Azure AD Workbook: export parameter under the advances setting is not working for pie chart - azure

We have created workbooks under the Azure AD. Trying to use the export parameter under the Advances setting of KQL to load the parameter related data on click.
It is working perfectly fine when I am choosing the grid visualization instead of pie.
Our requirement is to have the pie chart and when hovering on it, should load the related data in another grid view.
Is this limitation of a workbook or something I am missing?

you can also export selections from charts, but the available fields are not the names of the columns like in a grid. there's no way to have hover export selections though.
from the github docs (emphasis added):
Note: you can leave the Field to export setting empty in the export settings. If you do, all available fields in the data will be exported as a stringified JSON object of key:value pairs. For grids and tiles, this will be all of the fields in the grid. For charts, the available fields will be x, y, series, label (depending on the type of chart).
I'm working on getting this updated in our public azure docs, which for some reason only have 1 one of the three "note" items in that section.


Azure workbook filtering based on a selection/click in a chart

I would like to filter the data and show the raw/aggregated data in a table/grid when a selection is being done in a Bar Chart in Azure Workbook visualizations.
I have a bar graph as below. When I select on the "purple" line denoting Avg CPU to be very high, I would want a grid/table showing the CPU aggregated on x based on the query. How can this be achieved in Azure workbooks.
Yes, it can be done. see the azure docs or the github docs for full details but in general:
in the advanced settings for the visualization, choose the "when items are selected export parameters" option, and fill that out.
(note in both docs it calls out that in grids you can export any column in the grid, but in charts, you have different options for x, y, series, etc)
that will create a parameter with a value when something becomes selected
use that parameter downstream, in query text, or in conditional visibility to hide and show other steps

How do I take the input values from one screen to a gallery in another screen PowerApps?

I am using PowerApps Canvas for the first time. I have created two screens. One has a gallery connected to an excel sheet. It displays the table contents from the excel file. And the second screen has some input text fields. I want to enter values in these fields and click on submit, so that when I go to the other screen I can see this new record in the gallery. I want to use the collect function for the submit button but it is showing problem with using Record1 (name of the global variable in which I am storing the excel table). It says the specified data source cannot be used.
I am setting Record1 as a global variable in the onStart property.
Edit: I ran onStart and the error is not there but new record isn't being displayed on the gallery. There is an error with setting the global variable Unexpected Characters. The formula contains 'Ident' where 'Data' is expected.
Making a global variable wasn't required. I just used the excel table directly in the other screen and the collect function works now.
You want to store your input into your excel right? You need patch instead of collect. Collect is for local storage, patch creates an item in the datasource.

Dynamic item list in Azure Workbooks

Is it possible to have data driven layout in Azure Workbooks?
For each row of a Kusto query, I'd like to add a tile to the dashboard.
There's no direct way to have a single query generate many visualizations in workbooks (yet!)
There are some options:
you could use a visualization like "tiles" which creates an item for each row, and you can configure the various parts of the tile to get info from different columns.
presuming you literally mean "Azure Dashboard" here when you say dashboard:
(more manual) you could create a parameter that returns all those values, and then configure a subsequent query to reference the selected value to generate the visualization you want, and manually pick a value, pin the chart to the dashboard, repeat for each value you want pinned.
(more technical) you could create the visualization you want, and pin it to a dashboard. then download the dashboard as json, and copy+paste the pin, but modify the query/parameter values in the dashboard, then upload it as a new dashboard?

Surfacing key information in Azure DevOps - pivot options appear limited?

Currently trying to surface key information around the projects in our organisation. I want to show a breakdown of work items assigned, estimated time, and completed time per individual. I thought I could do this with the chart widget, and I can if I have 3 different pivots, but it seems very limited. I don't seem to be able to adjust the order of the column series (status) to what I want. I can adjust based on the values - e.g. estimates but then the next chart has that status in a completely different order because it's sorting on something different.
Is there another widget I should use, or is Azure DevOps not capable of handling this? Do I have to use Excel or PowerBI instead??
You can use “chart for work items” widget. Please select chart type as Pivot table. For example, here is my configuration of the "Chart for work items" widget:
You can see the Original Estimate assigned to each user in this widget:

Automation steps not found

I am trying to modify the comboBox values of the fields in the Automation Steps page. , but I cannot seem to be able to do it for all of them. Some of them are appearing disabled:
So I tried to make this change in the DB directly. However the graph is not public so I cannot identify the datamember definition.
I did identify however, the following tables:
- AUStepCombo: includes the Values of the combo box. In this case I obtain all the records from the smartpanel
This table, however, does not include the description.
AUCombo: includes the descriptions of the combobox, connected with AUStepCombo via the RowNbr field.
However, I noticed that the AUCombo table doesn't show all the values from the smartpanel. Only a subsection of the values from AUStepCombo. The fields disabled in the smartpanel, are the ones not inclued in this table.
Are these available in another table?
check out CROpportunityProbability table. you will see the StageIDs in there.
