Difference between <enumtype> and <enum class=""> generation - sap-commerce-cloud

What is the difference between creating an enum with <enumtype> in items.xml and generating it with <enum class="..."/> ?
Is the <enum> generated class not saved in DB? and acts only as a DTO?

enumtype instances are Hybris enums, whose values are saved in the database. They can be dynamic or static, and their values can be searched in Backoffice.
enum instances are plain Java enums, whose values are defined in XML. You can't add new values for them via Backoffice (assuming they are dynamic).


Fetching records into mutable POJO Jooq

I went through the documentation here on fetching records into mutable pojo in Jooq.
It says that columns are mapped to the best matching constructor, attributes or setters.
Can anyone share more information what does best matching attributes or setter means?
How does it map the column when I am not using JPA annotation and my pojo has multiple attributes with same datatype?
Does it consider the column name or column ordering to map with attribute in pojo with same ordering or attribute name?
When transferring object into pojo, does it create the object of Record as well and then convert it into pojo or it creates directly pojo?
Thanks in advance!!
It is all explained in the DefaultRecordMapper Javadoc. The section that seems relevant to you is this (from jOOQ version 3.11):
If a default constructor is available and if there are no JPA Column annotations, or jOOQ can't find the javax.persistence API on the classpath, jOOQ will map Record values by naming convention:
If Field.getName() is MY_field (case-sensitive!), then this field's value will be set on all of these (regardless of visibility):
Single-argument instance method MY_field(...)
Single-argument instance method myField(...)
Single-argument instance method setMY_field(...)
Single-argument instance method setMyField(...)
Non-final instance member field MY_field
Non-final instance member field myField

ADO.Net Entity Data Model does not decorate fields with required attribute

I am trying to reverse engineer a SQL Server database to an Entity Framework Data Model (version 6.0). The classes are generated fine, but required fields are not decorated as such. As a result the validation is not working (in an MVC 5 web application).
Is there a way to make the model generate these attributes automatically or do I have to manually write meta data classes for all my entities?
Speaking to your question, What are your assumptions for required fields? Do you mean non-nullable?
EF should make any field that is marked as not null as either a non-nullable value type (int, decimal, bool, etc.) or it will make fields required via xml validation. EF doesn't typically add attributes.
MVC will automatically make any value types required, no attribute is required. For strings or other possible nullable types, then you will either need "buddy classes" to add the attributes you need, or you use view models.

Can we get declared properties of a Groovy class by its order?

I created a plain Groovy class (i.e Person class)with some properties. Now I want to get those declared attributes (which I've defined in my class) with their order, but I don't know how to do it.
I've tried to use Person.metaClass.getProperties() but it retrieves not only declared properties but also built-in Groovy ones.
Could you please help me on this: just get declared properties by its order when declaring.
Thank you so much!
I can't see a use case, but the compiler could reorder all fields declaration while creating bytecode. I'm pretty sure ordering is not a constraint on fields though it should mostly be the case for not modified/enhanced class
As per the JVM spec, generated fields should be marked SYNTHETIC (like generated methods) in the bytecode, so you can test with :
Person.getDeclaredFields().grep { !it.synthetic }
and filter the base Groovy fields like ClassInfo,metaClass and others beginning by __timestamp
But I'm not a specialist, there could be another way I don't think of
There was a question about this on the mailing list back in February of this year
The answer is, no. There is no way to get properties in the order they are declared in the class without doing some extra work.
You could parse the source file for the class, and generate an ordered list of property names from that
You could write a custom annotation, and annotate the fields with this annotation ie: #Order(1) String prop
You could make all of the classes where this matters implement an interface which forces them to have a method that returns the names of the properties in order.
Other than that, you probably want to have a re-think :-(

Is it possible to retain custom attributes in a class instance after deserialization?

I'm trying to build a custom HTML helper for MVC.NET that would allow me to render object entities (Model Objects) as HTML forms. So I decided to do it using custom attributes such as html input type, readonly flag, css classes, etc. Similar in a way to LINQ Mapping attributes that set database related bindings for Table and Column. So I did write a custom attribute class, applied it to the same entities that I store in the database, but when I retrieve an entity class from a database to display in a View, all of my custom attributes are gone. Is there a way to retain my custom attributes, AFTER they come back from a database?

Using SubSonic, how to add a field to a pre-defined class?

I've got a SubSonic DAL - works great.
Two classes: TblReceipt and TblReceiptLineItems.
I can create a parallel class of TblReceipt, but seems like a waste, so here's what I need to do:
Have a Class TblReceipt with one additional member, "ReceiptLineItems" - which is simply an ArrayList. This array list will be populated with TblReceiptLineItems types.
So for each Receipt, there are 1..* ReceiptLineItems stored in the array, then the whole thing is serialized.
How can I accomplish this with my existing SubSonic DAL?
A quick code sample would be useful too.
Thank you.
Use a partial class. All classes in Subsonic are defined as partial. What you do is (in a separate file than the one that is generated by Subsonic), you create another part of the partial class with the additional property.
Option 2 here:
