Why does various functions on sublime text 3 disappeared suddenly? - sublimetext3

I was coding on sublime text 3 and I wanted to copy and paste a section of my code somewhere else.
So I did ctrl + arrow keys. But it didn't copy and paste like usual. It only moved the thing. So I tried again, but in vain. Also, I wanted to make a doc string. So I typed double quote two times and then moved the cursor in between the quotes to wright. But when I began to wright, it replaced the last double quote with my text. I tried again and it had the same result. I tried reinstalling it, but it didn't work. I searched on stack overflow and they didn't have my question. How can I fix it?

You accidentally pressed the Insert key or otherwise got your system into overwrite mode, instead of the standard insert mode. By pressing Insert again, this is reverted, and things will be back to working as normal.


Why does pasting a certain character change the chronology of the characters in the whole row?

I've got this funny problem when trying to copy and paste the character٭ It doesn't let me get my cursor behind it and swapps the whole line of characters (see gif). Also the cursor has a funny double cursor, when I highlight ٭
I think I activated some strange mode here accidently with some keys. Anyone know whats going on?
This character٭ (Arabic 5-pointed star) is naturally designed for a right-to-left writing language, such as Arabic. The computer recognizes it and automatically switches the cursor to writing right-to-left.

VisualStudio 2012 keyboard shortcut (continue/for)

When I want to see where my continue; jumps I have to delete ; and type it again (so something, let's call it Intellisense, will highlight continue and for or while line).
Same goes when I want to reformat something enclosed between { and } (in case formatting was not possible, because i wrote to example double a = inside and only after editing the rest could finish), I have to delete } (preferably the last one in the currently opened file) and type it again.
Question is:
are there keybindings to simplify this? Like pressing Ctrl+K and then something?
what are you guys doing, same as I deleting and retyping stuff to make things working?
P.S.: I know about Ctrl+Space (and one with the Shift) and I read this and also did some Googling, no luck.

Paste within line in macvim

I started to use macvim not only for code, but also for editing a wiki and academic writing in LaTeX. After several honeymoon moments ;-) and first customization efforts, I found a problem I can't solve:
How do I paste content from the system clipboard within a line, no matter where this content is copied from? (I use LaunchBar’s multi clipboard feature quite excessively and store mostly > 20 strings from different applications I will paste sooner or later. It works well with macvim, but not when it comes to "linewise" content.) p or P create newlines, cmd-v as well.
I neither want to add strings between tags, nor focus on other specialised settings.
I don't know how Launchbar works in this regard but all the clipboard managers I've used send a Cmd-v when you hit Enter.
MacVim, being very well integrated in the system, supports many default Mac OS X shortcuts like Cmd-o, Cmd-s or Cmd-v so… simply selecting the item in Launchbar's list and hitting Enter should work.
If your pasted content ends up on a line of its own (presumably above the current line) instead of in the middle of your sentence that means that the pasted text contains a new line, plain and simple. Because MacVim maps Cmd-v to P, the pasted content is pasted before the cursor: inline if there's no newline in sight, above the current line if there are newlines.
That's normal behavior.
At that point, either you find a way to clean Launchbar's content up before Cmd-v or you edit the pasted text afterward with something like ^v$y"_d<movement>P.
p and P only create new lines if the clipboard contains a newline character.
I just pasted one-line content from my clipboard into vim and it worked fine (in-line).
The issue may be with the way LaunchBar is copying to its clipboards.

How to jump out from string value when using Resharper

I want to jump out from quotes. When I was not using ReSharper 'Tap' key helped to jump out from double quotes, but it is not working when using ReSharper.
Of course I do not want to use right arrow key.
Help please.
If you're looking to jump out of the method arguments altogether, use Ctrl+Shift+Enter (Complete Statement).
If your intention is to quit the current string value to start entering the next argument, then I'm not sure anything apart from the right arrow or Ctrl + right arrow will work.
What's the 'Tap' key btw?
As a workaround you can also use Ctrl+W which is 'Expand selection'. Pressing it around three times will select the entire string literal. Then you can press → to go to the right side of selection.
I'm not sure whether there is such a command in Resharper, but if you're saying that this command there was in VS before Resharper then you can find this command in Options->Environment->Keyboard

What should I use vim Visual mode for?

I have been using vim for a couple of years now, and though I have learnt a lot of time saving shortcuts, but I have never used the Visual mode, which is supposed to be all powerful :
... Visual block mode (to edit columns) is something many editors lack, but that I can't live without. I have shocked and awed people at work using just this, making some edit in a few keypresses that someone would've otherwise spent ten minutes doing manually.
I want to understand why and when should I be using Visual mode.
Can someone give me an example of "making some edit in a few keypresses that someone would've otherwise spent ten minutes doing manually"?
If you see CTRL-CCTRL-V and recognise what it does, you should use visual mode.
If, like me, you see A:esc0df:$p$x as an edit command, don't bother :-)
When I use visual mode, it's to select whole lines or blocks. For example you can do [esc][shift+v][y] to copy the currently line I'm on. Here's more information.
Visual mode allows you to perform an operation on a block of text. It is the only way to perform an operation on a block in Vim.
A simple example of this would be copying or moving text.
A more advanced example would be sorting the lines in a certain part of a file. You can do this by entering visual mode, selecting a block of text, pressing Esc to enter command mode, and typing !sort. You can see more details about his example and how it works here: http://www.oualline.com/vim-cook.html#sorting_visual
I actually just did a screencast showing off great uses for visual mode. You can check it out at http://lococast.net/archives/241
As other's have said, it's great for doing any sorts of editing (edit, remove, search/replace) withing a specific range of code.
Insert a column of commas.
Delete a column of commas.
Act on rectangular selections.
Act on a section of text that is not a line or word.
Several good examples have already been given. Here are some others.
I also use visual mode:
To swap two regions of text.
To refactor out variables, types, and functions.
To surround the selection with pair of things (usually brackets)(NB: surround.vim also does this I guess), but also with control statements.
But simply most of the time to have a more interactive way to yank or change text.
To paste over without overwriting the current unnamed register.
To highlight the current selection (with Mark.vim)
And to do many other things I don't remember right know.
