Excel VBA hangs when expanding [+] workbooks object variable in locals window - excel

I'm having a problem trying to debug some code I've written that opens a shared Excel file from SharePoint (in desktop Excel app), scrapes schedule data, makes a few changes, saves and closes that file, then populates the scraped data into the current workbook formatted as a calendar.
As is typical, the code executes fine for me, but only works about 50% of the time when another user runs it. I'm still searching for fixes to those bugs - they are not the reason for my question today. I'll try as best I can to describe my problem and hopefully someone can tell what I'm doing wrong.
First step I do is to check whether the SharePoint file exists and if so, open it (no problems/errors typically encountered here for myself or anyone else):
Sub getcalendardata()
...define variables...
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
schedule = "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/Schedule/Shared Documents/Schedule.xlsx"
If URLExists(schedule) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Schedule not found. Check internet connection, login to Office 365, and try again."
Exit Sub
End If
Set schedulewb = Workbooks.Open(schedule, False, False)
schedulewb.AutoSaveOn = False
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
Set schedulews = schedulewb.Worksheets("Design")
...more code here...
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Function URLExists(url As String) As Boolean
Dim Request As Object
Dim ff As Integer
Dim rc As Variant
On Error GoTo EndNow
Set Request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
With Request
.Open "GET", url, False
rc = .StatusText
End With
Set Request = Nothing
If rc = "OK" Then URLExists = True
Exit Function
On Error Goto 0
End Function
*** Occasionally, I run into issues with the cached file in MS Office's Upload Center becoming out-dated and asking to save a copy or discard changes, but that is a problem for another day.
The main problem I've come here for is that after stepping through the Workbooks.Open line, if I open the "Locals Window" to view the stored variables and try and expand the Workbook object "schedulewb" (Here:
Locals Window during code execution), code execution seems to stop or go into an infinite loop. It's like VBA is trying to expand the schedulewb object to display the properties, but isn't getting a response, so it just waits. I've not been patient enough to see if it ever self recovers.
The only thing I see is that the Locals Window schedulewb line goes blank (like it's trying to expand) and I can no longer step through, continue, or reset/end the code execution. I can however, break/pause the execution, at which point, schedulewb returns to the Locals Window list and I'm able to expand it with a very brief delay. Restarting or resetting code execution after this just puts the program into the previous stall pattern and the only recovery option (besides waiting potentially forever) is to close and restart excel via Task Manager. Interestingly, the actual Schedule Workbook I'm trying to peak inside now shows up in the Office Upload Center as a pending upload or having just been synced.
I've tried bypassing SharePoint by opening a local version of the Schedule Workbook saved to my computer, and as expected, I can interact with the Locals Window variables without consequence.
Is there something wrong with setting a SharePoint Workbook to a variable like I've done?
Has an upload/refresh been triggered by me trying to inspect the object properties, causing some other uncontrollable VBA/SharePoint event to infinitely loop in the background?
Could this be connected somehow to the Upload Center cache headache that I think is unrelated?
Thank you in advance for any insight...


Word gets stuck during export via Excel VBA

My Excel VBA script contains an export function which results in one Word document of about 12 pages.
On my private computer, this works.
On my company's laptop this seems to take too long and probably some kind of Word watchdog is triggered. Word gets stuck after about 75% of the code and the message "Word has stopped working" pops up.
I determined the point where it gets too much for Word to handle. As the export code is quite extensive and also contains several company and project details that I don't want to reveal, I prefer to not post it here.
Here is the snippet at which Word gets stuck:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Backup - Do not change").Shapes("companyLogo").Copy
With wdFrontHeaderTable
With .Cell(1,1).Range
End With
With .Cell(1,1).Range.InlineShapes(.Cell(1,1).Range.InlineShapes.Count)
.Width=120 'this one still works
End With 'here, the error occurs
End With
If I set one before that point and then run the two halves of code, one after another, it works.
If I uncomment the whole block, the error occurs in the next block.
The code does what it is supposed to do, even on the company laptop. I guess it just takes too long and the watchdog "thinks" Word was stuck.
Is there a way to disable the watchdog or another way to solve this?
I tried Application.Wait (1000).
Word is initialized by
Dim wdApp As Object
Dim wdDoc As Object
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add

How can I have an Excel VBA application in use without multiuser lock?

