I have a pandas DataFrame whereby a column consists of strings as follows
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(...)
0 '0% de mati\xc3\xa8res grasses'
1 '115 apr\xc3\xa8s J.-C.'
For each string in the dataframe, I can read them as bytes by b'0% de mati\xc3\xa8res grasses'.decode("utf-8") and b'115 apr\xc3\xa8s J.-C.'.decode("utf-8"). I would like to ask how to decode this column. I tried df['WORD'].astype('bytes').str.decode("utf-8") but to no avail.
Thank you so much for your help!
It's hard to know what the initial encoding is, but it looks like latin-1:
0 0% de matières grasses
1 115 après J.-C.
Name: WORD, dtype: object
Since the output seems sensical I'd say this is correct, but generally there's no surefire way to re-encode text if it has an unknown encoding to start.
I am bit new to dask. I have large csv file and large list. Length of row of csv are equal to length of the list. I am trying to create a new column in the Dask dataframe from a list. In pandas, it pretty straight forward, however in Dask I am having hard time creating new column for it. I am avoiding to use pandas because my data is 15GB+.
Please see my tries below.
csv Data
john,some text here,MD
tim,some text here too,WA
Code tried
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
ls = ['one','two']
ddf = dd.read_csv('../data/test.csv')
Try #1:
ddf['new'] = ls # TypeError: Column assignment doesn't support type list
Try #2: What should be passed here for condlist?
ddf['new'] = np.select(choicelist=ls) # TypeError: _select_dispatcher() missing 1 required positional argument: 'condlist'
Looking for this output:
name text address new
0 john some text here MD one
1 tim some text here too WA two
Try creating a dask dataframe and then appending it like this -
#ls = dd.from_array(np.array(['one','two']))
#ddf['new'] = ls
# As tested by OP
import dask.array as da
ls = da.array(['one','two','three'])
ddf['new'] = ls
I am a newbie in python and need to extract info from a csv file containing terrorism data.
I need to extract top 5 cities in India, having maximum casualities, where Casuality = Killed(given in CSV) + Wounded(given in CSV).
City column is also given in the CSV file.
Output format should be like below in descending order of casuality
city_1 casualty_1 city_2 casualty_2 city_3 casualty_3 city_4
casualty_4 city_5 casualty_5
Link to CSV- https://ninjasdatascienceprod.s3.amazonaws.com/3571/terrorismData.csv?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIGEP3IQJKTNSRVMQ&Expires=1554719430&Signature=7uYCQ6pAb1xxPJhI%2FAfYeedUcdA%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DterrorismData.csv
import numpy as np
import csv
#Making lists
for row in file_data:
if row['Country']=='India':
#Making numpy arrays out of lists
#Fixing blank values in final arr
for i in range(len(np_final)):
for j in range(len(np_final[0])):
if np_final[i][j]=='':
#Counting casualities(killed+wounded) and storing in 1st column of final array
for i in range(len(np_final)):
#Descending sort on casualities column
I expect np_final to get sorted on column casualities , but it's not happening because type(casualities) is coming as 'String'
Any help is appreciated.
I would offer for you to use Pandas. It would be easier for you to manipulate date.
Read everything to DataFrame. It should read numbers into number formats.
If you must to use np, while reading data, you could simply cast your values to float or integer and everything should work, if there are no other bugs.
Something like this:
for row in file_data:
if row['Country']=='India':
I have a Dataframe in which each row contains a sentence followed by a list of part-of-speech tags, created with spaCy:
question POS_tags
0 A title for my ... [DT, NN, IN,...]
1 If one of the ... [IN, CD, IN,...]
When I write the DataFrame to a csv file (encoding='utf-8') and re-open it, it looks like the data format has changed with the POS tags now appearing between quotes ' ' like this:
question POS_tags
0 A title for my ... ['DT', 'NN', 'IN',...]
1 If one of the ... ['IN', 'CD', 'IN',...]
When I now try to use the POS tags for some operations, it turns out they are no longer lists but have become strings that even include the quotation marks. They still look like lists but are not. This is clear when doing:
q = df['POS_tags']
q = list(q)
Which results in:
["['DT', 'NN', 'IN']"]
What is going on here?
I either want the column 'POS_tags' to contain lists, even after saving to csv and re-opening. Or I want to do an operation on the column 'POS_tags' to have the same lists again that SpaCy originally created. Any advice how to do this?
To preserve the exact structure of the DataFrame, an easy solution is to serialize the DF in pickle format with pd.to_pickle, instead of using csv, which will always throw away all information about data types, and will require manual reconstruction after re-import. One drawback of pickle is that it's not human-readable.
# Save to pickle
# Save with compression
df.to_pickle('pickle-file.pkl.gz', compression='gzip')
# Load pickle from disk
df = pd.read_pickle('pickle-file.pkl') # or...
df = pd.read_pickle('pickle-file.pkl.gz', compression='gzip')
Fixing lists after importing from CSV
If you've already imported from CSV, this should convert the POS_tags column from strings to python lists:
from ast import literal_eval
df['POS_tags'] = df['POS_tags'].apply(literal_eval)
I have a csv file with a number of columns in it. It is for students. I want to display only male students and their names. I used 1 for male students and 0 for female students. My code is:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('normalizedDataset.csv')
results = pd.concat([data['name'], ['students']==1])
print results
I have got this error:
TypeError: cannot concatenate a non-NDFrame object
Can anyone help please. Thanks.
You can specify to read only certain column names of your data when you load your csv. Then use loc to locate all values where students equals 1.
data = pd.read_csv('normalizedDataset.csv', usecols=['name', 'students'])
data = data.loc[data.students == 1, :]
BTW, your original error is because you are trying to concatenate a dataframe with False.
>>> ['students']==1
No need to concat, you're stripping things away, not building.
To provide clarity on why you were getting the error:
The second thing you were trying to concat was:
Which is not an NDFrame object. You'd want to replace that with.
I am trying to clean a list of url's that has garbage as shown.
I have a csv file with over 190k records of different url's. I tried to load the csv into a pandas dataframe and took the entire column of url's into a list by using the statement
str = df['csuristem']
it clearly gave me all the values in the column. when i use the following code - It is only printing 40k records and it starts some where in the middle. I don't know where am going wrong. the program runs perfectly but is showing me only partial number of results. any help would be much appreciated.
import pandas
table = pandas.read_csv("SS3.csv", dtype=object)
df = pandas.DataFrame(table)
str = df['csuristem']
for s in str:
s = s.split(".")[0]
print s
I am looking to get an output like this
Thank you,
You need to do the following, so call .str.split on the column and then .str[0] to access the first portion of the split string of interest:
In [6]:
0 /gradoffice/index
1 /gradoffice/index
2 /gradoffice/index
3 /gradoffice/index
Name: csuristem, dtype: object