terraform 11 and "concat" function: parse error - terraform

TF v.0.11 (I know it is old but I need this one)
I try to configure output this way:
value = "${concat(aws_lambda_function.lambda.*.arn, [""])}"
The error message is
Error reading config for output FUNCTION_ARN: parse error at 1:46 :
expected expression but found "["
What am I doing wrong, how to fix that?

Reason: [""] don't work for v11.
value = "${element(concat(aws_lambda_function.lambda.*.arn, list("")), 0)}"


bioMart Package error: error in function useDataset

I am trying to use the biomaRt package to access the data from Ensembl, however I got error message when using the useDataset() function. My codes are shown below.
ensembl = useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart = ensemble)
When I type useDataset function i got error message like this:
> ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart = ensembl)
Ensembl site unresponsive, trying asia mirror
Error in textConnection(text, encoding = "UTF-8") :
invalid 'text' argument
and sometimes another different error message showed as:
> ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart = ensembl)
Ensembl site unresponsive, trying asia mirror
Error in textConnection(bmResult) : invalid 'text' argument
it seems like that the mirror automatically change to asia OR useast OR uswest, but the error message still shows up over and over again, and i don't know what to do.
So if anyone could help me with this? I will be very grateful for any help or suggestion.
Kind regards Riley Qiu, Dongguan, China

Python eval is not working as a string how to use with shell code

I have a function like svn_check which basically check brnach in svn function is given below
def svn_check(request):
url ='eval `/volume/tools/bin/ssh-agent.sh`;printenv;ssh-add -l;/volume/tools/bin/svn info svn+ssh://cng-svn.tema.net/my-2009/branches/NEHA_NEGI'
output, message = subprocess.getstatusoutput(url)
print("CMD : " + str(url))
print("Message : " + str(message))
print("Return Code : " + str(output_br))
return HttpResponse(output_br)
i also have a branch with name NEHA_NEGI. but when i am executing this function it is returning me the error i dont know why it is returning me the error.
CMD : 'eval /volume/tools/bin/ssh-agent.sh;printenv;ssh-add -l;/volume/tools/bin/svn info svn+ssh://cng-svn.tema.net/my-2009/branches/NEHA_NEGI', referer: http://my-site.com:81/
Message : NOTE: ssh-agent is empty; use ssh-add to load your key(s)!, referer: http://my-site.com:81/
Return Code : 1, referer: http://my-site.com:81/
I am getting this in the error log. can anyone please help me relate this why I am getting this error? thanks in advance I am a newbie in shell language.
Or maybe it is happening because eval function is treated as a string. so there s any other way to type so eval can run properly.

Cloudwatch alarm creation fails due to heredoc

I am trying to create a composite cloudwatch alarm using terraform. But unfortunately my terraform code breaks with the following error:
Error: error creating CloudWatch Composite Alarm
ValidationError: AlarmRule must not contain leading or trailing
whitespace or be null
status code: 400, request id: 272b14ae-e6bd-4e65-8bb8-25372d9a5f7c
Following is my terraform code:
resource "aws_cloudwatch_composite_alarm" "node_count_office_time_alarm" {
depends_on = [aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count, aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.office_time]
alarm_description = "Composite alarm for node count & office time"
alarm_name = "node-count-office-time-composite-alarm-${local.postfix}"
alarm_actions = [var.sns_topic_arn]
ok_actions = [var.sns_topic_arn]
alarm_rule =<<-EOF
ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count.alarm_name}) AND
I checked many times and there are no leading or trailing spaces in my alarm_rule. Only new line after AND operator. I am using terraform 0.15.3 version. Anyone faces similar issues and how can I resolve this issue? thanks
I did not find the solution to how to make the heredoc working. But I fixed it for the time being using direct string expression instead of heredoc block. Following is the string expression:
alarm_rule = "ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count.alarm_name}) AND ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.office_time.alarm_name})"
I hope it is useful for others if they face the same issue. thanks
Terraform instructions https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/cloudwatch_composite_alarm are not accurate as of this writing in 2021.
alarm_rule accepts a single string argument, EOF/heredoc has to be processed to create a literal string:
locals {
alarm_rule_with_newlines = <<-EOF
ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.alpha.alarm_name}) OR
alarm_rule = trimspace(replace(local.alarm_rule_with_newlines, "/\n+/", " "))
I was not satisfied with neither of proposed answers so I have another solution.
Move your composite alert rules to separate file and just read it:
alarm_rule = file("./composite-alert-rule")
alarm_rule = templatefile("./composite-alert-rule", { arg = ... })
if you need to pass some dynamic args.
Check terraform docs for reference:

Invalid Syntax for PEP-8

I'm receiving a notification that advised the below script is not PEP-8:
example_var = print('whoa')
[E] invalid syntax.
It's showing that the error is a result of the first parentheses in the print statement, but nothing looks off to me.
example_var = print('whoa')

how to check if a colmmande return is true or false selenium-ide

I'm trying to get a command return with selenium ide by doing it :
but it doesnt work...i have : [error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://flowcontrol/content/extensions/goto-sel-ide.js?1347871647495, lineNumber -> 120.
Does anybody know how to get the return?
Thank you
I didn't check for boolean support on gotoIf, but if gotoIf wants to go to a label, I don't see a label defined in the above script.
Also, the "storedVars.tite" reference looks to be misspelled.
