In gnuplot, given f and g two functions from plane to real line, I am going to plot f as g gets positive values. I have this code:
set xrange [-2:2]
set yrange [-2:2]
set isosamples 100,100
unset grid
unset key
set view map
f(x,y) = x*x*exp(-x*x)*y*y*exp(-y*y)
g(x,y) = x**2 - y**2
h(x,y) = g(x,y)> 0 ? f(x,y) : 1/0
splot h(x,y) with pm3d
I obtain this:
I would like to smooth the boundary of this image.
Thanks in advance
I assume it should read g(x,y) = x**2 - y**2. Play with the parameters samples and isosamples. Check help samples and help isosamples.
For example:
set samples 300
set isosamples 300
I would like to plot a function f: R -> R^2 like f(t) = (cos(t), sin(t)), but I don't see how to do it.
f(t) = (cos(t), sin(t))
plot f(x) # doesn't work
splot f(x) # doesn't work either and is probably not what I want
Is there a way to plot such a function in gnuplot?
Please check help parametric, help special-filenames, help sampling and this:
Here are two approaches:
### parametric curves
reset session
fx(t) = cos(t)
fy(t) = sin(t)
set size ratio -1
set xrange[-1.1:1.1]
set yrange[-1.1:1.1]
set multiplot layout 1,2
set parametric
plot [t=0:2*pi] fx(t), fy(t) w l lc "red"
unset parametric
plot sample [t=0:2*pi] '+' u (fx(t)):(fy(t)) w l lc "blue"
unset multiplot
### end of script
I'm trying to plot the following 3 intersecting planes:
x + 2y + 4z = 7
2x + 3y + 3z = 1
3x + 7y + 2z = -11
To add emphasis, I wanted to include some headless arrows along the intersection of each pair of planes and a small sphere to indicate the intersection point. But for some reason the planes themselves seem to be out of alignment with the axes. From the equations I can easily find the coordinate of the intersection point, find the coordinates of the edges of the lines that run along the intersection of each pair of planes and if needed find the parametric equation of the lines. But so far when I plot the lines as arrows from the edges of my plot or the intersection as a circle, the planes seem to be wrongly positioned within the coordinates. I can see that the circle or the lines are positioned correctly, but the planes themselves seem to have been shifted. What could be causing this? Am I entering the equations wrong? Maybe the shift of the xy plane moves things around? I think it must be something obvious I'm just not seeing. I find it quite puzzling.
samps = 500
set samples samps,samps
set isosamples samps,samps
f(x,y) = 7/4 - x/4 - y/2
set table $Data01
splot f(x,y)
unset table
g(x,y) = 1/3 - 2/3*x - y
set table $Data02
splot g(x,y)
unset table
h(x,y) = -11/2 - 3/2*x - 7/2*y
set table $Data03
splot h(x,y)
unset table
Zmin = 1.0
Zmax = 3.5
set xrange [-1.2:0.5]
set yrange [-4:0]
set zrange [Zmin:Zmax]
set hidden3d
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'y'
set zlabel 'z'
set xyplane at Zmin
unset xzeroaxis
unset yzeroaxis
unset zzeroaxis
set border 1023-128
set xtics out nomirror
set ytics out nomirror
set ztics out
#set xtics add ('' -4)
Frac(z) = (z - Zmin) / (Zmax - Zmin)
Red01(z) = 0
Green01(z) = 255*256
Blue01(z) = int(255*Frac(z))
MyPalette01(z) = Red01(z) + Green01(z) + Blue01(z)
Red02(z) = 255*256*256
Green02(z) = int(165*Frac(z))*256
Blue02(z) = 0
MyPalette02(z) = Red02(z) + Green02(z) + Blue02(z)
# MyPalette03
Red03(z) = int(-95*Frac(z)+255)*256*256
Green03(z) = int(32*Frac(z))*256
Blue03(z) = int(-15*Frac(z)+255)
MyPalette03(z) = Red03(z) + Green03(z) + Blue03(z)
#Red03(z) = int(255*Frac(z))*256*256
#Green03(z) = int(255*Frac(z))*256
#Blue03(z) = int(255*Frac(z))
set object circle at -1,-2,3 size 0.05 front
unset key
set pm3d
set pm3d lighting primary 0.5 specular 0.6
set pm3d ftriangles
set style fill transparent solid 0.75 noborder
set pm3d depthorder
unset colorbox
set view 68, 126
splot $Data01 u 1:2:3:(MyPalette01($3)) w l lc rgb var notitle, \
$Data02 u 1:2:3:(MyPalette02($3)) w l lc rgb var notitle, \
$Data03 u 1:2:3:(MyPalette03($3)) w l lc rgb var notitle
I found how to set multiple styles for each plane in here:
Gnuplot 5.2 splot: Multiple pm3d palette in one plot call
And this is how it looks:
Any Ideas?