I have an app I coded in Excel that suits the needs of my project; it serves the purpose of keeping track of quite a lengthy process and prerequisites and such.
It feeds off of a certain number of tables in my file.
The thing is, only one user can currently work on that file; and since we have multiple teams working on different parts in parallel, it would be nice to host that somehow in a way that would remove the single-user restriction.
Do any of you have an idea of how I could work around this?
I worked on a solution for a very similar project of keeping track of a hospital's labor utilization (nursing employee census, if you will) on a day-to-day basis across every nursing-based department in the hospital system. This solution relies on a couple conditions:
That it will be unlikely two or more people will need to save data to the final file at the same time (meaning within seconds of each other).
All the various users of the file will have access to at least one commonly-shared network drive or location.
In our case, we created a new file each day, but it wouldn't be difficult to adjust the data-writing code to append data, rather than create a new file and dump data into that new file.
The rough outline of the process is this:
Create a read-only destination file (.xlsx in our case) in a network location that contains tables of data split between n worksheets.
Create an interactive form (.xlsm) that allows user input and then on form submission, opens the destination .xlsx file and saves the form data to it, then closes it. This interactive .xlsm file can be placed in the same network location, with shortcuts created on as many peoples' desktops (or departmental shares, for example) as necessary.
With the speed of Excel and VBA, this means you're only "opening" the destination file for a second or two to write the form data, no matter how long one user may have a copy of the form open.
One thing that will be necessary is to check if the file is open, and gracefully alert the user if they need to try again, which you can do with a function covering the related error codes, for example:
Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String)
Dim iFilenum As Long
Dim iError As Long
On Error Resume Next
iFilenum = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #iFilenum
Close iFilenum
iError = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case iError
Case 0: IsFileOpen = False
Case 70: IsFileOpen = True
Case 53: IsFileOpen = "Not Found"
Case Else: Error iError
End Select
End Function
which can be called via some code like (pseudo code):
Private Sub UpdateData(ByVal thesheet As String)
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWkbk As New Excel.Workbook
If Not IsFileOpen(FileName) Then
Set xlWkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
MsgBox "Sorry, the file is currently in use. Please try again", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Or you could have it simply wait a few seconds (e.g. Wait 5) or more if the writing process doesn't cover that much data. The specific amount of seconds to wait would depend on testing write times based on your scenario and your data. That would be added as a nested If Not statement inside the previous one.
Then, when the result is that the file is not in use, simply write a series of subroutines to write the form data (stored as variables) to the destination sheet. End with something like
Set xlWkbk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
to save and close the workbook and clear your variables (memory cleanup and all that).
You may already be aware of this practice, but while you'll want to keep Excel visible during development, you'll definitely want to set Application.Visible = False on the production files for two reasons:
This will prevent users from getting confused by a lot of automation
It covers Application.Updating as well, which will really speed up data processing.

How to release an Aspen object and clear memory

This is my first time using such forum.
I have exactly the same question as here:
How to release an object and clear memory in VBA
In this thread, the question was unfortunately not solved...
With Excel VBA I connect to another program (namely Aspen EDR). For that purpose I have an according Add-In installed. To access Aspen EDR I need to add an object. After I'm done I want to release the object to save some memory. First thing I tried is this:
Dim Path As String
Path = 'assume this is the correct path to the file i want to open
Set ObjEDR = New BJACApp ' Create the BJAC object
If Not ObjEDR.FileOpen(Path) Then
MsgBox "Can't open file!"
End If
Set ObjEDR = Nothing
After I set the object nothing, Excel does not release the memory (as I can see in my task manager). Of course after a few hundred iterations (I have to open a lot of these files) I get an error message, that Excel is out of memory. I read a few threads and apparently nothing only deletes some kind of reference to the object but not the object itself, so I tried adding fileclose
Set ObjEDR = Nothing
When executing the FileClose I can see that a little memory is released (0.5 of 3MB) but still there is a lot of memory accumulating.
Also when not using the "Now" it is not working and I get "runtime error'424': Object required" when executing Set ObjEDR = BJACApp
I also read about "pointers" that might cause the staying memory increase, but how can I find and clear/delete them?
Does anyone has an idea?
I would really appreciate it!
If .Quit (or the object's equivalent) and setting the object to Nothing is not working for you, then you could try relying on VBA's garbage collector to do the job.
Essentially what this means is that you would need to split the sub in two, have the main sub, and within that sub call the sub that will open and close your object. Hopefully, upon the second sub exiting, VBA will clean up those objects.
Sub Main()
Dim filePath As String
For Each [..] In [..] ' Or use a Do...Loop
filePath = 'assume this is the correct path to the file i want to open
openObj filePath 'call the sub below
Next [..]
End Sub
Sub openObj(ByVal Path As String)
Set ObjEDR = New BJACApp ' Create the BJAC object
If Not ObjEDR.FileOpen(Path) Then
MsgBox "Can't open file!"
End If
[...] 'your code to perform the needed actions with your obj
Set ObjEDR = Nothing
End Sub
I don't know anything about this object, but you should also try .Quit and .Close
Another method is to not create a new object for each path. Place the Set ObjEDR on the outside of your loop, and utilize the same object every time you open the new file.
Ok, to those who are interested:
The support of Aspen Tech told me that
should work, but just for versions above V8.4.
So this did not solved my problem and I built a workaround using MATLAB which opens and closes Excel after each run. So I loose time opening and closing the Excel file, but the memory of excel is not increasing until it stops working.

