Move files based on certain text in filename to specified folders in focused window - python-3.x

I've found similar requests but they don't quite fit my requirement. I've exhausted my searching and I've exhausted my limited skills.
Daily I create multiple new software projects creating the following folder structure:
"FOLDER 1" (root)
"Subfolder 1"
"subfolder 2" (inside subfolder 1).
Ive tried working with below but ideally i would like it to search for files with "quad bus" in the name and move those files.
tell application "Finder"
repeat with this_item in (selection of (folder of window 1))
move this_item to parent of parent of this_item
end repeat
end tell
I basically need to MOVE files added to subfolder 2 containing the word Quad Bus into the folder named to FOLDER 1.
The challenge I have is I can't specify the source and dest paths in the script so it would have to be a service that is run to execute the task in the focused or front finder window. Applescript seems to be the obvious choice but I've tried Python also.

The following Automator Service should get the basics for you, though I'm sure it could be improved. Open Automator, create a new Service, and set it up as shown in this image:
This uses two variables, which I called (with great creativity) ChosenFolder and DestinationFolder. You don't need to set values for them in Automator; values will be provided at runtime. Note that the fifth action (Get Value Of Variable) is set to ignore the input from the previous action. If you miss that break, Automator will throw an error, since it will add the destination folder into the list of items that need to be moved.


Automatically create Subfolders on SharePoint Document Library

I have been trying to accomplish this for weeks now and end up hitting a wall.
I have a document library on SharePoint Online with the following (close enough) structure.
-> Schools
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
... and so on.
Inside the "Projects" folder there is a set of folders as well.
Right now we have a Project template folder that we used to just copy/paste and rename when we had our file server, but now on SharePoint, the copy to process is way too many clicks to get it to that location.
What I am trying to accomplish is be able to create a new project folder and automatically create all the folders under it.
Appreciate the guidance on this.
I was able to figure this out.
My challenge was when creating the folder, it always wanted to create it inside the root of the document library and not the subfolder.
So I created 2 Content types for folders, one for clients and one for projects.
Used SharePoint Designer to create the workflow, but the trick here was to extract the URL from the current item, which is the folder being created, and remove the first x amount of characters from it which equals the SharePoint document library location. The remaining part of the string was the exact location where I wanted the subfolders to be created.
After that, I used that variable to create all other subfolders.

RPA Blueprism release file Successfully imported but not visible in processes list

I've successfully imported a *.bprelease file to my Blue Prism environment, but the contents are not visible in processes list.
What can I/should I do to have the contents of the package appear in the list after importing?
This problem lies in a bug in new version of Blue Prism. It is actually quite common, I've seen this happen for a few people in my team. There are two things needed to know to fully understand the problem:
Since 6.3 (the multi-team env. upgrade) when you import an object/process that is not in a group, it will be added to a new group called 'Default'
Blue Prism will not allow you to manually add a group with the name of an existing group (under the same parent group)
If a group with a duplicate name gets created anyway (by an import or by DB command), one of the groups will not be displayed
And that is what happened here.
The easiest thing to resolve this problem is to simply rename the 'Default' folder you see to something else and then refresh the view (hit F5). You should see a new folder pop-up, with your invisible objects.
Alternatively, you could achieve the same results with a couple of SQL scripts, but this is much quicker.
Sometimes even renaming the default folder does not work.
It is because there is a previous object (for example) with the same name, but not assigned to any folder.
We have solved the issue importing the object alone, and chosing "renaming the previous version" option instead of overwriting. So, the object is properly imported and placed in the Default folder, from where you can move it to the right one

How can I use a dialog to define the program group name in Installshield 2015

I am currently trying to expand our installation program with an option for the user to specify the name of the program group where shortcuts are created under the start menu. (I am aware that this is a somewhat outdated concept)
I am using InstallShield 2015.
I created a localizable property named [PROGRAMGROUP_NAME]. This has automatically created an {ID_STRING46} which I've set to the desired default value. So far so good.
I managed to create a custom dialog with an edit control, which is linked to the above property.
Now comes the tricky part: Under Shortcuts, under "Programs Menu" I first want to add a folder with the program group name, under which to place several shortcuts.
If I enter [PROGRAMGROUP_NAME] that is literally what the name becomes. If I use {ID_STRING46}, it uses the default value, and not what I've entered in the dialog.
Incidentally, when I tried to rename ID_STRING46 to something more meaningful, other things started going wrong so I've left that as is.
What is going wrong here? How do I get the value of the property to be used for the folder name?
I am trying to use a custom action now, but I have trouble defining it. My Dialog that sets the property is after CostFinalize, so I assume I have to use SetDirectory - but I have trouble defining it. I get an error stating "could not access network location "
I've managed to progress a step. I have manually added a directory with key DIRECTORY_PROGRAM_GROUP (important that it's all caps to make it public) to the directory table. Then, I use a custom action to set that directory to the desired value [ProgramMenuFolder][PROGRAM_GROUP_NAME] after I've run my dialog, and I've modified the shortcut to be created in that folder.
Seems to work great, however, now the program group is no longer removed when uninstalling...
Shortcuts are installed to folders, and the name of the folders below ProgramMenuFolder become the program group as you describe it. So you will need to either build up the Directory table (either directly---note that the DefaultDir column is localizable, and there may already be a string you can update---or through the Files and Folders view) to do what you want, or use custom actions (set property, if before costing; set directory, if after costing) to adjust the location to which your shortcut is installed.
As for the problems renaming ID_STRING46, odds are you didn't update a reference after you changed the name of the string. The simplest way to track down where these are may be to examine differences in the built installer (perhaps using InstallShield's MSI Diff) and then update the relevant references using the direct editor if you can't find them in the normal views.

Installshield Installscript properties

We have Installshield 2009 for our product. I am trying to muddle my way through it to make some updates (obviously, I am not the original author).
Within, there is a fairly complex arrangement of components and files, plus, there is a script section for some custom work.
I need to accomplish the following, without creating a blank object in the repository.
One of the components needs to create a directory tree (two folders deep).
Within that tree (deepest folder), I need to create a blank file.
Do I need to create two components, one for each directory level, or will the tree be created if I specify [INSTALLDIR]folder1\folder2?
I am thinking that the installscript would be the place to create the empty file, based on the CreateFile example in the help. I notice that, in the components page, that, once I typed the value for the Destination property, that a little "tag" of sorts appeared at the start {FOLDER2}. Can I used that tag as an argument to CreateFile and how would I reference it?
Regardless of the project type, I would probably suggest creating the folder structure in the Files and Folders view, and adding the empty file there. It's just simple and you'd be done with fewer chances of error.
As to the questions you asked, neither Basic MSI nor InstallScript projects require components for every folder level on the system. Note that if the folder isn't already there when it executes, the CreateFile approach is unlikely to create the folders for you.
In a Basic MSI project, {FOLDER2} indicates that FOLDER2 is the name of the directory entry, and after CostFinalize there will be a property of the same name that contains its run-time location. You can retrieve it in an InstallScript custom action with MsiGetProperty. In a pure InstallScript project the approach would be a little different, worst case it would be something like TARGETDIR ^ "folder1" ^ "folder2" (my InstallScript is rusty).

sharepoint workflow to move files of a content type to new folder (after creating it if needed)

I have multiple SP document libraries for different meetings. I want to keep the libraries organized by meeting day. So each meeting would have it's own folder and all the files for that day would go in that folder.
To make it easy I wanted to make it so you can upload a file and then a SP workflow will create a folder for that meeting, if needed, and move the file.
So I created a "meeting file" content type that also gets meeting date and file type (minutes, presentation, misc, etc...)...
What I need to do next is check if a folder for that meeting date exists and create it if it does not. Then move the file over to that folder.
Any ideas how I could do this?
I could also try it without using content types but then the workflow starts automatically for every file added and then I cannot create a new folder with that workflow (because it would start a new instance of that workflow).
I was hoping to keep it reusable so I could just use one workflow for all the document libraries. I thought the workflow could find the path of the list it is being run on, and create the folders and do the other work within that list.
Any ideas are appreciated.
For creating folder via workflows:
Creating folders and sub-folders using SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflow
and for checking folder name:
Create a string workflow variable.
Now create a lookup for your folder and set the variable to the folder's title. Take a look here for some helpful information and usage guidelines when it comes to list folders.
The actions dependent of the existence of the folder have to be placed inside an if-statement
E.g. the if-statement should be like "if [variable] not equals [folder name]" if you want the actions only to be run when the folder does not exist
and here the whole tutorial that I found:
Create folders using a SPD workflow