I want to plot a parallel plate capacitor setup with plates at x = -1 and x = +1 lying in the yz plane. I have to then show the potential varying in between them and the vector plot of electric field.
How can I generate the solid plates in 3D?
I am not sure if Gnuplot is the best tool for this, nevertheless an approximation could be perhaps achieved with parametric plotting, where the x-coordinate is fixed and y/z are directly mapped to the u/v parameters:
set terminal pngcairo rounded font ",16"
set xr [-4:4]
set yr [-4:4]
set zr [-4:4]
set palette defined ( 0 "black", 1 "#666666" )
set pm3d at s
unset surface
unset colorbox
set isosamples 100
unset key
set parametric
set ur [-2:2]
set vr [-2:2]
splot \
-1,u,v w l lc rgb '#333333', \
+1,u,v w l lc rgb '#333333'
#or set larger ur/vr and use, e.g.,
# -1,(u>-2&&u<2?u:1/0),(v>-2&&v<2?v:1/0) w l lc rgb '#333333', \
# +1,(u>-2&&u<2?u:1/0),(v>-2&&v<2?v:1/0) w l lc rgb '#333333'
This would give you:
I basically want to draw 2d color surface (or contour plot)
of rosenbrock function f(x,y) = (a-x)^2 + b * (y-x*x) ^2
and append some points (x,y) on this image.
Sample file with points looks as follows:
#x #y
15.00000 12.00000
8.00000 9.00000
The thing is, both graphs do not share the same coordinate system on output image:
coordinate systems do not overlap on each other
gnuplot code:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal png size 700,700
enhanced set output 'output.png'
set tmargin screen 1
set bmargin screen 0
set border 0 back
set size square
set xrange [-xr:xr]
set yrange [-yr:yr]
unset key #disablegraph name
unset colorbox
set surface
set multiplot
set view map
set cntrparam levels 10# contour tenderness
set style data pm3d
set pm3d
set contour
a=1 #rosenbrock parameter
b=1 #rosenbrock parameter
#set isosamples 50
splot (a-x) * (a-x) + b * (y-x*x) * (y-x*x) # 2d rosenbrock
unset view
unset pm3d
plot 'data.dat' pt 5, 'data.dat' using 1:2:($0+1) with labels offset 1 notitle
mixing 2d and surface plots with multiplot is usually a mess. I guess you probably don't need multiplot in this simple case. Maybe something like this is enough:
set size square
set xrange [-xr:xr]
set yrange [-yr:yr]
unset key
unset colorbox
set surface
set pm3d map
set contour
set cntrparam levels 10# contour tenderness
rosenbrock(x,y,a,b)= (a-x) * (a-x) + b * (y-x*x) * (y-x*x)
splot rosenbrock(x,y,1,1) w pm3d, 'data.dat' u 1:2:0 w p pt 5, 'data.dat' using 1:2:(1):($0+1) with labels offset 1,1 notitle
My goal is to display 0 values on a logarithmic scale a little bit under 1.
I managed to plot my own simple histogram (with boxes) with logarithmic Y scale. My Y values are non-negative integers up to 25000. I cannot differentiate the 0 and 1 values as the Y scale begins at 1. Which is mathematically correct, but I want to hack a zero just under the one.