Word.Application (Office 2016) object .quit() method hanging in LS

I have a scheduled LotusScript agent that runs on a client (9.0 Social edition.) One of its purposes is to open a Word document and save it as PDF, but that's not really important. Here's the relevant code snippet
Dim wrdApp as Variant
Sub Initialize
[Getting the usual Notes Session, Database, View values]
Set wrdApp = createObject("Word.Application")
wrdApp.visible = True
'we check to see if there is anything that has been deferred
Set v = db.GetView("RIT")
strStatus = "Success"
Set doc = v.Getfirstdocument()
If (doc Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Terminate
wrdApp.visible = True
Dim quitCode As Variant
quitCode = 0
Call wrdApp.quit(quitCode)
Print "Quit called, waiting 3 seconds"
' Wait a couple seconds
Print "Done waiting, setting wrdApp to Nothing"
Set wrdApp=Nothing
Print "Exiting agent"
End Sub
The problem I'm having is that since we upgraded to Office 2016, sometimes the agent will never terminate. In the log I see "Done waiting, setting wrdApp to Nothing" but not "Exiting agent." I'll wind up with a Word window open (but no documents of course) and when I look in Task Manager, I see a WINWORD.EXE running with 0% CPU and 2 or 3 seconds of CPU time. And of course just to add to the intrigue, this doesn't happen every time either. And since the agent never ends, all other scheduled agents get held up until I kill the zombie Word instance. I've tried all the suggestions I can find (you'll notice I make Word visible and use a Variant as the parameter to Quit, and I even threw in the sleep(3) out of desparation), but none have made any difference. We never had this problem with Office 2010 (even when the agent code was far sloppier.) Also, the problem can happen whether or not I actually open a Word document. Is there a solution? Or is going back to O2010 the only option?
Sorry for the delay. I developed a wrapper class that can handle both Word and OpenOffice files "transparently". Parts of it you'll find below. I never had complaints from my client that the code no longer works, but that can also be due to the fact that they use the library to open a document using a template, then fill the document with data and then leave the document open.
One difference at first glance: I use Close where you have Quit.
-- to open a document
Function CreateMSWordDocument As Variant
Dim msWord As Variant
On Error Goto CreateNewInstance
Set msWord = GetObject("", "Word.Application")
Set CreateMSWordDocument = msWord
Exit Function
Print "Loading Microsoft Word.... Please Wait...."
Err = 0
Set msWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Print "Microsoft Word Loaded"
Resume Done
End Function
Set wdDoc= CreateMSWordDocument
-- to close it again:
Sub Close
Call wdDoc.Close
End Sub
I don't have more info for you than the above...
I am not sure if this is still relevant to you.
I have used Word for ages like the way you do (just wrapping it in a Class). However, I have experienced the exact same problem...
The solution was to do NOTHING once I had closed the document - then the WINWORD task just silently quits in the background!
As a way of update/answer this question, I gave up looking for the real answer and instead wrote a C# program that looks for any instance of WINWORD.EXE that has been running for longer than 15 minutes and kill the process. Then I use the Task Scheduler to kick that program off every 15 minutes. It's crude and ugly, but it put out the 4-alarm fire I had before.

Wait for CSV file to open?

I am trying to download and open a CSV file using VBA in Excel. When I step through using the debugger my code works fine but when I try to run it normally it won't work, it is trying to copy the info from the newly opened CSV file into the existing .xlsm file but it isn't finding anything. I have found ways of checking that the file is open but I need it to keep checking and once it does exist to continue with the code.
Here is how Im getting the file to download:
Sub getFile(address)
On Error Resume Next
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = False
ie.navigate address
Set ie = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
And then after this in the sub that calls getFile,
Do While Workbooks(Workbooks.Count).Name <> "file.csv"
Ive tried a few variations that all work fine when taking it slow in the debugger but crashes otherwise. Does anyone know a way to have it keep checking and wait until the file is open? It requires the user to do something so what it to make sure that file.csv is open. Should I put my check in sub getFile or keep it after it is called?
Taking hnk's advice below I tried this and it worked perfectly:
Sub getFile(address)
On Error Resume Next
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = False
ie.navigate address
Do While Workbooks(Workbooks.Count).Name <> "file.csv"
Set ie = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Moved the check to before closing IE and added DoEvents to my loop.
Usually such behavior happens not because of the code logic but because of interrupts. Depending on the nature of your environment it could be one of two things
some background refreshing process is getting executed sometime in between your code execution time causing some issues. e.g. in a financial services environment, your Bloomberg API could be doing its timely BlpUpdate event
your code blocks up a large chunk of time and causes unexpected behavior because event which was triggered during your loop was blocked too long waiting for your code to complete on the main thread.
So you need to try the following two solutions, one of which should work
For the second problem, inside your
Do While Condition
' ... your code ...
add a line of code that checks for and clears any pending Event queues, making it...
Do While Condition
DoEvents ' either put it at the start or at the end of your code
' ... your existing code ...
This will give the system some 'breathing space' to wrap up pending events. You'll need to experiment with the location of your DoEvents code.
For the first problem, you can try enclosing your entire loop within an Event Protected area of code, to ensure it finishes running before anything disturbs it.
Application.EnableEvents = False
'your loop and other code comes here
Application.EnableEvents = True
Once again, you might need a bit of trial and error to see how much of the code needs to be thrown into the Event-free zone before it works as expected.
