit the access to the public ip (a whitelist with only the incluced ip of my service) but I found nothing on the internet.
Is it possible to set such rule on a public ip or do I need some extra service for this problem?
With Kubernetes, assuming you have a service defined
Use the following commands:
kubectl get service
kubectl edit svc/<YOUR SERVICE>
change the type from LoadBalancer to ClusterIP
Now you can consume internally the service.