If I were to write a program that plots my graph, I would add 1 to all of my data, and remove 1 from the Y labels. Is there any tricks that would do something like that for me?
gnuplot> set xrange [0:2]
gnuplot> set log y
gnuplot> set yrange [0.1:100]
gnuplot> set ytics ("0" 0.1, "1" 1, "10" 10)
gnuplot> plot cosh(x)
I think the best option would be to plot your histogram using a modified function:
plot 'data' using 1:($2 < 1 ? $2 : log10($2)+1) with boxes
The above command plots the log10()+1 of your data if it is above or equal to 1, otherwise it plots simply your data. Then, you can modify your y axis so that it's linear between 0 and 1 and logarithmic between 1 and the highest value:
ymax = 10000
set yrange [0:log10(ymax)]
unset ytics
set ytics 1 add ("0" 0, "1" 1)
set for [i=2:log10(ymax)] ytics add (sprintf("%g",10**(i-1)) i) # Add major tics
set for [i=1:log10(ymax)] for [j=2:9] ytics add ("" log10(10**i*j) 1) # Add minor tics
set for [j=1:9] ytics add ("" j/10. 1) # Add minor tics between 0 and 1
plot 'data' using 1:($2 < 1 ? $2 : log10($2)+1) with boxes
The 1 after the tic position is to adjust the minor tics' length (thanks to #Christoph). Anyway, this looks like the following figure for a test case x^2, where you can see how the y axis is linear up to 1 and logarithmic beyond:
I hope this can help you. this is not just a "hack", but a real way to have a linear-log y axis on gnuplot:
set terminal wxt 0 enhanced font 'Sans,13'
#%%% SIZE SETTINGS (whole figure)
tm = 0.90; bm = 0.2
lm = 0.12; rm = 0.885
size = 0.8
y1 = 0.; y2 = 1.; #(lin interval)
y3 = 1.; y4 = 1000.; #(log interval)
x1 = -8.0; x2 = 8.0
set xrange [x1:x2];
#%%% SIZE SETTINGS (single plots)
I_1 = abs(y2-y1)
I_2 = abs(log10(y4)-log10(y3))
denom = I_1 + I_2
T_m_1 = lm + size * (I_1/denom)
T_m_2 = lm + size * ((I_1+I_2))/denom)
f(x) = (15.*sin(x)/x)**2
set multiplot
# Left and Right margins
set lmargin at screen lm
set rmargin at screen rm
# X-axis settings:
set xlabel "X [ux]"; set format x "%2.1f";
set xtics 2 nomirror; set mxtics 4
do for [i=(x1+1):(x2-1):2] {
set xtics add ("" i) }
set samples 10000;
# Y-axis label
set label 'Y [uy]' \
at screen 0.03,bm + 0.5*size \
offset 0,-strlen("X [ux]")/4.0 \
rotate by 90
#%% First plot, first interval
set border 1+2+8
set bmargin at screen bm
set tmargin at screen T_m_1
set yrange [y1:y2]
set format y "%1.0f";
set ytics 1; set mytics 5;
plot f(x) lw 2 \
lc rgb "navy" notitle
#%% End first plot
unset xlabel; unset xtics
#%% Second (and last) plot
set border 2+4+8
set bmargin at screen T_m_1
set tmargin at screen T_m_2
# showing mirror xtics via a x2 axis
set link x via x inverse x
set format x2 "";
set x2tics nomirror; set mx2tics 4;
do for [i=(x1+1):(x2-1):2] {
set x2tics add ("" i) }
set logscale y;
set ytics autofreq; set mytics autofreq;
set format y "10^{%L}";
set ytics add ("" 1.0);
set yrange [y3:y4]
plot f(x) lw 2 \
lc rgb "navy" notitle
#%% End second plot
unset multiplot
Practical guide to the code:
start by modifying the "RANGE SETTINGS" to adapt them to your plot
then choose the "X-axis settings" and "Y-axis label" you prefer
comment the two lines specifying the ytics and yformat in the "first plot" part (aka let Gnuplot set those for you, for now)
modify "first" plot command to plot (between y1 and y2) your function/datafile
adapt the part under "showing mirror xtics via a x2 axis" to your X axis setting (if you want specular tics)
modify "second" plot command to plot (between y3 and y4) your function/datafile
see the result and fix minor details, like labels, formats, tics, mtics, and so on.